Have you given up on writing your saleable book this year? Don't throw in the towel yet! I'm convinced you can still do it. You can get started and even complete your short book in a few weeks.
There's no one holding you back but the face looking back at you in the mirror. Yes, you know the one. Don't miss out on the big benefits your book will bring in the coming years.
You can write a saleable book and create an additional income to help pay off bills or take a much needed vacation. Get your book done and dream a bigger dream. Imagine raising your fees four times higher because your skill level has increased and you have author behind your name.
Now that you are properly motivated, here are seven simple steps that will get you started:
1. Start with a plan to complete your book in excellence. Before you write one word inside the book, write your plan. You may miss the mark of a saleable book if you don't take the time to plan. Create a simple program of how your book will be written, how long it will take and so on. Then write a book marketing plan including your book's topic and table of contents. Write down who will most likely buy your book (targeted reader) and then write your promotional plan.
2. Setup passion points that will guide you and your readers to the end of your book. Every part of your book should be written and designed with a passionate but promotional slant. There are strategic points throughout your book that will help make up your potential reader's mind about whether to purchase your book or even keep reading.
To start with, create a hot title that's simple but grabs attention. Discover ways to seal the sale of your book with an interesting introduction and table of contents. Write sales copy for the back cover that's loaded with reader benefits and testimonials about your great book.
3. Sizzle your titles to sell more books. Learn how to write skillful titles that sizzle. You will use this skill in not just creating a grab you by the eyeballs book title but you will need it in writing titles for your chapters, book sections, list bullet points, brochures, booklets and website headings. You will need it in writing your back cover, sales letter headings, lists and sub-headings. In fact, you will use it in writing any marketing piece you use.
4. Mine your knowledge and experiences like gold. Using these simple steps to write a saleable book, you will pull nuggets and blocks of information from your speeches, workshops, classes, school papers and brochures. More than likely, you have already done the research needed to validate your information. If not, take the time to do the research and validate each block of information you find.
5. Create framework to structure your chapters. Every non-fiction book has a repeating set structure. For example, each chapter will start with a chapter number, chapter title, introduction, a set of tips or instruction and a chapter summary. That set framework creates the structure for each chapter. You can set up a chapter template using the repeating structure for each chapter. So that after you've mined your blocks of information from your knowledge and experiences, you can simply put them into place in each chapter template.
6. Use speed writing techniques to write a book fast. Every journey is easier with a friendly mentor. Find a pattern for writing a book and you can get it done much faster. Choose someone that has traveled the path before you and follow in their foot steps. There are many book writing coaches available to walk alongside you. At least sign up for a course, buy a book or use a book writing program with the steps already laid out for you to accomplish the task of writing a saleable book.
7. Create multiple ways to profit from your book. The seventh step in writing your book is deciding to refine, repeat and repackage the body of information inside your book for more profits. To start with, develop a website for your book with a sign-up form to build a list of people interested in your book's topic. To entice them, you can offer them a free report, newsletter, or mini-course about your book's topic.
Doing so, you begin building a relationship with your book readers. As you grow, you may decide to create a home study course, an audio book, a correspondence course, a signature speech all related to your book's topic. Your email list will be the first people you tell and sell your new products to. Because, they bought your book and liked it; they will gladly sign up for your home study course or other product you've designed to help them reach their goals.
Don't drag your feet any longer. Remember to create a plan, setup passion points to sell more books, sizzle your titles, mine your knowledge like gold, create a set structure in your book, use speed writing techniques and create multiple ways to profit from your book. Use the seven simple steps above and go to your destiny as author. I'm hoping to see your name in print soon. Write your book and make us all proud!
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