2012年5月31日 星期四

Medical Testing: Health By The Numbers Doesn't Work - Health

Perhaps one of the most insidious dangers in modern technology is medical testing. Although it would be nice to be able to visit our doctor and get all hooked up with electrodes, inflatable cuffs, probes, needles and catheters and have a read-out telling us exactly how we are working and where there is a problem, that is a myth, not the reality.

Such testing creates false confidence and the illusion for people that they are being wise and practicing "preventive medicine." But prevention is not detecting existing disease. Diagnosis is not to be confused with cause or cure. Not only do patients have these misconceptions, the entire medical industry does as well. Modern medicine is focused on naming diseases and treating symptoms, not preventing disease and addressing causes.

Medical tests (done on yourself or by others) give a false sense of control and knowledge. The better choice is to take every step we can to modify life-style and nutritional habits to actually create health, not simply live life with gusto and have yearly stress tests and mammograms. Waiting for disease (reacting to injury, which disease is) to strike and then taking action is certainly not an intelligent approach.None of this speaks to the waste in much of the $200+ billion a year that is spent on laboratory and clinical tests. Not only do they drain our economy and not create health, they are often inaccurate and unnecessary. Some 75% of doctors surveyed admitted to performing more tests than necessary. In one study of 25,000 tests, only 20% of them reproduced the same result 90% of the time. In another study, 197 out of 200 were "cured" by simply repeating the same tests. (Wysong, RL. Laboratory self-testing. Wysong Health Letter. March 1992.)

This brings me to a serious danger of laboratory testing: a false positive or false negative. If the test is falsely positive, the emotional trauma from believing you may have a serious disease can be enough to create a disease. Thus a test can make a well person sick. A false negative could send you on your way happily believing that everything is fine and that no life modifications are necessary. Meanwhile, the disease continues to incubate and spread.

Medical tests have inherent dangers like any other medical procedure and should be submitted to only with that understanding. Even entering a hospital or doctor's office poses the risk of exposure to infectious disease (nosocomial infection). A "sterile" needle to draw blood could result in a fatal (albeit rare) systemic infection. Squeezing breasts for a mammogram can activate dormant cancerous tissue and increase the spread of cancerous cells (metastases) by 80%. (Greenburg, DS. NCI blasted for mammography confusion. The Lancet. 345(8942): 129.) Pap smears are performed millions of times a year yet have never been proven to change morbidity or mortality. (McCormick, JS. Cervical smears: a questionable practice? The Lancet. 2: 207-209. 1989.) Ultrasound may influence fetal growth. (Newnham, JP, et al. Effects of frequent ultrasound during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial. The Lancet. 342(8876): 887-91.) X-rays are always dangerous (carcinogenic) and their effects are cumulative over a lifetime. Vaginal and rectal exams can introduce infection. Cancers penetrated with biopsy needles may increase the spread of cancer to sentinel lymph nodes by as much as 50% over lump excision. It is estimated 1 in 20 liver biopsies result in new tumors. (Evans, GH, et al. Safety of and necessity for needle biopsy of liver tumours. The Lancet. 1: 620. 1987.) Let the buyer (patient) beware.

Health is something you do to yourself, not something others do to you with machines or analysis. Health "by the numbers" of cholesterol, blood pressure, prostate antigens, white cell count and the like is a fantasy. Subscribing to this idea will start you on a slippery slope of medications, medications to treat the side effects of medications, surgeries and other interventions that destroy health, not build it.This is not to suggest that diagnostic tests are not important for refractory diseases or those to which no reasonable cause can be assigned. But as a "preventive" measure for healthy individuals the benefits of the practice are dubious at best. (See article on medicine as the greatest threat to health /health/post_77_061902.shtml by the author.)The best test of health is to evaluate yourself. If you feel well, leave well enough alone, no medical test should convince you otherwise. The best test is to examine your life-style and nutritional practices against the sta ndard of genetic context. We are adapted to fresh air and water, sunshine, exercise and fresh natural foods. (See CD the master key /page/WOTTPWS/PROD/FD/EDCD21 by the author). If you are not living as you are genetically programmed, do it. By so doing you will not only be preventing, but reversing disease. It's easy, cheap and has passed the "test" of time in being the best medicine ever invented.


Firefighter Application Medical Test - Careers - Recruitment

Firefighter Application (Medical Test).The Firefighter Application Medical is undertaken at the Occupation Health Department where you will be examined by a Doctor employed by the FRS. Your medical records will have been previously obtained from your GP with your consent.Before the Firefighter Application medical you will be required to complete a questionnaire about your previous medical history. This is a detailed Firefighter medical questionnaire that will be discussed with you when you see the doctor at the end of the test. Part of the Fire Fighter Medical will subject you to a number of medical tests to determine your health. The Firefighter Application Medical test includes:Lung Function test - you are given a tube in which you must exhale as hard as you can until your lungs are empty. A reading is taken of your lung capacity and flow.Hearing test - you will sit in a sound proof booth with headphones on. A number of sounds are played in either ear. You are asked to p ress a button when you hear a sound.Step test - your heart rate is registered as you step up and down from a box. The rate of the steps gradually gets faster as the test progresses.Physical Strength / Stamina - you will use a machine to test your back and thigh strength when squatting. You are required to achieve a minimum measurement.General Medical tests - the doctor will examine you generally and discuss the contents of your medical questionnaire with you.If you have any doubts or questions about your medical fitness to join the Fire Brigade you need to speak to the relevant Occupation Health Department of the Service you have applied to join. They will be able to answer your questions.Firefighter Eyesight requirements.An additional part of the Firefighter Medical Tests will include the Firefighter eyesight test. The firefighter eyesight requirements are :-Distance vision (Uncorrected) in the stronger eye no worse than 6/18, and in the weaker eye no worse than 6/24. Dista nce acuity (The ability to focus on and distinguish fine detail at 6 m or more with either eye separately and together under a variety of lighting conditions) is required to be at least 6/9 with both eyes open and reach 6/12 in the weaker eye. Near vision - required to be able to read N12 at 30 cm with both eyes open without vision aids. Have normal binocular vision. The required level of colour perception must be attained. Candidates with normal or slight colour blindness are accepted subject to passing the test. The screening test is generally the Ishihara test with candidates showing any problematic signs requiring additional tests. The above will be examined during your Firefighter eyesight tests.Join the fire Brigade but I have had Eye Surgery?Many applicants who have had refractive eye surgery are now accepted to join the fire service. You will be required to provide additional information and test results to the Occupational Health Department that they will specify. t his will be at your own cost. Additional information usually includes the date you underwent your surgery ( this must be at least 12 months prior to your application date), details of your pre operative refraction error, confirmation that you are no longer requiring medical treatment. Also :-A slit lamp examination report to confirm that the eye has returned to normal and that there is no significant loss of corneal transparency over the pupil area. A report post Refraction, topographic examination and pachymetry to screen for keratectasia. Applicants should also have their vision assessed using a technique sensitive to the presence of scattered light and aberrations.

