Acknowledge there is a problem. The United States has vexed many nations, and is dealing with hoards of angry terrorists. The problem is getting worse, and the efforts to step up security only breeds new problems and complications. Fighting violence with violence is not the way of LORD Jesus Christ. We must ask ourselves, with courage, How can I follow the way of LORD Jesus Christ to solve these problems with compassionate communication and resource mobilization? and not continue to spend finances and lives on a war against terrorism that cannot lead to any amelioration of any problems using violence.
Begin True Productivity Act (TPA) to get people employed. The TPA will focus on helping boost selected industries while discouraging other industries. To get a sense of this, view our TAX SCHEDULE. A distinctive feature of the TPA is that it will mobilize resources to help key industries that provide infrastructure to our economy, while heavily taxing destructive activities. Further, home based businesses will be given significant governmental support, as both financial subsidies and as resource moving. The most important element of the TPA is that a committee will select from every community applicants to receive a paid office space, utilities, computer equipment and stipend for buying machinery and supplies, to help get every building occupied and in use and making economic output. Two chances to be picked, the winners may be selected by either committee or by random draw among those not selected by committee. After five years, if the business is making profits, it will be withdrawn from governmental support. However, if making no significant profits, a grant may seamlessly be issued good for two more years of operational expenses if one of two things happen. First, a state committee agrees to issue grant money; second, the community votes to continue the grant funding of the said businesses. In conventional thinking, an organization is either for profit or nonprofit; however, the truth is that what matters is how the organization does what it does that should decide if it stays around or is disbanded. An indication of a beneficial organization includes tax revenue, meaningful work, cultural output, philosophy congruent with LORD Jesus Christ's agenda, and does barter with other organizations (of type for profit and/or nonprofit under present laws).
End forced health care (Obamacare) Not everyone wants the same things. For some, medical care is valued and appreciated. For others, they rather take care of their own health and body using nutrition, herbs, exercise, prayer, meditation and community integration/service. Therefore, forcing people to pay into a health care system is going to cause a lot of internal tension in the United States, and since tension is an antagonist to productivity, the forced laws must end immediately. Therefore, ending forced health care will allow those who desire to participate to buy services from doctors of their choice and the brand of medication they desire, using the Social Security replacement of GNAA.
Regarding taxes, implement variable taxes per schedule, all other industries, flat 22% tax. Sales tax needs to be at zero except for Nevada (see below). By making a flat income tax, it will require five minutes to prepare taxes and save huge amounts of time, energy, and finances preparing taxes each year. Here is the taxation schedule: insurance, 50%; cosmetic dentistry, 40%; plastic surgery, 85%; home based business, 11% tax; tattoo and body piercing parlor, 85%; accredited educational, 40%; car dealerships (excluding wholesalers) 40%; construction equipment (except John Deere or Caterpillar corp), 10%; musicians, 10% tax; military (past/present, and there families) 0%; prophets of God (mentioned in the Bible Code; and their immediate families) 0%; computer hardware, 15%; computer software, 5%; computer services/repair, 18%; medical care (except chiropractic), 70%; chiropractors, 15%. Conversely, with all that money flowing into the General Pool, or GP, it can be spent. Bes ides spending on the overall budget, certain industries will receive subsidies based on a percentage of their cashflow: Archer Daniels Midland corp, 2%; John Deere corp, 10%; Caterpillar corp, 5%, health club/gym, 50%; wholesale new/used cars/trucks, 25%; homeschool, 50%; independent scholar, 60%; sonic Eye education, 10%. these taxes will apply when certain requirements are met on the definition of the primary activity of a businesses. Excluded businesses activities or industries shall be at the standard 22% tax rate, unless they qualify for a subsidy instead of having to pay taxes. Best match method for determining a business/person's tax rate.
