2012年7月17日 星期二

Electronic Cigarettes -- A Healthier Alternative to Tobacco Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes have now been on the market for several years, and are steadily gaining in popularity. Many cigarette smokers are switching to these smoke-free devices as they discover that they are a much healthier alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes and cigars.

Everyone knows that smokingtraditional tobacco cigarettes is extremely dangerous toyour health. Contributing in a large part to this healt hazard are theover 4,000 different chemical agents foundin every single cigarette. Andamong these chemicals are approximately 60 different carcinogens -- in other words, chemicals and toxins that have been proven to cause cancer.

Carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic, cyanide, benzene, methanol, ammonia and lead -- all of these can be found in traditional cigarettes, and all of them cause cancer. A quick internet search for any of these substances may very well convince you to quit smoking.However, the unfortunate side of addiction is that, even after reading this, you still crave cigarettes.

The recent availability of the electronic cigarette allows you to choose an alternative method to deliver the nicotine that you are addicted to, as well as simulate the physical action of smoking. Electronic cigarettes use a heating element to heat up a liquid solution contained within the device.This heating action produces a vapor which the user can then inhale in the same way as smoke from a tobacco cigarette. The liquid can contain varying levels of nicotine, according to the needs and desires of the user.

So what does this vapor mixture contain?Extensive testing has shown that the vapor produced does not contain dangerouschemical agents or carcinogens. "Vaping" producesabsolutely no carbon monoxide, no tar, no cyanide, no benzene...none of the 4,000 or so toxic poisons that are inhaled every time you puff on a traditional cigarette. That fact alone is a majoradvantage over the poison that you would normally consume with an old fashioned cigarette.

One more great thing about electronic cigarettes is that, since they are battery operated,they produceabsolutely nosmoke whatsoever. This is not only good for the "smoker," it's a major advantage for the people around him or her. Non-smokers will no longer be exposed to second hand smoke, which has been proven to be hazardous for anyone who is exposed to it for any period of time.

Usingelectronic cigarettes may not cure your smoking dependency completely.However, it can be stated that the use of electronic cigarettesis far less harmful than smoking tobacco cigarettes.They really can be a healthier alternative.

For more information, I have found the following sites extremely useful:


