2014年7月11日 星期五

Gluten Sensitivity, Is Your Food Making You Sick? by Jeffrey Dach MD

Migraines and Food Allergies

A connection between gluten sensitivity and psoriasis iswell known. (18-20) In addition, I mentioned to Jimthatfood allergies can cause migraines (7), andgluten sensitivity can causemigraine headaches(8,9). In fact, gluten sensitivity is associated with all sorts of neurological disorders: cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, myoclonic ataxia, chronic neuropathies, and dementia, mainly in middle-aged adults.(10-13) I suggested to Jim it waslikely that a gluten free diet would be helpful in reducing his migraines.(8-9)

Gluten Testing with Entero-Labs

Jim's lifestyle made it difficult for him to go Gluten free, so I suggested he try the EnteroLabs gluten test. Sure enough, the test panel came back positive. Jim went on a gluten free diet, and 4 weeks later called me to report his migraines were much better. This article will discuss sensitivity to wheat gluten, a condition which is epidemic, yet mainly ignored or unknown by the medical system.(20)

What is wheat gluten sensitivity?

left image: Bread, courtesy of wikimedia commons

Gluten is a protein is wheat products, such as bread, pasta, wheat cereals etc. About 1% or more of the populationreacts to wheat gluten withan immune response andan inflammatory disorder of the small intestine which may cause malabsorption of key minerals, amino acids and vitamins. This has aninherited autoimmune componentandgenetic testingis available.(17) Other diagnostic testing involves looking for the antibodies called TTG (transglutaminase) instool or blood samples.

Immune Response In the Wall of the Small Bowel-Malabsorption

The immune response involves production of various antibodies and immune cells which damages thesmall intestine, reducing itsabsorptive ability. This iscalled malabsorption, andresults in the inability to absorb key vitamins and minerals such as Iron, Calcium, folate and B12.These abnormalities will show up on the blood count asiron deficiency anemia, and B12/folate deficiency anemia.(22) gluten sensitivity, celiac disease may cause malabsorption of calcium, and the DEXA bone density scan may showosteoporosis (21).

Any Organ Can Be Involved

The auto-immune response cancirculate freely through the body,crossreacting withother organ systems, unpredictably.

Immune Response in the Skinand Hair Follicles

Another common place for the immune response to attack is the skin, with a characteristicskin lesion called Dermatiformis Herpetiformis (it resembles Herpes)with intense burning, itching and blistering skin rash which is usually symmetrically distributedon the elbows, knees and the buttocks. The rash usually starts assmall blisters that errupt intosmall erosions. Dermatologists will make the diagnosis of gluten sensitivity by doing a skin biopsy showing characteristic findings.Immunofluorescence ofnormal skin next to the vesicle typically shows granular IgA deposits in the upper dermis. (27-29) If the scalp is involved, thisis called Alopecia Areata withpatchy hair loss caused by auto-antibodiesreacting with the hair follicles.(25-26)

Vascular System

If the immune response attacks the vascular system, there may be increased venous thrombo-embolism, stroke (2)(3), and coronary artery disease, etc. Thus, gluten sensitivity is one of the major causes of migraine headaches since it may cause inflammation ofcerebral arteries, or the brain itself. (9)

Neurological Problems

If the immune response attacks the brain or spinal cord, this may cause a neurological disorder (4, 10-16)such as ataxia (5), uncoordination, peripheral neuropathy (tingling with pins and needles)(6).

Going to theEndocrinologist

The patient with gluten sensitivity may end up at theendocrinologist's office with issues such as: Type 1 diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroid disease, Addison disease, osteomalacia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D or iron deficiency, fertility problems, hypogonadism in men, and autoimmune hypopituitarism.(23) Autioimmune thyroid disease is especially common among people with gluten sensitivity, with elevated anti-thyroid antibodies (Hashimotos) which decrease after initiating a gluten free diet.(24) One can make a case for gluten sensitivity testing for all patients with autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimotos).

The Heart

The gluten sensistive patient may have heart involvement with cardiomyopathy, a serious and potentially lethal form of heart failure. In addition, the gluten sensitive individual mayhaveheart rhythm abnormaliies such as atrial fibrillation, reversible with a gluten free diet, if diagnosed early.Testing for gluten sensitivity should bedone for such patients.(30-31)


A unusual lung disease of unknown etiology called Sarcoidosis is linked to gluten sensitivity. Sarcoidosis is thought to be an auto-immune disease because the treatment is immune suppression with prednisone. These patients may benefit from a gluten free diet.(34)

Addisons, Adrenal Failure

Complete failure of theadrenal glands to manufacturecortisol is called Addisons Disease and is associated with gluten sensitivity.(35) These patients may benefit from a gluten free diet.

Going on a Gluten Free Diet

Patients may go for decades with health problems, running through a succession of doctors, yet remain undiagnosed by the mainstream medical system. Treatment is usually curative with a Gluten Free Diet (GFD) which means avoiding all wheat products such as breads, pasta, wheat cereals, bakery goods etc.

Jeffrey Dach MD

for links and references, see original article at:



Losing Weight with Astrology

Understanding personality traits and how these might affect eating habits and dieting might lead to choosing a diet plan that better suits a person's nature. The sun signs all approach matters of health, food and diet in different ways. Just as some can lose weight easier than others.

The earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn appreciate good food and tend to wait until they've put on a lot of weight before they start dieting. For this reason they might feel they lose weight more slowly than other signs. It might be frustrating for a Taurus to team up with a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius as these signs tend to be active and they have so much nervous energy to burn. They can lose weight quite easily. Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces will find their weight fluctuates because of their tendency to have a lot of water weight. Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are some of the most energetic signs and can burn off extra weight very quickly through regular exercise

. Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius and Dieting

If a Libran is thinking about dieting, they should get involved in a weight-loss group. The more support they have around them, the more likely they are to see success. Excess sugar and salt should be avoided. Scorpio is a Water sign and tension and anxiety can cause health problems and lead to overeating. Their intake of alcohol should be kept to a minimum when on a diet.

Rather than having large meals, Scorpios should aim to eat little-and-often. Sagittarians are often in a rush. They must learn to eat slowly and to choose times when they are relaxed, to eat. They have a tendency to put on weight as they grow older. Their ruler Jupiter governs the liver.

Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces and Dieting

Ruled by Saturn, Capricorns need a diet that is rich in calcium and protein in order to keep their bones and skin healthy. They should include salad, fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and eggs in their diet. Aquarians should take advantage of their versatile nature to bring about desired changes in their lifestyle. If they feel it is important to change their eating or exercise habits, they will swiftly adapt to new, healthier routines.

Pisceans love chocolate. They can suffer from anaemia and should make sure there is plenty iron in their diet. They should not feel they have to eat or drink with others just to be sociable. Use your imagination to tell yourself a plate of carrot sticks is healthier than a slice of chocolate cake even if not as satisfying!

Health, Diet and Astrology

There are many reasons why people are overweight. It can be related to their health, eating unhealthy foods, a lack of exercise. Everyone is different and in understanding their personality, the sun signs might choose a diet plan that might best suits their lifestyle.


2014年7月10日 星期四

Health Benefits of Fish Oil

Health Benefits of Fish Oil

The health benefits of fish oil include its ability to aid in treatment of heart diseases, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, AHDH, low immunity, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, arthritis, IBD, AIDS, Alzheimers disease, eye disorders, macular degeneration and ulcers. It is helps in weight loss, pregnancy, fertility and skin care (particular for disorders such as psoriasis, acne).

Most of the these health benefits of fish oil can be attributed to the presence of Omega 3 essential fatty acids such as Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Other useful essential fatty acids include Alpha-linolenic acid or ALA and Gamma-linolenic acid or GLA.

The various types of fish which can be a good source of fish oil are mackerel, rainbow trout, lake trout, halibut, herring, sea bass, sardines, swordfish, oysters, albacore tuna, blue fin tuna, yellow fin tuna, turbot, pilchards, anchovies and salmon. The most common names among these for obtaining fish oil are albacore tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines, lake trout and salmon. The type of fish used and the purity standards followed in refining the oil govern the quality of fish oil.

The health benefits of fish oil include the following:

Heart Disease:According to the American Heart Association (AHA), clinical trials have proved that omega 3 is effective in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Fish oil, which is abundant in omega 3, therefore, reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart arrhythmias. It lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol, which is bad cholesterol, and increases the HDL levels, which is good cholesterol. Fish oil prevents accumulation of triglycerides and further reduces the levels of excess triglycerides. Preliminary research has also shown that fish oil can be used for preventing atherosclerosis in coronary patients. Thus fish oil is effective in treating heart strokes and regular usage of fish oil can help avoid numerous sudden cardiac deaths. According to the American Heart Association, these preliminary findings should be confirmed by detailed research.

Weight Loss:Fish oil also aids in weight loss process. Research conducted by Professor Peter Howe at the University of South Australia has shown that fish oil improves the efficacy of exercise in reducing weight. Volunteers who were given fish oil diet showed greater weight loss as compared to those who did not consume fish oil diet. Exercise combined with fish oil had a positive effect on the body shape and body composition of the patients.

Blood Circulation:It is believed that fish oil has the ability to improve blood circulation along with reducing triglyceride and serum cholesterol levels.

