2013年8月31日 星期六

How To Get Cheap Health Insurance Online In Iowa

Health Insurance is expensive no matter where you live. Here in Iowa nearly 17% of all the state's residents cannot afford health insurance of any kind. If your place of employment or an organization you belong to does not offer affordable group-rate health insurance then you have no choice but to look for cheap health insurance online.

The good new is that there are ways for you to bring down the cost of your health insurance.

Obviously there are dozens of websites that will let you quickly and easily compare costs for health insurance from different insurance companies, but before you jump on one of those sites you need to make sure you are structuring a policy that will let you get the cheap health insurance coverage that you want.

For example, you need to stop smoking and you need to stop using any tobacco products of any kind. If you want cheap health insurance this is just something you need to do. If you already have health insurance and you were a smoker when you first applied but have since quit, you need to tell your agent


How To Get Cheap Health Insurance Online In Arkansas

More than 50% of all Arkansas residents who have health insurance report that the premiums for their insurance pose a financial burden each month, and a full 17% of all Arkansas residents are without any form of health insurance at all.

Almost every day another business announces that it will no longer offer health insurance coverage or that it is requiring its employees to pay a huge portion of the monthly premiums themselves.

Clearly anyone who is not covered by a group health plan needs to get cheap health insurance online here in Arkansas


2013年8月30日 星期五

How To Get Cheap Health Insurance Online In Alabama

The cost of health insurance here in Alabama is of great concern to many people. Right now approximately 16% of all residents of Alabama don't have any health insurance due primarily to cost and of those who do have health insurance fully 50% report that the cost of their monthly premiums are a severe financial burden.

It can seem as if there isn't even a way to get cheap health insurance online in Alabama, but things may not be quite as dark as they first appear.

To begin with, Alabama has a rather liberal state-sponsored low-cost health insurance for children, college students, pregnant women and others as well. To see if you or a member of your family might qualify for this low-cost insurance simply go to: /allkids/

Fortunately there are other things you can do to help keep the cost of your health insurance within reach. Obviously group health insurance is going to be cheaper than individual health insurance. If your place of employment doesn't offer group health insurance check with any clubs, organizations or associations that you belong to. Sometimes a group that you would never think of will offer low-cost group coverage.

Ask family, friends and neighbors if any of them belong to any groups or clubs or organizations that offer group health insurance. If so, consider joining. Even some religious organizations offer group health coverage - ask.

Have you considered joining an HMO or a PPO? While the savings can be tremendous you sometimes have to give up seeing your trusted doctor. This is more true with HMOs than it is with PPOs, but it is not always necessary to switch doctors; ask your doctor if he or she is a member of an HMO or approved by a PPO.

If you have a home business it is sometimes possible to get group health insurance even if your only employee is your spouse. Even if you cannot get group insurance it is quite possible that your individual insurance premiums can be written off of your taxes - figuring in your tax savings can make even individual health insurance affordable in many cases.

Don't smoke and don't use chew. If you currently use tobacco products, quit. If you used tobacco products when you first signed up for health insurance but you have since quit, let your agent know and you could get a serious reduction in your monthly insurance premium.

If you are overweight you are going to pay more for your health insurance. Insurance companies have a sliding premium scale that is based in part on your BMI (Body Mass Index). The good news is that even a small reduction in your BMI may move you down a notch on the insurance company's payment scale and could save you hundreds of dollars a year on your insurance. Every pound you can drop helps!

Don't participate in extreme sports or hobbies and if you drive a fast sports car, give it up if you are serious about getting cheap health insurance.

How much of a co-payment do you make when you see your doctor? If you can possibly afford to make a 50% co-pay you will save a lot on your health insurance every month. If you don't see your doctor very often each year this could be a way to save quite a bit of money.

Can you afford to increase your deductible? Again, this is an important question and you should give it some serious thought because your deductible represents cash that you have to come up with every year to pay for your own medical care before your insurance company will begin to pay. Don't promise to pay more than you can actually afford.

Now get online and find 3 websites that allow you to compare the costs of health insurance from different insurance companies. Using the tips you have gotten from this article enter the exact same information onto the form on at least 3 comparison websites and then simply pick the best price you can find. That's how simple it is to get cheap health insurance online in Alabama!


Group Life Insurance - Is It Worth It

Group life insurance is a policy that insures employees for group life insurance, disability insurance and other coverages. Many jobs offer this coverage to their employees, which helps them to receive benefits without any large cost to themselves. What exactly does this benefit bring and is worth it?

Why Do Employers Offer Group Life Insurance?

One of the reasons this policy works for your employer is because it can reduce employee sick leave by providing rapid medical attention. This ensures speedy recovery from illnesses and lets you, the employee, focus more on his or her job.

How Does Group Life Insurance Work For The Employee?

The main benefit is the money saved by not taking a private life insurance plan to cover all the benefits. The savings aspect is doubled when you receive the group life insurance plan free or at a discounted rate.

Is Group Life Insurance Permanent?

It is permanent as long as the company is in business. But if you leave, are fired or the business shuts down, you only have 30 days to convert to a whole life policy which is much more expensive. And that's another reason to have your own cheap life insurance policy.

What Health Procedures Does Group Life Insurance Cover?

Although group life insurance policies vary , there are some basic coverages they provide including:

Group Life Insurance

Group Health Insurance

Group Disability Insurance

Group Critical Illness Insurance

It is advisable to read your group life insurance policy thoroughly to understand what other coverage may be included.

What Options Do You Have To Taking Group Life Insurance?

The biggest alternative to group life insurance is to have your own life insurance policies. When you are insured through group life insurance the policy is not owned by you completely. When you change jobs you will have to requalify for your group life insurance and possibly face higher premiums. Therefore, it is a good idea to have your own term life and disability insurance policy; however since it is free or low cost, it never hurts to participate in group life insurance.


2013年8月29日 星期四

Online Health Insurance The Truth About Cheap Quotes

Looking for low cost health insurance quotes? Good. You are taking that most important step of shopping around for the best price. But more importantly, you undstand that it is important to have health insurance, and perhaps, even more importantly, understand that the real purpose of health insurance, as for any insurance, is protection. That is, you do not get health insurance to act as a sort of discount off the price of doctor and hospital services. The point of insurance is protection in the event of catastrophe. Yes, health insurance costs are high and continue to rise, but do not forget that the reason you are seeking health insurance quotes online--and even offline--is to insure you get the most protection (not discount) for the best (lowest) rate.

Getting health insurance quotes is now extremely easy with the use of the Internet. Take advantage of online insurance quote availability to get an idea of the range of premium prices offered. Even if you don't want to buy online, you will have a better understanding of what the insurance agent is talking about, and when it comes time to put ink on the contract, you will be making a more informed decision. Remember, too, that quotes are free and come without obligation.

When you look for cheap health insurance quotes, online or off, you must also consider type of health care you want and what that means in terms of how your care is delivered to you. Health insurance is a much more than a matter of co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles. When you get a health insurance quote, you are getting a quote on a certain kind of plan. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a single "best" plan. You will find that there are some plans that will serve your needs better as an individual, and plans that will be better for both you and your family's needs. Plans will vary according to what services they offer, and you will probably have to make some hard choices as to what services are most important. No plan will pay everything; there will always be out-of-pocket costs associated with your medical services, though some plans will pay more for the services you deem most important. So, health insurance quotes are really the tip of the iceberg to a very important subject.

Cheap Health Insurance Quotes and the HMO, PPO, FFS/indemnity plan, and POS.

HMO--An HMO is a health maintenance organization. An HMO contracts with doctors, hospitals, and other medical providers to form a sort of network. As a member of an HMO, you are required to use the providers in that network. You pay the HMO a certain amount of money per their payment arrangements in order to receive medical services.

PPO--A PPO is a preferred provider organization. A PPO is similar to an HMO in that there is a network of medical providers that you can use. However, the PPO does not require you to use that network and allows you see doctors and go to hospitals out of network. Normally, you do not need a referral to see doctors out of network. However, in that event, you do pay more for the service. That is, the amount of coverage is less.

POS--A POS is a point of service plan. A point of service plan is very much like an HMO except that POS doctors can refer you out of the network of providers to see a specialist. In a POS, you would not refer yourself, and if the plan does refer you out of the network, you do pay more for the service.

