2014年7月6日 星期日

Psoriasis Is Still A Mystery

You have probably heard of those diseases that no one knows how to cure. Well psoriasis is one of those mysteries that baffle doctors to this day. This condition called psoriasis generally runs in families. This gray scale red patch rash that appears on the elbows, knees, trunk,and scalp It is not contagious but very irritating. It can cause the finger nails and toenails to split, or be discolored, or even separate from the nail bed. The area affected may be so extensive that great physical discomfort and social embarrassment may result.

The most frequent cause is due to extreme stress and anxiety. Sometimes a slight skin injury or an infectious illness can be the culprit. However you contract the decease even though it is not curable it is controllable. You should by all means have a physician look at it for treatment. The more resistant the outbreak the more intense the treatment. Some treatments just require exposure to the sun others require a treatment of coal tar derivatives or other ointments. Your doctor should always make the choice of what treatment should be used.

The thickened patches covered with dead, flaking skin could represent the fact that as new skin cells produce faster than the rate the old cells are replaced and the results are a accumulation of live cells in thickened patches. Often covered by dry, silvery,adherent scales.For most people this is a long term condition even though attacks can be completely relieved with proper treatment.

Dermatologists have not yet found out a definite and comprehensive treatment for psoriasis - it being a stubborn and difficult ailment. Consequently Psoriasis natural cures are becoming very popular among the sufferers. Although without any guarantee that these natural therapies will bring about cure - one thing can be said with surety - Psoriasis natural cures do not cause any harm or have any side effects. This has led to more number of people to opt for Psoriasis natural cures and try to tame this chronic skin disease.

By Psoriasis cures are meant remedial measures that form parts of alternative medicine. A holistic approach is taken. The focus is on the immune system of the body. It is not treated as an isolated skin disease. Psoriasis natural cures are not invasive. In these treatments the focus is on alterations of dietary habits and lifestyles. Food supplements and vitamins are prescribed. On the other hand skin specialists tend to give importance to the symptoms without going to the root cause that may well affect the whole body.

There are many types of Psoriasis cures. It is not easy to predict which one will work for the individual because what will suit one person may not suit another. The general measures taken in Psoriasis natural treatments are water, sea salt and herbal therapies along with homeopathy, correction of diet and supplementing it with herbs and vitamins.

Natural Psoriasis cures give importance to the mental health and stress levels of the sufferer. Many suffer from depression and worry. Resentment sets in because of the social problems related to psoriasis. The skin takes on an ugly look and many lose their sense of self respect. Over anxiety and tension may worsen the condition. Taking all this into account means the involvement of family and friends in the treatment.

Alcohols and intake of narcotics and nicotine have to be stopped while following Psoriasis natural cures. Stress relieving skills have to be imparted to the patients. It helps to boost the immunity of the body.

Since it takes a long time to rid the body of psoriasis, the added advantage is that Psoriasis natural cures are much less expensive than typical medical treatments. Consequently more and more patients are opting for it. There is no rule of thumb for Psoriasis natural treatments - it depends on what suits the individual best. Due to absence of any effective treatment in allopathy, more and more people are turning towards natural methods of healing.


