2014年6月30日 星期一

Weight Loss Exercise Products You May Want to Buy

Are you interested in losing weight and improving your appearance? If you are, you should know the importance of exercise. Exercise burns off calories, which reduces your calorie intake, which, in turn, makes it possible for you to lose weight.

If this is the first time that you have decided to seriously try to lose weight, you may be looking to buy exercise equipment for yourself. If you are, you will want to continue reading on. Below, a few popular pieces of exercise equipment that you may look into buying are outlined.

One piece of exercise equipment that you may want to look into buying is that of a treadmill. Treadmills are, perhaps, the most well-known piece of exercise equipment available. What is nice about treadmills is that they come in a number of different styles. For instance, you can find treadmills that are powdered by electricity and then treadmills that are powdered by your own walking. This is nice as it often results in treadmills being available for a wide range of prices. Whether you have one hundred dollars to spend on a treadmill or one thousand dollars, you should be able to find a treadmill for your home weight loss plan.

Another piece of exercise equipment that you may want to look into buying, for your at-home weight loss plan, is that of an elliptical machine. Elliptical machines are nice, as they often combine multiple exercises. More advanced elliptical machines, also commonly referred to as deluxe elliptical machines, often given you an upper body workout and a lower body workout as well. Elliptical machines are often referred to as combination stair climbers and ski machines.

An exercise bike is another popular piece of exercise equipment that you may want to think about buying for your at-home weight loss program. Like an elliptical machine, there are many exercise bikes that give you an upper body and a lower body workout. These are points to take into consideration, should you decide to buy an exercise bike for yourself. Like treadmills, exercise bikes come in a number of different formats and styles; therefore, they are sold for a wide range of prices.

One piece of exercise equipment that you may not necessarily think about buying, but one that you should examine is that of a trampoline. When it comes to trampolines, you will find that they come in a number of different formats. For instance, it is possible to find larger size trampolines, ones that are ideal for backyards and often associated with recreational play. While these trampolines can also be used for exercise, there are smaller, mini trampolines that are designed for exercises, as well as indoor use. These types of trampolines are often fun, exciting, and affordable.

The above mentioned pieces of exercise equipment are ones that are often larger in size and occasionally more expensive. If you are looking for more affordable pieces of exercise equipment or more compact pieces, you still have an unlimited number of products to choose from. For instance, there are yoga and Pilates items that are often affordable and small in size. Exercise balls and resistance bands are popular items that you may want to take the time to examine. There are also weight sets that you can buy or you can buy a few individuals weights to use at home. When it comes to exercising at home, your options are, literally, unlimited.

When it comes to buying exercise equipment for yourself, you will find that you have a number of different options. You can shop locally or online. Exercise equipment is sold at sports stores, as well as traditional department stores. If you are on a budget, you may want to look into buying used exercise equipment. Used exercise equipment can often be found on online auction websites, in thrift stores, and at yard sales.

As outlined above, there are a number of different exercise equipment pieces that you can use to help you lose weight at home. Whether you choose to buy some of the pieces outlined above or something else, you are sure to have a fun and exciting time working to achieve your weight loss goal.


Natural Healing for Healthy and Happy Pets!

Natural Healing for Healthy and Happy Pets!

The purpose of this column is to help you learn about many of the herbs that nurture your pet's body systems and to be able to use them with confidence. For so many pet owners this is anunheard of concept. Fortunately, for our animal friends, this idea is becoming more accepted and sought after. I often hear people ask with wonder, "You can give herbs to animals?" The answer is "Yes, of course." If you lift up their paws and stand them upright, they are basically the same as their owners. We have all the same body systems; urinary, digestive, intestinal, circulatory, nervous, glandular, respiratory and structural. Some of the body systems may differ slightly, as in the intestinal system for a dog, which is somewhat shorter than that of its owner (this is to allow for the digestion and quick passing time of all the protein the dog needs).

An herbalist uses herbs to heal and balance the body, thereby allowing the body to nurture itself--without the use of drugs or invasive procedures such as surgeries. In my practice, I stress PREVENTATIVE health care and education. While Icontinue to help people and pets that are severely ill with life threatening diseases after all conventional therapies have failed, I would prefer to help at a point BEFORE these problems have become a desperate issue. I constantly see that changes in diet and the use of natural supplementation can add many pain free years to a pet's life, and it is indeed rare that I ever have to take my own pets to the veterinarian for any problems that I cannot solve myself with natural approaches.

As you can well imagine, my work with animals has been a very rewarding experience. You see, animals will respond very quickly to herbs and nutritional approaches. They do not have a preconceived notion about natural healing. Never do you hear a dog say, "Well, she wants me to take this, but I don't know. It if keeps her happy I'll do it, but I don't think it will do any good." You give your pet the energy-food and it will balance and heal. It is an indescribable feeling to see an animal that was scheduled to be destroyed, now walking, running and being enjoyed by its family. I will share some of these experiences in subsequent columns.

Your pets become sick for the same reasons you do. There are many causes of illness, including exposure to environmental toxins and pollution. Maintaining a healthy pet requires that they get sufficient exercise and rest, have clean water, proper digestion and elimination. But I believe there is nothing more important than nutrition and food. To give your pet his best chance at great health, it is necessary to supplement his food, whatever brand you choose. There are many different brands of pet food, all promising to give your pet the best possible nutrition. Some foods are so full of fillers, indigestible proteins and chemical preservatives that I will not waste the ink to discuss them. You know which ones they are--the chain stores sell them in 50 pound bags for $9.99!

Fortunately, there are many good quality foods with little or no chemical fillers. I always advise my clients to read the labels on the different foods and base their decision on the quality of the food and not the price. However, I do not believe that there is ANY perfect pet food, not even "home-made" food. There are some good foods, there are even some great foods, but no "perfect" food. Even home-made foods, unless they are thoroughly researched and prepared, are deficient in vitamins and minerals. I have seen what those deficiencies do to your pets. Poor nutrition means poor health, and that means veterinary bills. All of my animals receive herbs, even when they are healthy. I know that by supplementing with herbs, vitamins and minerals that they will stay healthy.

If given a choice, your pet's body, in its innate wisdom, will always choose what is healthy. Unfortunately, your pet is not in control of his life, you decide what he is fed, or how to deal with any health problems. Improper diets or the lack of supplementation is the root cause for all problems, other than genetics, faced by your pet. Conditions as simple as flatulence--and that is not simple if you are ina room with a 90 pound Doberman with gas--or as difficult as cancer, can all be prevented with a proper diet and supplement program.

The other major cause of your pet's deteriorating health is improper and unnecessary drug use and surgeries. When you and your pet go to a veterinarian, the usual first attempt at helping your pet is likely to be antibiotics. When and if that doesn't work, then prednisone or cortisone are often prescribed. Surgery is a last resort. I am NOT saying there is no place for veterinary medicine, and I do not mean to imply anything else. If one of my pets was hit by a car, I would not give him echinacea and then hope for the best! No, I want a veterinary hospital and the best it has to offer to put things right, even if that means surgery. After that, I will take it from there and give him the natural approaches he needs to heal his body. Only herbs, which are foods, can do that. Drugs suppress or stimulate the body into or out of action. They do not heal and are not "health care", they are "disease care".