FFS--A FFS or indemnity plan, is a fee for service plan. In a fee for service, you are billed by the service. You are usually not required to use a network of providers. That means you choose which doctors, hospitals, and specialists you want to see and use. Because you make the decision about who you see and where you go, there is no need for a referral to see a doctor. The only limiting factor is whether or not the provider accepts the insurance of the fee for service plan insurance.

Low Cost health insurance quotes have a lot going on behind the scenes. Seeking an online quote? Now you have a better idea of what that quote is for. When you visit an insurance agent to talk health care, be sure to look thoroughly into the options available to you. Your health insurance quote represents a package of insurance services, and it is important for you to understand the relationship between the quote and the services you may be purchasing.


Online Health Insurance The Truth About Cheap Quotes

Looking for low cost health insurance quotes? Good. You are taking that most important step of shopping around for the best price. But more importantly, you undstand that it is important to have health insurance, and perhaps, even more importantly, understand that the real purpose of health insurance, as for any insurance, is protection. That is, you do not get health insurance to act as a sort of discount off the price of doctor and hospital services. The point of insurance is protection in the event of catastrophe. Yes, health insurance costs are high and continue to rise, but do not forget that the reason you are seeking health insurance quotes online--and even offline--is to insure you get the most protection (not discount) for the best (lowest) rate.

Getting health insurance quotes is now extremely easy with the use of the Internet. Take advantage of online insurance quote availability to get an idea of the range of premium prices offered. Even if you don't want to buy online, you will have a better understanding of what the insurance agent is talking about, and when it comes time to put ink on the contract, you will be making a more informed decision. Remember, too, that quotes are free and come without obligation.

When you look for cheap health insurance quotes, online or off, you must also consider type of health care you want and what that means in terms of how your care is delivered to you. Health insurance is a much more than a matter of co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles. When you get a health insurance quote, you are getting a quote on a certain kind of plan. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a single "best" plan. You will find that there are some plans that will serve your needs better as an individual, and plans that will be better for both you and your family's needs. Plans will vary according to what services they offer, and you will probably have to make some hard choices as to what services are most important. No plan will pay everything; there will always be out-of-pocket costs associated with your medical services, though some plans will pay more for the services you deem most important. So, health insurance quotes are really the tip of the iceberg to a very important subject.

Cheap Health Insurance Quotes and the HMO, PPO, FFS/indemnity plan, and POS

*HMO--An HMO is a health maintenance organization. An HMO contracts with doctors, hospitals, and other medical providers to form a sort of network. As a member of an HMO, you are required to use the providers in that network. You pay the HMO a certain amount of money per their payment arrangements in order to receive medical services.

*PPO--A PPO is a preferred provider organization. A PPO is similar to an HMO in that there is a network of medical providers that you can use. However, the PPO does not require you to use that network and allows you see doctors and go to hospitals out of network. Normally, you do not need a referral to see doctors out of network. However, in that event, you do pay more for the service. That is, the amount of coverage is less.

*POS--A POS is a point of service plan. A point of service plan is very much like an HMO except that POS doctors can refer you out of the network of providers to see a specialist. In a POS, you would not refer yourself, and if the plan does refer you out of the network, you do pay more for the service.

*FFS--A FFS or indemnity plan, is a fee for service plan. In a fee for service, you are billed by the service. You are usually not required to use a network of providers. That means you choose which doctors, hospitals, and specialists you want to see and use. Because you make the decision about who you see and where you go, there is no need for a referral to see a doctor. The only limiting factor is whether or not the provider accepts the insurance of the fee for service plan insurance.

Low Cost health insurance quotes have a lot going on behind the scenes. Seeking an online quote? Now you have a better idea of what that quote is for. When you visit an insurance agent to talk health care, be sure to look thoroughly into the options available to you. Your health insurance quote represents a package of insurance services, and it is important for you to understand the relationship between the quote and the services you may be purchasing.


2013年8月28日 星期三

Cheap Insurance Ten Tips

Cheap insurance? Auto insurance, life insurance, health insurance, liability insurance - whatever type of insurance you need, you can buy it for less. Try the following:

1. Raise you deductible. Why have a $100 deductible if a $1000 deductible won't break you? It may hurt to pay the first thousand someday, but what if meanwhile you saved several thousand? High deductibles mean lower rates. Of course, get quotes with various deductibles, to be sure you're saving enough for the higher risk.

2. Lower your coverage. Insurance agents secretly admit that people usually get sued according to policy limits. You'll be sued for more if your limit is a million than if it's a hundred thousand. A judgement beyond the policy limits is a scary thought, but this can happen no matter what your limits are. If you don't have many assets or much money in the bank, consider lowering your coverage to save money. Get quotes first, of course, to see how much you'll save.

3. Lower the insurance company's risk. Using seatbelts, not smoking, and having alarm systems can mean cheap insurance. Ask your agent about any discounts that are available.

4. Use an independent agent. Why limit yourself to one insurance company? Independents can show you the cheapest policy regardless of which company it's from. Just check a rating service to see if the issuing company is financially solid, especially when buying life insurance.

5. Drop your insurance. The insurance companies will hate me for this one, but consider eliminating some coverages. You need liability coverage on your car, but collision coverage on a $2000 car doesn't make sense. Invest the money elsewhere, and take the $2000 loss once or twice in your life, or maybe never.

6. Buy stocks instead of insurance. If you and your wife both have good incomes, it probably makes more sense to invest your money than to buy life insurance. If loved ones have enough income or assets, life insurance premiums are usually wasted money.

7. Get rebates. Some states that allows "rebating". California law, for example, allows agents to rebate part of their commission to you. If you live in a non-rebating stae, find a California company online!

8. Get the legal minimums. If you have no assets to protect, ask for state-mandated minimums on auto liability policies. Most companies give you their higher, more expensive "company minimums" if you don't push the point.

9. Review your policies. It is common for parents to still pay for health insurance coverage on adult children long after they are working and have their own coverage. See what other unecessary coverages you may be paying for.

10. Get several quotes. For cheap insurance, compare quotes from several companies, and ask about different policy options. One more thing: take notes.


Cheap Insurance Secrets

Can you find cheap insurance? Yes. You can not only spend less on all types of insurance, but you can get more of the coverages you need for less. Here are a few insider secrets to help you out.

Cheap Life Insurance

- Purchase multiple policies. Instead of buying one large policy, save money by buying two, or even three, and staggering the terms. Have one run until the kids are out of the house, for example, and the other until your retirement fund kicks in.

- Investigate the company. Visit /cis, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners site. It has links to check out companies, including their financial condition, and the complaints filed against them.

- Ask about rebates. Some states allow agents to rebate a portion of their commission to you. Check online or by phone. You don't have to be from the state to buy insurance there.

Cheap Auto Insurance

Get several quotes, of course. You probably know that having as high a deductible as you can afford will also reduce the rate. Here are some money-saving tips you may not have known.

- Get the legal minimum for liability coverage if you have few or no assets. Many companies try to sell their "company-recommended minimums" on liability, and even pass them off as the legal minimums. Just get the legal minimums. If you have no assets, you're not a target for a lawsuit.

- Once a year, review your policies. Have a policy review and get new quotes every year or so. If the ticket you had is past the three year mark (or whatever the company thinks is important) they will drop the rate, but not automatically, so ask.

- Remove your kids from your policy. If your kids are at a college that's more than 100 miles away, you can have them taken off the insurance policy and save a lot of money. You can't let them drive the car when they come home to visit though.

Other Cheap Insurance Secrets

- Health insurance tip: Find a group to join. If you don't have health insurance through your employer, join a group that enables you to get a better policy rate. A fraternal organization or the chamber of commerce sometimes have arranged for group policies.

- Home owners insurance tip: Consider higher deductibles. Insurance is for disasters, not small stuff. Plan to pay the first $1000 someday when something happens. In the meantime you'll save money every year on your policy.

- Credit life insurance tip: Just say no. These policies pay the balance of your auto, home or other loan if you die. If you feel you need it, regular life insurance for the same amount is much cheaper.

Whatever type of insurance you are buying, be sure to get several quotes. Ask questions about every part of the policy, and don't pay for things you don't need. Ask about any special discounts you might be eligible for. Asking many questions and really understanding the policy is the key to getting cheap insurance.


2013年8月27日 星期二

Cheap Health Insurance rates and personal health insurance

If you've been out of school for a couple of years or perhaps just graduated from college, you're probably a candidate for cheap health insurance. Once a person reaches a certain age they're no longer covered by their parents health insurance plan. If you're just starting out it's important to find cheap health insurance coverage. If you've just graduated from school or just started work and you don't have coverage, don't be tempted to forgo this necessary expense because you never know when an accident can happen. Most people are looking for modest coverage but also want some essentials. Generally, when a person buys their own coverage, they tend to favor high deductibles to save money on the cost of premiums.

