The term Anxiety or Stress implies any condition of the body that damages or causes death of few or many of cells. The body has its own self-mechanism for repairing these cells but it can do so only with a proper and adequate diet, providing all the essential and vital nutrients.
If however if these nutrients are not properly supplied, rebuilding of cells takes place at a slow pace than its destruction and this condition usually results in disease.
The most common diseases associated with stress are headache, heart disease, diabetes and peptic ulcer. Other diseases resulting from stress are asthma, ulcerative colitis, dyspepsia, sexual disorders and psoriasis.
Individuals differ from each other in reacting to various stressful situations.
There are manifold symptoms of stress. A large number of physical changes take place during a stress induced arousal. The pupils of eye become dilated, nervous system and brain become intensely active, muscles become tense, digestion slows down, the heart starts pumping blood faster, breathing becomes faster, blood pressure increases and hormones such as adrenaline, along with glucose are released into the system from liver and sweating starts.
There are various factors which lead to stress both within the body and outside it. Factors from within the body include feelings of fear, envy, hate and jealousy. External factors include blinding lights, loud noises, X-rays, extreme heat or cold, chemicals, drugs, pain and inadequate nutrition.
Nature Cure for Stress: The first step in coping up with anxiety or stress is to bring about a complete change in lifestyle. An optimum diet should be adopted which should be able to meet the nutritional needs of body.
It has been proved that a diet which contains liberal quantities of vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and fruits would provide an adequate amount of various essential nutrients.
It is also necessary to take special foods such as vegetables, oil, milk and honey along with these foods.
There are various other foods which are beneficial in meeting the demands of stress and should be taken by the patient regularly. They are molasses, yogurt, blackstrap, sprouts and seeds. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and calcium and they provide a powerful resistance to the body in overcoming stress.
Leaves of the plant Holy Basil are also very useful in the treatment of stress. They are a natural anti stress agent. It has been proved that these leaves protect against stress significantly. Even a healthy person can chew about ten leaves of this plant daily for preventing stress.
Certain vitamins and nutrients also offer a protective barrier against anxiety. These are Vitamins A and B, minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium which decrease the feeling of anxiety. An important source of Vitamin A is green and yellow vegetables.
Vitamin B is found in various foods such as bananas, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, cashews and yeast. Adequate amounts of Vitamin A along with Vitamin B help in preventing major changes caused due to stress.
Potassium deficiencies are associated with insomnia, fatigue, breathlessness and low blood sugar. It is necessary for maintaining a healthy heart. Unrefined grains and nuts are also a good source of potassium.
Deficiencies of calcium may cause nervousness, tension and fatigue as it is a natural sedative. Soyabeans, dairy products and almonds are rich sources of calcium.
Magnesium is necessary for the better absorption of calcium and potassium and is found in many vegetables, dates, seeds and prunes. It is known as natures best tranquilizer and is helpful in prevention of heart attacks. Magnesium deficiency may lead to irritability, excitability and other emotional disturbances.
Persons suffering from stress should also avoid certain items such as coffee, soft drinks, salt, alcohol, cigarettes, fried and refined foods.
Exercises also play a very important role in fighting against stress. It not only keeps you both mentally and physically fit, but also provides mental relaxation and recreation. Walking, swimming and jogging are some of the best forms of exercises.
Yogasanas, pranayamas and kriyas are also very beneficial for the maintenance of general health and vitality. They serve to be the best shock absorbers against stress. These include asanas like sarvangasana, halasana, pavanmuktasana, ardhmatsyendrasana, dhanurasana, bhujangasana, yogamudra, trikonasana, padmasana, kriyas like jalneti, kunjal and pranayamas such as anuloma-viloma, shitali, kapalbhati, shitkari, and brahmari.
Thus it can be concluded that we can eliminate stress from our day to day routines by employing proper methods and techniques of nature cure, along with a healthy diet and change of lifestyle.