2012年5月12日 星期六

Are Green Cigarettes or E-Cigarettes a Healthy Cigarette?

The manufacturers of green cigarettes, electronic cigarettes ore-cigarettespromote their product as a safe alternative to smoking tobacco. The electronic cigarette does not contain tar or other carcinogens, and pure nicotine is delivered through a cartridge which, when mixed with water in the chamber,produces a vapor and gives the smoker the oral sensation more similar to smoking. No smoke, no butts, no ashes.

The FDA is concerned abouttheir appeal to youngsters (the come in many flavors) and how they are marketed in general. The FDA has not been successful to date, based on their laboratory testing, in blocking the sale of these products. It may be true that, compared to traditional cigarettes, the e-cigarette issafer, cleaner, and can gowhere traditional smoking is banned.Even some health professionals who strongly oppose smoking admitthey are a healthier alternative fortheir cigarette-addicted patients.

Yet, somehow in all of this, there is no mention of the danger nicotine itself presents as a powerful addictive drug!

This new "healthy" package of delivery may lure individuals to smoke who would not otherwise -because all the negatives have been eradicated (except, of course,a powerful nicotine addiction).

Individuals who might make a more sincere effort to stop smoking and rid their bodies of nicotine may switch to this method of delivery and continue their nicotine addiction now that it is "safe" to do so.

The nicotine replacement systems, such as the patch and gum,have FDA approval and are only intended for short-term use as a method of quitting nicotine. The e-cigarettes are not being marketed as a tool to stop smoking, but as an alternative to smoking, and continued use is promoted. Of course, the nicotine levels are available in several strengths, so the user canswitch to a lower level, but the marketing, by and large, is promoting continued use.

If you are considering switching to, or beginning to smoke, a green cigarette, here are some reasons why you should focus on quitting orremaining nicotine-free:

1. Nicotine is one of the most powerful drugs of addiction, as powerful as heroin and cocaine. Nicotineis a drug of bondage - no matter how it is delivered. While you may be able to take an e-cigarette into a restaurant or movie or other places a regular cigarette is banned, youare being dictated to by the drug to use it so you do not go into withdrawal.While you canexplain to wait staff or a managerthat it is a "smokeless" cigarette, being confronted may be uncomfortable or embarassing.

2. If you miss your dose of nicotine, you will experience withdrawal symptoms. These can include: being irritable, anxious, angry, depressed, restless, having difficulty concentrating, jumpiness, increased appetite, experiencing strong cravings. It is the nicotine that smokers crave, not the tar and other carcinogens, so smoking an e-cigarette is a very addictive habit.

3. Nicotine causes physical changes in the body. Immediately afternicotine is ingested, it causes an increase in adrenaline.This is absolutely to contrary to what the smoker claims to experience: relaxation! There is anincrease in blood pressure,heart rate and blood flow. There is a release of glucose and a suppression of insulin, which results in a higher blood sugar.Studies show nicotinecauses narrowing of blood vessels and maycause damage to the blood vessels of the lungs even when breathed as a vapor. See Nicotine's Image Takes a Turn for the Worse.

No matter how nicotine is delivered, it is a dangerous and unhealthy substance that negatively impacts the human body.

Surgeons will request that a patient stop smoking before an operation because of the risk of bleeding complications and poor wound healing caused bynicotine!

If you do not have any nicotine in your body, don't be fooled into thinking that these new electronic cigarettes are healthy or a good idea. They are not.Remain free from nicotine!

If you are a smoker, talk to your doctor and develop a strategy for quitting. FDA-approved nicotine replacement products, such as the patch, gum or spray,intended for short-term use, can help eliminate withdrawal symptoms. Don't let a green cigarette extend your years of bondage to this drug!


American Heart Association- Nicotine Addiction


