2014年1月1日 星期三

Health Food-Based

Attitude. Think about food in general. The most basic attitudes are expressed by the famous statement, "Some people eat to live, and some eat to live."

Eating is considered as a way to survive and a process that must be met in order to keep body and soul together, or that eating is an extraordinarily satisfying experience for the senses to be delivered at least 3 times a day more often if possible, or eating is a necessary function of nature that is both comfortable and functional, and should be considered part of our daily life and culture.

Depending on your particular personal opinion, you should either follow the tendency to pay greater focus on the mental power, or you prefer to stay in the moment, but the temporary comfort of familiar tastes and habits, without worrying that your food choices, quality, good or bad, and its influence on your health or your family.

If food is the sensory part of the ruling continues to eat and enjoy it as little thought and consideration of the subject as possible. In fact, you can find better if you stop reading this article and continue what they were doing.

However, ten to one that has found an interest in food has focused because you realize that not only sensory, but there are consequences arising from the nature and quantity of food you eat. And in our affluent society, the problem is more general, indulgence instead of not eating enough. In fact, many people are so fat, but instead to limit their intake of food, pay professionals to lose weight for them! When people are starving in other countries, we must never abuse our good fortune to replace our need, with such avidity.

If you can not accept that to use the natural rules for good health, we must begin to consider the amount of cut is the first consideration, there is a chance that you will continue to read more.

Some useful rules of nutrition

1. The first discipline is to quit in the medium term. Stop responding to the normal activity of their food purchases and preparation of food during meals. This will make an opportunity for a new interest in introducing new foods, to rethink old habits, re-evaluate what the needs are. Think about what you buy and what they eat. Decides to elect the quality, not quantity.

2. We all know that our body needs vitamins, minerals and natural substances to provide fuel for our physical and mental vitality, build and maintain our body structure and support all the wonderful complexity of physiological function. We need many ingredients in the sense of a great deal of variety in food, so our body has the ability to select the ingredients you need.

For the third balance your food choices, it is an interesting hypothesis and reasonable that we should reduce the amount of food we eat and deliver more, because we like their taste. Most nutritionists common response to hearing the advice to cut down on food, especially cheese, for example - "Oh, but I like cheese!"

The other part of discipline is to start introducing natural foods in the past, we have chosen to avoid. You can apply this policy to our advantage, not only to increase our health and energy but also extends our potential to enjoy a wide variety of foods.

4. Quantity of food is often a problem in the discipline. In developed countries, most of us eat too much, so for some time, we can reduce the amount of our meals without losing weight. The rule of one day meal can be different than our old way, but it seems to live in luxury in poor countries and in all circumstances. Try reducing the amount of food improves.

5. Food quality improves as you stop and consider each purchase in the markets and to the extent that you can grow your own organic food, to supplement commercial supplies. What is the origin of your choice lettuce, fish, fruits and nuts, pork chops, milk? There is nothing better than a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and as nature provides. Manufacture of food is always at the expense of its nutritional value. In other words, do not buy the best quality unless you remember that rule.

6th Fresh foods contain important nutrients. Cooking of any kind will affect these elements so that cooking should be minimized and salads, fruits and fresh rose. Do not use aluminum pans. Stainless steel is best.

Once someone begins to think before eating, we are half way to solving the food problem - that is increasingly demanding. We must choose wisely to build the body of the chosen material. We know that everything we eat today, largely determines our health in the future. This is undoubtedly the best health insurance easier and we could. It is not based on chance, but natural laws, we can learn to live.

Take responsibility for your health and other requirements of skills and serious recognition of the importance of their role. Work is likely to continue for many years, so it's best to find ways to enjoy the food and its preparation as an art form. It requires skills and the ability to buy fruits and vegetables of good quality for the presentation of food at meals.

It does not end here, without a reminder of the need for good digestion and health counseling for the traditional 32 chews each mouthful of food. Not only will this improve digestion, but add your own through the enjoyment of the taste buds happier.

So to improve their own health and that of the whole family by taking a serious interest in food will lead to many benefits, not only in better health for all, but can help you keep your money.