Personal health insurance, Cheap Health Insurance and low cost health insurance rates.

Even if you're on a tight, limited budget, it's very important that you pick up some kind of cheap health insurance. Even if you only have a plan that covers unexpected hospitalization, your peace of mind will be greatly enhanced. Keep in mind that a catastrophic health insurance policy can come with a high deductible before their coverage kicks in. They don't pick up the cost of preventive physician visits or emergency room visits to get a few stitches.

Some questions to ask when considering cheap health insurance.

1) Can your and/or your family afford to pay ALL your medical expenses if you're sick or injured?

2) How much is the deductible?

3) Can you afford the deductible?

With a little searching and comparison shopping you find the best rate for your personal cheap health insurance.


How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


2013年8月26日 星期一

Guaranteed Acceptance Medical Health Insurance

Guaranteed acceptance medical health insurance is a product provided by insurers to reach the massive amount of people who would normally not qualify for health insurance.

Most insurers require an applicant for health insurance to undergo a medical examination as well as detailing their health history.

When applying for health insurance the subsequent medical examination or full disclosure of your medical history might result with the insurer declining your application.

This is where guaranteed acceptance health insurance becomes a valued product on the health insurance market.

In some countries it is a requirement that you hold your own paid-for medical health insurance to meet any health care costs you may incur.

Insurers generally will not insure you for any pre-existing condition that you might have.

For example a car accident you may have been involved in ten years earlier that resulted with you suffering a whip lash injury, will incur an exemption from the insurer. That is, the insurer will not insure you for any neck related injuries.

This is the benefit of guaranteed acceptance medical health insurance where the insurer will meet your medical insurance needs without you having to have a medical examination or incur exemptions for any pre-existing conditions.

We need medical health insurance so that in the event of trauma we will be treated in a hospital and the insurance will meet all of the health care costs.

Basically, it is peace of mind to have such an insurance policy, even though you might think you will not need it.

As the name implies the medical health insurance policy is guaranteed to be accepted by the insurer providing you with health insurance. These policies often offer the basic of coverages but still that coverage can save you quite a lot in the event you will need it.

If you are morbidly obese, suffered a heart attack or cancer, have a disease such as diabetes, kidney or liver, suffer from acquired immune deficiency syndrome or mental illness, the news is all good in that your insurance will be accepted - guaranteed.

These types of insurances are designed to meet your needs by providing a range of premiums (how much it will cost you) and the benefits you will be entitled to.

Generally, the higher amount of money you pay for the policy will be rewarded with the benefits that you will be entitled to.

So if you suffer from any pre-existing condition and have been refused medical health insurance, then guaranteed acceptance health insurance may benefit you.

The downside is, you may pay higher for your premiums, you may only have reduced benefits and there may be a limited amount of benefit on the policy.

But, you still need medical health insurance and without the need for a medical examination or disclosure of your medical history, you will find peace of mind to know you are covered.

You will find advertisements on television, in the newspaper and magazines of companies who will provide this type of insurance.

Most, simply say, fill in your details and send your money, we will cover you.

You have the benefit of searching online for such policies and will be able to compare the prices of each companies premiums and the benefits they will pay in the likelihood of a claim.

Do your homework. Search for "guaranteed medical health insurance" in your favorite search engine and with pencil and paper, write down the range in prices of each companies premium.

For more information on health insurance visit health insurance explained in easy terms.


Why You Need Insurance

Why You Need Auto Insurance

The main purpose of auto insurance is to protect you and your assets from the financial consequences of being in an auto accident. And assets means everything you own, not just the value of your automobile. Lawsuits stemming from auto accidents can be extremely costly, and can devastate an individuals financial situation for years to come. In the case of a lawsuit, everything you own is at riskyour home, your wages, your investments. It is extremely important to have sufficient liability coverage to protect you and your family from potential financial harm.

Free Online Auto Insurance Quotes

Auto insurance companies offer a wide variety of coverage options so you can tailor your policy to your specific needs and your budget. Auto insurance is a versatile tool to use in your financial planning. Among the benefits are:

Besides safeguarding the assets youve worked so hard to accumulate, having adequate coverage allows you to you feel more secure when you are driving, knowing you have the protection in place to deal with any of the perils you may face on the road. Insurance can cover your medical bills in the event of an accident. Insurance can pay the full cost of repairs or replacement of your vehicle after an accident, as well as pay for damages to another persons car or property due to an accident you are involved in.

Auto insurance can pay for damages or repairs to your vehicle that result from such varied perils as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. And importantly, it can protect you and your vehicle from harm caused by uninsured or underinsured motorists. Even with state laws in place that require motorists to have insurance, many people do not, or they choose to only carry the absolute minimum, which may not be adequate to compensate you in the event of an accident in which they are at fault.

Some people skimp on their auto coverage because they have a safe driving record with no prior collisions. The problem with that philosophy is, you also have to worry about the other drivers on the road. You have no way of knowing whether they are safe drivers or not. And many people dont realize that you can be sued even if you are not at fault in an accident.

When you consider the consequences of being sued, versus the relatively modest cost of the coverage, having adequate liability coverage is important to sound financial planning. Individuals with substantial assets often purchase additional coverage in the form of an umbrella liability policy, which protects you from all sorts of lawsuits, including those arising from auto accidents. The cost of this insurance is also relatively modest.

Why You Need Health Insurance

Many people dont give health insurance much thought. Its just something provided by their employer, and they dont have much say in the terms or conditions of the health insurance providers coverage. Lots of other people dont worry about health insurance too much because they are young or have been healthy all their lives.

We are all aware that the cost of health care is rising significantly, and is expected to do so in the years to come. As baby boomers get older, they access the health care system more frequently, and advances in the technology of treatment have resulted in higher costs as well. In America, we expect to have access to the best medical care, but are often surprised how much this care costs.

Free Medical Insurance Quotes

Health insurance is important for all of us to have because the cost of treatment resulting from a serious illness, or an accident, can be enormous. Not being adequately covered can have devastating consequences to an individuals finances, wiping out their savings. Health insurance, then, isnt just a convenient thing to have to lower the cost of a routine doctors visit, or give you a price break on prescription drugs. It is a vital tool to protect your familys assets from the liability of a huge health care bill.

You never know when a serious illness might strike. Having a history of good health is no guarantee of that being the case in the future. We all age, and the likelihood is that most of us, sometime, will be faced with a serious medical condition.

Health insurance also promotes wellness, by providing consumers with information about preventive care and tests that should be done to ensure early detection of illnesses. Many policies cover most or all of the cost of these tests. In effect, the insurer is a partner, with your doctor, in trying to make sure you stay healthy. Its in the health insurance providers best interest, too: they save money if you dont have expensive claims.

When you obtain health insurance, one of the first things you do is find out if your doctor is part of that providers network. Your out-of-pocket costs are usually lower if you use an in-network physician. This encourages consumers who dont have doctors to find one; and it is a good idea to already have a relationship in place with a doctor before you have an illness. The doctor will already be aware of your medical history.

Surgeries and treatments for serious illnesses can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Looked at it from this perspective, the annual premium for health insurance is a good value for the benefit it provides. With the myriad of health care plans available, the choices of coverage and deductibles, you can design a health insurance plan that fits your budget and protects your assetsand free you from the worry of not being able to afford medical care when you need it most.

Why You Need Personal Umbrella Liability Insurance

Auto and homeowners policies have some liability coverage, but not nearly enough to pay damages in this range. What happens? You would be liable for the damage award in excess of your coverage. You could end up having to liquidate all your assets to satisfy the judgmenteverything youve worked for all your life, or be forced to make payments for years to come, seriously impacting your familys lifestyle.

Fortunately, personal umbrella insurance is quite affordable. $1 million of coverage can be obtained for less than $300 per year. You can obtain coverage as high as $5 million.

Liability Insurance Quotes

For example, if the settlement of the lawsuit against you ended up being $750,000, your auto or homeowners policy would pay the amount up to its limit, lets say, $300,000, and the personal umbrella policy would take care of the remaining $450,000.

Even a seemingly small incident like a neighbor slipping on your icy sidewalk can end up causing a judgment in excess of your homeowners insurance liability coverage. The umbrella policy can make up the difference.