These assessments can be done by your local optometrist. If you have any questions with regard to the eyesight standards to become a Firefighter contact the relevant Occupational Health Department who will be able to advise you.


2012年5月30日 星期三

Love the Baby, Care on Yourself

Even before you get pregnant, start taking prenatal vitamins. Cut out alcohol, tobacco and drugs, and consider cutting back on sodas and sugar. Once you think you are pregnant, a visit to your OB/GYN, obstetrician, family practitioner or certified midwife will confirm it and ensure you are getting adequate care. According to Kidshealth.org, your physician may screen for potential health issues that could complicate a pregnancy. If you are indeed pregnant, he or she will also schedule regular prenatal visits in order to keep tabs on your pregnancy's progress.

Good NutritionOnce you become pregnant, you need to eat around 300 extra calories per day (or more if you are carrying multiples). This is especially true as your pregnancy progresses. Your diet should contain lean meats, fruits, vegetables, whole-grain breads, and dairy products that are low in fat. Some women may believe that because they are taking prenatal vitamins, they are exempt from needing to eat as many nutrient-packed foods. While the vitamins help ensure you are getting enough nutrients such iron and folic acid, they are not intended to replace healthy meals.

HydrationExtra fluid intake is important because a woman's blood volume increases a lot during pregnancy and requires more water to sustain hydration. Drinking plenty of water each day can help prevent common pregnancy-related problems such as dehydration and constipation.

ExerciseAccording to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, pregnant women should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Low-impact activities such as swimming and yoga are particularly beneficial because they may be more comfortable to a pregnant woman and because they carry less injury risks. After the first trimester it's advised you refrain from abdominal exercises and floor exercises done on your back. Check with your health care provider what you can safely do.

SleepPregnant women should get plenty of sleep. Some doctors will tell pregnant women to sleep on their left side, as this is the best way to maintain the best blood flow to the placenta and keeps the fetus from lying on a large blood vessel on the right side of the body.

What to Avoid

Alcohol: No one has determined how much alcohol is "safe" to consume during pregnancy. It has been linked to mental and physical birth defects in a new baby, among other problems, and should be avoided.Drugs: Recreational drug use during pregnancy puts an unborn baby at risk for drug addiction, underdevelopment, premature birth, birth defects, and behavior and learning problems. Even some prescription and over-the-counter drugs can be harmful. Ask your health care provider which medicines and supplements should be avoided during pregnancy.

Nicotine: Smoking during pregnancy can lead to stillbirth, premature birth, low birth weight, sudden infant death syndrome, asthma and other respiratory issues.

Caffeine: High caffeine consumption may be linked to a higher risk of miscarriage, so avoiding or limiting it as part of your diet can help reduce these risks. Certain foods: There is a long list of foods that pregnant women should avoid in order to prevent damage to the fetus, including soft cheeses, smoked seafood and raw eggs.


How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


2012年5月29日 星期二

How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


2012年5月28日 星期一

How to cook pasta the Italian way

Pastasciutta and pizza are the iconic Italian foods . You all probably known the spaghetti alla Bolognese, the most know preparation of pasta in the world. That is just one of the endless possibilities you have to garnish your pasta.

I dont have to tell you why pasta is good for your health . Nor why any kind of food, if consumed in excessive quantities, is not good for your health. All you need to know from me is that pasta is quick to prepare, it comes in many different sizes and shapes and can be accompanied by an almost limitless number of sauces. You can eat pasta every day and yet never have the same dish before you. Of course, pasta is very high on carbs , so I dont actually recommend to have pasta for lunch and dinner every day.

Anyway, Im going to tell you how an Italian cooks his pasta . The Italian being me, it actually is how I cook pasta. But my method is quite the canonical way.

This guide is easy and the instructions are simple to follow. But I don't want to scare you with a long text, so let's start with a summary of the steps for a perfect pasta :

First of all, cooking pasta means actually cooking the pasta and the sauce. While cooking the pasta itself is basically made by the one step throw pasta in boiling water, the sauce can be a more complicate affair. I will give you the recipes for two easy sauces , very popular in Italy. Since the basic steps are more or less the same, you can go on and create your own sauce from there.

Second point: each kind of pasta has a cooking time , usually indicated on the package. Cook pasta for less than the cooking time, and it will remain hard, go over the cooking time and it will become softer and softer. Go well beyond the cooking time and congratulations! You have inedible glue! We Italians like our pasta al dente , that means a little hard. You usually get it al dente by cooking it for exactly the indicated cooking time. But beware: since foreigners often prefer their pasta soft, you may find on the package a cooking time that reflects this and advises you to cook the pasta for much more time than an Italian would. Since pasta is cheap, you can throw away a little and experiment until you find your perfect cooking time .

Third point, just do me a favour: no ketchup . No ketchup. Repeat with me: No ketchup. Ever.

Ok, lets start.

Take a pot , fill it with water for 3/4 of its capacity and put it on the stove, heat it untill it boils . Put a lid on, to make it boil faster.When the water boils, add salt . We use sale grosso, my dictionary calls it cooking salt. Its salt in big grains of irregular shapes. You can use the finer table salt, it wont change the flavour, but you will need a lot more and in my opinion its harder to measure the right quantity but remember: Im doing this on almost daily basis, so Im working out of habit here. You my find that for you its easier to get the right quantity of salt by using table salt. The right quantity of salt is a personal taste affair, experiment until you find yours. Why waiting until the water boils to add salt? Because salted water takes longer to reach the boiling point . Adding salt right away wont affect the final flavour, but it will lengthen the time to reach the boiling point. After adding salt, wait half a minute, then put the pasta in . Put the p asta in the water when it boils , not before, or you will ruin it!Wait for the cooking time indicated on the package, stir the pasta often to avoid it gluing to the surface of the pot. Now, cooking pasta is simple and there are no secrets in it. But there is one trick . Pasta is like a sponge: it absorbs the fluid in which its immersed. Cooking it immersed in water is ok, but cooking it immersed in the sauce is better! It will be flavoured by the sauce from the inside . So heres the trick: one minute before the cooking time is over pour one or two table spoons of cooking water from the pot in the pan where you are heating the sauce, then strain the pasta out of the water and pour it in the pan , mixing it with the sauce and ending the cooking time in there. Let it heat for a minute, a minute and a half, then take the pan from heat and serve your pasta. Thats it: true Italian style pasta .