Immunity: It is believed that regular consumption of fish oil aids in increasing your immunity thereby enabling you to resist incidence of common diseases such as cold, cough and flu. Omega three fatty acids present in fish oil benefit the immune system by effecting cytokines and eicosanoids present in our body. Researchers have also studied the effect of fish meal and fish oil on the immune system of pigs and found that fish oil aided in the growth of the animals. Similar research conducted on mice at Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, also gave positive results. Thus fish oil has the potential to enhance the immune system of humans. Fish oil is also beneficial to patients suffering from lupus, which is a disease characterized by the attacks of immune system of the body on various organs and tissues. Fish oil helps in reducing the pain and inflammation that may occur in joints, eyes, kidney, heart, blood vessels, lungs, nerves, etc. It also helps in reducing asso ciated fever, skin rashes and fatigue.

AIDS:Research conducted by the Nutritional Sciences Program in Lexington has increased the promise of fish oil as a treatment of AIDS.

Inflammation:Fish oil has anti inflammatory properties; therefore, it is effective in reducing inflammation in blood and tissues. Regular consumption of fish oil supplements, tablets, pills and capsules is helpful to those suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases. Fish oil is effective in treating gastrointestinal disorders, sprue, short bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) including Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis, which are typical disorders of the intestine. Patients suffering from Crohns disease find it difficult to absorb vitamins, fats and essential supplements. Fish oil supplements are an effective diet for such patients. In ulcerative colitis, fish oil prevents the accumulation of leukotriene on the colon. It should be noted that the anti inflammatory properties of fish oil are limited to reducing inflammation. Fish oil provides little effect in preventing inflammation. Research is also being conducted to enhance the anti-inflammatory acti on of fish oil by addition of other dietary supplements and drugs.

ADHD or ADD:Fish oil has the ability to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) due to the high concentration of fatty acids. If your child suffers from hyperactivity, dyslexia, dyspraxia, inability to complete tasks, emotional instability, wavering attitude, poor coordination, short attention span, short term memory, low concentration, tendency to interrupt others, recklessness, hastiness, impetuosity, impulsiveness, low IQ, or learning disorders, fish oil supplements, tablets, pills or capsules are a proven remedy. Research conducted at the University of South Australia and CSIRO has shown that when children suffering from ADHD were given doses of fish oil and evening primrose capsules for 15 weeks, they showed significant improvement. Since brain consists of about 60% of fats, especially essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6, fish oil helps in improving the functioning of the brain. Further, it is believed that fish oil is useful in the normal development of the brain. It helps your kid concentrate on the studies better. It has been further found that when pregnant women are given regular doses of fish oil, the born toddlers show enhanced hand eye coordination.

Eye Disorders:It is well known that fish oil is good for its ability to improve vision. It also helps in avoiding age related macular degeneration. The National Eye Institute at the National Institute of Health, US, plans to conduct a nation-wide study to evaluate the effect of fish oil in treating macular degeneration. This study will provide strong scientific evidence to the benefits of fish oil for eye care, thereby enabling government agencies and physicians to strongly recommend fish oil for macular degeneration.

Skin Care:Fish oil helps in improving the condition of poor and dry skin by making it shinny and glowing. It is useful in treating various skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, itching, redness of skin, skin lesions, and rashes. In case of psoriasis, the EPA present in fish oil restricts the growth of pro-inflammatory agents by producing arachidonic acid. Fish oil can also be applied topically to obtain relief from psoriasis. Regular intake of fish oil capsules helps in reducing loss of moisture from the skin. It is also claimed by some people that fish oil helps in preventing sunburns.

Acne:Fish oil is effective for acne as well. EPA is known to inhibit androgen formation. Androgen can affect the formation of sebum in hair follicle.

Cancer:Fish oil is useful in delaying weight loss in patients suffering from pancreatic cancer. Fish oil supplements can also be helpful to patients suffering from cancer related hyperlipidemia.

Diabetes:Type II diabetic patients are more prone to cardio vascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and stroke. As mentioned above, fish oil is helpful in treating various heart problems. Research conducted at the University of Oxford, UK, has proved that fish oil is useful in reducing triglyceride levels in diabetes as well.

Ulcers:The symptoms of peptic ulcer include pain in the abdomen, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, loss in appetite, weight loss, etc. Due to the presence of EPA and DHA, fish oil can be helpful in case of ulcers caused by NSAIDs.

Pregnancy:Fish oil is very useful for pregnant women as DHA present in it helps in the development of the eyes and brain of the baby. It helps in avoiding premature births, low weight at birth, and miscarriage. Research conducted in Denmark, which involved 8,729 pregnant women, concluded that diet with low amounts of fish resulted in higher risk of premature or preterm babies. It is also believed that women who do not have a sufficient intake of EPA and DHA in their diet suffer from depression after birth as there is transfer of some amount of brain mass from the mother to the child in the last stages of pregnancy. Moreover, as mentioned above, when pregnant women are given fish oil supplements, the born kids show enhanced coordination between eye and hand. Thus it is very beneficial to consume fish oil either by eating fish or taking fish oil supplements, tablets, capsules, or pills during pregnancy for the overall development of the child and well being of the mother. Ho wever, it should be noted that fish oil obtained from the liver of the fish, example cod liver oil, should not be consumed during pregnancy as cod liver oil is rich in retinol and vitamin A.

Fertility:Preliminary research conducted on boar has shown that when male boars are fed with diet containing fish oil, the quality of the sperm is enhanced. After ejaculation, the sperms have increased survival against lipid peroxidative attacks in the female genital tract, thereby increasing the chances of conception. On the other hand, similar animal studies have shown inhibition in the synthesis of prostaglandin E and prostaglandin F, which are produced in large quantities by human seminal vesicles. The research found no impact in the count and mobility of sperm.

Hair Care:Fish oil helps maintain a good luster of the hair. Omega three has hair growing properties as it provides nourishment to the follicles. It therefore aids in faster development of hair and preventing hair loss. A good supply of proteins is also necessary for hair growth. Since most fish varieties are rich in protein, eating fish helps in keeping healthy hair.

It is also believed that fish oil helps in asthma and kidney failure. Many people also like to feed fish oil to their pets especially dog and cat as it enables in the growth of shinny hair and smooth skin. It also helps the dogs and cats deal with arthritis, which is a very common disease among pets.

The National High Blood Pressure Education Program, US, has cautioned against wrongful publicity of fish oil as an effective means of lowering high blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension. According to its report, fish oil supplements lowers high blood pressure only to a small extent in hypertensive patients. Research conducted at the Channing Laboratory, Boston, US has revealed that moderate doses of fish oil supplements have little effect on the condition of high blood pressure in normotensive persons.

Should we replace vegetable oils with fish oil?

No. There are many websites which advice people to stop eating these vegetable oil and switch to fish oil for increasing the intake of omega 3 fatty acids. However, it should be noted that most of these websites take a bias towards fish oil to increase the sales of their products. There is no doubt that fish oil is one of the best sources of omega 3 essential fatty acids. However, other sources should also be consumed.

Here is a brief on Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids. There are three types of Omega 3 fatty acids, namely alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). All three are important for the body. Vegetable sources including flax seed oil, soybean oil, hemp oil, canola oil, walnut oil, rapeseed, perilla, chia and tofu are rich in ALA. The human body has the ability to convert ALA to DHA and EPA, though there are limitations to this conversion. It has been found that ALA is also useful in treating heart problems; however, the exact mechanism is yet unknown.

GLA, an important Omega 6 fatty acid, shows promise in the treatment of cancer. It is believed that GLA is useful in treating various problems including arthritis, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, skin problems, breast pain, premenstrual syndrome and diabetes. The best source for GLA is evening primrose oil.

Caution on dosage:Excessive dosage of fish oil can have adverse allergies and side effects on the body. Further, fish oil can be problematic in many conditions and hence it is necessary to fish oil supplements cautiously. You should consult a doctor or physician for the exact dosage of fish oil you should take. Moreover, fish oil can be consumed in various forms. These include eating the fish directly by baking, roasting, frying, grilling, broiling, or smoking it or eating fish oil which is available in the form of concentrated dietary supplements such as liquid, tablet, capsule, pill, soft gel, etc. Also, there are various pharmaceutical grades of fish oil. You should also consult your doctor to check the mode of eating fish oil.

Fish oil purity

Purity of fish oil is also an important issue which one must pay attention to. Fish oil is obtained from fresh water, farm, ocean, deep sea and shallow sea fish. All these fish can be contaminated with toxic compounds such as mercury, arsenic, lead, forms of calcium, furans, dioxins, PCBs, and methyl mercury, and may affect the human body. Therefore, the fish oil should be pure. Many companies also sell ultra refined fish oil or distilled fish oil, but you should always check if the standards have been followed.

Fish oil and Vitamins

Vitamin A and Vitamin D:Fish oil, especially the one obtained from liver such as the cod liver oil, is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin D. However, excessive dosage of cod liver oil can lead to Vitamin toxicity, accumulation of excessive vitamins in the body, which can cause side effects.

Vitamin E:There are various beliefs surrounding fish oil and vitamin E. These are:

* Fish oil undergoes oxidation and can become rancid, leading to formation of free radicals. Addition of antioxidants such as vitamin E to fish oil can help prevent the formation of these free radicals. * Excessive dosage of fish oil leads to reduction of Vitamin E in the human body. This loss of vitamin E should be supplemented with external vitamin E supplements. * The combination of fish oil and vitamin E can have added benefit in the treatment of many cancers and heart diseases, than if they are used individually.

Preliminary research has been carried out which prove the above beliefs; however, these need to be substantiated with detailed research before drawing strong conclusions on the use of fish oil and vitamin E.


