Firefighter Application (Medical Test).The Firefighter Application Medical is undertaken at the Occupation Health Department where you will be examined by a Doctor employed by the FRS. Your medical records will have been previously obtained from your GP with your consent.Before the Firefighter Application medical you will be required to complete a questionnaire about your previous medical history. This is a detailed Firefighter medical questionnaire that will be discussed with you when you see the doctor at the end of the test. Part of the Fire Fighter Medical will subject you to a number of medical tests to determine your health. The Firefighter Application Medical test includes:Lung Function test - you are given a tube in which you must exhale as hard as you can until your lungs are empty. A reading is taken of your lung capacity and flow.Hearing test - you will sit in a sound proof booth with headphones on. A number of sounds are played in either ear. You are asked to p ress a button when you hear a sound.Step test - your heart rate is registered as you step up and down from a box. The rate of the steps gradually gets faster as the test progresses.Physical Strength / Stamina - you will use a machine to test your back and thigh strength when squatting. You are required to achieve a minimum measurement.General Medical tests - the doctor will examine you generally and discuss the contents of your medical questionnaire with you.If you have any doubts or questions about your medical fitness to join the Fire Brigade you need to speak to the relevant Occupation Health Department of the Service you have applied to join. They will be able to answer your questions.Firefighter Eyesight requirements.An additional part of the Firefighter Medical Tests will include the Firefighter eyesight test. The firefighter eyesight requirements are :-Distance vision (Uncorrected) in the stronger eye no worse than 6/18, and in the weaker eye no worse than 6/24. Dista nce acuity (The ability to focus on and distinguish fine detail at 6 m or more with either eye separately and together under a variety of lighting conditions) is required to be at least 6/9 with both eyes open and reach 6/12 in the weaker eye. Near vision - required to be able to read N12 at 30 cm with both eyes open without vision aids. Have normal binocular vision. The required level of colour perception must be attained. Candidates with normal or slight colour blindness are accepted subject to passing the test. The screening test is generally the Ishihara test with candidates showing any problematic signs requiring additional tests. The above will be examined during your Firefighter eyesight tests.Join the fire Brigade but I have had Eye Surgery?Many applicants who have had refractive eye surgery are now accepted to join the fire service. You will be required to provide additional information and test results to the Occupational Health Department that they will specify. t his will be at your own cost. Additional information usually includes the date you underwent your surgery ( this must be at least 12 months prior to your application date), details of your pre operative refraction error, confirmation that you are no longer requiring medical treatment. Also :-A slit lamp examination report to confirm that the eye has returned to normal and that there is no significant loss of corneal transparency over the pupil area. A report post Refraction, topographic examination and pachymetry to screen for keratectasia. Applicants should also have their vision assessed using a technique sensitive to the presence of scattered light and aberrations.
These assessments can be done by your local optometrist. If you have any questions with regard to the eyesight standards to become a Firefighter contact the relevant Occupational Health Department who will be able to advise you.