2011年11月9日 星期三

Oolong Tea Weight Loss: What You Need To Get Where You Want To Be

Oolong tea weight loss is a great product that certainly could help you to lose a substantial amount of weight. It is a tea that hails from China, and its name in English means "black dragon tea". It is produced by being left out in the sun until it starts to whiter and oxidize.

It is a very high quality tea, which is extremely well known and greatly appreciated by tea aficionados in south China, and by Chinese citizens that live throughout Southeast Asia. The taste of Oolong tea can vary greatly, depending on the variety of the plant that the tea leaves come from that are used to produce the different types of it.

Some Oolong teas taste very fruity and sweet, and have a honey type of aroma. While other types can be very thick, and come with a woody and roasted smell. Still other kinds smell like flowers, and taste extremely green or fresh. It really all comes down to the manufacturer's preference, and the style of production and horticulture they utilize to make their favorite brands.

The following are a few of the English names for the most popular varieties of Oolong teas, Red Robe, Gold Turtle, White Comb, Cassia, Iron Monk, Wuyi rock (cliff), Iron Goddess, Narcissus, and Golden Cassia.

The big difference between green tea and Oolong tea is the processing. Every type of tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis plant, although there are many different types of it. All tea leaves are green when they are first picked. Green tea is heated up to stop the usual oxidation of the tea leaf.

Whereas, Oolong tea is set aside and maintained in stringently controlled highly sensitive environments to oxidize at its own pace, which is the reason for the wide diversity of smells and tastes it is available in.

There are two distinct ways people can go about attempting to lose weight. First, they can reduce their calorie intake by cutting down on their meal size, the number of meals they consume, or by eliminating certain foods that are very high in calories; such as sweets, carbohydrates, and fatty foods. Proper weight loss meal plans are essential to your well being.

Second, they can increase their energy output to use up more of the calories storied in their bodies. While it is possible to utilize only one approach to lose weight, it is widely recommended that they are used in conjunction with each other in order to achieve the best results possible.

The reason Oolong tea is thought to help people lose weight is because it increases their metabolism. If you are not familiar with the word metabolism, it essential means the way you digest and utilize the food you eat. More than likely you have heard somebody say something like this in the past, "I wish I had their metabolism, because it does not seem to matter what they eat, they never gain any weight".

In 1998 the Chinese commissioned a double blind medical study be done on weight loss tea such as Oolong tea. They tested 102 females for a six week period. After the six weeks were up, the scientist concluded that Oolong tea did help the patients being tested to lose weight by increasing their metabolism.

The US Agriculture Research Service's Diet and Human Laboratory department also studied Oolong tea in 2001. The test was carried out by Dr. William Rumpler, and were done on 12 healthy males over a three day period. The test revealed that the males that drank the Oolong tea had higher rates of fat oxidation, than the patients that did not consume it.

In 2003 the Japanese also carried out scientific test on Oolong tea, to try and determine if it did indeed contribute to weight loss when it was consumed in large enough quantities. In this study eleven healthy young females were tested and the results that were achieved were very similar to the early test done earlier on this product.

In conclusion, Oolong tea weight loss has been scientifically proven to increase your metabolism and fat oxidation. This will help you to lose weight. But, as with any product in this category, it is not a total solution to your weight loss problem if you do not take other measures to help you lose the weight you want, and keep it off for the rest of your life.