Healing Properties of Castor Oil

Castor oil has been known to be good for the skin and hair. It has also been used as a purgative for ages. But theres more. This oil has healing properties that seem to be miraculous. The renowned psychic Edgar Cayce had carried out a number of experiments with castor oil and was surprised to see what this oil could do for the body, in both health as well as disease. He was no ordinary man and could tap into the universal consciousness, whenever he slept.

Gently massaging bearably hot castor oil in a rotary manner on the skin over an affected part or organ for nearly half an hour every day, continuously for a period of twenty days, was found to cure the malady naturally. Intestinal complaints, abscesses, gallstones, phlebitis, and even skin cancers have responded to this form of treatment. Although most doctors and members of the scientific community felt that this sort of therapeutic anointment was illogical and unscientific.

Edgar Cayce firmly believed that nothing happened by chance, including diseases. All that a person needed to do was to listen to his or her body, pick up the warning signals, and then try to do something about it. Chemically speaking, castor oil is a triglyceride. Ricinoleic acid accounts for almost 90% of its total fatty acid content. It also contains dihydroxystearic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and eicosanoic acid.

Castor oil has a very high specific gravity and is extremely viscous. The ricinoleic and oleic acids present in it are microbicidal in nature and therefore inhibit the growth of germs like bacteria and fungi. Regular application of castor oil packs on the abdomen, especially over the region of the solar plexus, is said to increase the lymphocytic count and thereby improve the ability of the body to fight as well as ward off infections. Some of the other interesting uses of castor oil are in the treatment of warts, in the management of ulcers, and to increase the flow of milk in lactating women.

The use of castor oil in the management of skin diseases has always been known. Being very thick in consistency, it is valuable in the treatment of eczemas and psoriasis. Corns and callosities soften and gradually subside under the effect of this wonder oil. Some people also believe that castor oil has the ability to facilitate the expulsion of splinters that could have lodged into the skin. Pigmented moles, liver spots, and skin tags also respond well to regular application of castor oil.


Read articles on Diet Plan, Fitness, Diabetes, Cancer, Skin Care, Weight Loss, and Health Care. Calculate your Health Stat at Healthizen.com.


2014年7月9日 星期三

Gluten Sensitivity, Is Your Food Making You Sick? by Jeffrey Dach MD

Migraines and Food Allergies

A connection between gluten sensitivity and psoriasis iswell known. (18-20) In addition, I mentioned to Jimthatfood allergies can cause migraines (7), andgluten sensitivity can causemigraine headaches(8,9). In fact, gluten sensitivity is associated with all sorts of neurological disorders: cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, myoclonic ataxia, chronic neuropathies, and dementia, mainly in middle-aged adults.(10-13) I suggested to Jim it waslikely that a gluten free diet would be helpful in reducing his migraines.(8-9)

Gluten Testing with Entero-Labs

Jim's lifestyle made it difficult for him to go Gluten free, so I suggested he try the EnteroLabs gluten test. Sure enough, the test panel came back positive. Jim went on a gluten free diet, and 4 weeks later called me to report his migraines were much better. This article will discuss sensitivity to wheat gluten, a condition which is epidemic, yet mainly ignored or unknown by the medical system.(20)

What is wheat gluten sensitivity?

left image: Bread, courtesy of wikimedia commons

Gluten is a protein is wheat products, such as bread, pasta, wheat cereals etc. About 1% or more of the populationreacts to wheat gluten withan immune response andan inflammatory disorder of the small intestine which may cause malabsorption of key minerals, amino acids and vitamins. This has aninherited autoimmune componentandgenetic testingis available.(17) Other diagnostic testing involves looking for the antibodies called TTG (transglutaminase) instool or blood samples.

Immune Response In the Wall of the Small Bowel-Malabsorption

The immune response involves production of various antibodies and immune cells which damages thesmall intestine, reducing itsabsorptive ability. This iscalled malabsorption, andresults in the inability to absorb key vitamins and minerals such as Iron, Calcium, folate and B12.These abnormalities will show up on the blood count asiron deficiency anemia, and B12/folate deficiency anemia.(22) gluten sensitivity, celiac disease may cause malabsorption of calcium, and the DEXA bone density scan may showosteoporosis (21).

Any Organ Can Be Involved

The auto-immune response cancirculate freely through the body,crossreacting withother organ systems, unpredictably.

Immune Response in the Skinand Hair Follicles

Another common place for the immune response to attack is the skin, with a characteristicskin lesion called Dermatiformis Herpetiformis (it resembles Herpes)with intense burning, itching and blistering skin rash which is usually symmetrically distributedon the elbows, knees and the buttocks. The rash usually starts assmall blisters that errupt intosmall erosions. Dermatologists will make the diagnosis of gluten sensitivity by doing a skin biopsy showing characteristic findings.Immunofluorescence ofnormal skin next to the vesicle typically shows granular IgA deposits in the upper dermis. (27-29) If the scalp is involved, thisis called Alopecia Areata withpatchy hair loss caused by auto-antibodiesreacting with the hair follicles.(25-26)

Vascular System

If the immune response attacks the vascular system, there may be increased venous thrombo-embolism, stroke (2)(3), and coronary artery disease, etc. Thus, gluten sensitivity is one of the major causes of migraine headaches since it may cause inflammation ofcerebral arteries, or the brain itself. (9)

Neurological Problems

If the immune response attacks the brain or spinal cord, this may cause a neurological disorder (4, 10-16)such as ataxia (5), uncoordination, peripheral neuropathy (tingling with pins and needles)(6).

Going to theEndocrinologist

The patient with gluten sensitivity may end up at theendocrinologist's office with issues such as: Type 1 diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroid disease, Addison disease, osteomalacia, secondary hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D or iron deficiency, fertility problems, hypogonadism in men, and autoimmune hypopituitarism.(23) Autioimmune thyroid disease is especially common among people with gluten sensitivity, with elevated anti-thyroid antibodies (Hashimotos) which decrease after initiating a gluten free diet.(24) One can make a case for gluten sensitivity testing for all patients with autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimotos).

The Heart

The gluten sensistive patient may have heart involvement with cardiomyopathy, a serious and potentially lethal form of heart failure. In addition, the gluten sensitive individual mayhaveheart rhythm abnormaliies such as atrial fibrillation, reversible with a gluten free diet, if diagnosed early.Testing for gluten sensitivity should bedone for such patients.(30-31)


A unusual lung disease of unknown etiology called Sarcoidosis is linked to gluten sensitivity. Sarcoidosis is thought to be an auto-immune disease because the treatment is immune suppression with prednisone. These patients may benefit from a gluten free diet.(34)

Addisons, Adrenal Failure

Complete failure of theadrenal glands to manufacturecortisol is called Addisons Disease and is associated with gluten sensitivity.(35) These patients may benefit from a gluten free diet.

Going on a Gluten Free Diet

Patients may go for decades with health problems, running through a succession of doctors, yet remain undiagnosed by the mainstream medical system. Treatment is usually curative with a Gluten Free Diet (GFD) which means avoiding all wheat products such as breads, pasta, wheat cereals, bakery goods etc.

Jeffrey Dach MD

for links and references, see original article at:



Psoriasis And Eczema Successfully Treated With Chinese Medicine

Psoriasis is a common disorder affecting as many as one person in 50. Uncommon before the age of 10, it often erupts between the ages of 15 and 50. Whilst the cause is unknown, it can sometimes runs in families.

Together with eczema, these two often unsightly and debilitating dermatological conditions are increasingly being successfully treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Incorporating the use of acupuncture and, in particular, herbs, TCM offers a positive alternative to more orthodox methods. Also, the latter is not always effective and can cause unpleasant side effects.


The two most common forms are contact eczema, which develops within minutes and is caused by reaction to anything from rubber shoes to metal watch straps, and atopic eczema, which usually affects people with a family history of asthma or hay fever, and can take months, or even years to develop, appearing at any time.

The skin becomes inflamed and usually develops a persistent itchiness, often with blisters that weep and then form scabs and crusts. Mostly it strikes during childhood and then clears up after puberty and adolescence. However, many people are affected in later life, especially those coming into regular contact with bleaches, detergents, wax polishes and so on, who can get eczema on their hands.


The raised, red, scaly patches caused by psoriasis can appear anywhere on the skin, but most often affect the knees or elbows. Small red spots may eventually merge to form circular or oval patches 5 to 7.5 cm across. It often affects both sides of the body symmetrically, with fingernails and toenails frequently becoming involved. About one in 20 psoriasis sufferers develop a mild form of rheumatoid arthritis, often in the fingers, ankles and knees.

The complaint sometimes follows two or three weeks after a throat infection and can also be triggered by some orthodox medical drugs. Although it is not caused by stress, worry and anxiety may aggravate an attack.

Treatment with TCM

Medicinal plants from China have in recent years gained a reputation for successfully treating both psoriasis and atopic eczema.. People with severe, widespread, eczema - both wet and dry - often find Chinese herbs succeed where orthodox medicine has failed.

Treatment with a decoction of herbs is taken at regular intervals, sometimes for several months. During this time the practitioner may make necessary alterations to the prescription, depending on the patients progress.

Traditionally, acupuncturists believe that eczema and psoriasis are both associated with exposure to heat, damp and wind. Treatment is based on counteracting the effect of the elements, and by trying to correct any blood and energy deficiencies that may result.

Meridians treated would be those corresponding to the large intestine, lungs, spleen and stomach, as well as the liver which may also need a boost to help expel the eczema. A special diet may also be advised. This involves avoiding spicy foods, dairy products, citrus fruits, alcoholic drinks, coffee, and fry-ups.

