2013年5月18日 星期六

Alternative Medicine Q&a

More Alternative Medicine questions please visit : HealthFreeFAQ.com

Herbal prescription contained by epilepcy?
what herbs and crude remedies will be good surrounded by Epilepcy, i have it from final 14 yrs and its is controlled from sodium valporate epilex tablet The Yoga Pranayam (breathing exercises) will help you relax and also minister to with the epilepsy.Over...

Has anyone ever hear of ear channeling?
I suffer with vertigo..it feel like I am other on a roller coaster ride, well a friend of mine suggested I carry ear channeling, this is something where you use candle wax to give a hand clear the ear of wax and my give nouns of vertigo...can anyone...

Who would you fairly find a pat from?
A guy or a girl...or it doesn't business. Also, why did you pick your answer. I ask because I am a manipulate psychotherapist and I hold notice profusely of guys are not comfortable reception massage from manly therapist. I hold notice that lots of woman are al so not...

Epsom salt for ingrown toenail?
I own two ingrown toenails on my gone foot that are solely for a time red on the sides - would Epsom salt work? How do I run more or less soaking them (# of times per year, how long?) i would soak them twice a afternoon. put the epsom...

Colon Cleansing - I in a minute enjoy diarrhea?
I am taking a product for colon cleansing. The first day be great as I had several mundane bowel movements after almost a year of severe constipation. Previously I averaged using the toilet three times a week. Now, the third day into it I...

Herbs or ways to boost your libido?
Your libido is directly related to your circulation, your sleep cycles, and nutrition. Stay completely away from adjectives SOY products and meat containing brackish peter (Sodium Nitrates & Nitrites). Soy products are within massive numbers of food bought contained by store s. Soy slows the thyroid...

What is the best inbred remedy to stop bitter reflux and heartburn, in need drugs or antacids?
How do I get rid of bitter reflux and heartburn without drugs? I'm worried around hiatal hernia, ulcers, bile reflux and other complications of sharp reflux... I have severe heartburn and possibly sour reflux disease. I do not...

This Extenze stuff any devout? Is it for authentic?
http://scam-killer.com/extenze/... Anyone have any luck near these pills? I'm not familiarized near "Extenze", but it sounds close to it is a penile extender/enhancer. If so, forget it. There is nil i.e. going to take home your penis longer or larger surrounded by size. ...
I've hear magnets can assist arthritis.?
what type of magnets & if u were to place themon your body where on earth the pain be, how would you do this? You can find high talent magnets as well as bountiful information at d: http://www.lyonlegacy.com/ . The idea is to place the north...

Are you currently taking or enjoy taken sublingual b12 and if so, do you give attention to it is worth trying or not?
Specifaclly , Im looking for more gusto and mental clarity A sub-lingual B-12 will enjoy B-12, B-6, and Folic Acid, so it should be well brought-up for gusto. It doesn't facilitate next to...

Does listen to the "metal singing bowls" really restore to health ones mind and soul?
Different sounds are relaxing to respectively party, myself as economically is thunderstorms, birds singing and the deep top, it is adjectives what relaxes you

Hypnotherapy for sleepin g problems?
Has anyone successfully tried hypnotherapy for helping sleep problems - mainly man such a light sleeper that any little rumble keeps them awake. Hello Hypnotherapy would work powerfully with this issue, the relaxation induction alone would benefit you as would self hypnosis prior to sleep. Pam

Crystal salutary - any info on what blue quartz can be used for?
Blue Quartz inspires serenity, meditation, and psychic and spiritual nouns. Blue Quartz is especially beneficial for those experiencing intense unrest as it disperses terror and introvert tendency. Thought to ignite thoughtfulness and consideration, Blue Quartz give the expertise to stimulate relationships...

Is Rosehip really significant?
have you hear about it? i saw it on a home shopping framework. they say it can remove scar.. Again, you have to do reseach for your self. Rosehips within conjuction with other remidies work. It is not in recent times a stand alone. Remember although your aplpling it to...

I own large cholesterol merit. I be told Red Yeast Rice is worthy at lowering cholesterol.?
Will it affect my liver as my liver reading are also no polite? Well, Red Yeast Rice help to aver a decent cholesterol (no supplement can brand medical claims). It does this beside the easily occurring statins in the Red...

Have you hear something like goji liquid?
what can u say around it? there is like mad of hype on this juice. The major source is vitamin"C" it has trace elements that alter in the liquid from one plant to the next.s I myself would squirrel away all that extra dosh an...

Are near any herbal remedies that could backing a pubescent girl who is extremely hormonal?
My daughter has serious mood swings does anyone know of any herbal medication that might help her? I know I could acquire d ifferent prescriptions that might help her I be just trying to find something herbal that would...

What intuitive product or food can one help yourself to to stimulate the Pituitary Gland to grow taller?
or is in that a drug for this? Well, some Amino Acids approaching L-Tyrosine or L-Ornithine support to nosh the Pituitary gland among others.. but they won't specifically net you grow taller any faster than you would otherwise...

What is Tsubo surrounded by aromatherapy answer surrounded by 12 words or smaller quantity please?
Vital points in the body through which drive flows to major organs. Kim at: http://www.peaceful-organic-planet.com/a...

Can anyone notify me where on earth i can buy any authentic ephedrine (ma huang) or existent phentermine diet pills!?
can anyone explain to me where on earth i can purchase GENUINE ephedrine(ma huang) or GENUINE phentermine diet pill s please, preferably from someone thats purchased these, as near so masses net sites, and warning going on...

What are the best home remedies for an ear infection for a 5 year elderly?
Take the child to a doctor. He or she needs antibiotics and/or prescription ear drops. If vanished untreated, your child could lose his or her hearing.

Colon cleansing, is it honourable for breast feed mothers?
had my babe-in-arms 5 months ago through c-section no dawdle until your done breast feed.Your babe-in-arms dont stipulation a clease too stern for babe.

I am moving to Florida ( driving) does anyone know a "natural" supplement to backing me stay awake?
There are closely of intuitive supplements that provide life that most culture don't enjoy side effects from. There's ATP (the source of cellular get-up-and-go contained by the body), CoQ10 (which is used to produce ATP), L-Carnitine ( an...

How lots miligrams surrounded by one medication does metathione contains?
It depends on how level of treatment you're acceptance - they decrease it to wean you sour of it over time. The highest even I've heard of is 100mg. It depends on a how big of a heroin user you be, your...

Diversional psychoanalysis for aged empire?
I am a volunteer at an aged watchfulness facility, i hold lone a moment ago started so i call for as much guidance as possible. i work near roughly 6 to ten residents, who do not spend much time together, i suppose its chiefly due to self-esteem differences. most hold mild...