While there are certainly other situations that require conventional veterinarycare, I am glad to see that many local veterinarians are stressing the importance of using natural health care whenever possible and resorting to drugs and surgery only if necessary. The biggest differences in the two types of care is that natural herbal care will treat the body as a whole unit because you cannot stimulate, suppress or remove one part of the body without affecting another part. Nutritionally, the body is supplemented so that all systems are working to their peak potential. Herbalists do not treat specific conditions. Instead, they nutritionally feed the body, allowing it to take care of itself. Knowing this, you must then understand that the symptoms displayed by your pet are not necessarily the root cause of the problem. When your dog shows a symptom of something, for example, vomiting or diarrhea, it is only that--a symptom. It is not the problem. The symptoms are the body's way of trying to eradicate the offending problem. If your dog suddenly develops diarrhea, and he has not been in your sight 100% of the time, there is the strong possibility that he has just eaten something--like a dead fish along the river, that contains bacteria. His body will do whatever it can to push out the offending bacteria. He may throw up. He may have diarrhea. He may go off his food for several days. If you give hima drug to stop these symptoms, you are stopping his body's attempt at healing itself by pushing out the offending bacteria. It will then remain in his body and can create problems at a later date. Herbs will give the body the strength it needs to push out and cleanse. This allows your pet to heal and re-balance the energies of his body.

Using herbs is not like taking a drug so that 20 minutes later the symptoms are suppressed or the body is stimulated into action. Rather, herbs slowly nurture and heal what is wrong with the body. Although many of my clients have seen immediate healing results, it is more common that natural approaches are going to take some time. Remember, herbs are foods. These foods will produce healthier cells and eventually healthier organs which can then heal the body. I know this often poses a problem for the pet owners. They want their beloved pet to be free of symptoms quickly. Drugs offer a short term fix only. In the long term they only toxify the liver, kidneys and other detoxifying organs of the body. Long term problems then necessitate the need for more drugs for another short term fix, and so on and so on. Have you ever wondered why so many pets are developing cancers, diabetes and other serious health issues at very young ages? The pets we knew as children were often fed table scraps, not commercially prepared food. Drinking water was more pure back then.We did not have as much pollution. Expensive veterinary care with the present array of drugs was not as available as it is today.Nowadays, we use so many "preventative drugs" each year for fleas, etc. that our pets are full of toxins and chemicals. This in turn leads to toxicity in their detoxifying organs which then leads to disease and poor health. I am not advocating a return to just table scraps, but rather to foods without chemicals and toxins. It does not make sense to make your pet's body completely toxic in order to combat fleas. It makes more sense to turn to natural, safe methods of healing and to maintain good health by supplementing nutritionally. In my next column, I will discuss many different safe, non-toxic and natural approaches to flea control.

(This column is authored by Carol Koenigsknecht, Herbal Practitioner and owner of Terra Ken Herbals. She is available for consultations, classes and lectures, and can be reached via her website at or by phone, (706) 797-0091. She also owns and operates Carols Critter Care, a pet-sitting service.)

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this column is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please seek the advice of a QUALIFIED veterinarian or health care practitioner before using any herbs, supplements or other natural approaches to health discussed in this column.


2014年6月29日 星期日

Natural Herbs For Headache

For those looking to use herbal remedies or herbs for headaches, youre in luck, because the options are endless.

One thing that you may not realize, though, is that not only can certain herbs be consumed to treat your headaches, but they can also be mixed with other ingredients and used topically as well.

A note about Herbs for Headaches Useful Herbal Remedies

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Mans understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Treating headaches with herbs isnt a new concept. This, of course, is a similar story for hundreds of different health ailments; much is contained in the traditional wisdom of many ancient healing modalities.

As a matter of fact, people were using herbs for headaches long before there was ever a Tylenol, Anacin or Advil. Herbs have been used for centuries to treat various ailments, and weve compiled a list of these tried and true remedies so that you can give them a try and choose the one that best works for you.

Peppermint: The use of peppermint to treat headaches is one of the oldest natural remedies around. The peppermint works as a natural pain killer that also refreshes and rejuvenates and really perks you up after a bad headache.

Clove and Cinnamon: Clove powder mixed with an equal part of cinnamon oil can be applied to the area where your headache seems to be focused and works well to relieve headaches.

Skullcap: This is another of the useful herbs for headaches. Used for hundreds of years, skullcap relaxes the muscles, relieves tension and cures headaches.

Ginger and Milk: Ginger has an uncanny ability to heal a long list of conditions well, and headaches are definitely part of that list thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Take a tablespoon of milk and a half teaspoon of ginger powder, mix thoroughly and apply right where it hurts the most. You can also add some fresh ginger to your meals to help prevent the onset of headaches and other pain.

Oil Massage: You may wonder if its the herbs or the massage itself that cures headaches here, but this method has proven to be a tried and true way of using herbs for headaches. Mix sesame oil, almond oil and mustard oil; massage into the scalp for quick relief from headache pain.

Passionflower: Using passionflower to cure headaches is also nothing new. This method works because of the passionflowers ability to relax a person and alter the chemical state of the brain in a non-sedating way that happens to relieve stress and tension, which are both common headache triggers.

Lavender: Another of the useful herbs for headaches, the use of lavender in aromatherapy encourages stress relief and relaxation, which is key in getting rid of headaches. You can use the essential oil in a burner or in a warm bath that also helps to relieve tension.

Feverfew: People have been using feverfew for the relief of headaches and migraines for years with much success. It has a calming effect and relieves tension and pain. Used regularly, it can also prevent migraines and headaches.

Using herbs for headaches, whether internally, topically or even as a part of aromatherapy, is a safe way to deal with the discomfort of headaches without having to compromise other aspects of your health with harsh medications. Proper use of these herbs will work to prevent headaches, so youre getting far more than just a temporary fix to your problem.


7 Things that People Misjudge about Low Carb Diet - Health

There are a lot of misconceptions about low-carb diets. Almost every "anti-low carb" information or news report says the same thing: reduced-carb diets don't have enough fruits and vegetables, and even often draw an image of people eating unhealthy diet.

The reality, low-carb diets concentrate on healthy food, nutritious, and research into reducing carbs continues to show more and more positive results.

Here are the misconceptions and the truths about low-carb diets to set your own mind at easiness and help you inform others.

1. Consuming Low Carb = Courting Heart DiseaseIn study after study, cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, and other indications for heart disease risk decline on low-carb diets. Also, in one large long term study, even low-carb diets with a lot of animal protein and fat did not raise the risk of heart disease.

2. Eating Fruits and Vegetables not Allowed on Low-Carb DietsPeople believe that fruits and vegetables are not allowed because they are mainly carbohydrate.Actually, people who take a low carb diet almost all the time eat more fruits and vegetables than usual. Instead, non-starchy vegetables are actually comes at the bottom of the low carb pyramids.

3. Low-Carb Diets will Cause Kidneys DiseaseThe reason is that since people with kidney disease are typically encouraged to consume low protein diets, a diet that is higher in protein will raise kidney disease. In fact, a low-carb diet is frequently not higher in protein than the latest suggested levels.

4. Low Carb means No CarbMany people thought that a low carb diet must be extremely low in carbohydrates.Not even a single expert endorses this. The fact, you should have at least 45% - 65% carbohydrate depending upon individual.

5. Dr Atkins Died of His Own DietDespite improperly obtained medical reports mis-reported by the vegetarian group "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine", Dr Atkins died from head injuries resulting from a fall. He was not fat when he died

6. Low-Carb Diets Have Insufficient FiberThe reason is, because fiber is carbohydrate, a low-carb diet must be low in fiber.In fact, a lot of low-carb foods are high in fiber, and on diets that encourage carb counting, fiber doesn't come into the calculation. Fiber remains undigested, so it is encouraged on low-carb diets.

