The twelve signs of the zodiac show the positions along the ecliptic where the planets can be found on any date. These planetary positions dont change very much during a single day. However the earths rotation brings a new rising sign into play about every two hours. Remember the zodiac is fixed in space it just seems to move across the sky because of the earth rotation each day.
The houses represent the different departments of life in which your planetary energies find their expressions. For example your character and personality which are set up by your planets in the different signs will be directed either into personal or public matters depending on whether they fall into the houses of the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere respectively. For more details visit o .Again you will be self-sufficient if they fall into the eastern houses or dependent on others is they fall into the western houses.
Each house represe nts a cluster of interests and activities just as each sign represents
A cluster of traits and approaches for dealing with those activities. The spheres of interest of each house are as follows:
First Self appearance.
Second Earnings possessions.
Third Communications relatives.
Fourth Home parents.
Fifth Pleasures children.
Sixth Health service.
Seventh Spouse partnerships.
Eighth Death regeneration.
Ninth Philosophy travel.
Tenth Career status.
Eleventh Friends aspirations.
Twelfth Secrets limitations.
The distribution of your houses into different groupings of hemispheres and groupings
Of elements and positions determine the over-all focus of your activities. If most of your planets
Fall into one of the hemispheres the significance is as follows:
Northern A focus on private matters.
Southern A focuses on private activities.
Eastern Activitie s are self-started.
Western Dependence on others energies.
Another useful grouping of houses corresponds with the grouping of houses into the four elements. The houses can be grouped into fire earth water and air houses. The significance is
As follows:
Individual Fire Houses: Life Identity First Fifth Ninth. Activities focus on achieving lifes aspirations.
Temporal Earth Houses: Material Wealth Second SixtH Tenth Activities focus on meeting material needs.
Relative Air Houses: Relationships Third Seventh Eleventh. Activities focus on social contact and mind-sharing.
Terminal Water Houses: Emotional Fourth Eighth Twelfth. Activities focus on achieving emotional tranquility.
Still another important grouping corresponds with the qualities of the signs corresponding to the Cardinal Fixed or Mutable signs of the zodiac. To know more logon to .The significance of a cluster of planets in a group of these houses is as follows:
Angular Cardinal Houses--Starting: First Fourth Seventh Tenth. Activities are self-starting for immediate effects.
Succulent Fixed Houses--Controlling: Second Fifth Eighth Eleventh. Activities are aimed
At managing and controlling things.
Cadent Mutable Houses--Changing: Third Sixth Ninth Twelfth. Skills are acquired to
Improve relationships.
The intensity of a planets influence on a house depends on the sign of the zodiac that
Happens to fall on that house in your zodiac. If Cardinal Signs are found in Angular Cardinal
Houses they strengthen the planetary energies flowing into the activities of the houses etc.
The intensity of a planets influence on a house depends on the sign of the zodiac that
Happens to fall on that house in your zodiac. If Cardinal Signs are found in Angular Cardinal
Houses they strengthen the planetary energies flowing into the activities of the houses etc.
The twelve signs of the zodiac show the positions along the ecliptic where the planets can be found on any date. These planetary positions dont change very much during a single day. However the earths rotation brings a new rising sign into play about every two hours. Remember the zodiac is fixed in space it just seems to move across the sky because of the earth rotation each day. The houses represent the different departments of life in which your planetary energies find their expressions. For example your character and personality which are set up by your planets in the diff erent signs will be directed either into personal or public matters depending on whether they fall into the houses of the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere respectively. For more details visit o .Again you will be self-sufficient if they fall into the eastern houses or dependent on others is they fall into the western houses. Each house represents a cluster of interests and activities just as each sign represents A cluster of traits and approaches for dealing with those activities. The spheres of interest of each house are as follows: First Self appearance. Second Earnings possessions. Third Communications relatives. Fourth Home parents. Fifth Pleasures children. Sixth Health service. Seventh Spouse partnerships. Eighth Death regeneration. Ninth Philosophy travel. Tenth Career status. Eleventh Friends aspirations. Twelfth Secrets limitations. The distribution of your houses into different groupings of hemispheres and groupings Of elements and positions determine the over-all focus of your activities. If most of your planets Fall into one of the hemispheres the significance is as follows: Northern A focus on private matters. Southern A focuses on private activities. Eastern Activities are self-started. Western Dependence on others energies. Another useful grouping of houses corresponds with the grouping of houses into the four elements. The houses can be grouped into fire earth water and air houses. The significance is As follows: Individual Fire Houses: Life Identity First Fifth Ninth. Activities focus on achieving lifes aspirations. Temporal Earth Houses: Material Wealth Second SixtH Tenth Activities focus on meeting material needs. Relative Air Houses: Relationships Third Seventh Eleventh. Activities focus on social contact and mind-sharing. Terminal Water Houses: Emotional Fourth Eighth Twelfth. Activities focus on achieving emotional tranquility. Still another important grouping corresponds with the qual ities of the signs corresponding to the Cardinal Fixed or Mutable signs of the zodiac. To know more logon to .The significance of a cluster of planets in a group of these houses is as follows: Angular Cardinal Houses--Starting: First Fourth Seventh Tenth. Activities are self-starting for immediate effects. Succulent Fixed Houses--Controlling: Second Fifth Eighth Eleventh. Activities are aimed At managing and controlling things. Cadent Mutable Houses--Changing: Third Sixth Ninth Twelfth. Skills are acquired to Improve relationships. The intensity of a planets influence on a house depends on the sign of the zodiac that Happens to fall on that house in your zodiac. If Cardinal Signs are found in Angular Cardinal Houses they strengthen the planetary energies flowing into the activities of the houses etc. The intensity of a planets influence on a house depends on the sign of the zodiac that Happens to fall on that house in your zodiac. If Cardinal Signs ar e found in Angular Cardinal Houses they strengthen the planetary energies flowing into the activities of the houses etc. FOR MORE INFORMATION