Overall, the prognosis for sufferers of either eczema or psoriasis is becoming increasingly more positive. Traditional Chinese Medicine has gathered numerous supporters amongst the orthodox medical profession and patients alike.

If you would like any advice on dermatological, or any other health issues, before deciding to come for treatment, please call me. Im at 103-105 Harley Street on 0207 487 4568


2014年7月8日 星期二

Baking Soda ? A Medical Treatment?

Baking Soda A Medical Treatment?

The uses for baking soda are well documented, however, they are not well known. Many of the following uses have been proven on myself or those close to me. They are not old wives tales or myths in any sense of the word. I will provide hyperlinks for your additional insight.

It is important to understand why something works, so that other uses can be found for the substance as well. Your talents of discovery are being challenged by this understanding.

Premise: Allsickness takes root in an acidic environment

When our body becomes acidic, usually because of our diet, our immune system is challenged and heavily loaded. It does not take much more to push us over the edge for any kind of illness. However, if we maintain a neutral pH or alkaline condition, we do not get sick.

Fact: When applying baking soda directly to our body, no matter where the condition is found, we radically and immediately change the pH balance to become alkaline in that location. Therefore, the condition dies and goes away.


Wash your hair normally using you favorite shampoo and conditioner. Then take about a tablespoon of baking soda and apply it to your head, rubbing it in until it reaches your scalp. Assuming you have washed your hair first when showering, leave it in your hair until you are through washing your body, then rinse your hair, thoroughly removing the baking soda. Do this daily. Within a week or so you will notice a drastic change in the amount of dandruff you have and soon your dandruff will be completely gone. This also works for conditions like Psoriasis and Rosacea, however, you might want to treat the condition like a mole or wart as described below.

Wart or Mole Removal

Use a pin to carefully scratch the surface of either condition in order to upset the cellular structure on the surface. DO NOT make it bleed. Mix enough baking soda with Castor Oil to make a poultice that will stay under a band aide that is large enough to cover the condition. Apply the poultice and then change it daily for up to about three weeks. Usually the condition falls off in this amount of time. If not, continue. Once the condition is gone, notice no scar! NOTE: Sensitive skin areas may require ONLY Castor Oil. However, usually you can apply both condiments for a shorter time daily and leave only Castor Oil for the longer period, changing daily.

Thick and/or Misshapen Toenails

These conditions are normally caused by mold. Mold is revealing itself in the form of these conditions. Again, to kill the mold, simply change its living condition to alkaline. Heres how:

Pour a warm foot bath and use a minimum of four tablespoons of baking soda in the water. Mix the baking soda well so that only a minimum is found on the bottom of the foot bath. Mix again periodically through the bath or as you change water. Place both feet in the water and enjoy the soothing effects for about an hour each treatment. Perform this routine a minimum of three to four times per week and continue until you notice your toenails changing back to their regular shape and texture. It takes months to grow new toenails, so do not be discouraged if you do not see progress within the first week. I have used this technique to change from black rough nails, so smooth pink nails in less than 6 months.

Cancer a Fungal Infection

What? Cancer can be CURED using Baking Soda? YES! Cancer is a Fungus, Mold! I am only the messenger, but what your doctor may not know, or be able to tell you, is that Cancer IS treatable in most any form, most anywhere in the body, a nearly 100% CURE rate, in as little as 6 days, with NO Side-Effects and it leaves YOU problem Free to live the rest of your natural years WITHOUT Cancer. The BEST the medical community can claim is 18% cure rate, and many side effects. Their cure is defined by living 5 years and one day beyond treatment. We all know a cure is living problem free for the rest of your natural life.

This was discovered in the 1980s by Doctor Tullio Simoncini of Rome, Italy. He was devastated at the destruction Cancer was doing to his patients. He was equally distraught by the standard for treatment of Cancer as dictated through the World Health Organization. Until his discovery, and even now, only three methods of treatment are recognized by the Organization or the rest of the medical community in the world; Surgery, Radiation and Chemo-therapy. Two of these are known to CAUSE Cancer! Dr. Simoncini consulted Dr. God, who led him to discover that a simple solution of Baking Soda and Saline solution will kill Cancer, leaving surrounding tissue unharmed and the patient brought back to their pre-Cancer condition. Although this discovery has not been advertised well, most likely due to the influence of the Pharma industry, it is TRUE. Many doctors have been trained around the world to treat Cancer with the Therapy. Unfortunately, insurances do not cover this treatment. But, what is YOUR life worth? Thank God it only takes approximately $0.12 of Baking Soda to cure a patient. See /watch?v=nn_nMVShU3UPart 1 of 3. Please listen to all parts. Understand that the real enemy of health is our medical system, that continues to shake their fist in the face of God. It is a shame such smart people will go to the extremes they have and ignore such simple solutions. Listen carefully to each of the three parts! You be the judge. Baking Soda, Gods Natural Medical Wonder Drug?


Itchy Scalp Treatment

If you suffer from itchy scalp, you know it can be painful and embarrassing. Just remember you are not alone thousands of people have itchy scalp. There are hundreds of reason why your scalp can itchy here are the top few. Most of these are easy to rule out but sometimes your problem can be more complex than others.

Dirty Scalp

If you suffer from oily hair than sebum builds up on your scalp very quickly. This over production of oils builds up on your scalp causing it to itch. It itches because dead skin and the oils on your scalp mix together and harden. Many people mistake dirty scalp for dandruff but it is not. The best thing you can do it prevent this is washing your hair at least every other day. This will prevent the build up of oils, dirt and gunk. If you have really oily hair look for a shampoo with Zinc PCA in it. This will help regulate the oil glands in your scalp and help reduce the amount of sebum produced.

Dry Scalp

If your scalp does not produce enough oils it will tend to by dry. You can tell if you have dry scalp because the flake will be very tiny and thin. Once your scalp get to dry it will itch terribly and tend to be irritable like a minor sunburn. The most common causes of dry scalp are due to washing the hair to much. If you have naturally dry hair and wash your hair daily it will tend to make it dryer. Scalp damage due to heat. Using heating tools in excess will dry your scalp out. And very ridged weather with high wind will suck all of the moisture out of your hair. Look for hydrating shampoos that contain emu oil to help fix dry scalp.


Extreme stress can change the hormone levels in your body causing the skin and scalp to become dry. This can be last for days or even months at a time. The best way of dealing with it is by using a moisturizing shampoo or just be relaxing.

Neurogenic Excoriation

This is extreme scratching, it can physically damage the scalp and cause thinning hair and scalp infection.

Scalp Fungus

When you have a fungal colony develop on your scalp it will start with itchy irritated skin that starts to flake in areas. The flakes will appear yellowish in color and sometime thick. Your scalp will become inflamed in areas and extra oily which is good for the fungus because that is what it is feeding on.

Scalp Dander

Dandruff is also caused by oily scalp. It is were your scalp becomes irritated and sheds the top layer of dead skin. It also can happen on your eye brows as well. Hormones play a huge role in dandruff that is why it is most common in teenage males. Bad eating habits can also affect it as well. Again weather can play a big role with flake production so try to stay out of extreme heat or cold. Washing your hair with a sulfate free shampoo will help moisturize your scalp and ease the irritation so will an emu oil based shampoo. Wash your hair in semi warm water to prevent further irritation. Stay away from harsh chemical shampoos like coal tar. Look for shampoos that contain Zinc PCA, Emu Oil and Shea Butter. Also try to avoid hair products that are alcohol based or contain mineral oils. These products cause tiny chemical reactions on your scalp that can irritate it worse. As we stated earlier diet a has a lot to do with your scalp healthy, always remember you are what you eat. So stay away from any kind of sugars and fried foods. And try to eat as much vegetables, lean meats and whole grains as possible. UV Exposure

Having a sunburn on your scalp can cause it to itch as well. Even if you have a thick head of hair your scalp can get burnt so if you are going to be out side for long periods of time cover up your melon.

Scalp Acne

This one is pretty apparent it shows up as tiny red bumps on your scalp and are cause by clogged follicles so find a good cleansing shampoo to help get rid of them.

Staphylococcus Aureus

Also know as follicutlis, it is cause by a bacterial infection on your scalp. It can be spread easily but is also easily treated by an anti microbial shampoo.

Herpes Tonsurans

Can also be called ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection that can eventually lead to hair loss of not treated. It appears a dark speck on the scalp. Often leads to thick yellow flakes and very sensitive and inflamed skin. It spreads very easily but is also easily treated.

Pityriasis Amiantacea

Is a scaly disorder where large gray scales develop on the scalp around the hair shaft. It can cause hair loss but is very rare. It is easily treated with antibiotics.


There are two main types of lice, body lice and crab lice. Head lice are very common and are most often found in children. You can tell it is head lice by finding the small egg sack or nit attached to the hair shaft and seeing flea like creatures in the hair. They are easily treated with lice shampoo.


Is a type of autoimmune deficiency that causes some skin cells to grow fast. This is very common on the scalp as it appears as crusty flakes that are sore to the touch. This disorder can be in small areas or encompass the entire body. It can be triggered by stress or injury. It is treatable but can take time and patience.


It also know as dermatitis or inflammation of the skin in certain areas. It is a minor allergic reaction which often appears as a rash. It is common in sulfate allergies.

All of these items can cause itchy scalp. One good thing is that itchy scalp is easily treated and very common so with the proper attention it should be no problem to get rid of it.