7. Low-Carb Diets will "Leach" All The Calcium from Your BonesThe reasoning goes that low-carb diets are always high in protein. People on higher protein diets are likely to have more calcium in their urine. But this turns out to be a red herring. This has been proven NOT to be true. In fact, it turns out that protein, rather than cause bone loss, actually protects our bones.


2014年6月28日 星期六

Problems With The Low Carb Diets - Health - Weight Loss

Due to all of the studies which conflict each other and differing opinions it's no wonder people are confused when it comes to assessing the problems with the low carb diets.

Whichever diet it may be, be it atkins or South Beach or another type of low carb diet up to 30 million are currently trying low carb diets.

Some say that because of the amount of carbs currently in our diets that is why we have such massive obesity in the world today along wih increased diabetes and certain other serious health issues. Others says that it is due to the fact that we just consume to many calories today rather than just attribute it to increased carb intake. They also state that lack of exercise is another major cause.

In addition there is a general decline in those of us that eat grains and enough fruit and veg. As low carb diets do not contain enough of these elements of a healthy diet there is concern that this will lead to a general deficiency in required nutrients such as Vitamin C, fiber, folic acid and several other essential minerals.

Irrespective of the type of diet chosen by an individual significant weight loss can be achieved in the early stages.

However, the key to a successful diet is to lose the weight and keep it off which means a change in lifestyle habits forever not just to get the initial weight off.

To remove some of the mysteries of low carb diets below I have listed some key points from studies taken:

Low Carb Diets - Their Differences

There are a lot of different and popular low carb diets out there which rely on a reduction of the total amount of carbohydrate which an individual consumes. This will result in the proteins and fats being consumed being in greater proportion to the total calorie intake than someone on a more balance diet.

Protein Power and Atkins diets restrict carbs to such a point where the body goes into a state of ketogenic. Others. like Zone and Life without bread are not so strict on carb intake.

Low Carb Diets - What We Know

Alot of the studies are still in their infancy with a whole range of objectives to be met. Carb, calorie intake, duration of diet and characteristics of those participating vary enormously. Most of the studies carried out did not have a mean age over age 53 and none of those that were controlled went on for further than 90 days. Therefore the effects on older people and for longer periods of time are rare.

Alot of the studies carried out on diets did not look at the amount of exercise being undertaken by participants and therefore did not evaluate calorific expenditure. This would explain some of the differences in the study results.

The weight loss on low carb diets is a function of caloric restriction and diet duration, and not with reduced carbohydrate intake. This finding suggests that if you want to lose weight, you should eat fewer calories and do so over a long time period.

Low Carb Diets - How Safe Are They?

There is not much evidence in existence to show how safe a low carb diet is over the long term. Despite concerns from several parties there is nothing to substantiate any adverse effects, short term, in cholesterol, insulin, glucose and blood pressure levels. It has been pointed out that losing weight anyway helps in these areas and therefore may offset the negative effect of the low carb diet itself. The long range weight change for low-carb and other types of diets is similar.

Ketosis - What Is It?

Most low carb diets cause ketosis. Some of the potential consequences are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and confusion.

During initial phases of low carb dieting some fatigue and constipation may be encountered. Generally, these symptoms dissipate quickly. Ketosis may also give the breath a fruity odor, somewhat like nail-polish remover (acetone).

3 important points I would like to re-emphasize:

The longer range success rate for low carb and other types of diets is similar.

Despite their popularity, no much information exists about the long term safety of low carb diets.

Boredom usually overcomes willpower due to restricted choice. Which results in weight going back on once the low carb regime has ceased.

Strictly low carb diets produce ketosis which is an abnormal and potentially stressful metabolic state. Under some circumstances this might cause health related complications.

The diet that you eventually choose should be a map for a lifestyle change which remains with you for the rest of your life. Don't look at a diet as a short term thing but a long term partner in achieving your weight loss and health goals. If you cannot see yourself sticking to the rules for more than a couple of weeks or so then that diet is not for you. To this end, following a moderately low fat diet with a healthy balance of fat, protein, carbohydrate and other nutrients is beneficial.

As an alternative to low carb diets look to just give up some of the bad carbohydrates in your diet rather than stopping them altogether. Avoid foods that are high in processed sugar, snacks and white flour products. Complex carbohydrates such as found in fruit and whole grains should be continued to be consumed.


Low carb food - Health - Weight Loss

Are carbohydrates good for health? From time immemorial, man's diet consists of essentially carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Now a days, the media is full of hype about low carb foods. Wherever you look, whether it is TV, Radio, Newspapers or the Internet, you will come across many ads offering low carb diets and lengthy low carb food list. Why people go for high protein low carb diets? Reasons vary from getting rid of obesity to getting a six pack abs. Before jumping into the band wagon of low carb food followers, it is desirable to have an understanding of what is a low carb diet, and what types of low carb foods one can chose from many available options in the market.

Simple carbohydrates, contained in refined white flour and sugar are known as bad carbs because they make the sugar level in the body high. Good carbs are complex carbs that cause the sugar level rise slowly. Sugar is one kind of food that must be watched, because a high intake of sugar is the most common cause for obesity. Sugar is contained in fruits and other sugary items, such as soda. When the body gets sugar, it is immediately turned into energy, next the body utilises the simple carbs as it is easier to turn into fuel than other types, then protein and then fat in that order. This is how the metabolism in humans works. So, if the body gets enough fuel from the first two items, it tends to store the fat which leads to obesity and other disorders. Proteins give as much calories as the carbs and fats produces almost double energy. So a high protein low carb diet is a good solution for fighting obesity and attain weight loss.

Low carb dieting system does not eliminate the use of carbohydrate in the diet, but, it advises to eat less carbs and more protein to meet your energy needs and maintain the fat level in your body to a minimum. So, what kind of foods one must look for in low carb dieting. Maintaining a low carb food list is essential in low carb dieting. Let us start from foods that contain no carbs to low complex carbs. Water, meat, fish, most dairy products etc. contains no carbs as well as oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil etc. Egg white contains no carb and cooked egg contains less than 1 gm of carb.

Fruits and vegetables are a must in daily intake of a person, whatever be the dietary program he or she follows. Vegetables like carrots, cabbage, celery broccoli, cucumber and most leafy vegetables are low carbs. Low carb fruits include avocados, kiwi fruits, coconut lime, lemon, plum, tomatoes etc. Whole grains flour and soy products are complex carbs whereas rice, pasta, white flour etc. are very rich in carbs and must be avoided as far as possible. Lots of low carb food recipes are available on the internet or one can make their own using the low carb food items. Anyway, eat healthy and stay healthy is the motto.


2014年6月27日 星期五

low carb foods - Food

Many aspects have been covered in this article so that you can gain from an wide research.

Hence while you are on one of these diets you should decide early on if you can stand to eat these foods your whole life and if they are in fact good for you. As all of the low carb diets state that meats, poultry, fish and egg are good for you the amounts of these and the types should be ordered by finding out if these particular low carb foods are good.

You will sometimes find other products that will give the same nutrional value as the convention food type. For example on low carb diets it is considered good to eat various cheeses like Cheddar cheese, goat cheese, cream cheese, Gouda, Swiss, Mozzarella, Roquefort and other Blue cheeses.

In addition there is a low carb product that allows you to have a baked Cheese snack that has no added preservatives or flavorings. You can use these cheese snacks as soup toppings, salad dressings, and many interesting snacks.