Now, the recipes of the sauces . The first one is a classic: tomato sauce . Youll need:

Put a table spoon of oil in a frying pan, add tomato sauce, a hint of pepper or finely minced chilli pepper, let it heat for 5-6 minutes stirring from time to time, pour the pasta in the pan, keep cooking for a minute more. When its ready, take out from heat, add a few leaves of basil and serve. Of course you will be heating the sauce while the pasta is cooking in the boiling water.

The second one is zucchini and shrimps . Youll need:

Put a table spoon of oil in a frying pan, add the zucchini, the shrimps (without shells) and spray lightly with pepper. Let cook on low fire for 10 minutes stirring from time to time, then add the pasta and keep heating for a minute more, stirring the mix. When its ready, take out from heat and serve.

There you are. Original Italian pasta .

To save time I usually prepare the sauce and start heating it while I wait for the water to boil and for the cooking time to be over. You can also prepare a variety of sauces in advance and freeze them , taking them out of the freezer when you need them, letting them unfreeze naturally or microwaving them, then heating in the pan while the pasta is cooking up. You can also use industrial made sauces, theres nothing wrong in that. Remember: the only trick is to heat the sauce in a pan, cook the pasta one minute less than suggested, then pour it along with a couple spoons of cooking water in the pan and finish cooking the sauce and the pasta together in the pan .

Buon appetito!


How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


2012年5月27日 星期日

5 Tips To Cure Your Acne

Here are 5 tips to help with acne prevention and treatment and skin maintenance. They are listed in no particular order of importance.

1. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine for vitamin D, ingredients for healthy skin. Not only will your skin appreciate the vitamin D, your body and mind will enjoy the oxygen and stress reducer of a daily jaunt outdoors. But don't overdo it and get a sunburn! Remember to use sun protection / tanning lotions if you'll be out long. You don't want to get caught up in that cycle of burned, dead skin cells blocking pores, resulting in acne scenario.

2. Remember, even "good" stress can trigger internal chemical responses that result in acne, too. So plan ahead to deal with extra stress when planning a wedding, graduation, a move, a new job, a job transfer, a new baby, etc. Journal a little extra, focusing on the upcoming issue or issues and plan in some extra rest (use relaxation or meditation tools - cassettes, workshops, etc.) Get help around the house, take time off, exercise (yoga and T'ai Chi are highly recommended), have fun or whatever you need to do.

3. Drink an adequate amount of water daily. Many recommend three to four tall glasses and mineral or filtered water. Too little water can lead to dehydration, which can lead to dead skin cells not naturally falling off or sloughing properly; the end result can be blocked pores, acne.

4. Acne has nothing to do with dirt. Period. So don't over-wash or over-scrub your face or the rest of your body. Keep in mind that too much can result in dry skin. And dry skin means your body will jump in and create more oil. Then what? Extra oil + extra dead skin cells = blocked pores, triggering acne flare-ups. Same old story.

5. - Add more fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts to your regular diet. (Note that deficiencies if selenium and zinc, found in Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds, have been associated with acne.) So add salads, dried fruit and nut snacks, juices and other healthy treats to your daily planning.

This report includes information based upon research about acne. It strives to help clear up myths from facts and present an overview of the issues surrounding acne along with possible solutions available to help with the prevention and treatment of acne, all based upon the most recent studies, reports, articles and findings available, so that you can learn more acne health care.


5 Acne Treatment Tips You Can Use Today

Luckily, there are a number of things you can do everyday to make sure your skin is less prone to flare ups. Here are five tips for taking control of your acne starting today.

1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off acne that can result from your workout routines. Watch what you put on your body with regards to clothing, sports gear and equipment.

For example, tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits might look great in the movies and on magazine models, but if you are susceptible to acne problems, avoid these synthetic fabrics that tend to trap in body moisture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy. Instead, choose loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends to allow more air to get to your skin.

And when you are finished with your workout, get out of clothing wet from perspiration or water sports. Shower and change into dry, clean clothing. And keep your sports gear and equipment clean, too. Dirty headgear, for instance, can irritate forehead areas prone to acne problems. So toss headbands into the washing machine after workout sessions.

2. Cosmetics - To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that are similar to acne and that can contribute to acne, use products labeled noncomedogenic or oil-free. Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Other additives in coloring that can cause similar reactions are coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes.

More preventative measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a matte finish instead of a high gloss for less pore-clogging; note the more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more the pores can clog. Beware that eye creams can contain heavier concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions, meaning they have greater potential to clog pores in the surrounding facial areas.

3. Diet - Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is recommended for acne preventative care is this: what is best for your body is best for your skin, especially since your skin is the largest organ of your body. So remember to watch your diet and consume healthy vitamins, minerals and other supplements. This will help to prevent and help conquer acne breakout.

4. Hygiene - A healthy skin regimen should include no harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what has washed off, clogging pores in the process. Products with gentle exfoliation ingredients are OK to use; i.e. not scratchy nut or fruit shell pieces that can tear skin. And skip alcohol products when possible; these can take off the top layer of your skin and cause your glands to product more oil, clogging pores in the process.

If you do spot acne-troubled areas, do NOT mess with them. Remember that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing or picking blemishes can force the infected area to regress back inside, further troubling the region and possibly leave a scar. If necessary, seek help from a dermatologist for alternative treatments.

5. Shaving - Shaving for both genders is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. A word of caution: for areas with infection or high inflammatory activity (redness, sensitive, open acne, sores, etc.), do not shave. Or at the very least, use a shaving cream for sensitive skin!


2012年5月26日 星期六

sign of acid reflux

Heartburn-the principal sign of acid reflux disease, causes and cares

Acid reflux disease is a product of the failure of the esophageal sphincter to function properly. Because of abnormal acid production, digestive processes are affected and causes burning sensations in the stomach, chest and even up to the esophagus. Too low acid production causes the valve in the stomach not to open. So the tendency of the stomach acids is to rise up and inflame the esophagus. On the other hand, too much acid production follows the same case.

