Due to all of the studies which conflict each other and differing opinions it's no wonder people are confused when it comes to assessing the problems with the low carb diets.
Whichever diet it may be, be it atkins or South Beach or another type of low carb diet up to 30 million are currently trying low carb diets.
Some say that because of the amount of carbs currently in our diets that is why we have such massive obesity in the world today along wih increased diabetes and certain other serious health issues. Others says that it is due to the fact that we just consume to many calories today rather than just attribute it to increased carb intake. They also state that lack of exercise is another major cause.
In addition there is a general decline in those of us that eat grains and enough fruit and veg. As low carb diets do not contain enough of these elements of a healthy diet there is concern that this will lead to a general deficiency in required nutrients such as Vitamin C, fiber, folic acid and several other essential minerals.
Irrespective of the type of diet chosen by an individual significant weight loss can be achieved in the early stages.
However, the key to a successful diet is to lose the weight and keep it off which means a change in lifestyle habits forever not just to get the initial weight off.
To remove some of the mysteries of low carb diets below I have listed some key points from studies taken:
Low Carb Diets - Their Differences
There are a lot of different and popular low carb diets out there which rely on a reduction of the total amount of carbohydrate which an individual consumes. This will result in the proteins and fats being consumed being in greater proportion to the total calorie intake than someone on a more balance diet.
Protein Power and Atkins diets restrict carbs to such a point where the body goes into a state of ketogenic. Others. like Zone and Life without bread are not so strict on carb intake.
Low Carb Diets - What We Know
Alot of the studies are still in their infancy with a whole range of objectives to be met. Carb, calorie intake, duration of diet and characteristics of those participating vary enormously. Most of the studies carried out did not have a mean age over age 53 and none of those that were controlled went on for further than 90 days. Therefore the effects on older people and for longer periods of time are rare.
Alot of the studies carried out on diets did not look at the amount of exercise being undertaken by participants and therefore did not evaluate calorific expenditure. This would explain some of the differences in the study results.
The weight loss on low carb diets is a function of caloric restriction and diet duration, and not with reduced carbohydrate intake. This finding suggests that if you want to lose weight, you should eat fewer calories and do so over a long time period.
Low Carb Diets - How Safe Are They?
There is not much evidence in existence to show how safe a low carb diet is over the long term. Despite concerns from several parties there is nothing to substantiate any adverse effects, short term, in cholesterol, insulin, glucose and blood pressure levels. It has been pointed out that losing weight anyway helps in these areas and therefore may offset the negative effect of the low carb diet itself. The long range weight change for low-carb and other types of diets is similar.
Ketosis - What Is It?
Most low carb diets cause ketosis. Some of the potential consequences are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and confusion.
During initial phases of low carb dieting some fatigue and constipation may be encountered. Generally, these symptoms dissipate quickly. Ketosis may also give the breath a fruity odor, somewhat like nail-polish remover (acetone).
3 important points I would like to re-emphasize:
The longer range success rate for low carb and other types of diets is similar.
Despite their popularity, no much information exists about the long term safety of low carb diets.
Boredom usually overcomes willpower due to restricted choice. Which results in weight going back on once the low carb regime has ceased.
Strictly low carb diets produce ketosis which is an abnormal and potentially stressful metabolic state. Under some circumstances this might cause health related complications.
The diet that you eventually choose should be a map for a lifestyle change which remains with you for the rest of your life. Don't look at a diet as a short term thing but a long term partner in achieving your weight loss and health goals. If you cannot see yourself sticking to the rules for more than a couple of weeks or so then that diet is not for you. To this end, following a moderately low fat diet with a healthy balance of fat, protein, carbohydrate and other nutrients is beneficial.
As an alternative to low carb diets look to just give up some of the bad carbohydrates in your diet rather than stopping them altogether. Avoid foods that are high in processed sugar, snacks and white flour products. Complex carbohydrates such as found in fruit and whole grains should be continued to be consumed.