Implement Governmental Needs Assurance Administration. This agency will act to replace Social Security. The goal is to phase out social security completely. Due to the changes in taxation, the economy will surge and sustain itself, both from the low tax rate and the easy to prepare system of doing taxes, and the reduced burden on the legal system to debate needlessly on the matter of fine details of the present-day taxation system and laws. GNAA will issue money, in the amount of $1,200 for every single person and $2,600 for every married couple presently eligible for Social Security benefits. Unlike present SSA rules, which penalize persons for getting married, the new system will actually slightly reward couples for marrying. This helps to allow people who love each other to confess to the world their love in a holy marriage, instead of living together as domestic partners. However, the income levels are higher but the recipient must pay for their own medical care, as a co ndition of the higher income. For those resistant to change, a transition time will allow a choice of either traditional SSA benefits with Medicaid, or the enrollment into GNAA with no money for medical; choice is up the the individual family to decide. Families must decide together to request GNAA, or they default to stay on old SSA rules until complete phase out occurs in the future.
Retrain our military in peaceful meditation nonviolent communication. Our military must be trained to carry a laptop computer, some solar panels, a small portable printing device, video camera with Internet up link to satellites and a satellite based cell phone, with Bible Code software from at least two different software brands, and a book from Marshall Rosenberg on Nonviolent Communication. Weapons give the wrong idea to the world of our troops' intent. Guns and grenades neither protect safety nor enhance comfort for anyone. All weapons cause problems, except for protection from natural hazards like rattle snakes and mountain lions that may mistake a human for their next lunch.
Retrofit office spaces in all cities with meeting space and True Housing, free for all community members. Meeting space can be for any purpose, for profit or otherwise, at no cost. Every person is allowed a certain number of hours per year, additional hours for reserved space costs. Unreserved time in the meeting hall is generally free, and will be a central gathering place for ideas to form on government, politics, society, culture and doing the work of LORD Jesus Christ. True Housing will be more long term than emergency housing, but similar principle. In True Housing, the person may reside in the True Housing for as long as they wish, with rent being one-fifth of any income they earn. They may move out at any time; if they do move out, their rent will end. No advance notice required, but a courtesy notice of 30 days is to be encouraged for all True Housing participants.
Implement income caps on all politicians, so that factory workers can earn equal to that of any politician by simply putting in overtime hours. The old system of paying politicians huge sums of money is unfair and only breeds resentment and inhibits working together in cooperative manners to really solve important issues. Factory workers are equally important as politicians, so pay should be the same when the factory worker puts in a 50 hour workweek. Exceptions lead only to animosity.
Implement changes in legal system for attorneys to be paid by the job not hour, and restrict all lawsuits to the equivalence of a 5,000 hour (at minimum wage) limit on to winnings in any claim. If minimum wage is $7 per hour, then the ceiling on all lawsuits in that jurisdiction shall be equal to $35,000 ($7 x 5,000) per matter. Presently, attorneys earn too much money, siphoning from the working classes their hard earned wealth. Also, the fear of big lawsuits creates a lot of tension and discourages risk-taking in all people. This must end. Big threats of lawsuits results in the perceived need and legal requirement of insurance; insurance is sinful because it detracts from people humbling themselves into cooperation.
Establish Cultural Centers in every city, town and village with music recording equipment, video editing equipment and camcorders and audio DAT devices, sound stages, and a projection television. All these supplies should be borrowable like a person uses a library today to borrow books, CDs and movies. If the equipment is brought back in functional condition, with acceptable and reasonable wear allowances, there is no fee to the individual patron. Every person eighteen years old or older may check out and take home equipment. Underage children may use equipment in the media Cultural Center under the direct supervision of technician/facilitator. A reasonable number of consumables (DAT tapes, CDs) may be recorded and kept by every citizen as part of their membership in the community. By reasonable, we are saying less than $20 per quarter year. Additional media may be purchased at wholesale directly from the cultural center, if the buyer is willing to make the trip on over.
Utilize office spaces in all cities and towns, and villages, with Healing Temples, which will be free to all citizens and all undocumented workers. The Healing Temples will use nutrition, herbs, light therapy, music based relaxation, prayer and meditation, and the controversial apricot oil containing laetrile to treat and prevent cancer. All community members and visitors to a community will be welcome, including undocumented workers, to enjoy free health care in these alternative styles. The Healing Temple will have both volunteers with stipends and other practitioners on staff payroll attend to the sick and help induce good health using these presently-controversial methods.
Supply meals at Healing Temples every day, to help keep up the strength of the community. Every person, citizen and undocumented worker, will be invited to attend every meal for free.