Judgments in personal injury lawsuits are not necessarily based on the other persons ability to pay, but common sense says that if you live in a wealthy neighborhood and a person is injured on your property, the size of the judgment against you could be higher than that for a person in an impoverished neighborhood. If you want to protect your assets to the highest degree you can, having personal umbrella liability insurance in place is a smart way to go about it. Many people regard personal umbrella liability insurance as one of the most cost effect forms of insurance as well.

Free Home Insurance Quotes


2013年8月25日 星期日

11 Best iPhone/Andriod Apps for Fitness - Health - Fitness

Everyone knows and understands how important it is to maintain good health. Part of that is maintaining a regular exercise routine and eating right. Good health does not only correspond to longevity, it is also a manifestation of happiness.

You are truly FIT when you are competent in : Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy!

Your workout plan and fitness program should allow you to be competent in these basics, and this will give you the ability not only to excel in any given Sport, but to survive life's little challenges too!

The good news is technology is having its own share of contribution to health and fitness. Smart phones for instance these days are packed with various types of applications that help the user stay fit and healthy.

These mobile health applications are very handy and will definitely benefit everyone who needs to get rid of that extra fat and calories. Today, the two most popular mobile phone platforms are the iPhone's iOS and the Android operating system. So let's take a look at this list of best iPhone and Android applications for fitness.


1. Endomondo Sports TrackerGPS enabled tracking applications are very popular for mobile geeks. But now, even exercise enthusiasts are benefiting from it. The Endomondo Sports tracker app enables you to track your trail and progress when you're hiking, cycling, or doing any physical activities that involve distance. Aside from tracking, it can also monitor your speed as well as the amount of calories burned during the activity.

2. RunKeeperAnother techie exercise application for the iPhone is the RunKeeper. It is almost the same in terms of features to that of the Sports Tracker but it has a distinct add-on where you can view your activity history as well as statistics. Lastly, online sharing is also possible via social networking sites.

3. Nutrition MenuApplications for fitness do not only involve monitoring and tracking exercise routines and physical activities. With this application called Nutrition Menu, you have access to the finest nutritional database online. You can virtually click and browse through various nutrition information that primarily concerns healthy dieting. All of it is possible via your iPhone.

4. EatRight 90EatRight 90 is an application exclusive for iPhone users. It focuses on providing healthy diet choices for different individuals. You are given access to 90 meal plans with different and varying health objectives. This means that you can virtually choose any kind of diet that fits your lifestyle.

5. Pocket Fitness and Gym WorkPocket Fitness and Gym Work from DragonTortise.com offers fun, innovative and intense CrossFit exercises and workout ideas all in one handy iphone app. It includes workout demos, video tutorials, workout ideas and suggestions, inspirational photos and is constantly being updated for users. This app should be in your favorite list if you are into CrossFit and Kettlebell workouts. If you are short of time, you can still get fitter, faster and stronger in just 1 hour per day using ideas from this app for fitness!

6. Full FitnessAmong the iPhone fitness applications we mentioned, this one is unique in a way that it serves as a mobile personal trainer. Its database is equipped with more than 300 exercise routines with images, instructions, and even videos. Each choice is sorted out by what area of your body you want to target or develop. Aside from the iPhone, there are also hundreds of mobile fitness applications available in another platform, Google's Android. Here are five of the best:


7. JogTracker JogTracker is the counterpart of the SportsTracker in the iPhone. It is an application designed to measure and monitors the distance as well as progress for users who like to perform distance exercises such as jogging, cycling, and running. But the best thing about it is that you get access to Google Maps, which can be very helpful in finding your way.

8. My TracksMyTracks is another GPS tracking mobile app that lets you measure and keep track of your developments and stats when you are jogging, hiking, or cycling on your iPhone. The best feature is you can upload your stats online via Google Spreadsheets.

9. SportyPal Pro Aside from having the usual GPS tracker, this Android app is primarily a personal training tool that manages most of your exercise routines. You can monitor your developments in running, treadmills, and at the same time determine heart rate, pulse, and others.

10. Diet and Food Tracker

When it comes to food and diet management, Diet and Food Tracker is the most advanced Android application. It provides the ability to check burned calories and fats. You also get to view a wide array of exercise demonstrations and videos.

11. Cardio TrainerCardio Trainer is not your typical Android mobile fitness application. It has a money back guarantee that lets you target a certain fitness goal.

Now all of these applications are useful provided that the user is willing and determined to stay fit and healthy. There's no use for all of them if there is no certain objective of losing weight and burning calories.


Thank You For Smoking: A Way to Safeguard The Young?and State Tax Revenues Through Radio Frequency Identification Tagging of Cigarettes

Introduction: Cigarette Taxes andThe Law of Unintended Consequences

Arbitrage is a simple concept. It can be defined as the practice of taking advantage of a price differential between two or more markets. The same principle of buying an item in a lower priced market and reselling it in a higher priced one applies just a equally in the worlds of high finance with stocks, bonds, options, and currencies as it does in placing sports bets or selling collectibles on eBay.

Arbitrage applies to cigarettes as well. For decades, U.S. cigarette taxes were far lower than those in Canada, leading to a high volume of cigarettes heading Northbound with Canadian travelers. On an individual level, smokers have an incentive to take advantage of the tax disparity by purchasing lower taxed and lower-priced cigarettes in neighboring states. Literally, by driving a few miles or, in many cases, by simply crossing the street, they could save themselves $10 or $20 per carton. However, academic studies have shown that for most smokers, convenience outweighs economics. The fact is that approximately two-thirds of all of all cigarettes sold in the United States are sold by the single pack. For instance, a recent study by researchers from the University of California found that after Californias 50 cent per pack tax increase, fewer than five percent of the states smokers attempted to evade the heightened tax by purchasing their cigarettes online, from nearby state s, or on an Indian reservation (where cigarettes can legally be sold tax-free).

In the U.S., while there is a federal excise tax of 39 cents levied on each pack of cigarettes, the majority of cigarette taxes are imposed at the state level. And in this decade, states have significantly increased their cigarette taxes. In fact, in the past five years alone, the average state cigarette tax has risen from 43.4 cents per pack to $1.02 a pack. In addition, major cities, such as Chicago, New York City, and Anchorage are increasingly adding their own taxes on cigarettes. In fact, the total cigarette taxes in each of these locales exceed $3 per pack! Thus, the disparity in state cigarette taxes is large, ranging from a high of $2.57 per pack in New Jersey to just 7 cents per pack in South Carolina (for reference, Louisiana's cigarette tax stands at 36 cents per pack, making it the seventh lowest of all fifty states). The disparities are especially stark when you consider that in several instances, the cigarette taxes of one state can be often double, triple or m ore than that of its neighboring states. Consider that North Carolinas tax of 35 cents per pack is five times that of neighboring South Carolina, and that New York States tax rate of $1.50 per pack is more than four times that of North Carolinas (and more than twenty times that of South Carolina. The city cigarette taxes even exacerbate these cigarette price disparities, in New York City, the municipal tax of $1.50 per pack doubles the effective tax rate on cigarettes bought there versus in other parts of the state.

These tax increases have been generally popular with the public at least with the non-smoking majority, who see cigarette taxes as a means to provide a stable source of tax revenue, while working to help curb youth smoking by making smoking less affordable. Academic studies have shown that while cigarette tax increases do decrease overall smoking rates slightly, state tax revenues still increase with each tax increase, as the core group of smokers has an almost inelastic demand for the product. Perhaps most importantly, by reducing the smoking rate in society, the tax increases should in the long-term decrease the health care costs attributable to the treatment of smoking-related illnesses and concerns (causing less government spending on health services down the road). Yet, even with todays average price for a pack of cigarettes running at $4.28, health experts have calculated that the total health care and productivity costs attributable to smoking at over ten dollars p er pack!

The Booming Business of Cigarette Smuggling

The price disparity between these markets has not been lost on entrepreneurial types in both the legitimate and illegitimate business world. Online cigarette sales have been a flourishing business, with estimates on Internet sales of cigarettes reaching into the billions. Also, the many Indian tribes in the United States have aggressively promoted tobacco sales on their tribal lands as a major attraction, both in their own right and to promote sales of other items and visits to tribal casinos. While cigarette taxes are set by the individual states, the interstate transport and sale of cigarettes is governed by a 1949 federal law known as the Jenkins Act . This statute prohibits the sale or transfer of cigarettes across state lines unless the proper taxes are paid in the receiving state. Thus, trafficking of cigarettes across state lines makes the products contraband, and in most instances, Internet retail outlets and Indian tribal sellers are not paying the proper taxes. Thi s means what are legal sales can become illegal when state lines are crossed. It also means that states lose tremendous amounts of tax revenue, estimated to be upwards of one and a half billion or more dollars annually in a recent report from the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO).