There are many factors that can be deemed responsible for acid reflux disease. One of which is the use of too much salt. Aside from alcohol, caffeine and smoking which all add to the risk of acid reflux, salt is unexpectedly concluded to cause and aggravate the disease. This finding is in accordance to the studies of researchers from Sweden. They found out from the lifestyle of their samplings that extra table salt increases the risk of having acid reflux disease up to 70%. This is alarming because it is implied that extra table salt can harm more that alcohol and caffeine. A related study conducted by Dr. Roshini Rajapaksa of New York University Medical Center attested the same results on the risks of too much table salt.

Countless individuals who suffer from acid reflux disease also suffer the discomfort and pains of its symptoms. The principal sign of acid reflux disease is persistent heartburn. Seldom heartburn experienced by most people may not lead to an acid reflux problem but a regular occurrence of up to thrice a week calls for proper attention already. In some cases, there are individuals who do not suffer from heartburn although they have acid reflux disease.

Heartburn is usually experienced after eating a heavy meal or when bending or lying down. The symptom is characterized by the burning sensation that originates from the upper abdomen and to the back of the breastbone. Then a burning sensation is felt in the chest. As time passes by, the pain travels up to the throat until you experience a sour taste in your mouth. The pain radiates all throughout the back that you become uneasy and unable to do things.

Some of the other signs of acid reflux disease are regular hoarseness especially in the morning, finding a hard time swallowing, choking sensation where the food seems to be stuck in the throat, constant dry cough with unknown cause and bad breath. These are just some of the symptoms that the person inflicted by acid reflux disease can notice on himself.

These symptoms, nevertheless, can be treated depending upon the frequency and the level of pain. Particularly, heartburn may need greater attention because it could be more than the pains it caused you. Further tests should be undergone to point out the real root and the length of damages that the heartburn had gone. Only the doctor can prescribe you the medications that will reduce an acute heartburn.

Healthy habits such as proper diet and exercise should also be developed in your everyday system so as to avoid the symptoms and totally cure the acid reflux disease. And bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol and caffeine beverages should also be avoided or minimized. This is the natural way of treating any disease.


natural cure for acid reflux

Symptoms and Natural Cure for Acid Reflux

How would a person know if he or she has acid reflux? How does acid reflux feel like? It is a burning sensation that affects the upper abdomen after a heavy meal when a person is already relaxing. Later, the pain goes up to the breastbone and to the chest. From this discomfort, it can lead to the inflammation of the esophagus, indigestion, hoarseness and many other symptoms.

Acid reflux disease is the condition that gives uneasiness to many adults including infants by causing sudden pains and burning in the chest. Its most common symptom is called heartburn. The condition is characterized by refluxing or backing up of the stomach acid into the esophagus. While heartburn can normally take place sometimes, it cannot be always rated as acid reflux disease. But if heartburn occurs twice to thrice a week, it is more probably a symptom of acid reflux.

In many cases, the symptoms of acid reflux disease occur after a fatty meal, when drinking liquor or beverages which contains caffeine, when lying down right after meal and worse when smoking. And because of these unpleasant sensations brought about by acid reflux, it can severely affect your health and your lifestyle. A number of people who suffered from this disease also suffered in the quality of lifestyle. Who would be enjoying life if there were a constant reminder of pain? The symptoms are so obvious that you do not need a doctor to diagnose it.

For this particular disease, there could be a variety of treatments that you can choose from. Symptoms which occur less than five times in a month can easily be treated by over the counter medicines. The doctor can give you pieces of advice on the kind of medicine appropriate for you. However, if your body does not work well with the prescribed medicines, it would be best to shift to a new one or seek for another option. Medicines formulated from natural herbs have less or no side effects.

For cases of acute acid reflux, surgical treatment may already be recommended to you. The standard treatment that has been preferred for a long time is called nissen fundoplication. In this surgical procedure, the stomach is wrapped to reinforce the sphincter and thereby preventing the stomach acid from refluxing.

In any manner, the effective way of finding relief from acid reflux symptoms is the natural way. Some simple steps that can work together with your medications will effectively cast away your suffering from this disease. A modified lifestyle will help you make things better. Things to be changed include your dietary habits, refraining from smoking and minimizing the alcohol intake. Salty foods have been found out to aggravate acid reflux disease as much as the fatty foods. Taking extra table salts in your meal can expose you to graver risks.

Obesity doesn't only harm the heart but can worsen acid reflux disease as well. The excess fat in the abdomen amplifies the pressure in it causing the stomach acid to rise up to the gullet. So diet must be intensively watched out so as to avoid the symptoms and the discomfort they caused.

Natural cure of this disease also includes exercise. Proper stretching can help reduce the pressure on your stomach and subsequently helping you fight the symptoms of acid reflux disease.

If you can follow the preventive measures against acid reflux disease, then you are on your way to beating acid reflux without turning to medications.


2012年5月25日 星期五

home remedy for acid reflux

The Right and Effective Home Remedy for Acid Reflux

Are you fond of eating junk food, protein-rich food and processed foods? If you do, well, this is bad news for you. You are certainly a candidate for an acid reflux problem in your stomach and esophagus.

Acid reflux is a condition that is a prelude to ulcer. It is caused by a disturbance in the acid-alkaline condition in the stomach.

Eating specific acid foods that are hard to digest induces stomach spasms or twitching which causes the cardiac sphincter, opening between the esophagus and stomach to open for gases to form that should not.

This is an indigestion problem that has gotten out of hand and created acid wastes to flow up to your esophagus causing an irritation. This irritation, if not controlled can result to ulcers and other infections. The acid reflux diet that you have been eating should now be changed.

Once you have the symptoms of acid reflux, you need not resort to medications at once to cure the problem. You can start with home remedies that are surely less expensive.

You may start with changing your diet. You have to say goodbye to the following food and beverages: tea, coffee, radishes, garlic, onion, spices (pepper), oils, alcohol, sugar, soft drinks, diet soft drinks, asparagus (Brussels sprouts), high protein foods, pasta noodles, corn starch, eggs, plums, prunes, cranberries, and all processed foods including junk foods. Now, you may want to cry. All your comfort foods are gone.

If you think, you cannot abruptly eliminate them in your diet; start with taking just small amounts. Then start substituting them with the following: fruits, citric fruits in small amounts though due to their acidic content, all kinds of vegetables and almonds.