There should also be setup within every six block distance, in all cities and towns, a Food Hall, so the maximum walking distance is not more than three blocks, establish a cafeteria that serves healthy vegan foods three times a day, seven days a week; provide all food free to every citizen and every undocumented worker; serve vegetarian alternatives six days a week (except Sunday) and provide meats (fish, chicken, turkey) twice a month, but do not serve any beef or pork at any time.
Open the boarders, on all sides. Greet travelers with the question, how can we make your time in the United States more wonderful? Attention shall be placed in meeting needs of visitors and helping them feel welcome and appreciated, not in profiling them out to judge them to be terrorists. Fear is a powerful emotion, and our present government and legal system is overrun by fear and pride. Americans are proud of what they have accomplished, don't tend to focus that pride into releasing wealth into the hands of God Jesus Christ to allow some wealth to be risked. By holding onto something, we become absorbed by it and eventually it owns us; our possessions can possess our soul, instead of us possess items and goods to have as a focus point of sharing with both our family and our foreigners, and the community in between.
Restructure the purpose of prisons and jails from a holding place for the undesirable, to a city of productivity where inmates may have unlimited money, buy and own computers, televisions, books, music and music players, exercise equipment, electronic parts for experimentation, cooking supplies and ingredients, microwave and stove top ovens. Provide opportunities for inmates to learn the errors of their ways, have places to pray in their own customs, and do volunteer work within their mini city. Pay all inmates half of minimum wage for the city they are in legal jurisdiction of. If an inmate does not wish to work, they may enjoy the same opportunities for self-growth and pursuit of inner peace. Install an indoor swimming pool, make it heated and available for use seven days a week except on Christmas day or Martin Luther King day; those two days are holy Sabbaths. Start making all such prison cities open to both genders, and allow inmates to get married with each other of th e opposite sex. If a pregnancy occurs, it is a sign from God that the couple is ready to be moved out to a halfway house or similar transition point. Children are powerful groundings for anyone who has done an error in their life; a baby is a more powerful reason to obey the law than any artificial reason, including all punishments and rewards. The goal of all prisons is to ready all inmates to be moved out of the prison within six months regardless of the crime.
Abolish the death penalty. God will end lives when God is ready. Any human who ends a life for any reason, including as lawful executioner, is committing a grave crime against God and this must stop immediately. Only God shall from this point on decide when a person is born and dies. If a person is a problem to society, the law shall send them to a prison city where they might live, marry and understand the errors of their ways. For many people, six months is much longer than necessary. The wholesale storage of inmates in prisons of the past decades is an infraction against God, and LORD Jesus Christ insists this must stop. Such action is depriving the inmate of chances to continue their life, and God cannot do much with the inmate while the inmate is isolated and abandoned from the public view and awareness.
Implement a rail system to connect all big cities with other big cities, with stops along the way. Connect all cities, towns and villages with buses. Make all buses free to ride on for all passengers. This will help break the dependence on cars and oil, and allow our economy to get even stronger.
Implement a three percent sales tax on all Nevada residents, use to pay for gambling and sex addict ministries for a period of seven years. After seven years, drop the sales tax to the same level of the rest of the country, which needs to be at zero percent sales tax.
Redirect resources now used to invent and mass produce weapons, use these funds instead to share our compassion and love with the rest of the world. Issue farm tractors to all areas of the world where there is either famine or political unrest, expect only to be doing good on account of God. Send engineers to setup water holding and collection devices and ponds to benefit every nation that is dealing with any famine or political unrest.
If a foreign leader requests our help by saying, we humbly invite you to send over your military to solve our problems... the United States will instantly know what that means. We, as a united nation of Americans, will finance, plan, organize and act to save lives, save the environment, and boost world productivity, and appear to be doing this to benefit LORD Jesus Christ, but really we will be saving our world for the benefit of ourselves and our grandchildren.
So, what shall we do with all our employed workers and highly educated autodidacts from Sonic Eye and homeschooling, and community-controlled local education? Our future is in space. We must work together to get all humanity into the solar system and beyond. As one world cooperating with an absence of war and famine, this can, will and must happen. God wants His people all six billion of them to be at peace from compassionate nonviolence, making the other planets our home for countless generations into the future. This documented written under the request and supervision of LORD Jesus Christ, with Eric Meyer acting as His prophet.