The arbitrage window is also open for smugglers as well, with both small time and large scale operators to take advantage of the price disparities between state jurisdictions. From the perspective of John D'Angelo of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATFE), There is no doubt that there's a direct relationship between the increase in a state's tax to an increase in illegal trafficking. Indeed, there have been an increasing number of cases of cigarette smuggling (officially called cigarette diversion) in the United States since the rapid rise of tobacco taxes, beginning in 2000. There is also an increasing sophistication in these trafficking operations, with the increasing involvement of both organized crime elements and terrorist organizations in these black market operations. As the Irish Republican Army has been involved with cigarette smuggling in Europe for decades, in the past few years, cases have been uncovered in the U.S. mainland involving know n international terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, PKK (the Kurdish Workers Party), and Al Qaeda. Now, the U.S. faces the very real prospect that not only are we facing not only a tax problem, but an increasing threat from terrorism, funded significantly by a growing black market trade in cigarettes coming to our shores.

Indeed, what is occurring in the U.S. is the long reach of a global epidemic of cigarette smuggling. To a lesser extent, the U.S. is also seeing the tax burden on cigarettes sparking growth in the illegal importation of counterfeit cigarette products from China and a variety of other countries around the world . In fact, according to the most recent data available, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized approximately $25 million worth of counterfeit imported cigarettes in 2003, which represents almost one-fifth of all imported commodities seized for violations of intellectual property rights. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a quarter of all cigarettes are smuggled, and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has found that Russian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Middle Eastern (mainly Pakistani, Lebanese, and Syrian) organized crime groups are highly involved in the trafficking of contraband and counterfe it cigarettes. Finally, sales of cigarettes through the black market work around the prohibitions against the sale of tobacco products to minors (under 18 or even up to 21 in some states). Thus, the World Health Organization has taken the position that the burgeoning sale of contraband cigarettes serves to significantly counteract the efforts to curb youth smoking.

Using RFID Technology to Combat Organized Cigarette Smuggling (and You, Yes You, Buying Your Smokes at the Indian Casino!)

RFID is a new, old technology using radio wave technology to identify objects as opposed to manual or bar-code based optical scanning. It is being utilized in a wide variety of industries today, everywhere from retail to pharmaceuticals to animal science to aerospace, as the cost of the technology is making it practical for routine use. In contrast, todays cigarette tax technology dates back to the early 1950s, with tax stamps on packs of cigarettes being mandated by the Jenkins Act. These have proven easily counterfeited and subject to fraud on a massive scale. Indeed, there is a rampant black market just in the sale of counterfeit and stolen tax stamps themselves. California is the only state thus far to use a new generation of machine readable tax stamps, incorporating encryption technology that gives law enforcement the ability to scan stocks of cigarettes to verify that the proper taxes have been paid. With these new, high tech tax stamps, California has seen a signif icant rise in cigarette tax revenue well in excess of $100 million in the past two years since the new requirements went into effect. And with all states struggling with declining tax revenues due to the current economic situation, recapturing tax revenues will be an especially important subject for legislators and tax enforcement agencies over the next few years.

In mid-February 2007, then Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-California) introduced The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (S.625 in the Senate and H.R. 1108 in the House). Their bills would for the first time grant the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the power to regulate the manufacture, sale and advertisement of most tobacco products, including cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. The bill specifically authorizes the use of special codes or devices on tobacco product labels for the purpose of tracking or tracing the tobacco product through the distribution system. While the proposed legislation do not now specifically call for an RFID mandate, industry and political analysts believe that this could be the case when the bills reach their final form, or, when passed in the implementing regulations. According to a recent RFID Journal analysis, Congress, while not naming RFID specifically, could become the first legislative cat alysts for the technology's use in government regulation.

A Wall Street Journal editorial dubbed the proposed legislation The Marlboro Preservation Act, as the bill through advertising restrictions and other barriers to entry would help to protect the market dominance of the major tobacco companies, making it harder and most costly for smaller manufacturers to compete. In fact, tobacco industry analysts from Morgan Stanley and Citigroup believe that the legislation would work in favor of the incumbent, large tobacco companies. This is because the increased regulatory burden and advertising limitations would limit the ability of smaller competitors to make inroads into the cigarette market, while also serving to narrow the price gap between premium and low-cost brands.

The U.S. would not be alone in looking to RFID in regulating the cigarette supply chain to specifically combat the trafficking of contraband products. The United Kingdom also has a sizeable problem with contraband cigarettes entering the British market. In fact, according to the Tobacco Manufacturers' Association (TMA), an estimated two billon counterfeit cigarettes well over a quarter of all cigarettes sold annually - are smuggled into the UK. This translates into a loss of approximately 3.5 billion in lost tax revenue for the British government from contraband cigarettes. To counteract this problem, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) announced in March that within six months, the British government would begin requiring the use of a covert security mark on all cigarette packets. Again, while not specifically naming RFID as the technology that would be utilized for the covert marking, analysts anticipate this to be the case, as the ministry desires to enable customs officials to be able to use small hand-held readers to verify the authenticity of cigarettes and that crown taxes had been properly paid.

Indeed, the WHO has recommended that countries take several steps to curb cigarette smuggling, from raising criminal penalties and licensing all parties involved in the cigarette trade who handle the product as it moves from the manufacturer through the distribution channels to the ultimate consumer. The WHO has also posited the value of having each pack of cigarettes given a serialized identification code, enabling track and trace capabilities to not only assure product authentication and provide a pedigree trail, but to ensure tax compliance as well. Again, while not suggesting an RFID-based solution specifically, it would appear that RFID would be the only technology capable of providing this level of security to the tobacco supply chain.


Will we see wide-scale tagging of cigarettes using RFID in the near future? Noted RFID analyst, Dr. Peter Harrop, Chairman of IDTechEx Ltd., cautions that with the cost of RFID tags (presently at least a quarter per unit): No one in their right mind would put a conventional RFID chip in a cigarette packet. Yet, as tag prices fall and new chipless forms of RFID emerge, the prospect of tagging individual packs of cigarettes will become more practicable. Still, the major tobacco companies may come to see RFID tagging at the pack level as enhancing their competitiveness, both in fighting the damage to their brand from counterfeit cigarettes and in putting more costs on their smaller rivals. Thus, there is likely to be an unusual degree of industry-government cooperation to foster RFID tagging of cigarettes, due to the alignment of their mutual interest to protect the legal cigarette trade. We may also see more government action in this area along the lines of the recent British government announcement and the bill before the U.S. Congress, which stands a good chance of passage this year.

Yet, the question remains as to whether labeling can be made practical from a cost perspective? The answer lies in the level of tagging. Certainly, cigarettes qualify as one of the best candidate products for tagging, due to the ratio of the cost of the tag to the value of the item in question which is right up there with high cost items such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, and liquor. The unusual situation with cigarettes is that the key level of tagging might not be at either the individual item level (the pack) or the case level. Rather, cartons of cigarettes a packaging level unique to the tobacco trade - presents a compelling business case. A carton of cigarettes is an industry standard, containing 200 cigarettes (20 cigarettes in a pack, 10 packs to a carton). By tagging cartons of cigarettes, in addition to tagging the cases and pallets that contain them, the cigarette industry and governments could significantly cut the ability of individuals and outlets to trade in contraband cigarettes. In the process, they would effectively create the largest RFID mandate and with it, new demand for RFID tags and labels into the billions of tags - that would perhaps go a long way toward promoting the market growth that would drive unit tag prices significantly downward.

Finally, as we have seen in the U.S., there is that perfect storm developing where the interest of all parties is converging to work towards both national, and perhaps even multinational, solutions. While smoking rates are declining in the U.S., it is important to note that both legal and illicit cigarette sales are a burgeoning market globally. According to the most recent analysis from the World Health Organization, there are well over a billion smokers worldwide more than one-sixth of the global population consuming the approximately 5.5 trillion cigarettes produced annually by the tobacco industry. Thus, when talking about RFID and cigarettes, there is no blowing smoke theres surely a growth opportunity here for innovative companies ready for an innovative, effective RFID-based solution for the tobacco industry.