Styla Brite is a published author and product reviewer. Read Continue reading more about Itchy Scalp and Hair Styles.


2014年7月7日 星期一

Health Benefits of Fish Oil

Health Benefits of Fish Oil

The health benefits of fish oil include its ability to aid in treatment of heart diseases, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, AHDH, low immunity, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, arthritis, IBD, AIDS, Alzheimers disease, eye disorders, macular degeneration and ulcers. It is helps in weight loss, pregnancy, fertility and skin care (particular for disorders such as psoriasis, acne).

Most of the these health benefits of fish oil can be attributed to the presence of Omega 3 essential fatty acids such as Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Other useful essential fatty acids include Alpha-linolenic acid or ALA and Gamma-linolenic acid or GLA.

The various types of fish which can be a good source of fish oil are mackerel, rainbow trout, lake trout, halibut, herring, sea bass, sardines, swordfish, oysters, albacore tuna, blue fin tuna, yellow fin tuna, turbot, pilchards, anchovies and salmon. The most common names among these for obtaining fish oil are albacore tuna, herring, mackerel, sardines, lake trout and salmon. The type of fish used and the purity standards followed in refining the oil govern the quality of fish oil.

The health benefits of fish oil include the following:

Heart Disease:According to the American Heart Association (AHA), clinical trials have proved that omega 3 is effective in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Fish oil, which is abundant in omega 3, therefore, reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart arrhythmias. It lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol, which is bad cholesterol, and increases the HDL levels, which is good cholesterol. Fish oil prevents accumulation of triglycerides and further reduces the levels of excess triglycerides. Preliminary research has also shown that fish oil can be used for preventing atherosclerosis in coronary patients. Thus fish oil is effective in treating heart strokes and regular usage of fish oil can help avoid numerous sudden cardiac deaths. According to the American Heart Association, these preliminary findings should be confirmed by detailed research.

Weight Loss:Fish oil also aids in weight loss process. Research conducted by Professor Peter Howe at the University of South Australia has shown that fish oil improves the efficacy of exercise in reducing weight. Volunteers who were given fish oil diet showed greater weight loss as compared to those who did not consume fish oil diet. Exercise combined with fish oil had a positive effect on the body shape and body composition of the patients.

Blood Circulation:It is believed that fish oil has the ability to improve blood circulation along with reducing triglyceride and serum cholesterol levels.

Immunity: It is believed that regular consumption of fish oil aids in increasing your immunity thereby enabling you to resist incidence of common diseases such as cold, cough and flu. Omega three fatty acids present in fish oil benefit the immune system by effecting cytokines and eicosanoids present in our body. Researchers have also studied the effect of fish meal and fish oil on the immune system of pigs and found that fish oil aided in the growth of the animals. Similar research conducted on mice at Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, also gave positive results. Thus fish oil has the potential to enhance the immune system of humans. Fish oil is also beneficial to patients suffering from lupus, which is a disease characterized by the attacks of immune system of the body on various organs and tissues. Fish oil helps in reducing the pain and inflammation that may occur in joints, eyes, kidney, heart, blood vessels, lungs, nerves, etc. It also helps in reducing asso ciated fever, skin rashes and fatigue.

AIDS:Research conducted by the Nutritional Sciences Program in Lexington has increased the promise of fish oil as a treatment of AIDS.

Inflammation:Fish oil has anti inflammatory properties; therefore, it is effective in reducing inflammation in blood and tissues. Regular consumption of fish oil supplements, tablets, pills and capsules is helpful to those suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases. Fish oil is effective in treating gastrointestinal disorders, sprue, short bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) including Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis, which are typical disorders of the intestine. Patients suffering from Crohns disease find it difficult to absorb vitamins, fats and essential supplements. Fish oil supplements are an effective diet for such patients. In ulcerative colitis, fish oil prevents the accumulation of leukotriene on the colon. It should be noted that the anti inflammatory properties of fish oil are limited to reducing inflammation. Fish oil provides little effect in preventing inflammation. Research is also being conducted to enhance the anti-inflammatory acti on of fish oil by addition of other dietary supplements and drugs.

ADHD or ADD:Fish oil has the ability to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) due to the high concentration of fatty acids. If your child suffers from hyperactivity, dyslexia, dyspraxia, inability to complete tasks, emotional instability, wavering attitude, poor coordination, short attention span, short term memory, low concentration, tendency to interrupt others, recklessness, hastiness, impetuosity, impulsiveness, low IQ, or learning disorders, fish oil supplements, tablets, pills or capsules are a proven remedy. Research conducted at the University of South Australia and CSIRO has shown that when children suffering from ADHD were given doses of fish oil and evening primrose capsules for 15 weeks, they showed significant improvement. Since brain consists of about 60% of fats, especially essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6, fish oil helps in improving the functioning of the brain. Further, it is believed that fish oil is useful in the normal development of the brain. It helps your kid concentrate on the studies better. It has been further found that when pregnant women are given regular doses of fish oil, the born toddlers show enhanced hand eye coordination.

Eye Disorders:It is well known that fish oil is good for its ability to improve vision. It also helps in avoiding age related macular degeneration. The National Eye Institute at the National Institute of Health, US, plans to conduct a nation-wide study to evaluate the effect of fish oil in treating macular degeneration. This study will provide strong scientific evidence to the benefits of fish oil for eye care, thereby enabling government agencies and physicians to strongly recommend fish oil for macular degeneration.

Skin Care:Fish oil helps in improving the condition of poor and dry skin by making it shinny and glowing. It is useful in treating various skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, itching, redness of skin, skin lesions, and rashes. In case of psoriasis, the EPA present in fish oil restricts the growth of pro-inflammatory agents by producing arachidonic acid. Fish oil can also be applied topically to obtain relief from psoriasis. Regular intake of fish oil capsules helps in reducing loss of moisture from the skin. It is also claimed by some people that fish oil helps in preventing sunburns.

Acne:Fish oil is effective for acne as well. EPA is known to inhibit androgen formation. Androgen can affect the formation of sebum in hair follicle.

Cancer:Fish oil is useful in delaying weight loss in patients suffering from pancreatic cancer. Fish oil supplements can also be helpful to patients suffering from cancer related hyperlipidemia.

Diabetes:Type II diabetic patients are more prone to cardio vascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and stroke. As mentioned above, fish oil is helpful in treating various heart problems. Research conducted at the University of Oxford, UK, has proved that fish oil is useful in reducing triglyceride levels in diabetes as well.

Ulcers:The symptoms of peptic ulcer include pain in the abdomen, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, loss in appetite, weight loss, etc. Due to the presence of EPA and DHA, fish oil can be helpful in case of ulcers caused by NSAIDs.

Pregnancy:Fish oil is very useful for pregnant women as DHA present in it helps in the development of the eyes and brain of the baby. It helps in avoiding premature births, low weight at birth, and miscarriage. Research conducted in Denmark, which involved 8,729 pregnant women, concluded that diet with low amounts of fish resulted in higher risk of premature or preterm babies. It is also believed that women who do not have a sufficient intake of EPA and DHA in their diet suffer from depression after birth as there is transfer of some amount of brain mass from the mother to the child in the last stages of pregnancy. Moreover, as mentioned above, when pregnant women are given fish oil supplements, the born kids show enhanced coordination between eye and hand. Thus it is very beneficial to consume fish oil either by eating fish or taking fish oil supplements, tablets, capsules, or pills during pregnancy for the overall development of the child and well being of the mother. Ho wever, it should be noted that fish oil obtained from the liver of the fish, example cod liver oil, should not be consumed during pregnancy as cod liver oil is rich in retinol and vitamin A.

Fertility:Preliminary research conducted on boar has shown that when male boars are fed with diet containing fish oil, the quality of the sperm is enhanced. After ejaculation, the sperms have increased survival against lipid peroxidative attacks in the female genital tract, thereby increasing the chances of conception. On the other hand, similar animal studies have shown inhibition in the synthesis of prostaglandin E and prostaglandin F, which are produced in large quantities by human seminal vesicles. The research found no impact in the count and mobility of sperm.

Hair Care:Fish oil helps maintain a good luster of the hair. Omega three has hair growing properties as it provides nourishment to the follicles. It therefore aids in faster development of hair and preventing hair loss. A good supply of proteins is also necessary for hair growth. Since most fish varieties are rich in protein, eating fish helps in keeping healthy hair.

It is also believed that fish oil helps in asthma and kidney failure. Many people also like to feed fish oil to their pets especially dog and cat as it enables in the growth of shinny hair and smooth skin. It also helps the dogs and cats deal with arthritis, which is a very common disease among pets.

The National High Blood Pressure Education Program, US, has cautioned against wrongful publicity of fish oil as an effective means of lowering high blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension. According to its report, fish oil supplements lowers high blood pressure only to a small extent in hypertensive patients. Research conducted at the Channing Laboratory, Boston, US has revealed that moderate doses of fish oil supplements have little effect on the condition of high blood pressure in normotensive persons.

Should we replace vegetable oils with fish oil?

No. There are many websites which advice people to stop eating these vegetable oil and switch to fish oil for increasing the intake of omega 3 fatty acids. However, it should be noted that most of these websites take a bias towards fish oil to increase the sales of their products. There is no doubt that fish oil is one of the best sources of omega 3 essential fatty acids. However, other sources should also be consumed.