On the Atkins low carb diet site you will see some interesting low carb foods that you can eat as snacks, power shakes, on the go breakfast bars and low carb foods that you likely thought that you had lost forever - sweets.

For the Mexican food fan low carb foods can be utilized as well. For instance there are tortillas that are known to give great taste, in fact you might cuss that they are the fixture tortillas that are served at Mexican restaurants. Fortuitously for your burden these tortillas are low carb foods. As you see low carb foods don't mean tiresome food it just agency low carb.

Now imagine that you are having a party or you are passing to a party and you need to have some toothsome party food to serve. What can you give that everyone will eat but won't topple your slant into the outer limits? You could try helping Cheese straws for snacks at the party, but not your usual Cheese straws. These tall mallow straws are low carb foods that have only IV grams of carbs to them, but they mouthful great and are low in sodium content.

You are probable cerebration that even though these low carb foods seem to be great for your low carb diet that you will have little to no way of finding them. The solution to this problem is very simple - the Net can show you places that sell lots of low carb foods that are also at ease on your pockets. Why wait any longer check out what low carb foods catch your eyes and your taste sensation buds.

I hope this article provided you with the data you were sounding for. I have many other articles online that may be of interest to you.


Low Carb Bread - Entertainment - Gambling

Low carb and high protein diets are helping a lot of people achieve their weight loss goals. The basis of low carb diets is to cut down on carbs in one's diet. Bread is one of the main food items which we eat which is high in carbs. However, some people on the low carb diet find it difficult to stop eating bread; and some complain that they miss the bread.

As the low carb diet becomes very popular, with a lot of people going on this diet, many companies have developed their own low carb products for those who are into it. Consequently, today, there are many companies and manufacturers who are highly dedicated in providing the best low carb breads to the dieters. Failure to give up certain food items is one of the reasons why people fail and give up on their diets. Having low carb diets therefore help the dieters stick with the diet and achieve their goals in the long term.

So, are you looking for the best recommended low carb bread for your diet?

The new Rudi's Organic Low Carb Bread is one of the best recommended low carb breads that have come to market recently. This low carb bread has had very positive reviews. According to the reviews, this low carb bread is a soft, natural tasting bread. Some reviews have considered that this low carb bread looks and tastes like a deli-style bread loaf, which makes it one of the most popular low carb bread brands available.

Low carb food product comes in at four net carbohydrates per slice, and it comes in two varieties; namely regular Organic Low Carb Bread and the unique tasting Organic Low Carb Herb Bread which is flavored with rosemary, olive oil, and whole wheat flour. These breads are now available at most health food stores and in organic aisles of some groceries. Rudi's Organic Low Carb Breads is therefore popular because of its high quality and varieties.

Nature's Own reduced Carb Bread is another sample of the best recommended low carb bread that is available in the market today. Similarly to the first mentioned low carb bread, Nature's Own reduced Carb Bread is also soft, delicious and normal tasting.

Numerous reviews for Nature's Own reduced Carb Bread have noted that it makes a great grilled cheese and has a realistic crumb. In addition, low carb bread has five effective grams of carbohydrate per slice. Other good attributes about this low carb bread are that it freezes well, holds up to spreads, and grills and toast well.

Another highly recommended low carb bread is Spicy Vegetable Irene's Health Bread. This low carb food product is a soft and fresh with cream cheese type spreads. Certain reviews have considered that it makes better garlic bread and it is delicious grilled in butter to make a club sandwich. In addition, this low carb bread swanks a delicate sweetness from the whey. This comes in at four carbohydrates per slice. This bread has no bleaches, preservatives and no soy. Because it is very delicious, this low carb bread has become very popular.

As more food manufacturing companies devote time to make food items that are suitable for various diets such as low carb, it is going to be much easier to lose weight, while still eating some of the usual food items such as bread. By eating bread that is low in carbs, one can still succeed with a low carb diet.

Generally, besides eating the low carb food items, it is also recommended that you include more vegetables and whole grains in your diet and eating less simple carbohydrates like sugars that are found in soda, candy, processed and refined foods. Doing this will help you in losing weight. Also, pay attention to portion sizes that you eat.


2014年6月26日 星期四

Quick Fat Loss With Low Carb Food Lists - Health

Whilst putting together this list of foods low in carbs I thought to myself, "this might take some time..." because the beauty of low carb diets is the fact that they are so flexible and broad.This is great news for us low carbers, as knowing what foods we can incorporate into our own customized plans allows us total freedom with our low carb food lists from day to day, week to week!This freedom of course, will ensure that those of us who are committed to losing weight and staying healthy through a sensible low carb diet will find the variation enough to keep us "excited" about our next meal (and therefore able to actually stick to our low carb diet.Finally having this overview type of knowledge allows us to get a better understanding of the low carb diet as a whole. However, I must tell you that the following list of low carb foods is NOT exhaustive, as there are literally thousands more options available. I have merely attempted to give an overview for easy understanding and reference.Therefore, if you'd like thousands more ideas, and some powerful tips and motivation to make your low carb diet a success, then please keep reading to find out how to get access...List of foods low in carbs - VegetablesGreen vegetables are of course acceptable and can be very low in carbs, such as:Lettuce;Mustard greens;Beet greens;Turnip greens;Parsley;Kale;Bok choy;Broccoli;Cauliflower;Celery;Cucumber;Cabbage - Green, red, or Chinese;Mushrooms;Sweet or hot peppers;Zucchini.Beets;Carrots;Kohlrabi;Turnips;Avocados;Pumpkin;Radish;Brussel sproutsList of foods low in carbs - FruitsFresh fruits are thankfully plentiful in most low carb diets. Fruits such as:Melons,Bananas,Tomatoes,Lemons,Apples,Pears,Berries (all kinds)Oranges,Grapefruit,Pineapple,TangerinesFresh coconut and/or unsweetened coconut milkList of foods low in carbs - Meat, Fish and DairyFresh fish two to five times weekly is not only a great source of protein, but also a recommended part of a low carb diet. Fresh fish such as:Alaskan halibut,Trout,MackerelShellfish (such as shrimp, crab, clams, oysters, and lobster) is fine about once a week (although shellfish are common allergens and may also accumulate toxins).Most meats are acceptable in moderation (which should be easy to moderate when you incorporate everything else on this list). Lean red meatWild game (rabbit, pheasant, duck, goose, deer) once or twice weekly. Grass-fed beef that hasn't been treated with hormones or antibiotics.Goat. Pickled herringList of foods low in carbs - Flavorings, herbs and accompaniments.Fresh garlic,ginger,turmeric,cinnamonAlso, you are ok to use any other antioxidant, anti-inflammatory culinary spices with your low carb cooking. More herbs are fine to use such as:Oregano,thyme,List of foods low in carbs - Oilsomega-3 fatty acidswalnut oilsBrown rice and rice protein powder (watch the carbs in this one)There you have it, my overview of the official low carb foods that are perfectly acce ptable to use in your low carb diet. Of course, it is still important to monitor your carb intake, but with the right guidance and this list as reference, you will have no problems sticking to your low carb diet and actually enjoying the huge amount of choice us low carbers have before us!But a list of foods low in carbs is NOT enough to actually make your low carb diet a success on it's own. You need to make sure you don't make the common mistakes that 99.9% of low carb dieters make, and you will always need exciting new recipes at hand to keep your low carb diet varied and interesting, so that you don't get bored and throw in the towel.


