2011年11月5日 星期六

3 Ways On How To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Weight loss after pregnancy is something that bothers most mothers. Most of them may feel that it is impossible to do so, especially after all the post pregnancy problems. But that is a myth really. There are many ways in which you can lose weight after pregnancy.

One way is to control the intake of your food along with the quality of food you take in. Water intake should range around 10-12 glasses or at least 4 litres minimum through out the day. Do not indulge in the usual high sugar contented drinks. A good thing to do would be to add a hint of lime to the drinking water and replace it with juices.

The next thing to do is watch out on the food you take in. Weight loss after pregnancy depends a lot on the food you take. Junk food has to be a strict no-no and make sure you avoid things which claim to be non-fat because any kind of hydrogenated oiled products should be avoided. Avoid the burgers and fries and go in for fresh salads.
A few quick munchies are not a bad choice either. Wheat crackers or popcorn are good. As for the meat intake, any kind of boneless meat is good. Chicken boiled and stewed and boneless is a great idea! These are few things that should be kept in mind if you are wondering on how to lose weight after pregnancy.

The next thing that bothers most mommies is the issue of postpartum weight loss. You could lose baby weight easily once you think you are fit enough to move out for some easy and light exercise. Walking is good, if the outdoor is pleasant. You can take a friend along or walk with the baby but make sure you walk slowly.

No need to gear up for a marathon! This is a good idea if you are wondering on how to lose baby weight. Some gyms come along with programmes for moms after pregnancy and also provide consultation on how to lose weight after pregnancy.

These are 3 tips on how you can actually control your weight after pregnancy witho ut over doing it. After all, after pregnancy your body takes time to resume its original form. The same kind of fitness schedule or diet may not be applicable all the time. And during pregnancy it is normal to put on a lot of weight and the urge to lose it comes as soon as it is over!

So do not worry. If you really want to lose weight after pregnancy, these few tips should help you without any problem. All you have to do is be a little patient and systematic.

