2014年6月20日 星期五

The Effects of Smoking on Your Children

We all know that smoking has a harmful effect on our health. Yet despite the warnings we see everywhere, the smoking habits cannot be stopped. Smokers become addicted to the tobacco and cannot seem to quit. They think their health is at risk but dont realize other non-smokers around them have a greater chance for health problems.

The real purpose of this article is to teach parents the effect of smoking on their children as well as outsiders. Other subjects within this topic have also been included:

What is passive smoking?

How to quit smoking fast!

Let us learn about these subjects first so we can read on further and find out the effects of passive smoking on our children.

What is passive smoking?

Passive smoking is the term mainly used for smoke that is inhaled by others. Second-hand smoke is another term which can be used for the passive smoking.

Public places are most likely to have these environments such as pubs, restaurants etcThe effects of passive smoking can be worse. It is essential that you learn these effects now rather than later. Preventing second-hand smoke from reaching your children can help save their life earlier.

How to Quit Smoking Fast!

There are quick and easy ways to quit smoking. Please check the article on my profile to know more.

The Effects of Passive Smoking!

Research has found evidence that passive smoking can cause the same health problems or even worse as direct smoking. There are several effects of second-hand smoke. The chances for a non-smoker to catch one of these health problems are high. It only depends on how much youre exposed to second-hand smoke.

Cancer Risk!

This is one of the most common health problems we know which is caused by smoking. The risk of Lung Cancer is significantly higher for friends and family members who are constantly surrounded by smoke.

Breast Cancer

The risk of Breast Cancer increases for younger women who experience changes in their menstrual cycle due to passive smoking.

Brain Tumour

The less passive smoking your children inhale, the more of their lives you save from Brain Tumour. The risk is still the same if the mother doesnt smoke while she carries a baby in her womb.


Passive smoking gives you the risk of infections to your ear, nose and throat.

Breathing Problems

Similarly to a smoker, a non-smoker can also have heart disease because of passive smoking. The chances for asthma can also increase and worsen for those who already suffer from asthma.

What are the risks in children?

Teenagers and adults dont only suffer the effects of passive smoking but children also. In fact, as your children inhale second-hand smoke, they walk down each step ruining their life. The risks they dare take unknowingly can be fatal.

Whats the risk level?

Many believe that high levels of exposure to second-hand smoke presents a cancer risk to non-smokers. Of course, the risk level is greater for the non-smoker who chooses to spend several hours throughout the day surrounded by smoke. These areas are likely to be school, college and work based environments.

Thats a long list of health problems! Shall I take the risks?

This list has been written for you and your childrens health. It is your choice whether to take action and prevent your lives from ruin!

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