Psoriasis is a common disorder affecting as many as one person in 50. Uncommon before the age of 10, it often erupts between the ages of 15 and 50. Whilst the cause is unknown, it can sometimes runs in families.
Together with eczema, these two often unsightly and debilitating dermatological conditions are increasingly being successfully treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Incorporating the use of acupuncture and, in particular, herbs, TCM offers a positive alternative to more orthodox methods. Also, the latter is not always effective and can cause unpleasant side effects.
The two most common forms are contact eczema, which develops within minutes and is caused by reaction to anything from rubber shoes to metal watch straps, and atopic eczema, which usually affects people with a family history of asthma or hay fever, and can take months, or even years to develop, appearing at any time.
The skin becomes inflamed and usually develops a persistent itchiness, often with blisters that weep and then form scabs and crusts. Mostly it strikes during childhood and then clears up after puberty and adolescence. However, many people are affected in later life, especially those coming into regular contact with bleaches, detergents, wax polishes and so on, who can get eczema on their hands.
The raised, red, scaly patches caused by psoriasis can appear anywhere on the skin, but most often affect the knees or elbows. Small red spots may eventually merge to form circular or oval patches 5 to 7.5 cm across. It often affects both sides of the body symmetrically, with fingernails and toenails frequently becoming involved. About one in 20 psoriasis sufferers develop a mild form of rheumatoid arthritis, often in the fingers, ankles and knees.
The complaint sometimes follows two or three weeks after a throat infection and can also be triggered by some orthodox medical drugs. Although it is not caused by stress, worry and anxiety may aggravate an attack.
Treatment with TCM
Medicinal plants from China have in recent years gained a reputation for successfully treating both psoriasis and atopic eczema.. People with severe, widespread, eczema - both wet and dry - often find Chinese herbs succeed where orthodox medicine has failed.
Treatment with a decoction of herbs is taken at regular intervals, sometimes for several months. During this time the practitioner may make necessary alterations to the prescription, depending on the patients progress.
Traditionally, acupuncturists believe that eczema and psoriasis are both associated with exposure to heat, damp and wind. Treatment is based on counteracting the effect of the elements, and by trying to correct any blood and energy deficiencies that may result.
Meridians treated would be those corresponding to the large intestine, lungs, spleen and stomach, as well as the liver which may also need a boost to help expel the eczema. A special diet may also be advised. This involves avoiding spicy foods, dairy products, citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks, coffee, and fry-ups.
Overall, the prognosis for sufferers of either eczema or psoriasis is becoming increasingly more positive. Traditional Chinese Medicine has gathered numerous supporters amongst the orthodox medical profession and patients alike.
If you would like any advice on dermatological, or any other health issues, before deciding to come for treatment, please call me. Im at 103-105 Harley Street on 0207 487 4568