Common sources of toxins include: air and water pollution, building materials and furnishings, food colourings, additives, flavourings and contaminants (bacteria, mould, viruses), medication, radiation, cosmetics and toiletries, household cleaners, alcohol, insecticides and pesticides in food, heavy metals, stress, and refined foods.
Our bodies possess detoxification organs and systems, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, bowel and lymphatic system, which all work to eliminate toxins efficiently. However, excess exposure to toxins causes overload, resulting in sluggish functioning of these systems, the accumulation of toxins and congestion in the body. Symptoms of toxicity may include:
Detoxification encourages:
The liver is the major detoxification site for drugs and other toxic chemicals. It transforms toxins into harmless substances for excretion. Tiredness, lethargy, headache and an inability to concentrate are symptoms of a sluggish liver.
Herbs such as globe artichoke, milk thistle, and bupleurum protect and support liver detoxification, and are particularly useful following overindulgence in rich, fatty foods, and refined foods, alcohol, and long term-medication. Burdock root and dandelion root are also fantastic liver tonics.
Constipation disrupts elimination from the bowels and may lead to the re-absorption of toxins and waste products. To assist constipation, increase fluid and fibre intake (fresh fruits, raw green leafy vegetables, whole grains, cereals; fruits such as apples, apricots, bananas, grapes, prunes contain soluble fibre), the regular excercise, avoid dairy products, soft drinks, meat, white flour, processed foods, salt, coffee, alcohol and sugar. These foods are difficult to digest and have little or no fibre. Flaxseed, psyllium seed are very helpful for constipation. Take with plenty of water.
The skin, the largest organ of the body is also used to excrete toxins. Elimination is through sweat glands, ie. perspiration. Sweating is a valuable means of eliminating toxins, so avoid using anti-persperants.
Dry skin brushing is an excellent way of removing dead skin cells and stimulating elimination via the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Use a natural bristle brush and make long strokes towards heart, covering entire body. This is best done before a shower or bath.
Follow this with self massage using a detoxifying aromatherapy body oil. Essential oils such as grapefruit, cypress, lemon, rosemary and fennel are excellent detoxifiers and decongestants.
Other herbs and essential oils to be used for detoxification and inner cleansing include: Juniper berries (to stimulate the kidneys and assist with the excretion of water, and are also useful for fluid retention and detoxification; eucalyptus, pine and peppermint essential oils are effective lung decongestants. Congested lungs disrupt oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange, therefore it is vital to keep them healthy and as clear as possible. Use the above essential oils as an inhalation or in a diffuser.
Calendula is a fantastic herb for the lymphatic system, a major component of the immune system. The lymphatic system is responsible for moving excess fluids, waste products and toxins from tissues back into the bloodstream for removal via the kidneys. A sluggish lymphatic system leads to edema, swelling and inflammation as well as low immunity.
Certain fruits and veggies are great cleansers and are also full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes.
Apple: cleanse the intestines and regulate the bowels. The potassium and phosphorus content cleanses the liver and kidneys.
Grapes: excellent cleansers for liver, kidneys and other organs of elimination. The number one fruit in many detox programmes.
Pineapple: helps break down protein and dissolve excess mucous. Neutralises excess acidity, balances the body's acid/alkaline levels.
Banana: bind toxins and assist their removal from body. High starch content, may be difficult to digest unless eaten when very ripe.
Cleansing vegetables include:
Beetroot - a potent liver tonic and detoxifying agent. It purifies the blood and lymphatic system. Most root vegetables tend to be detoxifying due to their action on the liver.
Celery - purifies the blood and lymph, a combination of celery and apple is said to clear away excess carbon dioxide from the body - good for those exposed to air pollution.
Carrot - these have a cleansing and restorative effect on liver.
Cucumber - are easy to digest and have a high water content making them a powerful diuretic. The also have a cleansing action on skin and bowels.
Cleansing and detoxifying is not just about the physical. Negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes are toxic when carried around permanently and block our ability to appreciate the present. It is vital to release unwanted things from both body AND mind.
Feelings such as FEAR, GRIEF, GUILT, ANGER, ENVY are mental and emotional pollutants, and energetically create blockages within the body and impair the smooth flow of vital force.