Lose weight: to lose weight to eat during the five food - lose weight, slimming, food - Food Industr - Business

In the weight loss process, maintain an adequate balanced diet is necessary, not only for physical health, but also conducive to the maintenance of weight loss in the future. Take a look at what every day things you need to add it, do not in pursuit of quick weight loss, but oh abandoned regardless of health. Lose weight: to lose weight during the five kinds of food to eat A water Body needs sufficient water added to maintain the normal physiological function. Every one calorie of food intake must also 1 ml of water intake to maintain metabolic balance. People in general need to intake of 1.5 to 2 liters of water, the amount equivalent to 8 cups (about 200 ml per cup). Drinking water also helps gastrointestinal peristalsis and excretion of body waste, but also support full stomach, on the weight loss is very good. But not to pour the stomach even if the well, in fact, replenishment is methodical, scientific approach is: 1. Milk , Guocai Zhi, Tang, also have entered the dri nking water daily to prevent excessive drinking burden for the kidneys. 2. The morning to drink a large glass of water fasting can be the right lie 15 minutes, which will help tone and promote normal bowel function of liver and gallbladder. 3. Even to drink, do not drink in one hour continuous 4 large cup, then runs for several hours drink. 4. After a meal should not drink too much water. Because too much water will dilute the digestive juice into the stomach, affecting food digestion and absorption. 5. Before going to bed should not drink too much. Body tissues in order to avoid stagnation of water into the formation of edema and pouch. 6. Better to drink warm water. Ice water will stimulate the stomach to secrete digestive disruption, so that increase digestive capacity, resulting in indigestion. 7. Avoid drinking unboiled water. 8. Orange juice, Coke And other sugar Beverages Taste is good, but not drink, sugar heat is still very substantial. 9. Summer sports such as swea t and more time to add fresh salt water can be appropriate to supplement the loss of body fluids. 2, milk and milk products 200 ml cup of milk contains about 231 milligrams of calcium, 6.7 grams, a large number of trace elements. Need 800 milligrams of calcium per day, 80 grams of protein. The U.S. Food Guide recommends that the public should drink 3 cups of milk a day (600 ~ 750 ml). One pair of 323 girls in Hawaii among the findings revealed that they consumed every day as long as half the U.S. Food Guide recommends the amount of milk can effectively lose weight and reduce waist circumference. Latest research abroad, confirmed that the human body when the calcium will increase by some mechanism of insulin release and insulin release in itself will promote fat synthesis, reduced function of the body heat. In this way, the body's energy consumption reduced fat synthesis, it is easy to gain weight. In addition, Dairy products Is also rich in branched-chain amino acids, it can also reduce the synthesis of fat. Aside its weight loss, milk and dairy products contain nutrients that are very rich, day 2 cup (400 ~ 500 ml) can not hurt. Three, fruits and vegetables WHO proposed in 1990: one day eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables. The body of vitamins, inorganic salts, trace elements and fiber mainly from fruits and vegetables. Fruits rich in organic acids and various proteinases and help digestion. Which contain pectin, cellulose, etc. can promote bowel movements, reduce the absorption of cholesterol, have lower blood cholesterol. Fresh vegetables also contain a large number of essential nutrients the human body. Normal amount of daily intake of fruit should be more than 200 grams, fresh content is more than 400 grams of vegetables, fruits, generally about 1 hour after a meal to eat more appropriate. But the excess fruit and vegetables (especially fruits) apparently because of excessive sugar intake and cause weight gain, the U.S. gove rnment recommends no more than 9 were


2014年6月25日 星期三

Top 10 Tips For Aspiring Flexitarians

Here are a few tips to introduce you to the wonderful world of flexitarians:

1. Swap Half the Meat for Beans.

Decrease the meat in your meals by half and swap in plant proteins such as black beans, pinto beans, white beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans and lentils. One ounce of meat is roughly equivalent to 1/4 cup of beans.

2. Add in Foods that are Filling.

One of the reasons that people tend to miss meat protein so much is that meat makes them feel full and satisfied. To get that feeling with less meat, add filling foods such as whole grain breads and bananas.

3. Explore Vegetarian Foods in Restaurants.

Chances are if it's on the menu, it's a proven winner. So restaurants are a good place to discover great vegetarian foods that you can create at home.

4. Find One New Meat Free Dish You Like Every Week.

If you can just discover one thing that you like every week, in a couple of months you'll have a stockpile of meat-free dishes that you look forward to eating.

5. Make a Commitment to one Meat-Free Day a Week.

Wait at least a month to do this. Rushing into meatless meals is a primary reason that flexitarian diets fail. You are probably already having a meat-free breakfast, the next step is a meat-free lunch, and the big step is a meat-free dinner.

6. Think of Meat as a Condiment.

On a flexitarian diet, meat doesn't disappear, but it doesn't occupy a significant amount of space on your plate anymore. Your stomach will tell you the minimum amount of meat you need. If you feel bloated and slightly nauseous after a meal, add in more meat next time.

7. You Don't Have to Eat Nuts and Berries.

Eating less meat doesn't mean that you need to take a basket into the woods for ingredients. It's not necessary to go organic, eliminate sweets, or forego a glass of wine with dinner. The flexitarian diet is about eating less meat. Period.

8. Don't Be Discouraged.

If you've been eating meat your entire life and your ultimate goal is to eliminate it, you may not be able to. Some people are just wired to be meat eaters. The goal is just to cut back consistently.

9. Buy a Flexitarian Cookbook

The new classic is Dawn Jackson Blatner's book, The Flexitarian Diet. It's available at Amazon for about $12. Most libraries also have books on the subject. While you can download recipes online, there's nothing like drooling over full color pages in a book. Also, you can bring the book with you to the grocery store.

10. Keep Trying

If you need to take a break and go back to your carnivorous ways for a while, it's not a big deal. Later on you might regroup and try again, or you may not. Even if you give up, the fact that you tried will make you more mindful of your meat choices for the rest of your life-and this is a good thing.


Tea: What Is White Persian Melon Tea?

White tea is gaining popularity in the Western world very rapidly. Renowned for its mild, sweet flavor and enormous health benefits, white tea appeals to a whole new crop of tea drinkers. White tea has a mild flavor that attracts those who might find black teas too bold and green teas too grassy.

The flavor of white tea is described by most tea drinkers to be light, airy and a bit sweeter than black or green tea. It is rarely bitter, even when over brewed and is best enjoyed without sweetener or milk. It brews to a paler color than black or green tea and has a very delicate aroma.

One of the finest white teas available is a blend called white Persian melon tea. This tea is a delicious blend of the finest white tea with the addition of refreshing melon.

Like other white teas, white Persian melon tea comes from the camellia sinensis plant. But, white teas are harvested much earlier than other teas, before the leaves are fully open and while they retain fine white hair on the buds. White tea is also processed differently than black and green teas, in that it receives the very least processing of all the tea varieties.

The leaves are simply dried and steamed. The steaming prevents the leaves from oxidizing. This protects the delicate flavor and helps the tea leaves retain their natural anti-oxidants. The anti-oxidants in white tea make it one of the healthiest drinks you can find.

For centuries, the Chinese have used tea for medicinal purposes, but the modern world seems to just be beginning to understand the healthful properties that a regular diet of tea can afford. The anti-oxidants in white tea have been shown to fight cancer, heart disease and high cholesterol. White tea has also been shown to improve the immune system, too.

In particular, white tea seems to have the ability fight off bacteria and viruses. White tea is also high in fluoride, making it great for preventing tooth decay and inhibiting the formation of plaque.

