If you become friends with benefits with someone you know well then you better have some rules in place to help keep both of you aware of the expectations and desires of the other person. Having rules will usually keep the friendship intact after your arrangement is over, but not having rules in the arrangement can cause many problems that you may not have expected.
And sometimes even if there are rules in place you may find that the friendship suffers despite your best efforts to keep it alive. There may be some things that you don't think about in the heat of making the deal that you will regret not giving some thought about when the friendship begins to fade away.
1. You may not get the pleasure you expect out of it.
If your friend does not live up to your expectations of what you find pleasurable in the bedroom then you may look at them differently after one night in the sack. You may even want to end the friends with benefits arrangement and move on to someone who knows what they are doing in the bedroom.
This is only going to cause waves between you and your friend because you are going to have to explain to them why you no longer want to hook up with them, and no matter how nice you say that they suck in the bedroom it's going to hurt their ego. Once their ego is hurt by you they may not view you as a friend anymore and the friendship may be lost. And even if you stay friends they are not going to be happy that you think they are not good in bed.
2. Your friend turns jealous even though they say they won`t.
Even the best intentions of not being jealous can backfire. If your friend has a tendency to get emotionally involved with people quickly then I would avoid hooking up with them altogether. It`s better not to take the chance and keep the friendship, then have one night of sex and lose the friendship forever.
3. Awkwardness when out in public.
It`s not normal to have sex with your friend and it won`t feel totally normal, no matter how hard you try, when you are out in public. You may feel awkward around each other because the dynamics of your relationship has changed so much, and that awkwardness can lead to more awkwardness in the bedroom.
4. Your future partners may not appreciate it.
Once you finally find the person you want to be with forever do you really want them to know that your friend who comes around often used to sleep with you on a regular basis just for sex? Chances are if they find out about the arrangement you had they will become jealous and uncertain about what your friendship really entails. This can cause you to lose the friendship in order to maintain your relationship or vice-versa, and that just does not need to happen if you avoid the friends with benefits.
These are just a few of the risks you take when hooking up with a friend. But if you feel that your friendship will stay strong during and after the friends with benefits stage, then you may find the arrangement enjoyable and worth doing.