2013年6月28日 星期五

Long Distance Running Secrets - How to Improve Lung Power For Better Running Mileage And Cardio

Doing cardio training on a regular basis is the surest way to develop explosive lung power and improve your running mileage and resistance over time.

Hence, adding a long distance running workout into your training program can assist further with the attainment of your desired results.

For that, here are a few tips and guidelines that can ensure success to your long distance running sessions.

What Long Slow Distance Running means?

LSD running means sticking to a moderate and easy running pace in which you can pass the conversational test without grasping for a breath, if you can't converse while your run, then you are pushing too hard on yourself and have to take it down a notch.

Your heart beat should not exceed 70% of its maximum rate. And remember: you are following the easy approach, so there is no need to push your body to its limits.

Long slow distance running benefits:

LSD running is the best training approach for beginner fitness enthusiasts who want to improve their lung power and cardiovascular resistance without pushing hard on themselves and running the risk of injury and burn out. This type of training usually cultivates focus and sharpens your mental edge and thus, it has generative effects on other areas of your life.

And for those who struggle with the extra pounds, LSD running trains your muscles to be more effective at burning calories. In fact, doing this type of training will turn your muscles into fat burning furnaces. However you may lose muscle mass if you are not taking enough protein into your system.

Furthermore, this type of running is the perfect timing for working on enhancing your running habits. Good training principles such as proper running form can be best taught and put into practice while you're training within a moderate and easy pace, allowing you to concentrate on the technical part.

How long a LSD running workout should last?

The answer depends on your aspirations and current physical fitness level. If you are a newbie, then you need to take it slow and build up the mileage incrementally. Your first running sessions should not last more than 30 minutes and shouldn't increase your mileage by more than 10% per week.Otherwise you will be setting the stage for unwanted injuries and setbacks.

However if you feel confident about your current physical fitness, then there is no harm for pushing the envelop but just be careful not to do too much too soon. for me, a typical long slow running session lasts for more than 90 minutes.

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