2011年11月13日 星期日

Benifits of Raw Food For Dogs

If you have ever watched a nature show about predators, you probably noticed (if they showed this part) that after the kill, the alpha male took first eating rights. This is true with the big cats, wolves, coyotes, and wild dogs. Did you notice what the alpha male went after first? Not the lean meat of the muscles, but the internal organs, heart, liver, intestines, etc. That is the food that provides the most nutrients, and the alpha goes after those because he has to be the fittest in the pack. You may also have noticed that the pack does not build a fire and cook their catch. Of course they cannot start fires, but even if they could they wouldn't because cooking changes the composition of the proteins and does not provide the same nutrients as raw fare does. Shouldn't you take that into consideration when planning your dog's foods? These organ meats are good for them, but you do not want to make entire meals of just organ meats. You should feed your dog a percentage, app roximately 10%, of his daily diet with some organ meat, liver, kidney, heart, or unbleached intestines if you can find it. The following is a list of items that you can include in your dogs menu: If it runs in the woods you could probably feed it to your dog. Chicken will probably be the staple because it is more abundant and cost effective but experiment to see what your dog likes. Chicken - whole or backs, necks, wings etc. Turkey - whole or necks, wings etc. Cornish game hens Beef - almost any. It is not recommended to give them femur bones or the like as they may be too hard and could possibly chip their teeth. Oxtail Rabbit Pork - ribs, neck, feet etc Buffalo Venison - just make sure the buck shots are all out Fish - fresh is best, talapiah etc. Organ Meats - kidney, liver etc. If they have been eating kibble, gradually introduce raw foods. Any dramatic change in diet may not do well with your pup. Add a little raw food to start and each day increase the port ion so that in about 2 weeks they are entirely on raw foods.

The recommendation for feeding is 1.5-3% of body weight daily. Larger dogs seem to need less, but once they get used to the food they will only eat what they need. My 2 Huskies get a half pound of raw food mixed with some veggies, and scraps from our dinner. They also receive a treat of chicken necks or backs, or (put in the link to Mercola's Bones). The very best fresh meats for you and your pup will be Grass-Fed Beef, pork, or lamb, Pastured Chicken, and some wild caught fish. In case you were not aware, cows flourish best on grasses, not grains, and chickens normally eat grass and bugs that feed on grass. A cow or steer has a double stomach to properly digest grasses, but grains do not require the second stomach, and the steers get fat quickly. Grass fed animals do not need antibiotics or steroids to help get them to market. The very essence of food is that which grows in the ground and is green. This is an oversimplification, but this type of meat is at the top of the chain nutritionally both for humans and our furry friends. Are there real, noticeable benefits for our dogs? You bet there are, whether you get grass fed meats or commercial meats, the benefits are outstanding and you will notice the difference almost immediately. First off, you will be giving you pet human quality food, not something that has been processed, and contains ingredients that we cannot even pronounce, from sources; well, who knows? One of the first things you will notice is they drink less water. Because the food has higher moisture content your dogs will probably drink less water. Not that it is a major concern but be aware. The moisture content is much greater in live whole foods then the processed variety, and thus they will not feel the need to drink as much water.

We have noticed that difference between 2 of our dogs who have been raised on raw food since we adopted them and th eir siblings who dine on commercial wet and dry food. The poop also turns white if left overnight and will eventually turn to powder, the white stool is because of the excess calcium from natural sources. The stool helps determine if you dog is digesting the food well. Less poop that is firm usually means that you pup is digesting well and absorbing all the natural vitamins and minerals. If it is softer you may need to either lessen the carbs if any are given and/or add more raw meaty bones. Another great benefit is bones help clean their teeth. Any uncooked bones can be given for their enjoyment. Do give any cooked bones as the cooking process changes the composition of the bones, and they may splinter and harm your pet. Cleaner teeth the natural way also keeps their mouth healthy and well cleaned. One of the first major things noticed from the raw feeding was that there was a signifigant decrease in dogs gas. One of us has not had this problem, because our dogs have always been on a raw diet and they produce very little gas unless they get too many carbs. The other had that problem, but got used to it, and actually it was his mother's observation that the dogs were not stinking up the house. Now, they do occasionally let one fly but not even close to what it was before. So the house smells nicer.

More energy The best benefit for our dogs, is their overall health. The main reason people try the raw food diet is because there is some exisiting problem with their pet and it usually stems from they way they eat. We as caring owners and friends want our dogs to live full, happy and healthy lives and we are now seeing that the raw food diet, in most cases, seems to do that for our dogs. Sugars, preservitives, additives etc that are commonly found in kibble and processed foods are just not what nature intended for them to eat, and this may be a major source for canine disease and illness. A raw diet also does not require much supplementat ion. If you use Grass fed meats about the only supplement will be a Pro-Biotics a few times a week to keep their stomach flora in tip top shape. As long as you include some organ meats and a little veggies, your dog will be healthy and happy. If you use grocery store meats, you might want to consider adding a fish oil supplement too help balance the omega 6 and Omega 3. This little supplement will really give their immune system a real boost.