Here is a brief on Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids. There are three types of Omega 3 fatty acids, namely alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). All three are important for the body. Vegetable sources including flax seed oil, soybean oil, hemp oil, canola oil, walnut oil, rapeseed, perilla, chia and tofu are rich in ALA. The human body has the ability to convert ALA to DHA and EPA, though there are limitations to this conversion. It has been found that ALA is also useful in treating heart problems; however, the exact mechanism is yet unknown.

GLA, an important Omega 6 fatty acid, shows promise in the treatment of cancer. It is believed that GLA is useful in treating various problems including arthritis, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, skin problems, breast pain, premenstrual syndrome and diabetes. The best source for GLA is evening primrose oil.

Caution on dosage:Excessive dosage of fish oil can have adverse allergies and side effects on the body. Further, fish oil can be problematic in many conditions and hence it is necessary to fish oil supplements cautiously. You should consult a doctor or physician for the exact dosage of fish oil you should take. Moreover, fish oil can be consumed in various forms. These include eating the fish directly by baking, roasting, frying, grilling, broiling, or smoking it or eating fish oil which is available in the form of concentrated dietary supplements such as liquid, tablet, capsule, pill, soft gel, etc. Also, there are various pharmaceutical grades of fish oil. You should also consult your doctor to check the mode of eating fish oil.

Fish oil purity

Purity of fish oil is also an important issue which one must pay attention to. Fish oil is obtained from fresh water, farm, ocean, deep sea and shallow sea fish. All these fish can be contaminated with toxic compounds such as mercury, arsenic, lead, forms of calcium, furans, dioxins, PCBs, and methyl mercury, and may affect the human body. Therefore, the fish oil should be pure. Many companies also sell ultra refined fish oil or distilled fish oil, but you should always check if the standards have been followed.

Fish oil and Vitamins

Vitamin A and Vitamin D:Fish oil, especially the one obtained from liver such as the cod liver oil, is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin D. However, excessive dosage of cod liver oil can lead to Vitamin toxicity, accumulation of excessive vitamins in the body, which can cause side effects.

Vitamin E:There are various beliefs surrounding fish oil and vitamin E. These are:

* Fish oil undergoes oxidation and can become rancid, leading to formation of free radicals. Addition of antioxidants such as vitamin E to fish oil can help prevent the formation of these free radicals. * Excessive dosage of fish oil leads to reduction of Vitamin E in the human body. This loss of vitamin E should be supplemented with external vitamin E supplements. * The combination of fish oil and vitamin E can have added benefit in the treatment of many cancers and heart diseases, than if they are used individually.

Preliminary research has been carried out which prove the above beliefs; however, these need to be substantiated with detailed research before drawing strong conclusions on the use of fish oil and vitamin E.


Psoriasis Treatment: Effective Home Remedies For Psoriasis

Information about Psoriasis Treatment and Effective Home Remedies.

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contiguous immune situation that causes red and patchy scales to develop all over the body. The areas usually affected by psoriasis are the knees, elbows and the skin behind the scalp and the ears.

Here are some Home Remedies for Psoriasis

1. Drink at least one bowl of cabbage soup everyday. Cabbage soup is one of the best and effective home remedies for psoriasis.

2. Boil some soap nut in water and take a bath of that water or you can also apply that water to affected parts. This is also effective for psoriasis treatment.

3. Sesame seeds are also known for an effective treatment of psoriasis and for other various skin-related diseases. Take 10-15 sesame seeds and soak in a glass of water for whole night and early in the morning drink it in empty stomach. This also works as a effective home remedy for psoriasis.

4. In the diet of patients suffering from psoriasis add foods that are rich in Vitamin E such as almond oil, spinach, sunflower seeds, sweet potato and wheat germs.

5. Garlic is well known as a natural blood purifier. In the early morning in an empty stomach eat 6-8 garlic cloves. It will filter out the toxins from the blood and will protect against psoriasis.


2014年7月6日 星期日

Interview With a Sufferer of Psoriasis

Q1. How old were you when you first developed Psoriasis?

12 years old, and it started on my scalp.

Q2. How did you notice this on your scalp, and did you know right away what it was?

My scalp was itchy and flaky and it used to bleed when I scratched it. My head felt irritated. No, I didnt know what it was. I went to the doctor who sent me to the skin specialist in Dublins Hume Street Skin and Cancer Hospital.

Q3. What sort of tests did you undertake?

I went in to see the nurse and she cut off a length of my hair on the back of my head. She was able to tell me straight away what it was.

Q4. Did you receive any relief?

Yes, she gave me Tar Pomade to rub in twice a day.

Q5.Did this work? How was it applied?

It did work, yes. It was applied by rubbing a fingertip amount into my scalp to cover the whole area twice a day. In the evenings the scales had to be lifted with a comb before the evening application.

Q6. How did you feel when you were diagnosed?

It didnt really bother me at first because it was on my head only. Nobody could see it. The only problem I had was how greasy it made the patch on my head so I was constantly washing my hair.

Q7. Did it affect you as you grew older?

Only that I started to get it on my elbows and knees and patches on my legs. This was when I was 14. By 16, my back was covered and my thighs were also covered. All small patches but full coverage. By 17 I was in Hume Streets Hospital as I was covered all over even on my forehead, forearms, buttocks and stomach.

Q8. How long did you stay in hospital?

6 weeks

Q9. What was the treatment?

1st I started off with Whites Tar Paste to cover my body and Tar Pomade for my head. Then after 4 weeks I got Dytrenol which was clearing it very well but it left purple marks wherever it was applied.

Q10. How was your emotional and mental state through all of this?

It wasnt too bad coz I got out on weekends. The nurses would have talks and wondered why I was never affected by it. It was good to be around people who suffered from it as I felt that I wasnt the only one and a lot of them had it worse than me.

Q11. Did it disappear?

It did for a good while.

Q12. How long?

Id say about a year.

Q13. Then what happened?

It started to come back as little spots or if I cut myself it appeared. Scratches and cuts and scraped would disappear and psoriasis would appear in the place they were.

Q14. Did you use creams from chemists at this time?

Yes, the doctor prescribed me Dovonex, it was a steroid based cream.

Q15. Anything else?

I used aqueous cream as well. The doctor prescribed Piroten (anti Histamines) to stop scratching at night and I also used E45 cream, but rarely, it was expensive.

Q16. And did that work?

The Aqueous cream cooled the itchy burning feeling, the tablets worked but made me very drowsy and I hated tablets so much I actually taped socks to my hands at night rather than take them.

Q17. Was that your only time in hospital?

No, I went twice more.

Q18. When?

When I was 20 in 2000 and when I was 24 in 2004.

Q19. How did you get on and did your treatment differ?

In 2000 I was using Whites Tar Paste and that cleared it up for a long time, approx 2 years. In 2004 I had a very bad run of it. They stopped using Whites Tar Paste and I began using 1% Tar. I cant remember the exact name of the Tar. For the 1st week in 2004 the 1% was working great, then they moved me onto 2% and it burned my skin. I spent the next 5 weeks in hospital getting burnt, having aqueous cream applied, getting burned, then aqueous cream and so on. Then they decided to try light treatment. I was released for this and had to go as an outpatient.

Q.20 Oh! What does Light Treatment involve?

I got a bath for 20 minutes in special stuff. The bath was readymade when I went in so Ive no idea what was in it. It made my skin more susceptible to the UV Rays. After the bath, Id go stand in a stand up special sun bed for 2 seconds.

Q21. 2 seconds?


Q22. And then.?

They increased the time each time I was up there.

Q23. How?

I went from 2 seconds to 3 seconds, then jump to 5 seconds next visit. That could stay at 5 seconds for 2 weeks, then a jump to 30 seconds for a few visits. Then it was finally to 1 minute but it made no difference. I started to get big red lumps on my back. I just stopped going.

Q24. Do you regret giving up on the treatment?

I dont really. Hume Street was a great place but travelling from Cork to Dublin seemed an awful waste of money and time for 2 seconds under the light. Im originally from Wicklow so it wasnt so bad travelling from there when I lived there- it cost me 20 euros a week. From Cork it was 60 euro. Then I started working Full Time once I settled in Cork and I found it impossible to go then anyway.

Q25. Have you ever felt depressed with your condition?

Yeah, sometimes. Bouts.

Q26. How did you feel during these bouts?

I thought Why Me? but its not really a way to get an answer. During the winter when my skin cracked and hurt a lot sometimes Id cry with the pain. Putting aqueous cream on used to sting during cold weather and I felt deflated.

Q27. Has anyone ever hurt your feelings over your skin condition?

People who stare and comment, and say Ugggghhhh, whats that? Also my dad used to hoover constantly and gave out to me about flaking.

Q28. I presume that really hurt?

Yes, very much, coz hes my dad like.

Q29. Did you ever snap back?

No I dont think so, I was very quiet.

Q30. How do you feel about it all now?

Im not too bad now, but sometimes I feel self conscious.

Q31. In what way?

People stare, I hate it. They stare at my forehead where I have a patch of psoriasis, and I mean stare for a good bit. Also I was out one night and a colleague stared at my arms when I was moving them while speaking and I got to the point where I moved them rapidly on purpose to see if shed stop staring and check herself.

Q32. Would you return to hospital now?

I cant.The hospital closed down and Im not aware of anywhere else that does inpatients. There is another hospital in Dublin that does outpatients.

Q33. Do you think you should avail of some treatment?

No. Not hospital wise. I could get sessions on a sun bed, reduced time of course. Sun holidays as well, and if I rub moisturiser on it keeps my skin from getting too sore and flaring up.