David C. Wyld () is the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. He is a management consultant, researcher/writer, and executive educator.


2013年8月24日 星期六

Wealth And Health: A-Z Blogging And Freelance Writing Success Tips

To many internet entrepreneurs, night and day mean nothing more than hours, as time is acknowledged by the minute rather than by the day. Making money online is the name of the game.

The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The following health tips will help you cope with the pressures of making money Online and reduce health risks associated with the long hours in front of the computer screen. Besides, the most important resource to a blogger, is the blogger himself. All the other factors: reliable Internet connection, a working computer and working space are all replaceable. They are guaranteed to make your experience making money Online more enjoyable.

A is for Addictions


Health Risks in Bloggers: To overcome writers block, some bloggers are known to imbibe Alcohol , smoke packets of cigarette while others smoke cannabis. Alcohol binging is also common due to time constraints and the need to " release " after days and nights spent holed up in the house behind the computer.

Health Tip: Here is a simple rule that works for me. When you can't write then its time to read. Read the work of other writers to inspire yourself, challenge yourself, to learn and to inform thy self. It also helps making drafts to jot down those foggy ideas so that you can return later to polish them into worthy articles.

To smooth-en the task of making money Online, it is also important to set time every day to nurse that battered body and brain. Doing this can also be a motivating tool. This is because you can set goals that you want to achieve by the time set for recharging, so that you can enjoy your free time in peace.


B is for Back Problems


Health Risk for Bloggers: Poor sitting positions due to bad choice in furniture leading to back strain and back pains

Health Tip: The following images attributed tomedicinenet.comandBBC.comrespectively, should help with preventing back pain.

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C is for Caffeine


Health Risks for Bloggers: Too much Tea, Coffee and Coke soda.

The former two cause diuresis leading to dehydration. They also carry the risk of caffeine addiction. Soda contains an equivalent of six tablespoons of sugar per serving. Diabetes and heart attack risk are increased by taking too much sugar which deranges your blood sugar levels with time.

Health Tip: Take other fluids to rehydrate. Coffee and tea are not that bad. Fresh juice, hot water with lemon are plausible alternatives. Good old water remains the best option. If you have to take coffee with breakfast to get you starting, try including more proteins in your breakfast as amino acids give the body a similar boost.


D is for Depression


Health Risks For Bloggers: Updating posts, commenting, promoting your blog and research is a lot of work. Bloggers are constantly worried about the state of their Blogs and how to make money machines out of them.

Health Tips: Outsource what you can as soon as you can. Hire ghost writers if need be, invite friends to publish as guests on your blog. Keep short to mid -term achievable goals. Consistency is key rather than just the quantity of work done.


E is for Eye problems


Health Risks For Bloggers: Poor lighting of the work area. Eye problems like glaucoma have been reported to be caused by spending long hours in front of computer screens. Headaches due to straining to read text in poorly light working conditions are also common.

HealthTip: Set conditions to be fit for reading. A well distributed diffuse light is best. Adjust the font on pages where the font is too small. Do not work in'adarkroom'where all lights are switched off and the glaring computer screen is the only source of light in the room. Adjust the brightness of your monitor.


F is for Family and Friends


Take time to make family and friends understand the difference in schedules for you as a blogger. As you do so, create time for them too. Schedule visits, lunch dates and even simply pick up the phone and make a call. Not only does this refresh and re-energize, contact with friends and family may provide you with juicy ideas for your next project.


G is for Gym


You need to exercise otherwise your sedentary lifestyle may lead to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, type 2 diabetes and even heart attacks! Exercise has many benefits for the body and mind. Remember to get in some resistance training through weight lifting. For those who cannot afford the gym, push ups now and them will do.


H is for Habits


Health Risks For Bloggers: Smoking is the main focus here as at times, smoking is more of a habitual problem than an addiction to nicotine. It could be the sound of the match stick as it bursts out into flames or the need to feel something between your lips that drives you to light up. Maybe, it is just something that breaks the monotony of typing on the keyboard. So to say, a conveniently wonderful, personal legal distraction.

Health Tip: Be warned! Quiting is easier said than done. Try and take note of the environmental stimuli that cause you to reach out for that cigarette. Then try alter your behaviour in response to the noted stimuli by re-directing the urge and doing an alternative action.

Keep the packet of cigarettes away from sight to prevent impulsive actions. Seek help and support, but remember that the decision to quit needs to come from you. Nicotine supplements and the electronic cigarette have been of help to many though there is a school of thought that nicotine supplements may hamper a smoker making that decision to quit smoking.


I for Insomnia


Blogging pressures described above in D are culprits here. Sleep disorders are common due to the erratic schedules of Online business.

Insomnia and other sleep disorders may precipitate burn out and depression. Do yourself a favour by setting a specific sleep time, understand your sleeping habits and how much of sleep you need to function adequately. Keep your sleep time sacred and holy and observe it like theSabath.


J is for Junk Food


The temptation to snack is great as Blogging is energy consuming. When this is coupled by the sedentary lifestyle of Blogging, heart attacks ,obesity and diabetes soon come knocking on the door. If you are a lolly pop person, sugar free versions should be the norm. Other healthy snacks include ground nuts and other nuts, fruits and fresh vegetables like carrots. Observing set meal times also helps in reducing snacking.


K for Kegel Exercises


In recognition of the importance of sexual health. Kegel exercises which involve intermittent deliberate clenching and relaxation of pelvic floor muscles in a manner akin to how one holds back urine, have been reported to confer benefits to the sexual experience.


L is for Laughing


It is said that a giggle a day keeps the doctor away. Treat yourself to something that is purely fun and amusing while surfing the web every 90 mins or so. They are plenty of good jokes Online and streaming TV shows to help with this.


M is for Music


Music is food for the soul. It may help unlock that writers block more than puffing away a pack of cigarettes. Background instrumental music should provide apt company for any blogger. Playing your favourite play-list may uplift your spirits.

If need be, crank up the volume, Dance along or sing along to the music to break the monotony of typing away. I have this habit of taking time to select a long play-list that will play as I work; before I do any work Online. For me it is a simple " No Music, No work " policy.


N is for Neighbours


To the casual observer, a blogger may be an enigma. Erratic time schedules, late nights, partying at odd times and the nondescript life may pass on misconceptions about you. I had a chuckle the other day when one of my neighbours confessed to me how they thought I was some sort of spy or secret government agent. It could have been worse you know- a terrorist maybe?

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If you have nosy neighbours [ who doesn't anyway] it would be nice to say hello when the chance presents itself. Take time to participate in neighbour hood initiatives. This doesn't have to be time consuming as time is indeed money in Online business. You can offer your expertise by doing the research, carrying out social media marketing and designing fliers and posters. These activities marry into your work, give you an opportunity to hone your skills, present opportunities to skillfully market your Online business and cater for the social aspect of health.


O is for Optimism


Especially when starting out, Blogging is extremely unrewarding. You may even start to think that all those stories you heard about successful Online business are scams. Quite often, many quit before the harvest is due. Most of those over night successes you have read about come after numerous attempts and failures. You might quit at your 99th post yet it is that abandoned 100th blog post that may have opened the doors for you. Keep your spirits up, the beauty of Blogging and freelance writing is that every product you churn has the potential of having an endless shelf life. Keep this in mind and build on successes, learn from your mistakes. Your day will come.


Second part: Health Tips ( P => Z )



As a dietitian, the three most common questions which smokers ask me about diet and smoking, are: (1) Can a diet compensate for health damage caused by smoking? (2) What should I eat if I smoke? (3) If I quit, what type of diet is best to prevent weight gain?


No diet or eating-plan, no matter how nutritious, can neutralise the health damage caused by the 850+ chemicals in tobacco smoke - many of which are carcinogenic. On average, if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you double your risk of a heart-attack and are five times more likely to suffer a stroke than a non-smoker. At 40 cigarettes a day, you are five times more likely to suffer from sudden cardiac death. Smoking is also the leading cause of lung cancer.

Thus before we even start to examine an appropriate type of diet for smokers, my overriding advice is: quit smoking today!


For anyone who smokes, daily diet nutrition is critical. The damage doneto the body's cardiovascular and respiratory functions requires a constant need for extra nutrients. Even if you smoke 5 cigarettes a day, you have increased nutritional needs due to your increased risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis, emphysema and numerous cancers. As stated, a healthy diet will not prevent these health conditions, but it may delay their development.