White Persian melon tea gives you the sweet flavor and enormous health benefits of all white teas. However, White Persian Melon tea has the added flavor and benefits of the melon. Melons are a powerful source of anti-oxidants in their own right, and the combination of the two may make White Persian Melon tea one of the healthiest you can drink.

Melon contains an anti-oxidant known as GliSODin. This particular anti-oxidant is known to neutralize some of the most destructive free radicals in our bodies. However, GliSODin also has the power to stimulate our bodies to produce its own anti-oxidants, and has been clinically proven to help maintain cellular health and protect against oxidative damage in several studies.

In fact, GliSODin is so powerful that it has even found to be effective when used topically. It's likely that we'll begin to see white tea and melon used together for skin care products as well as for drinking! The ability to make our body produce its own anti-oxidants may mean that consuming melon has a longer lasting health benefit than many other high anti-oxidant foods.

Brewing and Enjoying White Persian Melon Tea

All white tea should be brewed using water that is heated to just below the boiling point. Let it steep for about 5 minutes before drinking.

You'll find that White Persian Melon tea has a bit more flavor than plain white tea. The melon adds a fruity flavor and enhances the sweetness, making this one of the most exotic white tea flavors.

White Persian Melon tea is a favorite for making iced tea. The addition of melon makes it one of the most refreshing teas; perfect for a hot day. To make iced tea, simply brew several servings of tea at once and allow to cool.

Since white tea is so delicate in flavor, it's not wise to make white tea and then pour it over ice while hot. Doing so may dilute the flavor of the tea to a point that it tastes too weak. Instead, allow the pitcher of tea to cool before serving. This keeps the original flavor of the tea by not allowing the ice to dilute it too much.

White Persian Melon tea is, of course, wonderful taken hot, as well. Because it is very fluffy, it requires a bit more tea per cup to brew. Begin by using about two teaspoons per cup and adjust to your taste. The best loose white teas can easily give you two good infusions. Always use fresh cold water and bring it to a boil. Then let it cool for a minute or two before pouring over the tea leaves.

White Persian Melon tea makes a relaxing cup for drinking just before bed. Because white tea has far less caffeine than black or green tea, it won't interfere with your sleep.

White Persian Melon Tea can be difficult to find. White tea in general is rare; far less of it is grown each year. And, because White Persian Melon tea is just one blend of white tea, there is even less of it available. But, when you can find White Persian Melon tea, it is a treat, indeed.


2014年6月24日 星期二

How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


Being Healthy Is More than Being Physically Fit

Keeping a yourself healthy emotionally, physically, and spiritually will help you build develop a happy, productive life. Studies were done and it was found that people who volunteer, go to church, or belong to a club are more likely to have better health than people who don't engage in social activities on a routine basis.

Complete health is not just achieved by eating right, exercising and sleeping properly. These are important factors in helping to live a healthy life emotionally, physically and spiritually. Many people use prayer or spiritual healing when ill. People facing some type of illness often turn to religion for help and strength. Many people believe that having strong religious beliefs can help someone recover from sickness and retain good health

I believe we need to take care of ourselves not just spiritually and religiously but we need to take care of ourselves physically also. The way we take care ff ourselves affects us in many ways. When I started to take care of myself physically, I began to notice an increase in my energy level. Before then I was lacking energy, feeling fatigue. I was feeling sleepy. When I started to focus on my health and began to take better care of myself, I felt more emotionally Stable and spiritually in touch with myself. I understood myself even better.

I felt so proud of myself. Physically I looked like a new person and spiritually I felt like a new person. My self -esteem rose immensely. By feeling and looking healthy you begin to see yourself as a desirable individual about whom who you can feel proud. Once you start to feel proud of yourself, you will begin to feel like no task is too hard for you to achieve.

I began to realize the importance of taking care of myself. Years ago, I went to the doctor

I was feeling fatigue and sluggish. My doctor told me that I was overweight for my height and built. I was twenty two, five foot two and 146 pounds. The doctor said, if I lost the weight I would feel better about myself both mentally and physically. By losing the weight, I would help overcome my fatigue and help myself emotionally, physically and spiritually. Personally, I was unhappy with my physical appearance. At this point, I realized that I could no longer let myself get any heavier.

The first thing I did to help myself get physically back into shape was change my eating habits. If I were going to lose weight and get back into shape, I needed to change the way I consumed food. I love to eat, just like most people. I had an appetite for fatty foods, sweets, ham and eggs, cream cheese and other good foods that are not so good for the body. Pay attention to what your eating and eliminate any foods that are unhealthy and do not agree with your body. Everybodys metabolism is different, so you need to eat healthy foods that work best for you. For example, my body reacts well to carbohydrates whereas my husbands body retains much water if he ingests too many carbohydrates into his system.

I began eating mostly proteins and eliminated fatty foods as best I could. You need some fats in your meal plan, but make sure they are the right types of fats. Be careful with the fat-free foods they have on the market. They may have zero fat grams, but the amount of calories could be just as bad as a fatty food with many fat grams in it. To make the fat-free foods taste good they use a lot of sugar, which causes you to gain weight.

If you are at a weight that you are content with, then you should continue to eat healthy to maintain that weight and to keep in shape. Everything you put in your body affects your epilepsy. You should try to stabilize the amount of calories you consume each day after you decide the amount of calories you want to eat.

I stopped eating any cheeses unless they were fat-free. I stopped using any types of breads or other food products that had a high fat content. The bad thing about bread is that, breads make you feel full. When it goes into your body, it turns into sugar and increase your appetite. Soon you become hungry and want to eat again. Chinese food is high in carbohydrates, and has the same effect. The calories keep adding up and the salt in the food makes you extremely bloated. You should read the food labels when you shop in a grocery store. I ate many fat-free foods that were low in calories. I made sure that the product I was buying had little sugar and sodium in it. This was step number one to getting me back on the right track. I tried to eat as few fat grams as possible in a day.

Drinking water is an important step to eating healthy. I made sure I drank as much water as my body could consume, which is important. You are trying to get your body back into shape and lose weight Water helps you flush all those unwanted impurities out of your system. The human body contains fifty to 70% water. Because water does not remain stored in the body, we must replace it continually. Water contains no fat grams or calories and is one of the healthiest fluids to drink. Adults must consume two to three liters of some form of liquid each day.

When I became hungry during the day, I made sure I ate healthy snacks such as bananas and yogurt. I cut out all the bad foods, such as the chips, ice cream, cakes, etc. I would have healthy meats such as chicken and turkey. Meats contain many valuable nutrients among them is protein. However, be careful also because meat also contains cholesterol.

I cut down on the mayonnaise, ketchup and all the foods that put on weight and hold water. It helped also when I ate slowly. By eating slowly, I would enjoy the meal more and not eat as much.

I made sure I also ate breakfast in the morning. I noticed that when I did not eat breakfast, I would eat more during the day or at dinnertime. You want to avoid eating big dinners because the food lies on your stomach later in the evening and you do not burn as many calories. The food just lies there in your stomach. My daily diet consisted of a healthy breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner and a light snack. I felt fulfilled and I lost thirty pounds!

Losing the weight helped me because I was able decrease the medication I was taking. After I began to lose weight, my urge to eat decreased and I felt better about myself emotionally and physically. My body was feeling better and spiritually I felt my inner self began to feel at peace.

The Different Food Groups

Fat Oils and Sweets

Milk, Yogurt and the Cheese Group

Dry Beans, Eggs and Nut Group

Vegetables and Fruit Group Starches, Grains, Pasta, Rice, Bread and Cereal

The bread cereal group includes all breads and cereals that are whole grain, enriched, or restored. All cereals are very high in starch, and they are good, generally inexpensive sources of energy. The fat content of cereal products generally is very low unless the germ is included. Whole grain products contribute significant quantities of fiber and such trace vitamins and minerals as pantothenic acid, vitamin E, zinc, copper, manganese, and molybdenum.