Q34. Have you any tips for other sufferers?

Yes. Drink plenty of water and use vanilla cream. Get enough sleep. This tends to keep it at bay for me anyway but may help others. I cant say go on a special diet e.g.) no cheese or red meat because it never worked for me. I went to a herbal specialist- Chinese medicine- and he recommended doing this diet and he gave me animal fat for my scalp.

Q35. Did you use it?

Yes. For a while. It made my scalp more irritated and it flared up again.

Q36. Would you like to add anything?

Im used to it now all of it. If you dont have the condition, dont stare at people who do. Do try a few treatments e.g. Diet, herbal. It most likely is different for everyone. Dont let it get you down. 1 in 10 people have it so remember if you are in a room with 20 people you are not the only one with psoriasis.



Psoriasis Is Still A Mystery

You have probably heard of those diseases that no one knows how to cure. Well psoriasis is one of those mysteries that baffle doctors to this day. This condition called psoriasis generally runs in families. This gray scale red patch rash that appears on the elbows, knees, trunk,and scalp It is not contagious but very irritating. It can cause the finger nails and toenails to split, or be discolored, or even separate from the nail bed. The area affected may be so extensive that great physical discomfort and social embarrassment may result.

The most frequent cause is due to extreme stress and anxiety. Sometimes a slight skin injury or an infectious illness can be the culprit. However you contract the decease even though it is not curable it is controllable. You should by all means have a physician look at it for treatment. The more resistant the outbreak the more intense the treatment. Some treatments just require exposure to the sun others require a treatment of coal tar derivatives or other ointments. Your doctor should always make the choice of what treatment should be used.

The thickened patches covered with dead, flaking skin could represent the fact that as new skin cells produce faster than the rate the old cells are replaced and the results are a accumulation of live cells in thickened patches. Often covered by dry, silvery,adherent scales.For most people this is a long term condition even though attacks can be completely relieved with proper treatment.

Dermatologists have not yet found out a definite and comprehensive treatment for psoriasis - it being a stubborn and difficult ailment. Consequently Psoriasis natural cures are becoming very popular among the sufferers. Although without any guarantee that these natural therapies will bring about cure - one thing can be said with surety - Psoriasis natural cures do not cause any harm or have any side effects. This has led to more number of people to opt for Psoriasis natural cures and try to tame this chronic skin disease.

By Psoriasis cures are meant remedial measures that form parts of alternative medicine. A holistic approach is taken. The focus is on the immune system of the body. It is not treated as an isolated skin disease. Psoriasis natural cures are not invasive. In these treatments the focus is on alterations of dietary habits and lifestyles. Food supplements and vitamins are prescribed. On the other hand skin specialists tend to give importance to the symptoms without going to the root cause that may well affect the whole body.

There are many types of Psoriasis cures. It is not easy to predict which one will work for the individual because what will suit one person may not suit another. The general measures taken in Psoriasis natural treatments are water, sea salt and herbal therapies along with homeopathy, correction of diet and supplementing it with herbs and vitamins.

Natural Psoriasis cures give importance to the mental health and stress levels of the sufferer. Many suffer from depression and worry. Resentment sets in because of the social problems related to psoriasis. The skin takes on an ugly look and many lose their sense of self respect. Over anxiety and tension may worsen the condition. Taking all this into account means the involvement of family and friends in the treatment.

Alcohols and intake of narcotics and nicotine have to be stopped while following Psoriasis natural cures. Stress relieving skills have to be imparted to the patients. It helps to boost the immunity of the body.

Since it takes a long time to rid the body of psoriasis, the added advantage is that Psoriasis natural cures are much less expensive than typical medical treatments. Consequently more and more patients are opting for it. There is no rule of thumb for Psoriasis natural treatments - it depends on what suits the individual best. Due to absence of any effective treatment in allopathy, more and more people are turning towards natural methods of healing.


2014年7月5日 星期六

Natural Psoriasis Remedies ? Why Modern Medicine Can?t Compete With Nature

Have you ever wondered if a natural psoriasis remedy could provide the relief your skin needs?

If so, youre not the only one. It was something that I thought about as well when I discovered strange psoriasis patches on my skin. I had previously never given much thought to what psoriasis was, it was just a disease that didnt affect me.

Finding out I was suffering from psoriasis came as a bit of a shock, and I got a second one when my doctor said there was no cure. Everything I tried to get rid of the rashes did very little by way of curing it, so I decided to try the natural approach.

Its not that what my doctor advised didnt have any effect, its just that the effect was always temporary. After a course of topical treatment ended and I stopped using the creams, the psoriasis started to re-appear and so I had to start with the creams again.

The reason for this, while obvious to me now, I only realised when I began to look into an alternative natural psoriasis remedy:

They only treat the symptoms of the disease, not the underlying cause!

Apart from creams, your doctor may suggest UVB therapy. This is usually used when topical treatments either didnt work or are impractical, such as when very large areas of skin is affected. You will have to visit a local hospital, medical centre or clinic to have the treatment, which involves standing in a light booth while you skin is exposed to UVB rays.

Exposing your skin to UVB rays causes the over-production of skin cells to slow down to normal levels, which is what caused the psoriasis. You will need to have these UVB therapy sessions up to 5 times a week, for up to 6 weeks.

For me, although I did see definite improvement after my psoriasis UVB treatment course ended, there was one major drawback:

A few weeks after my last session, the psoriasis started to come back!

So, whilst the UVB therapy method does get beneath the surface in addressing the problem, the results are still only temporary. It does get a step nearer the root of the problem, but it still doesnt address what causes this auto-immune disease in the first place.

So how can natural treatments for psoriasis get to the root of the problem? People who practise and research natural medicine tend to agree that, psoriasis is generally a modern day disease. Everything from the food we eat to the air we breath is full of chemical toxins, toxins which create havoc with our immune systems if left un-checked.

The key to curing psoriasis lies in adopting a holistic program that reduces the amount of toxins that get into your body, whilst also helping your body get rid of those toxins already in there. A good start would be to adopt a diet for psoriasis that comprises of more fresh and organic fruit and vegetables and less processed food. Combine this with a good detox program to regularly flush out any toxic build-up, and you will have made a good start in becoming free of psoriasis.


Natural Remedies for Curing Stress

The term Anxiety or Stress implies any condition of the body that damages or causes death of few or many of cells. The body has its own self-mechanism for repairing these cells but it can do so only with a proper and adequate diet, providing all the essential and vital nutrients.

If however if these nutrients are not properly supplied, rebuilding of cells takes place at a slow pace than its destruction and this condition usually results in disease.

The most common diseases associated with stress are headache, heart disease, diabetes and peptic ulcer. Other diseases resulting from stress are asthma, ulcerative colitis, dyspepsia, sexual disorders and psoriasis.

Individuals differ from each other in reacting to various stressful situations.

There are manifold symptoms of stress. A large number of physical changes take place during a stress induced arousal. The pupils of eye become dilated, nervous system and brain become intensely active, muscles become tense, digestion slows down, the heart starts pumping blood faster, breathing becomes faster, blood pressure increases and hormones such as adrenaline, along with glucose are released into the system from liver and sweating starts.

There are various factors which lead to stress both within the body and outside it. Factors from within the body include feelings of fear, envy, hate and jealousy. External factors include blinding lights, loud noises, X-rays, extreme heat or cold, chemicals, drugs, pain and inadequate nutrition.

Nature Cure for Stress: The first step in coping up with anxiety or stress is to bring about a complete change in lifestyle. An optimum diet should be adopted which should be able to meet the nutritional needs of body.

It has been proved that a diet which contains liberal quantities of vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and fruits would provide an adequate amount of various essential nutrients.

It is also necessary to take special foods such as vegetables, oil, milk and honey along with these foods.

There are various other foods which are beneficial in meeting the demands of stress and should be taken by the patient regularly. They are molasses, yogurt, blackstrap, sprouts and seeds. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals and calcium and they provide a powerful resistance to the body in overcoming stress.

Leaves of the plant Holy Basil are also very useful in the treatment of stress. They are a natural anti stress agent. It has been proved that these leaves protect against stress significantly. Even a healthy person can chew about ten leaves of this plant daily for preventing stress.

Certain vitamins and nutrients also offer a protective barrier against anxiety. These are Vitamins A and B, minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium which decrease the feeling of anxiety. An important source of Vitamin A is green and yellow vegetables.

Vitamin B is found in various foods such as bananas, sprouts, green leafy vegetables, cashews and yeast. Adequate amounts of Vitamin A along with Vitamin B help in preventing major changes caused due to stress.

Potassium deficiencies are associated with insomnia, fatigue, breathlessness and low blood sugar. It is necessary for maintaining a healthy heart. Unrefined grains and nuts are also a good source of potassium.

Deficiencies of calcium may cause nervousness, tension and fatigue as it is a natural sedative. Soyabeans, dairy products and almonds are rich sources of calcium.

Magnesium is necessary for the better absorption of calcium and potassium and is found in many vegetables, dates, seeds and prunes. It is known as natures best tranquilizer and is helpful in prevention of heart attacks. Magnesium deficiency may lead to irritability, excitability and other emotional disturbances.

Persons suffering from stress should also avoid certain items such as coffee, soft drinks, salt, alcohol, cigarettes, fried and refined foods.

Exercises also play a very important role in fighting against stress. It not only keeps you both mentally and physically fit, but also provides mental relaxation and recreation. Walking, swimming and jogging are some of the best forms of exercises.

