Understanding personality traits and how these might affect eating habits and dieting might lead to choosing a diet plan that better suits a person's nature. The sun signs all approach matters of health, food and diet in different ways. Just as some can lose weight easier than others.
The earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn appreciate good food and tend to wait until they've put on a lot of weight before they start dieting. For this reason they might feel they lose weight more slowly than other signs. It might be frustrating for a Taurus to team up with a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius as these signs tend to be active and they have so much nervous energy to burn. They can lose weight quite easily. Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will find their weight fluctuates because of their tendency to have a lot of water weight. Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are some of the most energetic signs and can burn off extra weight very quickly through regular exercise
. Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius and Dieting
If a Libran is thinking about dieting, they should get involved in a weight-loss group. The more support they have around them, the more likely they are to see success. Excess sugar and salt should be avoided. Scorpio is a Water sign and tension and anxiety can cause health problems and lead to overeating. Their intake of alcohol should be kept to a minimum when on a diet.
Rather than having large meals, Scorpios should aim to eat little-and-often. Sagittarians are often in a rush. They must learn to eat slowly and to choose times when they are relaxed, to eat. They have a tendency to put on weight as they grow older. Their ruler Jupiter governs the liver.
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces and Dieting
Ruled by Saturn, Capricorns need a diet that is rich in calcium and protein in order to keep their bones and skin healthy. They should include salad, fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and eggs in their diet. Aquarians should take advantage of their versatile nature to bring about desired changes in their lifestyle. If they feel it is important to change their eating or exercise habits, they will swiftly adapt to new, healthier routines.
Pisceans love chocolate. They can suffer from anaemia and should make sure there is plenty iron in their diet. They should not feel they have to eat or drink with others just to be sociable. Use your imagination to tell yourself a plate of carrot sticks is healthier than a slice of chocolate cake even if not as satisfying!
Health, Diet and Astrology
There are many reasons why people are overweight. It can be related to their health, eating unhealthy foods, a lack of exercise. Everyone is different and in understanding their personality, the sun signs might choose a diet plan that might best suits their lifestyle.