Most vegetables are important sources of minerals, vitamins, and cellulose. Certain vegetables, such as potatoes, contribute appreciable quantities of starch. Large amounts of the minerals calcium and iron are in vegetables, particularly beans, peas, and broccoli. Vegetables also help meet the body's need for sodium, chloride, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. Carotenes (the precursor of vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are abundant in many vegetables. Vegetables are useful as sources of roughage.

The nutritional value of fruits varies. Some fruits are composed largely of water, but contain valuable vitamins. The citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, and yellow colored fruits, such as peaches, contain carotene. Dried fruits contain an ample amount of iron, and figs and oranges are an excellent source of calcium. Like vegetables, fruits have high cellulose content.

The milk group includes milk and milk products, cheese, and ice cream. Milk is a complete protein food containing several protein complexes. It also contains important amounts of most nutrients, but it is very low in iron and ascorbic acid and low in niacin. Calcium and phosphorus levels in milk are very high. Vitamin A levels are high in whole milk, but this fat soluble vitamin is removed in the production of skim milk. Riboflavin is present in significant quantities in milk unless the milk has been exposed to light.

The meat and meat substitutes group includes beef; veal; lamb; pork; organ meats such as liver, heart, and kidney; poultry and eggs; fish and shellfish; and dried peas, beans, and nuts. The meat group contains many valuable nutrients. One of its main nutrients is protein, but meat also contains cholesterol, which is believed to contribute to coronary artery disease. The minerals copper, iron, and phosphorus occur in meats in significant amounts, particularly iron and copper in liver. Different meats vary in their vitamin content. Liver usually contains a useful amount of vitamin A. Thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, all B vitamins, occur in significant amounts in all meats.

Other Foods such as, butter, margarine, other fats, oils, sugars, or unnourished refined grain products are included in the diet to round out meals and satisfy the appetite. Fats, oils, and sugars are added to other foods during preparation of the meal or at the table. These foods supply calories and can add to total nutrients in meals.

For many years the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued dietary guidelines based on four basic food groups meat and meat substitutes, fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, and grains, including bread and cereals and a balanced diet would include at least one food from each group in each meal every day.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommended that people eat a variety of foods daily, including fruits; vegetables; whole and enriched grain products; dairy products; meats, poultry, fish, and eggs; and dried peas and beans. While recognizing that certain people (for example, pregnant women, the elderly, and infants) have special nutritional needs, the report stressed that for most people the greater the variety of foods eaten, the less likely is a deficiency or excess of any single nutrient to develop.

The report emphasized that people should increase their consumption of complex carbohydrates fruits, vegetables, and other unrefined foods and naturally occurring sugars. It also recommended reducing the consumption of refined and processed sugars. It encouraged a reduction in fat consumption by decreasing the amount of fatty meats and replacing foods that have saturated fats with those having unsaturated fats. A reduction in the sodium intake by decreasing the amount of salt added to food was also recommended.

Research findings on nutrition, in the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services changed the daily diet recommendations from the square of the four food groups to a food pyramid, with foods that should be eaten more often at the base, and those used less frequently at the top. The emphasis is on consuming less of the groups meat and meat substitutes, dairy products, and oils and fats, and more of the breads and cereals, and fruits and vegetables. When properly followed the food pyramid teaches the use of a wide variety of food items, moderation in total food intake, and proportionality among the food groups to ensure adequate nutrient intake.

Vitamins are carbon containing substances that are required for normal metabolism but are not synthesized in the body. They are obtained, from such outside sources as food and water or are administered orally or intravenously. Exceptions to this definition include vitamin D, which is synthesized in the body to a limited extent, and vitamins B (12) and K, which are synthesized by bacterial flora in the intestinal tract. Minerals also must be obtained from outside sources. Mineralssuch as calcium, iodine, and ironare an essential part of all cells and body fluids and enter many functions.

Vitamins and minerals function as "cofactors" in the metabolism of products in the body. Most aspects of bodily metabolism proceed with the aid of specific enzymes, but if additional catalysts were not present for example, the cofactor vitamins and minerals the reactions would proceed so slowly that they would be ineffective.

Vitamin A has many important functions in the body that relate to membrane integrity, especially of epithelial cells and mucous membranes. It is also essential for bone growth, reproduction, and embryonic development.

Vitamin D primarily regulates calcium metabolism by determining the movement of calcium from intestines to blood and from blood to bone. It interacts with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin in controlling calcium levels. Thus, vitamin D is today more legitimately considered a hormone rather than a vitamin.

Vitamin E is considered to have possible value in decreasing the risk of cancer; it has shown little therapeutic value in other diseases. Fortunately, it is relatively nontoxic. Vitamin K is essential for synthesis by the liver of several factors necessary for the clotting of blood. A wide variety of vegetables, egg yolk, liver, and fish oils contain this vitamin.

With the exception of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), water soluble vitamins belong mainly to what has been termed the B complex of vitamins. The better known B vitamins are thiamine (B (1)), riboflavin (B (2)), niacin (B (3)), pyridoxine (B (6)), pantothenic acid, lecithin, choline, inositol, and paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA). Two other members are folic acid and cyanocobalamin (B (12)). Yeast and liver are natural sources of most of these vitamins.

Thiamine, the first B vitamin functions as a coenzyme in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate and is important in carbohydrate intermediary metabolism.

Riboflavin (B (2) serves as coenzymes for a wide variety of respiratory proteins (see metabolism).

Vitamin B (6), functions in human metabolism in the conversion processes of amino acids, including decarboxylation, transamination, and racemization.

In the body folic acid is converted to folinic acid (5 formyl tetrahydrofolic acid), the coenzyme form, which accepts 1 carbon units important in the metabolism of many body compounds. Nucleic acid synthesis cannot take place without the presence of folic acid.

Vitamin B (12), almost all organisms need this vitamin but only in very small amounts. For vitamin C, a sufficient daily intake of fresh orange juice provides enough of the vitamin for most purposes. The body's requirements for calcium are generally met by eating or drinking dairy products, especially milk. Most calcium (90 percent) is stored in bone, with a constant exchange occurring among blood, tissue, and bone.

Iron is a vital component of hemoglobin and of certain respiratory enzymes. Foods high in iron content include meat (liver and heart), egg yolk, wheat germ, and most green vegetables. The average diet contains 10 to 15 mg a day, adequate for most people.

Magnesium is an essential element in human metabolism and functions in the activities of muscles and nerves, protein synthesis, and many other reactions. Fluorine as fluoride is a requirement to bind calcium in bones. Micro amounts of such elements as boron, chromium, chlorine, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, silicon, sulfur, and vanadium are considered necessary to health.

Normal diets appear to provide adequate amounts of trace minerals, but effects such as the linking of high levels of fructose in the diet with copper deficiency problems are the subject of ongoing research. Vitamins and minerals are an important factor to keeping yourself healthy.

