Don't drink the water, without minerals. As people of this generation are striving to get healthier there are many of us that are just beginning to learn about mineral water benefits. Many of us have never really taken into consideration before that through the frequent consumption of water we receive minerals essential for life.
One of the things that many of us are only now discovering is that you receive absolutely no mineral water benefits through the consumption of tap water. The widespread failure to understand that fact has led more than a few people to develop mineral deficiencies. How can it be though that the water that has been provided to us through all of these years came to be without these precious minerals?
Within every natural source from which we draw water minerals essential for life are available in abundance. When this water is drawn into our wastewater treatment facilities for cleaning and disinfecting we also lose all o f the mineral content of the water. Why is it that the water treatment facilities conduct a demineralization
procedure on our water before providing it to us?
Treatment Facilities or Just Treatment?
The treatment facilities do not consciously rob us of our mineral water benefits. The equipment that they use to remove contamination from our water features a porous membrane filter that is intended to remove any harmful solid that has a molecular weight greater than water itself. Although this procedure is a necessary step in order to protect us from certain elements in our water it also takes away valuable nutrients.
The bottled water industry has recently taken advantage of this unfortunate circumstance by developing products that have been re-injected with the minerals essential for life. While consuming this water may sound like a good idea on the surface there are some things that you should know about bottled water before you make that final decision to buy.
Bottled Tap Water?
The fact is that you are truly getting nothing more than filtered tap water in that bottl e. Depending on the extent of the purification process that was used this water may quite possibly still contain carcinogenic chemicals. This is enough in my mind to outweigh the mineral water benefits that you would receive from using this product.
Remove Toxic Materials from Your Tap Water
There is truly only one way that you can both guarantee that your water is free from harmful contaminants and enjoy mineral water benefits, and that is to purchase and install a high quality home water purification kit that features ion exchange technology. This feature removes toxic metal traces from your drinking water, and replaces these traces with sodium and potassium.
Best Choice for Home Water Purification
These two electrolytes are without a doubt the most important of the minerals essential for life, and the use of this water purification feature is the safest way for you to get them. A quality purification system wil l remove up to 99% of all of the hazardous contaminants in your drinking water. This system will not only protect you family from harm, but will allow them to enjoy the mineral water benefits that they've been missing. For more complete information pease see my website. Larry L. Taylor