2013年10月7日 星期一

5 Dieting Myths That May Be Preventing You From Losing Weight

As more people are trying to lose weight, more misinformation is being spread. Below is a list of dieting myths that you should ignore and the facts behind these myths that will help you in your weight loss quest.

Dieting myths #1 : Only the best and most popular diet programs can help you lose weight

There are many good and popular diet programs in the market now like the Atkins, the South Beach, the Ornish, the Weight Watchers and the Zone diet programs. All these diet programs have been found by researchers at the Tuft University to help obese and overweight people to lose weight. There was no significant difference among the different programs. The dieters of the various programs all lose weight when they follow their chosen diet program. So it is just a dieting myth that only the best and most popular diet program can help you lose weight. What determines your weight loss is if you've followed the diet strictly and not cheat on the program and not which program you're following.

Dieting myths #2 : Don't eat at night

Whether you eat at night or in the day, the calories that you consume will be the same. So, if it's the same, how can there be any difference in weight gain whether you eat at night or in the day. What's important is the food that you eat. If it's a high-fat and high-calories food, of course, it will add on to your weight. However, if you munch on a low-fat and low-calories food like fruits or vegetables, then there won't be any significant weight gain.

Dieting myths #3 : Eat at the same time every day

The time of day that you eat has no effect on how much weight you gain from the food that you eat. If you depend on the time to determine when you eat, you may be eating even when you're not hungry which will only be putting in extra food into your body when it doesn't need it and as such this extra food will be stored as fat by your body and therefore make you gain more weight. Eat only when you're hungry. Don't eat according to the clock. If you do this, you'll not be able to achieve your ideal weight.

Dieting myths #4 : Green tea can help me lose weight

Green tea has been purported to be able to increase your metabolic rate and therefore speeds up the fat burning process. However, you should know that this increase in metabolism is insignificant as to lead to any noticeable weight loss. Green tea is a better alternative drink compared to soda or coffee. However, to claim that it will help you lose a large amount of weight is an overstatement.

Dieting myths #5 : A vegetarian diet can help me lose weight

It is a fact that people on a vegetarian diet weigh less than those who aren't. However, the way you cook your vegetables will determine whether you can lose weight with this diet. If your foods are cooked in fats and are high in calories then converting to a vegetarian diet won't help you lose weight.

Be aware of these dieting myths and you'll know what to avoid when you're on a quest to losing weight.