Yogasanas, pranayamas and kriyas are also very beneficial for the maintenance of general health and vitality. They serve to be the best shock absorbers against stress. These include asanas like sarvangasana, halasana, pavanmuktasana, ardhmatsyendrasana, dhanurasana, bhujangasana, yogamudra, trikonasana, padmasana, kriyas like jalneti, kunjal and pranayamas such as anuloma-viloma, shitali, kapalbhati, shitkari, and brahmari.

Thus it can be concluded that we can eliminate stress from our day to day routines by employing proper methods and techniques of nature cure, along with a healthy diet and change of lifestyle.


2014年7月4日 星期五

Bitter Melon Can Avoid Diabetes

Who does not know bitter melon? People often avoid vegetables on this one because it's bitter. Despite the bitter, bitter melon was a lot of benefits for health. With a little trick, pare still good to eat and can prevent various diseases.

Vegetables that this one is a vine with fruit elliptical with pointed tip. Her squiggly become his trademark. Type too diverse, there is little pare, pare pare bangkok and white.

Typical greens this is a bitter taste. It turns out the bitter taste of this vegetable it gives many health benefits. Various diseases can be prevented by eating vegetables that are named Latin Momordica this Charabtia.

There are some benefits that are owned by the plants from this tropical Asian region.

DiabetesBitter melon compounds containing insulin or hypoglycemic plants are very effective in keeping blood sugar levels rise. Because, this plant is known to improve glucose intolerance in people who are exposed to attacks from millitus diabetes or diabetes.

CholeraBitter melon juice which is ombined with red onion and lime juice is useful in treating cholera at an early stage.

ImmuneDo not be afraid to taste this bitter vegetable. Because, there are bitter in taste nutritious to boost the immune system. Increases body resistance by eating bitter melon regularly.

Demolish FatDrink two glasses of bitter melon juice mixed with milk or buttermilk, three times a day could demolish the body fat. Because it is very well taken by those who are dieting.

Skin diseaseIf bitter melon eaten regularly every day, various types of skin diseases can dicehak. Regularly. Such as, psoriasis and fungal infections (ringworm or scabies).

DetoxBitter melon juice can be a healthful beverage. Because pare can help the process of detoxification (removal of toxic substances) in the body. The result is more fit and healthy body.

Pare can be eaten on a regular basis, to be pan-fried side dish or vegetable stew made with other vegetables ,.To avoid a sense of bitterness, having been cut, bitter melon knead with a little salt and sugar until wilted. Squeeze, rinse clean and cook according to taste.

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Benefits of Bitter Gourd

This extremely bitter-tasting veggie is disliked by almost everyone. But well tell you why it is good for you.

Bitter gourd more popularly known as karela not only looks ugly according to some people but has gained notoriety for its extremely bitter taste. Scores of adults, youth and children frown the moment they see this vegetable served on their plates. This uneven textured green vegetable is good for ones health. Its a treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients. Its highly favored among diabetics for lowering blood sugar. Heres why bitter gourd is more than just a bitter sight:


2014年7月3日 星期四

Natural Psoriasis Remedies ? Why Modern Medicine Can?t Compete With Nature

Have you ever wondered if a natural psoriasis remedy could provide the relief your skin needs?

If so, youre not the only one. It was something that I thought about as well when I discovered strange psoriasis patches on my skin. I had previously never given much thought to what psoriasis was, it was just a disease that didnt affect me.

Finding out I was suffering from psoriasis came as a bit of a shock, and I got a second one when my doctor said there was no cure. Everything I tried to get rid of the rashes did very little by way of curing it, so I decided to try the natural approach.

Its not that what my doctor advised didnt have any effect, its just that the effect was always temporary. After a course of topical treatment ended and I stopped using the creams, the psoriasis started to re-appear and so I had to start with the creams again.

The reason for this, while obvious to me now, I only realised when I began to look into an alternative natural psoriasis remedy:

They only treat the symptoms of the disease, not the underlying cause!

Apart from creams, your doctor may suggest UVB therapy. This is usually used when topical treatments either didnt work or are impractical, such as when very large areas of skin is affected. You will have to visit a local hospital, medical centre or clinic to have the treatment, which involves standing in a light booth while you skin is exposed to UVB rays.

Exposing your skin to UVB rays causes the over-production of skin cells to slow down to normal levels, which is what caused the psoriasis. You will need to have these UVB therapy sessions up to 5 times a week, for up to 6 weeks.

For me, although I did see definite improvement after my psoriasis UVB treatment course ended, there was one major drawback:

A few weeks after my last session, the psoriasis started to come back!

So, whilst the UVB therapy method does get beneath the surface in addressing the problem, the results are still only temporary. It does get a step nearer the root of the problem, but it still doesnt address what causes this auto-immune disease in the first place.

So how can natural treatments for psoriasis get to the root of the problem? People who practise and research natural medicine tend to agree that, psoriasis is generally a modern day disease. Everything from the food we eat to the air we breath is full of chemical toxins, toxins which create havoc with our immune systems if left un-checked.

The key to curing psoriasis lies in adopting a holistic program that reduces the amount of toxins that get into your body, whilst also helping your body get rid of those toxins already in there. A good start would be to adopt a diet for psoriasis that comprises of more fresh and organic fruit and vegetables and less processed food. Combine this with a good detox program to regularly flush out any toxic build-up, and you will have made a good start in becoming free of psoriasis.


Detoxifying Naturally

Common sources of toxins include: air and water pollution, building materials and furnishings, food colourings, additives, flavourings and contaminants (bacteria, mould, viruses), medication, radiation, cosmetics and toiletries, household cleaners, alcohol, insecticides and pesticides in food, heavy metals, stress, and refined foods.

Our bodies possess detoxification organs and systems, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, bowel and lymphatic system, which all work to eliminate toxins efficiently. However, excess exposure to toxins causes overload, resulting in sluggish functioning of these systems, the accumulation of toxins and congestion in the body. Symptoms of toxicity may include:

Detoxification encourages:

The liver is the major detoxification site for drugs and other toxic chemicals. It transforms toxins into harmless substances for excretion. Tiredness, lethargy, headache and an inability to concentrate are symptoms of a sluggish liver.

Herbs such as globe artichoke, milk thistle, and bupleurum protect and support liver detoxification, and are particularly useful following overindulgence in rich, fatty foods, and refined foods, alcohol, and long term-medication. Burdock root and dandelion root are also fantastic liver tonics.

Constipation disrupts elimination from the bowels and may lead to the re-absorption of toxins and waste products. To assist constipation, increase fluid and fibre intake (fresh fruits, raw green leafy vegetables, whole grains, cereals; fruits such as apples, apricots, bananas, grapes, prunes contain soluble fibre), the regular excercise, avoid dairy products, soft drinks, meat, white flour, processed foods, salt, coffee, alcohol and sugar. These foods are difficult to digest and have little or no fibre. Flaxseed, psyllium seed are very helpful for constipation. Take with plenty of water.

The skin, the largest organ of the body is also used to excrete toxins. Elimination is through sweat glands, ie. perspiration. Sweating is a valuable means of eliminating toxins, so avoid using anti-persperants.

Dry skin brushing is an excellent way of removing dead skin cells and stimulating elimination via the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Use a natural bristle brush and make long strokes towards heart, covering entire body. This is best done before a shower or bath.

Follow this with self massage using a detoxifying aromatherapy body oil. Essential oils such as grapefruit, cypress, lemon, rosemary and fennel are excellent detoxifiers and decongestants.

Other herbs and essential oils to be used for detoxification and inner cleansing include: Juniper berries (to stimulate the kidneys and assist with the excretion of water, and are also useful for fluid retention and detoxification; eucalyptus, pine and peppermint essential oils are effective lung decongestants. Congested lungs disrupt oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange, therefore it is vital to keep them healthy and as clear as possible. Use the above essential oils as an inhalation or in a diffuser.

Calendula is a fantastic herb for the lymphatic system, a major component of the immune system. The lymphatic system is responsible for moving excess fluids, waste products and toxins from tissues back into the bloodstream for removal via the kidneys. A sluggish lymphatic system leads to edema, swelling and inflammation as well as low immunity.

Certain fruits and veggies are great cleansers and are also full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes.

Apple: cleanse the intestines and regulate the bowels. The potassium and phosphorus content cleanses the liver and kidneys.

Grapes: excellent cleansers for liver, kidneys and other organs of elimination. The number one fruit in many detox programmes.

Pineapple: helps break down protein and dissolve excess mucous. Neutralises excess acidity, balances the body's acid/alkaline levels.

Banana: bind toxins and assist their removal from body. High starch content, may be difficult to digest unless eaten when very ripe.

Cleansing vegetables include:

Beetroot - a potent liver tonic and detoxifying agent. It purifies the blood and lymphatic system. Most root vegetables tend to be detoxifying due to their action on the liver.

Celery - purifies the blood and lymph, a combination of celery and apple is said to clear away excess carbon dioxide from the body - good for those exposed to air pollution.

Carrot - these have a cleansing and restorative effect on liver.

Cucumber - are easy to digest and have a high water content making them a powerful diuretic. The also have a cleansing action on skin and bowels.

Cleansing and detoxifying is not just about the physical. Negative thoughts, emotions and attitudes are toxic when carried around permanently and block our ability to appreciate the present. It is vital to release unwanted things from both body AND mind.

Feelings such as FEAR, GRIEF, GUILT, ANGER, ENVY are mental and emotional pollutants, and energetically create blockages within the body and impair the smooth flow of vital force.
