1) The Standard American Diet (SAD)
The standard American diet might typically consist of a doughnut or muffin with coffee and or Orange Juice for breakfast. For mid morning a person on such a diet will have a bagel with cream cheese. Lunch will generally consist of a sandwich with some chips and a soft drink or a fast food burger with extra cheese, a large order of French fries, and another large soft drink.
Ideally with this diet there is an afternoon snack consisting of a candy bar and perhaps another soft drink or coffee. Dinner will consists of some meat with a potatoes entre with rolls laced with margarine and some kind of vegetables like green beans. The dessert will be a cake or ice-cream.
Cons: This diet needless to say is very unhealthy and left unchanged can lead to sadness as its name clearly describes it. Altering some of the foods in this dietwill have an enormous positive effect on ones energy and general health.
2) The vegetarian Diet (also known as The Genesis or Hallelujah Diet)
This ranks as the oldest of all specialty diet. People become vegetarians for various reasons which include both spiritual and philosophical reason. Others shun meat for health reasons based on the fear of saturated fats found in animal meats. There are various categories of vegetarians namely;
a) Lacto-ovo-vegetarians - These ones add dairy and eggs to their vegetable only diet.
b) Lacto vegetarians- They include dairy in the diet but do not eat eggs.
c) Vegans- They consider themselves purists because they do not eat any animal products. They have sworn to never to eat anything that has or comes from something that has a face. Because of this some will not even eat honey because of the bees that the honey comes from.
d) Fruitarian diet - A variation of the vegetarian diet and consume a diet that comprises fruits, nuts and seeds. Some who subscribe to this diet will only eat fruits and nuts that fall from a tree or plant because they avoid killing anything including plants.
e) Hallelujah and genesis diets- This diet is based on Gods instructions to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be food Genesis 1:29.
Pros: The benefits of the vegetarian diet is its focus on vegetables and fruits and its avoidance of junk foods. This diet is known to decrease the toxic burden on the body and is of great value as a short term cleansing diet.
Cons: The diet is however unsuitable for long term because it deprives the body essential nutrients available only from meat and animal products which can have dire consequences to the body in the long run.
3) The Raw- Food Vegan Diet
Raw-food advocates never cook food before eating it. They believe that cooking weakens the potency of vitamins and minerals, which in the process destroys enzymes, and possibly introduces toxins. Some in this group suggest eating raw meat as well as raw fruits and vegetable.
Pros: The benefits of this diet are similar to those found with a vegetarian diet in that they consume organic fruits, vegetables and nuts. These are foods rich in antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging body tissues.
Cons: The downside of this diet is similar to that of the vegetarian diet. The diet is mostly lacking in quality protein unless raw meat is included. It is a diet that is difficult to stay on and may be lacking in vitamins (notably A,D and B) and essential fatty acids derived from animals and animal fats. Some of the advocates of this diet supplement the raw vegetarian diet with raw animal products such as unpasteurized dairy products, raw eggs, uncooked meats, poultry and fish.
There is however the added risk of contamination common in raw foods. Another factor to consider is that humans lack the enzyme cellulase necessary for digesting plant fibers. Undesirable intestinal microbes can ferment undigested sugar and fiber leading to gas production, inflammation, and abdominal pain in certain people.
4) The Anticandida (Antiyeast) Diet
This diet aims to avoid diet that activate Candida that affects many women in the form of vaginal yeast. Candidiasis, is a disease caused by a yeast fungus , candiada Albicans. This yeast often breeds in the throat, mouth, digestive tract, vaginal tract and on the skin. This same yeast however also has valuable functions in the digestive tract when checked by other more beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. Many cases of Candida occur after taking antibiotics that kill all bacteria in the gut.
Pros: The benefit of this diet is that it eliminates sugar in every form. This includes foods and beverages containing sugar which unfortunately also include fresh fruit and fruit juices. The basis of doing this is to starve the Candida fungus which feeds on sugar. Foods fermented with vinegar are also to be avoided which include soy sauce, vinegar pickles among such. Avoiding these foods may have an added advantage of lowering carbohydrates which help in balancing sugars and hormones as well as in weight management.
Cons: The downsize of this diet is that it can be very hard to follow because it excludes some very healthy foods like fruits and honey.
Read part 2 at /articles/406954_the-advantages-and-disadavantages-of-modern-diets-that-people-are-sold-into-part-2