If you feel that you are not feeling the acid reflux symptoms anymore, you may go back to your previous diet in moderation though to prevent recurrence of the acid reflux.

Aside from proper diet, there are practical home remedies to avoid the acid reflux symptom. They are:


food to avoid with acid reflux

The Foods to Avoid that Causes Acid Reflux

Problems in the digestive system should not be neglected. There are different possible digestive system disorders or diseases that are most often neglected by many people. The most common digestive problem is the acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, mostly known as heartburn. Acid reflux affects different ages from infants to young children and adults as well. This disorder should be given special attention because it can lead to a more serious problem that could affect the respiratory system.

Acid reflux is determined through the symptoms associated with it. Symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest or throat, wheezing, hoarseness or other symptoms associated to it should never be neglected because these symptoms of acid reflux also are similar to heart attack.

An individual with these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor to determine if they have acid reflux disease or symptoms of a heart attack. Once the doctor has diagnosed the individual with acid reflux, they should take proper medications to aid in this condition to prevent further problems.

Fortunately, advancements in medical treatment have been introduced lately, making it possible for individuals with acid reflux to undergo medical surgery, as such, providing a permanent remedy for acid reflux in a fast surgical procedure. On the other hand, acid reflux surgery can be quite expensive; therefore, natural remedies to rid of the problem are an option for those individuals unable to have surgery.

As most people know, acid reflux or heartburn can occur at anytime but are likely to occur after having a heavy meal with high acidic foods. As such, individuals should avoid foods that are highly acidic to prevent this condition to occur. Even fried and fatty foods should be avoided. These sorts of foods can lead to more severe symptoms that could affect the respiratory system. Even chocolates are considered a no-no for individuals with acid reflux because chocolates are highly acidic too.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, try changing your diet by choosing the right foods and eating healthy. Exclude foods with tomatoes and citrus fruits because tomatoes and citrus fruits are very acidic as well. Also, food with spices such as garlic, onions, red or black pepper and chili powder can cause the condition to flare. Ginger, however, is a natural remedy used to relieve heartburn.

Here are some foods that should be avoided by individuals with acid reflux. Fatty foods like hamburgers and hotdogs is one of the risks in triggering this painful condition. Certain vegetables like cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli causes acid reflux also. Most of all, avoid caffeine found in teas, coffee and sodas. Caffeine causes acid gastric secretion that can lead to the problem.

There are other ways to aid the elimination of acid reflux that does not involve eating, this is done by limiting your food intake. Usually, heavy meals in one time can cause acid reflux than eating small portions of foods in every meal. Eating heavy meals can result in stomach problems due to foods unable to breakdown properly for stomach consumption, therefore causing acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition that needs attention. It can lead to worse conditions if unattended. Individuals should take preventive measures to avoid possible occurrences of acid reflux, whereas, avoiding also the foods that causes acid reflux in an individual to happen. Learn to diagnose the problem caused by acid reflux and take preventive measures in avoiding possible occurrences of this disorder by avoiding possible foods that can cause acid reflux.


2012年5月24日 星期四

food that cause acid reflux

Avoid Food/Beverages That Cause Acid Reflux, Change Your Lifestyle

Many people get hungry because they lack food. Children become malnourished if they are not given the right amount of food which contains the needed vitamins and minerals which in turn make the body strong and healthy.

The fact is, not all foods are healthy. The most popular unhealthy food is 'junk foods'. Just as the word suggests, junk, which means it is like garbage. But many people are still patronizing these kinds of food.

People diagnosed with certain diseases often are given a list of foods to avoid. And this is true with the case of a person having acid reflux. Acid reflux or the GERD is a condition wherein stomach acids go back to the esophagus because of the improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter. If this condition is not treated, it will only get worse which can cause serious complications.

You can effectively tell if you have acid reflux if you experience symptoms like sour taste, burning sensation in the chest or upper abdomen and your throat's back, excessive belching, breathing difficulties, tightness of throat, difficulty in swallowing food, and bad breath.

If you frequently experience these symptoms, then you probably have acid reflux. Visit your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis, so that you will know the severity of your condition.

There are certain beverages and foods which cause acid reflux, and this includes the following:

- chocolate

- coffee

- spearmint and peppermint

- alcoholic drinks

- fruit juices

- fatty foods and fried foods

- onions

- citrus fruits

- spicy foods

- products which are tomato-based

- caffeinated drinks

A change in your diet is the most effective way to deal with acid reflux. Although at first you may feel deprived of these foods, think of what will happen if you continue to eat or drink these beverages and foods.

Start your change in diet by keeping a record of your food intake. In this manner, you can tell which of the foods or beverages causes your acid reflux. So every time you experience that burning sensation, take note of what you've actually eaten. Once you have the list accomplished, put it somewhere where you can easily see it, like the refrigerator.

A lifestyle change may seem rather difficult. Your doctor can greatly help you in your transition. The very first thing that you should do is to set a goal, like for instance eating small meals, while avoiding those above-mentioned foods. Slowly quit smoking and drinking. Of course, you can't expect an abrupt change.

Every time you feel any of the symptoms, you will be instantly reminded that you're on the wrong path. Self-discipline is very much important to attain a successful lifestyle change.

While many people are taking antacids, others are finding it better to stick with the natural way. On the long run, antacids are not that good for your body, even to your stomach. It would be better to start changing your lifestyle, the sooner the better.

Besides, a healthy lifestyle doesn't only prevent acid reflux but other diseases as well. You will gain more benefit in changing your life entirely, especially regarding food eating habits. Eat the right kinds of food at the right amount, and you'll stay healthy. Prevent acid reflux, change


acid reflux symptom

Be Aware of Acid Reflux by Learning its Symptoms

Every day, the digestive system is always being used due to regular food and liquid intake. When food and drinks are induced, it goes through a passage called the esophagus that helps breakdown the food. When food reaches its destination or the stomach, acid and pepsin is released to help aid in the process of digestion.

If and ever a problem in the digestive system occur, many people often neglect these possible problem by using home remedial treatment to aid with digestive problems. However, a common digestive disease that most people have neglected and encountered is the acid reflux or heartburn. This digestive disease or disorder occurs when the esophagus is irritated by the acid regurgitating to the stomach while acid is being seeped back through the esophagus and throat.

