Hi, how are you?
If you have recently become a mother, congratulations on your new family member, and a very warm welcome to you.
Are you looking for a plan to help you lose weight after pregnancy? New mothers have an especially hard time losing weight after pregnancy because they have to do double duty by getting in shape and looking after the new family member. I see celebreties in magazines get their figures back in no time flat, but they have an unfair advantage.
Your time is precious and you are often tired, so is losing weight really possible?
Well yes, it is. With a little help from your friends. We have a few tips and tricks for you so you can lose weight after pregnancy without collapsing into a puddle on the floor. So read the article and then take a few minutes to plan your attack.
Make Time for You
As you know, this is easy to say and not so easy to do, but you can't do your bes t job taking care of your baby unless you also take care of yourself. Taking some time out to get your figure back is included here. I know it can seem unfeasible to find half an hour or an hour a day for exercise.
Get your spouse, partner, a friend or relative, to keep an eye on the little one while you work out. Some health and fitness centers have infant care facilities. If neither of those work for you, maybe you could coincide your workouts with the baby's snooze times.
Dance is a great choice here. You can dance while you keep one eye on your baby so you won't lose any time, you will charge your batteries and feel good about yourself.
Don't forget the old saying, "Well I don't know, but I've been told, if you keep on dancing you'll never get old".
Have a good stretch before you start so you loosen up your muscles, put on the radio, or an upbeat cd and off you go. It doesn't matter if you're not an expert dancer, your baby won 't tell anyone, so leap about with gay abandon and have fun.
This is no time for for Dido or Mozart though. You have to get a bit sweaty.
Near the end of the session you might want to play some more gentle music as a cool-down period, maybe holding your baby and dancing along together.
You can see how this is a fun way to lose pregnancy weight.
Music is important during pregnancy too. If nothing else will soothe your baby when s/he is upset or during a crying attack, the music you liked listening to while you were expecting may do the trick. I have a friend whose little daughter is soothed by heavy metal because that's what she is used to hearing, and another friend who has to play Tom Waits to her nearly 2-year-old boy.
Try to do 30 minute exercise sessions, but if you absolutely can not, 20 minutes will have to do.
Eat Nutritious Foods
If you want to lose weight after pregnancy, you need to get a decent amount of calories each day. If you breastfeed, you'll need around 1800-2000 calories daily, because breastfeeding uses a lot of energy. As you possibly know, women who breastfeed for 6 months or more regain their figure more rapidly. If you're not, you'll need less, maybe around 1200-1500. If you get enough calories your metabolic rate will remain high, which is desirable for efficiient weight loss and avoids you going into survival mode.
Of course these are very approximate averages, and to get an exact number for your body it's a good idea to have a word with your doctor or go to an online BMI/calorie chart, like http://www.bmi-calculator.net.
Fill up on junky foods, which have little or no nutritional value, and neither of you will be properly nourished. Inferior food makes inferior milk that is less than ideal for your baby. Poor nourishment will cause your metabolic rate to take a dive dragging your enegy level down with it, and this means weight gain, not loss.
Eat small, appetizer-sized amounts of food frequently. Do your best to eat something nutritious every 2-3 hours. Getting enough calcium is important and good sources are dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli, and low-fat dairy products. Calcium is great for kicking your fat-burning metabolism into top gear. Also in clude fresh fruits, lean protein, and whole grain products.
Exercising with Your Baby
This doesn't have to be a lonely task. You can lose weight after pregnancy while having fun with your baby. Join an online weight-loss group to connect with other new mothers in your area who might want to join you for walks or swimming with the little ones. Some health centers have classes for mother and baby. If your local center doesn't offer anything suitable, maybe you could suggest they start one
If private time is more to your liking, go out for 30 minutes brisk walk, or jog, with baby in the stroller. To keep it interesting, mix up your routes or destinations. The park, the mall, the zoo, a friend's place etc. When the little guy begins walking properly you take them to a playground or park and join in the child's play.
Support from Friends, Family and Loved Ones
If you can get support from othe rs at this time it's a big help. Losing weight after pregnancy is too demanding for a lot of mothers to go it alone. Whether they provide babysitting service or a morale boost, friends and family can play a crucial role in your success. As Mick and Keith said, "We all need someone we can lean on ..."
It's also important to connect with other new mothers who are facing the same difficulties as you. Discovering what their troubles are, and their solutions to them, can be very good for your morale. You can contribute your own coping mechanisms. Discovering that you're not alone can take a great weight off your shoulders
Get a Good Night's Sleep
I know, you just fell off the chair laughing. Insufficient sleep can cause physical and emotional problems.
'Studies' reveal that most of us need more sleep, and of course that's particularly true if you have a baby who doesn't sleep through the night. Pregnancy takes a lot out of your body, and then the pressure of caring for a new member of the family can be draining.
Don't Rush Into It
Let your body recover after childbirth before you start any weight loss program. Most women need six to eight weeks and then they can ease gently into a weight loss plan.
Be gentle on yourself and don't worry if it's taking longer that you'd like, that's alright and anyway, time flies.
If at all possible, get one of your support group to babysit 3 times a week while you get 8 hours sleep. If you're a light sleeper, you may need to use ear plugs.
A good stretch of restful sleep will benefit your mind, body and mood. If you are breastfeeding, you might want to express some milk so the person keeping an eye on baby can do the feeding without waking you.
It will take longer for breastfeeding mothers before they can expect a good night's sleep to be a way of life. The best you can do is grab a nap whenever you can, and console yourself with the knowledge that your baby will be stronger and healthier because of your sacrifice and very soon the two of you will be sleeping through the night.
Okay now, off you go. Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.
The best of luck to you and take very good care ..
2011年11月5日 星期六
Discover The Secrets To Losing Weight After Pregnancy
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