2013年6月20日 星期四

Fullfast Review - Is Fullfast Effective For Weightloss?

When I started out my practice as a physician almost 12 years back I was not faced with the burning issue of obesity. However in the last 10 years there has been a sudden splurge in obesity and naturally there has been a major upheaval in ways and means of tackling obesity. From numerous weightloss diets, weightloss recipes, weightloss books to supplements and pills we have seen the whole works in the past few years. On a lighter side in fact it has been also such a major issue that I find it exceedingly difficult to even register my own website on obesity for almost all names have been taken!

Anyway medical profession is such that we pay more attention to evidence than high pressure selling and thus we clinicians often look at results and safety rather than anything else. It is in the light of this evidence based medicine settings that I have the opportunity to discuss with you a product called as Fullfast that has science at its foundation. Evidence that Fullfast works and is safe is much more heartening to know and perhaps will save many people the headache of going to look for unhealthy and often harmful weightloss supplements.

What is Fullfast? Fullfast is an all-natural mouth spray that has demonstrated ability to suppress hunger pangs and lead one to a sense of fullness akin to having had a full meal. It contains a natural amino acid called 5-Hydroxytryptophan which is the precursor for a neurotransmitter called as Serotonin. Serotonin acts on 2 major centers in the human brain - hunger center and satiety center. Serotonin suppresses the hunger center and stimulates the satiety center thereby preventing hunger pangs and leading to a sense of fullness.

What is the single-most reason why many weightloss plans or diets fail? Inability to stick to the diet. This inability stems from the fact that during the course of the diet/weightloss plan one tends to veer off course some times. By veering off course I mean people on low-calorie diets or a diet plan tend to 'cheat' once in a while to begin with and eventually the cheating becomes a full-time affair. Now imagine a scenario if you could combine your low-calorie diet or weightloss diet plan with an appetite suppressant? The end result? You tend to stick to your plan better as now you no longer feel the urge to cheat on your plan. This is because Fullfast will prevent you from having hunger pangs and lead you to a sense of satiety or fullness and helps you stick with your diet enabling you to reach your goal faster and more definitively rather than just the diet alone. Does that mean Fullfast will not work without a diet plan? Of course it will work but any weightloss progra m is centered around a good diet and FULLFAST ensures that you stick with your diet plan.