Tobacco smoke leads to increased levels of free radicals - cancer-causing agents - in the body and a corresponding need for protective antioxidants that can neutralise them. The main antioxidant vitamins are vitamin C and vitamin E (which works best in combination with the mineral selenium). Phytochemicals such as bioflavonoids and carotenoids (eg. beta-carotene) are also rich in antioxidants.


Use the following suggestions are a guide to minimum dietary requirements.

- Eat 3-5 daily servings of deep green, dark red, orange of yellow vegetables.

- Eat 3-5 daily servings of red, yellow, orange or green fruits.

- Switch from coffee to tea, ideally green tea.

- Each day, take 2 tsp of wheatgerm oil (rich in vitamin E) and 6 Brazil nuts (selenium).

[Note: a serving is approx 1 medium fruit, or 1/2 cup chopped]


One cigarette is estimated to rob the body of 25mg of vitamin C. Thus all smokers have a greatly increased need for this antioxidant-rich vitamin simply to maintain minimum levels. In practice, this need can only be met by taking supplements. As a general guide, I suggest you take 1 gram of vitamin C supplements per day. Choose a "timed-release" brand that includes a minimum of 100mg bioflavonoids.


Fruits, such as: blackcurrants, papaya, guava, cantaloupe, elderberries, kiwi fruit, mango, oranges, strawberries.

Fruit Juices, such as: cranberry, grapefruit, lemon, orange.

Vegetables, such as: red peppers, green peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes.


Carotenoids are pigments found in plants. All carotenoids are antioxidants, the most common example being beta-carotene. It is found in green plants (eg. spinach), as well as orange and yellow plants, such as carrots, sweet potato and melons. Clinical trials indicate that when consumed in foods - not supplements - betacarotene reduces certain precancerous symptoms.

[Warning: for reasons which are still unclear, beta-carotene supplements actually increase the risk of disease (eg. lung cancer). Thus your intake of beta-carotene should come exclusively from food.]


Use the following suggestions are a guide to minimum dietary requirements.

Eat 4 daily servings of deep green, yellow or red vegetables, including: carrots, sweetcorn, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato.

Eat 4oz tomatoes daily, either in sauce or chopped.

Eat 3 daily servings of colored fruit, including: melon, oranges, strawberries, mango, cherries.


According to research evidence, cigarette smokers who eat more brassicas have less incidence of cancers (eg. breast, colorectal, lung, pancreatic, prostate and stomach). As all these cancers are initiated by free radicals, it follows that brassicas may help to prevent other problems initiated by free radical damage and accelerated by smoking, such as: cataracts, emphysema, asthma and age spots.

Brassicas include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (all types), cauliflower, cress, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, radish, swede, turnip, watercress.


Garlic is a good source of unique antioxidants and contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Its anti-tumor properties are well documented. Onions, a member of the same vegetable family, have similar properties to garlic.


Reduce the total fat in your diet. At the same time, minimize your intake of saturated fat and trans-fatty acids. Eat regular servings of omega-3-rich oily fish (eg. salmon, mackerel, sardines).

Eat healthy carbohydrates. Avoid refined white flour carbs, choose only whole grains such as, oats, brown rice, wholewheat pasta. In addition, choose foods rich in soluble fiber (eg. apples, oat bran).

Eat healthy low-fat protein such as fish, lean chicken/turkey, or egg-whites. Include small amounts of lean red meat in your diet, along with regular servings of soy foods (eg. soybeans) and other vegetable protein.

Reduce sodium in your daily diet. Check food labels and choose low-sodium or sodium-free foods. Also avoid adding salt when cooking or eating.As a dietitian, the three most common questions which smokers ask me about diet and smoking, are: (1) Can a diet compensate for health damage caused by smoking? (2) What should I eat if I smoke? (3) If I quit, what type of diet is best to prevent weight gain?


No diet or eating-plan, no matter how nutritious, can neutralise the health damage caused by the 850+ chemicals in tobacco smoke - many of which are carcinogenic. On average, if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you double your risk of a heart-attack and are five times more likely to suffer a stroke than a non-smoker. At 40 cigarettes a day, you are five times more likely to suffer from sudden cardiac death. Smoking is also the leading cause of lung cancer.

Thus before we even start to examine an appropriate type of diet for smokers, my overriding advice is: quit smoking today!


For anyone who smokes, daily diet nutrition is critical. The damage doneto the body's cardiovascular and respiratory functions requires a constant need for extra nutrients. Even if you smoke 5 cigarettes a day, you have increased nutritional needs due to your increased risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis, emphysema and numerous cancers. As stated, a healthy diet will not prevent these health conditions, but it may delay their development.


Tobacco smoke leads to increased levels of free radicals - cancer-causing agents - in the body and a corresponding need for protective antioxidants that can neutralise them. The main antioxidant vitamins are vitamin C and vitamin E (which works best in combination with the mineral selenium). Phytochemicals such as bioflavonoids and carotenoids (eg. beta-carotene) are also rich in antioxidants.


Use the following suggestions are a guide to minimum dietary requirements.

- Eat 3-5 daily servings of deep green, dark red, orange of yellow vegetables.

- Eat 3-5 daily servings of red, yellow, orange or green fruits.

- Switch from coffee to tea, ideally green tea.

- Each day, take 2 tsp of wheatgerm oil (rich in vitamin E) and 6 Brazil nuts (selenium).

[Note: a serving is approx 1 medium fruit, or 1/2 cup chopped]


One cigarette is estimated to rob the body of 25mg of vitamin C. Thus all smokers have a greatly increased need for this antioxidant-rich vitamin simply to maintain minimum levels. In practice, this need can only be met by taking supplements. As a general guide, I suggest you take 1 gram of vitamin C supplements per day. Choose a "timed-release" brand that includes a minimum of 100mg bioflavonoids.


Fruits, such as: blackcurrants, papaya, guava, cantaloupe, elderberries, kiwi fruit, mango, oranges, strawberries.

Fruit Juices, such as: cranberry, grapefruit, lemon, orange.

Vegetables, such as: red peppers, green peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes.


Carotenoids are pigments found in plants. All carotenoids are antioxidants, the most common example being beta-carotene. It is found in green plants (eg. spinach), as well as orange and yellow plants, such as carrots, sweet potato and melons. Clinical trials indicate that when consumed in foods - not supplements - betacarotene reduces certain precancerous symptoms.

[Warning: for reasons which are still unclear, beta-carotene supplements actually increase the risk of disease (eg. lung cancer). Thus your intake of beta-carotene should come exclusively from food.]


Use the following suggestions are a guide to minimum dietary requirements.

Eat 4 daily servings of deep green, yellow or red vegetables, including: carrots, sweetcorn, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato.

Eat 4oz tomatoes daily, either in sauce or chopped.

Eat 3 daily servings of colored fruit, including: melon, oranges, strawberries, mango, cherries.


According to research evidence, cigarette smokers who eat more brassicas have less incidence of cancers (eg. breast, colorectal, lung, pancreatic, prostate and stomach). As all these cancers are initiated by free radicals, it follows that brassicas may help to prevent other problems initiated by free radical damage and accelerated by smoking, such as: cataracts, emphysema, asthma and age spots.

Brassicas include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (all types), cauliflower, cress, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, radish, swede, turnip, watercress.


Garlic is a good source of unique antioxidants and contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Its anti-tumor properties are well documented. Onions, a member of the same vegetable family, have similar properties to garlic.


Reduce the total fat in your diet. At the same time, minimize your intake of saturated fat and trans-fatty acids. Eat regular servings of omega-3-rich oily fish (eg. salmon, mackerel, sardines).

Eat healthy carbohydrates. Avoid refined white flour carbs, choose only whole grains such as, oats, brown rice, wholewheat pasta. In addition, choose foods rich in soluble fiber (eg. apples, oat bran).

Eat healthy low-fat protein such as fish, lean chicken/turkey, or egg-whites. Include small amounts of lean red meat in your diet, along with regular servings of soy foods (eg. soybeans) and other vegetable protein.

Reduce sodium in your daily diet. Check food labels and choose low-sodium or sodium-free foods. Also avoid adding salt when cooking or eating.


No cigarette smokers diet-plan is complete without regular physical exercise. Working within your fitness capacity, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to about 30-45 minutes a day, on most days. For best effects on lung capacity and cardiovascular function, choose aerobic exercise such as: brisk walking, jogging, jumping rope, swimming and most sports.


