2012年1月24日 星期二

Natural Appetite Suppressants-Super Foods to Suppress Your Appetite

Many people waste their money, time and energy trying to lose weight with pills that dont work. Its about time people know more about a weight loss product before they buy so that they have a guarantee that they will lose weight successfully.

The hoodia gordonii natural appetite suppressant works by tricking the brain into thinking that you are not hungry so that you feel full and you will not eat or eat a lot less. If you have struggled with food cravings, hoodia gordonii natural appetite suppressant will curb those cravings. Many scientific studies have shown that hoodia contains an active molecule called P57 which curbs appetite. This molecule therefore helps you to lose weight because you will eat a lot less, and you will therefore store less fat in your body.

One natural appetite suppressant to consider is Hoodia Gordonii. And if you're thinking Hoodia diet pills, think again. You'll find Hoodia in all kind of products today. You'll find it in te a, coffee, syrup, protein powder shakes, fruit and protein bars, sprays, and now yogurt!
There are manufactures in South Africa that are making yogurt with Hoodia Gordonii. They make the product in peach, pineapple, banana, and granadilla flavors. You won't find these yogurt and Hoodia products on a store shelf here in the U.S. but that doesn't mean you can't make your own mix.

For some people these changes help lead to long term weight lose results. Here are 7 super foods to help suppress your appetite and beat the bulge battle:

Flax Seed: The more flax seed you eat with each meal, the longer it will take for your sugar level to rise, so ad some raw flax seed to your grocery list and keep the snack monsters down away.

Apples: Red apples, green apples, there all the same way up there on the high-fiber list. The beauty of a crisp apple is all in the chewing time.

Oatmeal: This is another wonderful high-fiber carbohydrate it enters the blood stream slowly and along with keeping you feeling full it also gives you lo ts of energy.

Umeboshi Plums: These amazing pickled plums are great to combat sweet cravings. You can find them in Asian markets or specialty stores. The plums also come in a paste so you can get a little more creative with the use of the plums if you are not so excited about the taste.

Soup: Soup is one of the best kept secrets in the weight loss industry. If you stick to broths and vegetable soups you will be doing yourself a big favor.

The most popular strong appetite suppressants come from a plant called Hoodia. It could possibly be the most powerful natural weight loss supplement in history.

Suppress Appetite Naturally

The main theory behind suppressing appetite is to not eat as much as you normally would throughout a typical day. The practise is little more difficult to be into effect.The one major factor why our weight increases is our inability to control what we eat. As our stomach becomes used to expecting a certain volume of food - over time the need and want increases even more.


