2012年5月21日 星期一

Male Breast Reduction Plastic Surgery Guide - Health

Known by professionals as gynecomastia, the topic of male breast reduction is often thought of as too-taboo to discuss in public. Nonetheless, the condition is actually quite common, with 40 to 60 percent of males in the United States suffering from overly-enlarged breasts at some point in their lives. For many-especially adolescents-the condition may disappear after a matter or weeks or months. For others experiencing enlarged breasts, however, it may be medically necessary to undergo a male breast reduction.

While the most common cause of enlarged breasts in men is obesity, the affliction can also come about for a number of other reasons, including puberty, steroid abuse, genetic disorders, tumors, chronic liver disease, aging, and as a side effect of many prescription medications. Before someone suffering from enlarged breasts decides to go under the knife for a breast reduction, he should check with his doctor to ensure that his issues aren't being caused by an outside factor, such as weight loss or switching medications.

What is male breast reduction?

Male breast reduction is a surgery performed by plastic surgeons to remove the fat and glandular tissue that create the illusion of large breasts in some men. Although the procedure most commonly involves a surgeon cutting into the skin with a singular incision to remove excess tissue, fat, and skin, it should be noted that the particulars of the procedure vary greatly based on each patient's personal preferences, along with the cause of his problem.

For the majority of patients suffering from an excess in tissue, a male breast reduction surgery consists of a qualified surgeon making an incision around the areola or in the under arm area and cutting out excess glandular tissue. For an increasing number of patients, male breast reduction may be combined with liposuction, as well.

Although most patients will experience little to no scarring, those undergoing more major operations to remove excess fatty tissue are likely to need larger incisions that may take longer to heel.

Who are the best candidates for male breast reduction?

Men of any age can be considered for male breast reduction surgery, so long as they are both mentally and physically healthy and in good condition to undergo a major surgery. Many surgeons report that candidates with firm, elastic skin can expect to see the best results from gynecomastia, since their skin will likely be better able to reshape itself once the procedure has been performed.

Most importantly, men who are considering undergoing the surgery should be sure they have considered all other options-such as a change in diet, lifestyle, or prescription drug medications-as well undergone a full medical diagnosis to ensure the breasts did not enlarge due to a condition that needs to be treated separately. Patients who smoke, drink, or use steroids may be asked to stay away from the stimulants for a period of time before surgery as well, since it is possible that the substances are what is causing the enlarged breast to begin with.

What are the benefits of male breast reduction?

For most patients, male breast reduction surgery is a permanent solution to a problem that may have been plaguing them for years. After just a few weeks of recovery, patients can expect to have a firmer, flatter, and contoured chest with little to no scarring. Most importantly, however, patients who have undergone a male breast reduction commonly report a high boost in self-confidence that can be sensed by those around them, whether their shirt is on or off.

What are the risks involved?

As with all major surgeries, patients undergoing gynecomastia should be prepared for a number of possible complications or risks, including unfavorable scarring, excess bleeding, blood clots, infection, skin discoloration, changes in nipple or breast sensation, and-if liposuction was used-the chance of uneven contours, rippling, or loose skin around the breast area. Smokers should be prepared to quit smoking at least one to two weeks before the surgery, since smoking can decrease circulation throughout the body and slow the amount of time it takes a patient to heal, thus upping the risk for infection.

For best results, patients should follow their surgeon's instructions to a tee, and take the necessary time off of work during the healing process. If any abnormalities should arise, patients should seek medical help immediately.

The information in the article is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any decisions about treatment or care an appropriate health care provider.


