To many internet entrepreneurs, night and day mean nothing more than hours, as time is acknowledged by the minute rather than by the day. Making money online is the name of the game.
The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The following health tips will help you cope with the pressures of making money Online and reduce health risks associated with the long hours in front of the computer screen. Besides, the most important resource to a blogger, is the blogger himself. All the other factors: reliable Internet connection, a working computer and working space are all replaceable. They are guaranteed to make your experience making money Online more enjoyable.
A is for Addictions
Health Risks in Bloggers: To overcome writers block, some bloggers are known to imbibe Alcohol , smoke packets of cigarette while others smoke cannabis. Alcohol binging is also common due to time constraints and the need to " release " after days and nights spent holed up in the house behind the computer.
Health Tip: Here is a simple rule that works for me. When you can't write then its time to read. Read the work of other writers to inspire yourself, challenge yourself, to learn and to inform thy self. It also helps making drafts to jot down those foggy ideas so that you can return later to polish them into worthy articles.
To smooth-en the task of making money Online, it is also important to set time every day to nurse that battered body and brain. Doing this can also be a motivating tool. This is because you can set goals that you want to achieve by the time set for recharging, so that you can enjoy your free time in peace.
B is for Back Problems
Health Risk for Bloggers: Poor sitting positions due to bad choice in furniture leading to back strain and back pains
Health Tip: The following images attributed tomedicinenet.comandBBC.comrespectively, should help with preventing back pain.
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C is for Caffeine
Health Risks for Bloggers: Too much Tea, Coffee and Coke soda.
The former two cause diuresis leading to dehydration. They also carry the risk of caffeine addiction. Soda contains an equivalent of six tablespoons of sugar per serving. Diabetes and heart attack risk are increased by taking too much sugar which deranges your blood sugar levels with time.
Health Tip: Take other fluids to rehydrate. Coffee and tea are not that bad. Fresh juice, hot water with lemon are plausible alternatives. Good old water remains the best option. If you have to take coffee with breakfast to get you starting, try including more proteins in your breakfast as amino acids give the body a similar boost.
D is for Depression
Health Risks For Bloggers: Updating posts, commenting, promoting your blog and research is a lot of work. Bloggers are constantly worried about the state of their Blogs and how to make money machines out of them.
Health Tips: Outsource what you can as soon as you can. Hire ghost writers if need be, invite friends to publish as guests on your blog. Keep short to mid -term achievable goals. Consistency is key rather than just the quantity of work done.
E is for Eye problems
Health Risks For Bloggers: Poor lighting of the work area. Eye problems like glaucoma have been reported to be caused by spending long hours in front of computer screens. Headaches due to straining to read text in poorly light working conditions are also common.
HealthTip: Set conditions to be fit for reading. A well distributed diffuse light is best. Adjust the font on pages where the font is too small. Do not work in'adarkroom'where all lights are switched off and the glaring computer screen is the only source of light in the room. Adjust the brightness of your monitor.
F is for Family and Friends
Take time to make family and friends understand the difference in schedules for you as a blogger. As you do so, create time for them too. Schedule visits, lunch dates and even simply pick up the phone and make a call. Not only does this refresh and re-energize, contact with friends and family may provide you with juicy ideas for your next project.
G is for Gym
You need to exercise otherwise your sedentary lifestyle may lead to lifestyle diseases like hypertension, type 2 diabetes and even heart attacks! Exercise has many benefits for the body and mind. Remember to get in some resistance training through weight lifting. For those who cannot afford the gym, push ups now and them will do.
H is for Habits
Health Risks For Bloggers: Smoking is the main focus here as at times, smoking is more of a habitual problem than an addiction to nicotine. It could be the sound of the match stick as it bursts out into flames or the need to feel something between your lips that drives you to light up. Maybe, it is just something that breaks the monotony of typing on the keyboard. So to say, a conveniently wonderful, personal legal distraction.
Health Tip: Be warned! Quiting is easier said than done. Try and take note of the environmental stimuli that cause you to reach out for that cigarette. Then try alter your behaviour in response to the noted stimuli by re-directing the urge and doing an alternative action.
Keep the packet of cigarettes away from sight to prevent impulsive actions. Seek help and support, but remember that the decision to quit needs to come from you. Nicotine supplements and the electronic cigarette have been of help to many though there is a school of thought that nicotine supplements may hamper a smoker making that decision to quit smoking.
I for Insomnia
Blogging pressures described above in D are culprits here. Sleep disorders are common due to the erratic schedules of Online business.
Insomnia and other sleep disorders may precipitate burn out and depression. Do yourself a favour by setting a specific sleep time, understand your sleeping habits and how much of sleep you need to function adequately. Keep your sleep time sacred and holy and observe it like theSabath.
J is for Junk Food
The temptation to snack is great as Blogging is energy consuming. When this is coupled by the sedentary lifestyle of Blogging, heart attacks ,obesity and diabetes soon come knocking on the door. If you are a lolly pop person, sugar free versions should be the norm. Other healthy snacks include ground nuts and other nuts, fruits and fresh vegetables like carrots. Observing set meal times also helps in reducing snacking.
K for Kegel Exercises
In recognition of the importance of sexual health. Kegel exercises which involve intermittent deliberate clenching and relaxation of pelvic floor muscles in a manner akin to how one holds back urine, have been reported to confer benefits to the sexual experience.
L is for Laughing
It is said that a giggle a day keeps the doctor away. Treat yourself to something that is purely fun and amusing while surfing the web every 90 mins or so. They are plenty of good jokes Online and streaming TV shows to help with this.
M is for Music
Music is food for the soul. It may help unlock that writers block more than puffing away a pack of cigarettes. Background instrumental music should provide apt company for any blogger. Playing your favourite play-list may uplift your spirits.
If need be, crank up the volume, Dance along or sing along to the music to break the monotony of typing away. I have this habit of taking time to select a long play-list that will play as I work; before I do any work Online. For me it is a simple " No Music, No work " policy.
N is for Neighbours
To the casual observer, a blogger may be an enigma. Erratic time schedules, late nights, partying at odd times and the nondescript life may pass on misconceptions about you. I had a chuckle the other day when one of my neighbours confessed to me how they thought I was some sort of spy or secret government agent. It could have been worse you know- a terrorist maybe?
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If you have nosy neighbours [ who doesn't anyway] it would be nice to say hello when the chance presents itself. Take time to participate in neighbour hood initiatives. This doesn't have to be time consuming as time is indeed money in Online business. You can offer your expertise by doing the research, carrying out social media marketing and designing fliers and posters. These activities marry into your work, give you an opportunity to hone your skills, present opportunities to skillfully market your Online business and cater for the social aspect of health.
O is for Optimism
Especially when starting out, Blogging is extremely unrewarding. You may even start to think that all those stories you heard about successful Online business are scams. Quite often, many quit before the harvest is due. Most of those over night successes you have read about come after numerous attempts and failures. You might quit at your 99th post yet it is that abandoned 100th blog post that may have opened the doors for you. Keep your spirits up, the beauty of Blogging and freelance writing is that every product you churn has the potential of having an endless shelf life. Keep this in mind and build on successes, learn from your mistakes. Your day will come.
Second part: Health Tips ( P => Z )
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