There are different kinds of digestive disease but the most common of all is acid reflux or gastro- esophageal reflux disease known also as heartburn. There are symptoms to indicate if you have acid reflux. These symptoms will likely help an individual indicate whether they have acid reflux. T

he most common symptoms that acid reflux is associated with is the searing sensation in the digestive tract, usually the chest or throat, that individuals will encounter. Even symptoms of hoarseness, acid in the mouth, sour or bitter taste, wheezing and coughing are also symptoms of acid reflux.

Luckily, acid reflux has special characteristics that are most helpful in indicating its existence. These characteristics involve particular activity to be avoided; such as avoid lying down or bending over, while other individuals have difficulty when eating. Others, however, have tried physical activity like exercise to be rid of acid reflux but unfortunately, even exercise can not ease the symptoms. Most likely, use of antacids can be helpful and can actually ease the symptoms of acid reflux. As such, symptoms of acid reflux are often mistaken for symptoms of a heart attack.

Acid reflux disease can happen to all ages including infants and young children. Although infants have a tendency to have acid reflux or heartburn, this condition usually fades in time while young children can develop acid reflux like other adults. Usually in adults, acid reflux is caused by poor diet, lack of physical activity, and even lifestyle.

There are other factors that could also cause acid reflux. These factors are most common during pregnancy because women in this stage have increased hormone levels and in sense, the stomach is being pressured due to pregnancy. Also, obesity, overeating, some beverages and medications, and particular foods are also factors that can cause acid reflux.

A person who thinks he or she has acid reflux should learn more of the symptoms caused by it. In this way, individuals can indicate this condition and take certain precautions to prevent possible occurrences due to acid reflux. For a fact, the best way to avoid acid reflux or heartburn is through prevention. By doing so, individuals will be able to avoid occurrences of acid reflux and at the same time, have a healthy lifestyle.

Most often, acid reflux are caused by inappropriate diet, therefore, have a proper diet and nutrition to aid its eradication. A patient with acid reflux can lead to a more serious condition that could cause more problems even in the respiratory system due to continuous coughing and loss of breath. If acid enters this area, it can be damaging, therefore, learn the symptoms to avoid a more serious problem due to acid reflux.


2012年5月23日 星期三

acid reflux surgery

The Two Most Common Acid Reflux Surgery with Quick Recovery

Did you know that unhealthy eating habits can cause acid reflux? Based on scientific research, anyone, even infants and young children have a tendency to have acid reflux. This disorder is most common in infants and young children but in time, disappears. Acid reflux known also as gastro-esophageal reflux disease can definitely affect adults too. This is a disorder that could happen anytime especially to someone who had just had a large meal with lots of acidic foods or even someone with history of acid reflux, thus, having recurrences of the disorder due to unhealthy eating patterns.

Unhealthy diet and an inappropriate eating schedule can cause acid reflux. As a person consumes a heavy meal, full of acid foods, an abnormality in the stomach can occur like bringing back the food induced to the esophagus and throat. Acid reflux is unexplainable to many because this condition can occur anytime but are most likely to occur after several heavy meals or unhealthy eating habits.

Many people with acid reflux can control their condition by means of medical treatment and even appropriate diet. Some people with a severe condition of acid reflux should consider surgical procedures because for most people, acid reflux surgery is the best solutions for this disorder. There are several surgical procedures that acid reflux patients can choose from. The most effective and safe acid reflux surgeries are Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery, also known as Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication and Intraluminal Endoscopic surgery that most patients encounter.

Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication, or fundoplication for short, is the most common form of acid reflux surgery. This surgery is performed by tightening the walls of the esophagus in the area next to the stomach then adding pressure to the lower esophageal muscles. When the pressure increased between the stomach and esophagus, this medical procedure prevents the content of the stomach to go upward inside the throat and esophagus. Another method mostly considered by other patients with acid reflux is having the esophageal valve tightened in order to seal the esophagus and prevent gastric acid to enter.

Intraluminal endoscopic acid reflux surgery is another acid reflux surgery that most patients prefer. This surgical procedure has the same procedure as the fundoplication except that it involves a small optical, tubular instrument that is needed to be inserted in the body and at the same time, view the inner parts of the body that needs surgical or biopsy attention thus allowing an actual biopsy or surgery to be performed. This is possible through the so called endoscope. Intraluminal endoscopic acid reflux surgery is quick and has minimal risks for the patients. As such, a post-operatory treatment is not required but allows possibly fast recovery for patients as well.

Because of medical advancement and millions of modern treatments, acid reflux can now be treated. Patients who wish to rid of acid reflux can do so because of the options given to them through possible medications, proper diet or surgery. Likewise, surgery is most recommended to people with chronic acid reflux but is now available to patients with less serious conditions of acid reflux. Henceforth, surgical procedures have been the most common way of getting rid of acid reflux completely and permanently. In mind, patients that are considering surgery will have quick recovery after the surgical procedures and will no longer have acid reflux.


acid reflux diet

Heal Your Heartburn Through Acid Reflux Diet

Acid Reflux, another term for heartburn, is a disease which is created by a simple imbalance of chemical make-up in the body--the attack of acid reflux in the esophagus when it is supposed to be in the stomach only.

The fact that Acid Reflux, the acid indigestion, affects not just adults but also infants and children, make it essential for everyone to be aware of its symptoms and how it can be prevented.

Since the Acid Reflux is triggered by various foods like chocolate, citrus fruits, spicy foods, including fried and fatty foods. Together with the time of day the foods are eaten and over eating which causes excessive weight. Therefore, the key to avoid the heartburning uneasiness brought by the Acid reflux also lies on the foods


2012年5月22日 星期二

How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


Cosmetic Surgery - Are You Covered By Health Insurance

Cosmetic surgery, in its true sense, is an elective procedure that is performed to reshape or enhance body parts a patient may find unflattering. Since cosmetic surgery has an intrinsic aesthetic intent, it is usually not covered by health insurance. The argument put forth by insurance firms is that a person can very well do without cosmetic surgery, and the procedure is used for mere beautification instead of being a life saving surgery. On the other hand, reconstructive surgery is generally covered by health insurance, though the extent of coverage may vary a lot from one case to another.

In many ways, the answer to the insurance question lies in discerning whether the plastic surgery procedure is cosmetic or reconstructive. For instance, abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck), when performed on an obese patient to guard the patient against heart problems, is eligible for health insurance. Breast reduction surgery, when carried out with the intent of reducing weight of the breasts to curtail orthopedic pain, is typically covered by health insurance. On the other hand, breast implants or augmentations are performed with the aesthetic aspect in mind and, therefore, don


2012年5月21日 星期一

Male Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery Guide - Health

Known by professionals as gynecomastia, the topic of male breast reduction is often thought of as too-taboo to discuss in public. Nonetheless, the condition is actually quite common, with 40 to 60 percent of males in the United States suffering from overly-enlarged breasts at some point in their lives. For many-especially adolescents-the condition may disappear after a matter or weeks or months. For others experiencing enlarged breasts, however, it may be medically necessary to undergo a male breast reduction.

