2013年6月27日 星期四

Digestive System Health

Create a healthy digestive system

Todays fast paced lifestyles often dont leave time for peaceful mealtimes or even well-balanced nutrition. When your digestive system isnt working well, you dont feel your best. Research shows that a healthy digestive system supports short-term well-being and long-term health. When you eat foods, they are not in a form that the body can use as nourishment. Food and drink must be changed into smaller molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body. Digestion is the process by which food and drink are broken down into their smallest parts so the body can use them to build and nourish cells and to provide energy.

Signs of Healthy Digestions

In fact, a healthy digestive system offers:

Improved regularity Support for healthy bowel function Relief from occasional mild constipation, gas, diarrhea, and bloating Freedom from o ccasional heartburn and occasional acid indigestion Ease of upset stomach Improved sense of well-being Better overall health

Poor Digestion Factors

Possible causes of maldigestion are bad food choices, anxiety, stress, enzyme deficiency, and many others. Junk food, for instance, irritates the digestive organs and reduces digestive speed and efficiency. Research indicates that today most people have weak digestion, resulting in fatigue, lowered immunity, and increased physical discomfort.

Better Digestion

To avoid health problems, we can help our digestive system by avoiding unhealthy foods, by consuming an adequate amount of dietary fiber, by supplementing with friendly probiotic bacteria that help protect our intestinal flora, and by taking digestive enzyme supplements. One such product that offers both, as well as beneficial herbal extracts is Better Digestion. Better Digestion is a natural daily supplement designed specifically to enhance overall digestive health, bowel function and wellness. If you would like to learn m ore about this product please visit http://www.ritternutrition.com/Ritter/better-digestion.html

Angie Best-Boss is a womens health consumer advocate and health writer, and is the author of The Everything Guide to Digestive Health: What You Need to Know to Eat Well, Be Healthy, and Feel Great.


