2014年6月4日 星期三

Latest Weight Loss And Diet Tips And Secrets

If you dont like that idea, you could read blogs about ordinary people like yourself who are doing exactly what you are doing. Knowing that there are people like yourself out there with the same issues that youre having can be very comforting and encouraging. Ive got a few tips and secrets that can help you loss those extra (extra) pounds. Lets start with the secrets.

1.Its possible not to realize how much youre eating, so it would do you a world of good to start a journal on everything that goes into your mouth. You might just be shocked at how much goes in.(At least youll know if you need to slow down some more)

2.You can exercise all you want, but if you keep eating all you want, you wont lose any weight. You need to find a balance between both.

3.You need to set a deadline for yourself. Its easy to say you want to lose that weight, but if you dont have a goal to work towards, youll keep feeling you can take it slow, relax and take all the time you want... Not true.

4.Let your close friends and family know your trying to lose weight, youll be surprised at how supportive they can be. Dont feel ashamed about this, remember be honest.They already know your overweight, the worst they can do is help you.

All right then, here are some helpful tips.

Tip 1 when you go out to grab a snack, pick the smallest portion available. When youre through with that, you can order a little more. If you order the biggest size, chances are that youll eat past the point of getting grid of the hunger.

Tip 2 if you cant do without the chips, then pick the straight cut chips. They have less fat than the crinkle thin chips. Yes, I know the extra fatty ones taste better, but remember that were not after the taste right now, were after losing weight.

Tip 3 before every meal, drink a glass of water. Doing this before a meal could help reduce the amount of food you eat at meal times.

Tip 4 dont reach for the chocolate! Reach for mixed unsalted nuts instead. Nuts contain fat that the body actually needs to stay healthy.

Tip 5 break the habit of grabbing a quick snack while watching a movie or a T.V drama or going to the cinema.

Tip 6 stop looking for excuses not to exercise. If you keep looking for them, youll definitely find them.

Tip 7 wherever you go, take a bottle of water along. When you become dehydrated, reach for your bottled water, not a soft drink or any other thing available.

Tip 8 be careful about what you eat. Avoid foods with fat, sugar and salt. Not only do foods with these not let you lose weight, they also cause serious health conditions.

Tip 9 get a friend, and together, hire a personal trainer or join a gym. You need the friend to make you go for the classes when youre looking for excuses.

Tip 10 try out weight loss challenges. Setting weight loss goals is a great way to make progress toward losing weight.

Tip 11 take a half-hour walk instead of sitting in front of the T.V.

Tip 12 try out a variety of exercises. Trying out different exercises makes working out fun and interesting. Moreover, if you keep doing the same thing over and over again, the body gets used to it and stops responding.

If you try these, youll be on your way to a healthy, fit and fabulous self.