While the most common cause of enlarged breasts in men is obesity, the affliction can also come about for a number of other reasons, including puberty, steroid abuse, genetic disorders, tumors, chronic liver disease, aging, and as a side effect of many prescription medications. Before someone suffering from enlarged breasts decides to go under the knife for a breast reduction, he should check with his doctor to ensure that his issues aren't being caused by an outside factor, such as weight loss or switching medications.

What is male breast reduction?

Male breast reduction is a surgery performed by plastic surgeons to remove the fat and glandular tissue that create the illusion of large breasts in some men. Although the procedure most commonly involves a surgeon cutting into the skin with a singular incision to remove excess tissue, fat, and skin, it should be noted that the particulars of the procedure vary greatly based on each patient's personal preferences, along with the cause of his problem.

For the majority of patients suffering from an excess in tissue, a male breast reduction surgery consists of a qualified surgeon making an incision around the areola or in the under arm area and cutting out excess glandular tissue. For an increasing number of patients, male breast reduction may be combined with liposuction, as well.

Although most patients will experience little to no scarring, those undergoing more major operations to remove excess fatty tissue are likely to need larger incisions that may take longer to heel.

Who are the best candidates for male breast reduction?

Men of any age can be considered for male breast reduction surgery, so long as they are both mentally and physically healthy and in good condition to undergo a major surgery. Many surgeons report that candidates with firm, elastic skin can expect to see the best results from gynecomastia, since their skin will likely be better able to reshape itself once the procedure has been performed.

Most importantly, men who are considering undergoing the surgery should be sure they have considered all other options-such as a change in diet, lifestyle, or prescription drug medications-as well undergone a full medical diagnosis to ensure the breasts did not enlarge due to a condition that needs to be treated separately. Patients who smoke, drink, or use steroids may be asked to stay away from the stimulants for a period of time before surgery as well, since it is possible that the substances are what is causing the enlarged breast to begin with.

What are the benefits of male breast reduction?

For most patients, male breast reduction surgery is a permanent solution to a problem that may have been plaguing them for years. After just a few weeks of recovery, patients can expect to have a firmer, flatter, and contoured chest with little to no scarring. Most importantly, however, patients who have undergone a male breast reduction commonly report a high boost in self-confidence that can be sensed by those around them, whether their shirt is on or off.

What are the risks involved?

As with all major surgeries, patients undergoing gynecomastia should be prepared for a number of possible complications or risks, including unfavorable scarring, excess bleeding, blood clots, infection, skin discoloration, changes in nipple or breast sensation, and-if liposuction was used-the chance of uneven contours, rippling, or loose skin around the breast area. Smokers should be prepared to quit smoking at least one to two weeks before the surgery, since smoking can decrease circulation throughout the body and slow the amount of time it takes a patient to heal, thus upping the risk for infection.

For best results, patients should follow their surgeon's instructions to a tee, and take the necessary time off of work during the healing process. If any abnormalities should arise, patients should seek medical help immediately.

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care an appropriate health care provider.


The Manny ?pacman? Pacquiao Confessions Part 2: Notes About A Recent Interview On The Congressman In Action! (Page 2)


...continued from PAGE1


Freddie Abando, the interviewer, then mentioned how people would line up outside his office to seek assistance. Pacquiao would then say that although hes always willing to help, he could not possibly help everybody. I am not Superman. I am only Manny Pacquiao and Im only human, he added. Jinky, Mannys better half, was said to be helping him in organizing several livelihood programs for their constituents. Pacquiao would then mention that it is not right to always provide money as direct assistance for the people, except perhaps for emergency situations like someone in the family needs to undergo surgery and the like. According to him, a better and long-term solution to poverty is to provide means for people to earn a living give them sources of income so that they can take care of their own families. He said that building of learning institutions like TESDA, where people could undergo specialized training in several blue-collar skill-oriented jobs is in the works. Not being able to finish his studies, Pacquiao knows the importance of education and was said to be supporting about a thousand scholars and paying for the basic needs in their basic education. These are kids from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.


When asked of the possibility of one of his two sons getting into boxing, he politely answered that he doesnt want his kids to ever take up boxing. He then said that in their house, there are no boxing paraphernalia of any kind so that his kids would not find any inclination to take up boxing, a field that Pacquiao considers so hard and difficult. He would then say that he just wants his kids to finish their studies, something he wasnt able to achieve due to several limitations.


When the topic shifted to the people around him, which could include some would most refer to as leeches who might just want to prey on his fortunes, Pacquiao said with gusto I dont choose my friends. I have all sorts and kinds of friends. I have friends who are bad people and slightly bad ones I have friends who are good people and some who are slightly good ones. He would then add that he would even prefer to befriend bad people so that he could have an opportunity to be a good influence and guide them towards the right path.


Pacquiaos position on the controversial reproductive health bill was also discussed. He made it clear that he was against it for the following reasons; first and foremost, it is against Gods laws, quoting a verse from the Bible Go to the world and multiply. He said that if that law will be amended, people will no longer have freedom and added that personal sacrifice and abstinence is the best way. He then said that increasing population is not the root cause of poverty corruption is! He said that every fiscal year, the government allocates a national budget that is based on population. The thing is, this money doesnt go where it's supposed to because of greed and corruption among those in power. Pacquiao also emphasized that change cannot and will not happen overnight. It should start somewhere it should start from each and every person.


The boxer who owns eight world championships in eight weight divisions reiterated his plan to finally hang up his gloves at 35. Hell be turning 32 on the 17th and he said that there are only one, two or three more fights left for him. He said that Mayweather is definitely the biggest fight possible and the matchup that everybody wants to see. When asked about his opinion whether he believes that Mayweather is scared of him or not, Pacquiao said that Its unfair for Mayweather if we judge him that hes scared of me. I dont believe he is. Perhaps, he and his camp just have reasons that we dont know and only they can explain.


