Taking steps to prevent cat health problems is a smart way to take care of your pet. In this article, you will learn three simple steps that you can take that can add quality years to your pet's life.
First, let's look at why taking steps to prevent cat health issues is so important. Like us, cats are exposed to all kinds of toxins in the environment that compromise their immune system and their ability to fight disease. Like us, cats eat a diet that is not as nutritious as it used to be and so supplementing this diet with essential nutrients can mean the difference between health and disease. It also makes sense from a financial standpoint because repeat visits to the vet and the cost of surgery and medicine can add up quickly. Best of all, by focusing on prevention, you can help your pet avoid diseases, build health and ensure quality of life and longevity.
<strong>Steps to Prevent Health Problems</strong>
1. Read the label o n the food that you feed your cat and make sure that it is primarily protein. Watch out for chemicals, dyes and fillers. To prevent urinary problems, it is better to feed your cat moist food than dry, but you can mix kibble with canned food, just make sure that both contain healthy ingredients. Although organic food may cost more than commercial brands, they deliver more nutrients in each bite, so your cat will eat less.
2. Always filter the water you use to fill your cat's water bowl. Tap water is full of chemicals, so a good tap filter is a must. Make sure to change the filter as recommended. For good health, make sure the water bowl is always full and accessible. With a proper filter in place, you do not need to go to the expense and hassle of carting home bottled water, yet alone worry about how all that plastic impacts the environment.
3. Give your cat a daily supplement. Since there are more environmental stressors (pollution, chemicals and other toxins) than ever before and since is not quite as nutritious as it used to be, your cat needs a supplement just like you. Choose one that contains herbs that cats instinctually chew on when allowed to roam wild, especially those with immune-building properties like Indian ginseng, Echinacea, Milk Thistle and Cat's Claw. Rather than give these to your cat separately, choose a supplement designed specifically to prevent cat heal th problems that delivers the proper amounts of ingredients in every dose.
Although the three steps to prevent cat health problems listed above will improve pet health and fortify immunity, there is a fourth stepone that you are obviously well aware ofgive your pet love and attention daily.
So there you have it: three important steps that are easy to follow and will prevent cat health issues as well as provide a happy, long, quality life for your favorite feline. All you have to do is make sure that they are part of your daily routine.