Yes, if you take proper physical exercise and eat a healthy calorie-controlled diet, you are unlikely to gain weight. However, in my experience, some weight gain seems to be inevitable.


Most smokers gain weight immediately after they quit. Current evidence suggests that the average weight gain for both men and women who quit smoking is about 6-8 pounds. The more you smoke, the higher the risk of weight gain when you quit. This weight gain is due to the decrease in metabolic rate and an increase in appetite experienced when you quit smoking. This weight increase is perfectly normal, and need only be a short term event.


There is no single diet which will prevent weight gain once you quit smoking. Your best option is to focus on healthy eating combined with regular vigorous exercise (within your fitness capacity) and let Nature do the rest. As a general guide, follow these suggestions.

First, cut down on caffeine. Nicotine withdrawal makes us jittery and nervous. So it's important to avoid coffee and caffeine-rich soft drinks which may increase this nervous tension.

Second, increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Studies show that an increased intake of fruit and vegetables can help to minimize weight gain after you quit smoking. Eat them for snacks, add them to meals, eat them as starters and/or desserts. Eat them on car journeys instead of sweets or candy.

Third, eat little and often. Avoid the temptation to linger over your meals. Get into the habit of eating smaller meals at more regular intervals. Aim to eat something, no matter how small, every 2-3 hours. This helps to maintain a regular rate of calorie-burning.

Fourth, take steps to learn more about nutrition and choose nutrient-dense foods whenever possible. (See above for information about antioxidants, and healthy fats, carbs and protein.)


Make physical exercise a top priority in your daily schedule. Ideally join a gym or fitness center and get into shape. Research evidence demonstrates a clear link between exercise and weight control after you quit smoking. Choose both cardio-aerobic and strength-training exercises, as both play an important role in raising metabolic rate.

Also, make sure you get enough sleep. Research evidence shows that lack of sleep may lead to weight gain, as well as an increased craving for cigarettes and food.


No cigarette smokers diet-plan is complete without regular physical exercise. Working within your fitness capacity, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to about 30-45 minutes a day, on most days. For best effects on lung capacity and cardiovascular function, choose aerobic exercise such as: brisk walking, jogging, jumping rope, swimming and most sports.


Yes, if you take proper physical exercise and eat a healthy calorie-controlled diet, you are unlikely to gain weight. However, in my experience, some weight gain seems to be inevitable.


Most smokers gain weight immediately after they quit. Current evidence suggests that the average weight gain for both men and women who quit smoking is about 6-8 pounds. The more you smoke, the higher the risk of weight gain when you quit. This weight gain is due to the decrease in metabolic rate and an increase in appetite experienced when you quit smoking. This weight increase is perfectly normal, and need only be a short term event.


There is no single diet which will prevent weight gain once you quit smoking. Your best option is to focus on healthy eating combined with regular vigorous exercise (within your fitness capacity) and let Nature do the rest. As a general guide, follow these suggestions.

First, cut down on caffeine. Nicotine withdrawal makes us jittery and nervous. So it's important to avoid coffee and caffeine-rich soft drinks which may increase this nervous tension.

Second, increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Studies show that an increased intake of fruit and vegetables can help to minimize weight gain after you quit smoking. Eat them for snacks, add them to meals, eat them as starters and/or desserts. Eat them on car journeys instead of sweets or candy.

Third, eat little and often. Avoid the temptation to linger over your meals. Get into the habit of eating smaller meals at more regular intervals. Aim to eat something, no matter how small, every 2-3 hours. This helps to maintain a regular rate of calorie-burning.

Fourth, take steps to learn more about nutrition and choose nutrient-dense foods whenever possible. (See above for information about antioxidants, and healthy fats, carbs and protein.)


Make physical exercise a top priority in your daily schedule. Ideally join a gym or fitness center and get into shape. Research evidence demonstrates a clear link between exercise and weight control after you quit smoking. Choose both cardio-aerobic and strength-training exercises, as both play an important role in raising metabolic rate.

Also, make sure you get enough sleep. Research evidence shows that lack of sleep may lead to weight gain, as well as an increased craving for cigarettes and food.


2013年8月23日 星期五

What Are Electronic Cigarettes?

If you're anything like me, when you first heard the term "e-cig" you probably thought it was some kind of computer program or internet website designed to simulate smoking an actual cigarette (a.k.a. something that no one would openly admit to participating in). However, an e-cig is much, much different from that.

An electronic cigarette is a battery-powered device that delivers nicotine to the system in the form of a vapor. E-cigs are an outstanding alternative to smoking regular cigarettes because they simulate all of the same effects minus the tar and 10,000 other harmful chemicals. In addition, e-cigs come in a large variety of flavors and nicotinic levels...which brings me tomy next point: there are no proven health risks for smoking (or asI like to call it, "vaping") an electronic cigarette.

In fact, studies conducted on ex-smokers who converted to e-cigs show improved health signs almost immediately. People who quit smoking for vaping report feeling more energetic, more willing to participate in activities they had previously forlorn, and most importantly: more alive. Why? Because the majority of vapers do not experience thehealth defects that smokers do.

What else is cool about vaping? It produces absolutely no smell . As soon as you blow out the vapor, it dissolves within a few seconds (although enough vapor is produced to do tricks). This means no lingering smell, no smelly clothes, no horrible tobacco aftertaste (those of you who have kissed a smoker right after they finished smoking know what this is like), and most importantly none of the social and hygenic problems that are associated with smoking. What's one of the best parts about vaping over smoking? Well, as you can imagine after reading this, you can smoke it anywhere. Of course, you still want to be mindful of others...it would probably be considered rude vaping right in front of someone as they are speaking to you. Where it IS ok to smoke is your favorite club, your office while finishing a report, your car with the windows down and so many other places.

Sounds like a pretty appealing gadget, right? Of course, you are most likely not going to accept the words of a stranger so quickly. How exactly does something so similiar to a cigarette come with so little hassles and so many more benefits? Well, the truth is that it's nothing similiar to a cigarette at all. Cigarettes carry so many costs: lighters (and they seem to disappear so fast...), frequent trips to the store and laundry room, yellow teeth, health degeneration...honestly, there are so many it's easy to lose track of time while listing them. To smoke a cigarette you literally have to inhale "smoke"--the same stuff that's produced by a burning building, a burning bush, a burning...turkey. In most cases, cigarette smoke is way more toxic of a smoke to inhale because of all the chemicals contained within the smoke. However, many of us smokers saw that the utility of smoking (i.e. how it can take you out of a stressful moment) outweighed the healthrisks -- plus, most of us weren't going to be smoking for that much longer...right? Now, using this to segway into the next point...vaping provides everything that smoking does and MORE. The vapor of an e-cig is produced when its internal heating system interacts with the liquid solution--providing a clean, smoke-free vapor. An e-cig's heating system is activated each time the user takes a drag, so no more having to worry about a match or wet-weather. The main ingredient inside of the liquid solution varies between "Propylene glycol" and "Glycerol," both of which are odor-less, organic compounds used in a large variety of health and food products (and by main ingredient I mean more than 85% of the solution). I tried looking as hard as I could for e-cigs containing tar but I couldn't find any. And in terms of monetary costs? Well, in addition to the money you'll save because you won't need a lighter etc., you get more puffs per cartridge per dollar than you do puffs per cigarette per dollar...aka you're going to be spending way less restocking your e-cig than you will your cigarette carton (and a much easier time stocking your wallets and purses).

Electronic cigarettes are the best alternative to smoking a traditional cigarette on the market. Sure, nicotine patches may work sometimes, but most of us started smoking because of the act of smoking. To be honest, I don't even notice the nicotine most of the time...smoking isjust something that keeps my hands busy and provides the oral fixation we are all scientifically proven to desire. Smoking is great for when you're out with friends, going through a stressful business project, on your break at work, or just want something to do for 5 minutes because you're going crazy in your house. By vaping, you get to do ALL OF THIS but to a much greater extreme: vape with your friends inside the club, take a break from your project inside the comfort of your own home, vape on your break without having to worry about smoke on your clothes...whatever you do, you can vape anywhere. And the deal-sealer? There are no proven health risks associated with vaping.

Enjoy everything you love doing with a cigarette but without any of the worries.

E-cigs...they're new, they're hip, they're 100% completely tar-free. Now the only thing you'll have to worry about is choosing which flavor you'll want for next week...