In closing, Abando asked Pacquiao who his political idol is. Pacquiao, without hesitation mentioned national hero Benigno Ninoy Aquino, husband of the late former President Corazon Cory Aquino and father to present president Noynoy Aquino. He said he admires Ninoys candidness and sincerity. He spoke without any mixture of politics and what he said, he did. Will Pacquiao follow the political footsteps of his idol? Only time can tell

This is the 2nd page of a two-page special. To go to the first page, click HERE.

Comments are highly appreciated. You may write them below or send them to me on twitter reylan_l

Hereunder are articles written by the same byline:

Manny Pacquiaos Next Probable Foes And Their Respective Implications

Bowling, Billiards, And Boxing: Pinoy Legendary Athletes Nepomuceno, Reyes, And Pacquiao Are The GOATs!

Sergio Martinez Just Ruined What Would Have Been Manny Pacquiaos Easy Ninth!

Manny PACMAN Pacquiao: Making A Serious Case As The Greatest Of All Time!

The Manny Pacman Pacquiao Confessions: Things You Might Not Have Heard Or Read Before!

The Truth Behind Manny Pacquiaos Losses And Draws

Is Marquez A Common Denominator In The Pacquiao-Versus-Mayweather Discussion?

Pacquiao, Duran, And Some Serious Thoughts From A Very Faithful Follower Of The Sport (Episode 1)

In The Fullness Of The Mayweather Heart, The Mayweather Mouth Speaks


2012年5月20日 星期日

How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


Pet Rabbit Food Supplies

Doctor Brown: Have you got a cute rabbit that wants quality food? What are the best types of food for your rabbit? Did you know a rabbit needs more than just pellets to stay healthy? Where can you get cheap quality food for your rabbit? Did you know rabbits love eating weeds, lawn and other vegetables? How can you make your rabbit healthy and happy by simply giving it vegetables and clean water?

Can you make your rabbit happy by feeding it delicious cheap food?

If you can imagine yourself as a rabbit then you too would like quality delicious food. Some of the vegetables that you grow or eat are also a rabbit's favorite delicacies. Please remember to wash the vegetables first because some vegetables have pesticides on them. You wouldn't want your rabbit to eat it. Rabbits are one of the simplest pets to have. They have a huge diet that varies from weeds to bread.

Rabbits are lovely, cuddly and peaceful animals. They are either eating, resting or mating. This is the life of a rabbit. In the wild they are running away from predators. They rarely make any noise. They have a diet that varies from carrots to different garden weeds. Although you may think weeds are disgusting but it is a rabbit's delicacy. It is important to allow your rabbit to eat a balanced diet and keep it healthy. Rabbits also need exercise. It is important to let you rabbit out of its hutch as often as possible to give it fresh air, sun light and to warm its muscles. Your rabbit will be very happy because living in a hutch is like a jail. It is important to understand that your rabbit also needs exercise so remember to let it out more often. Rabbits love to roam and nibble at weeds around the home. They do not want to be stuck in a hutch all day long. Don't keep it outside overnight because cats can injure or kill your rabbit. Rabbits also love clean water especial ly in the hot summer months.

There are various types of food that you can purchase at the supermarkets. Here are a few types of food you could fee your rabbit:

1. Carrots

2. Cabbages

3. Capsicum

4. Cucumbers

5. Apples

6. Pears

7. Vegetables

8. Bread

9. Lettuce

10. Water melons

11. Corn

12. Potatoes

13. Broccoli

14. Cauliflower

15. Zucchinis

Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits don't need that much attention because they are timid and shy. Rabbit manure is a great fertilizer for your garden.


2012年5月19日 星期六

canadas pethealth concerns that benefit from canadiean pethealth insurance

Canadas Pet Health Concerns that Benefit from Canadian Pet Health Insurance

There are two health care issues that might make Canadas pet owners consider purchasing Canadian Pet Health Insurance for their family pets. Cancer and Tularemia.

Cancer is a type of malignant tumor or growths that invade the surrounding tissues and use the bloodstream to move spread to other parts of the body. Some cancers reappear even after removal of the offending tumor. Cancer can cause that unless the tumor is removed and any remaining cancer cells properly treated. Because of improvements in veterinary care at nutritional needs family pets are living longer. As a direct result of the longer life span of family pets wore more cases of cancer are being seen.

Signs that the family pet might have cancer are abnormal swellings that continue to grow, sores are a few heel, bleeding or other discharge from body openings, the pet is having a difficult time eating and swallowing, persistent lameness, difficulty breathing, painful urination, chronic coughing, weight loss, fevers, lack of appetite, and stamina. If you notice your pet experience the any individual or combination of the symptoms you should consult your local veterinarian.

In the not so distant past cancer and pets was a virtual kiss of death. In today's medically advanced world of veterinary medicine your pets outcome is more positive. Early detection followed by timely intervention is the most positive here for your pet's cancer.

In some cases simple removal on the tumor is all that is required to other may any cancer cells. Some types of cancer require or surgery. The surgery has an excellent success rate with cancers that were detected early on. If your pet has a tumor that is inoperable your veterinarian might suggest radiation, chemical, or biological therapy.

Radiation therapy exposes the malignant cells to high level of radiation with the hope that the radiation will kill the cancer cells. Chemical therapy is medication design to kill the cancer cells. In particularly aggressive forms of cancer chemical and radiation therapy is used jointly. Other forms of therapies used to treat and comfort your pet when they are diagnosed with cancer are grooming, nutritional support, Soft bedding, pain management, ulcer prevention, and physical therapy. If your pet is diagnosed with cancer discuss treat to the veterinarian and call your pet health care insurance representative to find out what can be done to extend life of your pet.

On October 2, 2004 Health Canada issued an advisory about a potential health concern to dwarf and regular hamsters called Tularemia.

Tularemia is caused by a bacterial disease that is most commonly seen in wild rodents and rabbits. Although it only happens rarely Tularemia is transferable to humans causing flu like symptoms. Tularemia typically found in all muskrats, squirrels, beavers, rabbit, skunks, dear, bison, foxes, opossums, and woodchucks. Although Tularemia is seldom seen in dogs and cats can be contaminated through water, eating infected rabbits, and being bitten by contaminated ticks. The typical symptoms of Tularemia are fever, a loss of appetite, weakness, and diarrhea. If the condition is left untreated infected animals frequently died.

The typical treatment plan for pets infected with Tularemia is to first eliminate any infected ticks from your pets fur. After that the drugs Strptomycin and Gentamycin are administered for one to two weeks. Tetracycline and Chloramphencicol have also been used to treat pets diagnosed with Tularemia.