When I started incorporating vitamins into my daily schedule, I began noticing a change in the way I felt physically. When I started eating healthily, I started using a variety of vitamins and herbs that were suppose to be helpful for epilepsy disorders. The vitamins I used were L Taurine L tyrosine(amino acids), vitamin B6 and B12, calcium and folic acid. They called an herb that I also had tried a black cohosh. Black cohosh is an eastern North American perennial herb Cimicifuga racemosa. It has a powerful action as a relaxant and a normalizer of the female reproductive system. It may be used in cases of painful or delayed menstruation, ovarian cramps or cramping pain in the womb. It has a normalizing action on the balance of female sex hormones and may be used safely to regain normal hormonal activity. It is used often for the treatment of neurological pain. As a relaxing nervine, it may be used in many situations where such an agent is needed.

Medical research has not proven that these vitamins and herbs stop seizures. Nevertheless, they have been used for decades and said to be beneficial. I still have the same amount of seizures (two to three a month), but I have noticed an increase in my energy. I also had a couple of incidents when I was about to go into an aura. For the first time, I could work with my body and stop myself from having an aura or petite mal seizure by using relaxation exercises. I took deep breaths and slowly released the air through my mouth as I thought positive thoughts.

I have recently incorporated an extra iron vitamin into my diet. Remember, if you decide to use vitamins as a part of your daily diet than it is always safe to discuss it first with your doctor.

I believe exercise can help control seizures. Epilepsy does not stop you from being athletic and keeping your body in shape. Some of the greatest athletes had epilepsy. French cyclist Marion Clignet won a silver medal in the 1996 Olympics. Hal Lanier, a former shortstop with the San Francisco Giant; Greg Walker, a former first baseman with the Chicago White Sox, and Buddy Bell, who played seventeen seasons of professional baseball before retiring in 1988, all reportedly had epilepsy as did basketball player Bobby Jones, who played for the Denver Nuggets and Philadelphia 76ers. Exercise helps to build or maintain strength and endurance and to make the body healthier. Exercising is good because it also helps you spiritually. Exercise has both physical and psychological benefits. Regular exercise helps develop muscle tone and strength and control weight. Besides strengthening the muscles, including the heart, regular exercise is believed to make bones stronger by incr ea!

sing calcium uptake.

Exercise would be extremely beneficial for all individuals, especially for epileptics who have been using Tegretol for many years. The main problems associated with Tegretol are that it causes your bones to ache. Exercise reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Psychologically, regular exercise contributes to a feeling of well-being, and relieves stress. It helps you to feel at peace with yourself. In a study reported in the professional journal Epilepsia, conducted at the department of psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham exercise proved to have a positive effect on the lives of a hundred and thirty-three people with epilepsy. Fifty-four of them were men and seventy-nine of them were women. Those who exercise intensely at least three times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes reported fewer problems with depression and stress.

Another study was done on how exercise effects epileptics were done at the University of Sport and Physical Education. In these, study fifteen Norwegian women with drug-resistant epilepsy spent fifteen weeks taking exercise classes twice a week for an hour. They combined aerobic dancing with strength training and stretching. The median number of seizures decreased from 2.9 to 1.7 during the experimental exercise phase. The women also had fewer health complaints, such as muscle pains, sleep problems and fatigue.

People who exercise are regularly more likely to continue exercise throughout their lives. Once I got into the habit of exercising, it no longer became a chore. Exercising became a physical activity that I enjoyed doing in my spare time. I made sure that I scheduled my days so I would at least have three to four days of exercise. Exercising should take place at least every other day foe a period of fifteen to sixty minutes.

I enjoy walking, floor aerobics, weights and working on the machines. I would work out a little each day and exercise with the TV or the radio. Whatever motivated me then, but remember before you begin any exercise program you should check with your doctor first.

When I exercised, it made me feel good inside. Exercise should be some activity that you can do that would not strain your body. It can be walking, jogging, running, aerobics, bench stepping, hiking, jazzercise, bodybuilding, swimming, dance or anything that you enjoy. You should do some kind of exercise to keep your body in shape. The older you become the more important is to exercise. Exercise affects the aging body, helping to maintain fitness and slow down the physical effects of aging. If not properly exercised, the aging body can develop problems in the muscles, bones and cardiovascular system. As you get older, your muscles begin to wither away and lose their tone, leading to more frequent tearing of the tendons in the muscles. Your bones become weak and brittle, fracturing easily and more often. Therefore, it is important that you take responsibility and keep yourself in good shape


Benefits of Quitting Smoking Timeline

style="text-align:justify;">you may have some unpleasant feel but your body actually starts the recovery process in no less than half an hour! Apart from looking into the concepts and benefits of quitting smoking, you just have to look at the benefits of quitting smoking timeline to start thinking about quitting smoking.

By looking at benefits of quitting smoking timeline you would not only be amazed but would definitely want to try it yourself.

At first 2 hours In the first two hours itself your blood pressure and your heart rate will come down to the normal level, you might feel a burning sensation on your hands and feet.

At 8 hours The carbon monoxide levels which you have accumulated in your blood due to smoking, starts decreasing and oxygen level increases.

At 24 hours At 24 hours your body cleanses itself of the smoke levels in the body, and once it is done the risk of a heart attack reduces considerably.

At 48 hours At 48 hours you might be tempted to smoke again because this is the time when you undergo worst affects of quitting smoking. Initially, when nervous regeneration takes place you lose the taste and smelling senses. After this point improvement takes place.

At 2-3 Weeks This is the period when you start seeing the positive signs clearly. You would feel better from inside and would be able to perform physical activities and strenuous activities with a great ease. Covering a great distance by walk wouldnt be a problem anymore. Your body and in particular lungs would be healthier.

At 1-9 Months Lung regeneration takes place; the tiny cilia on the surface of your lungs grow and function again. You feel more alerted and les tired, your health improves in general.

At 1 year At one year, the risks of a heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases decrease to about fifty percent.

At 10 years You have a lesser risk of getting cancer such as lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer and other types of cancer which usually attacks the smokers.

At 15 years The risk of you having heart diseases reduces to a level of non smoker.

All these benefits of quitting smoking timeline motivate you to quit smoking.


2014年6月23日 星期一

Health Effects of Smoking

Smoking has been the most common cause of death in the world today. Approximately five million people die of smoking every year with the toll reaching ten million by 2020. Despite the health effects, millions of people ignore its harms.

While thousands of children start smoking every day, many children and adults find it difficult to quit despite the effects it has on their health. This is because of the addiction to nicotine which causes strong symptoms if smoking is ignored. These include irritation, anxiety, sleep problems, headaches, coughing and loss of concentration. Let us read more about the health effects of smoking and what it could do to your health if ignored.

The damages done by smoking

How can smoking affect your health? Arteries carry blood away from the heart and to the rest of the body. When you smoke, the tobacco hardens the arteries and eventually becomes blocked. This causes the heart to receive reduced blood flow which brings the heart attack.

1) Lung damage

One of the health risks due to smoking is lung cancer which kills around 20,000 people in the UK alone every year. Studies have shown that men who smoke increase the chances of dying from cancer than women.

How to treat lung cancer:

Treating lung cancer is difficult but is in fact treatable. There are 5 common ways of treating cancers. These ways include:




Hormone Therapy

Biological Therapy


The most common method of treating cancer is to take an operation. Dont be afraid if there is a chance of your doctor catching the disease because its not usual for cancer to spread to someone else through air contact. However, some of the side effects of having the operation include severe pain and tiredness.

To find out more about these treatments, click on ways to treat cancer

Other cancers are also possible from smoking and these include oral, liver, kidney, throat, pancreas, lip, bladder and stomach cancers. They are all life threatening.

2) The Harms on Children

You would probably think that smoking during your pregnancy would only cause problems to your health. This is wrong and should be stopped immediately before you suffer a miscarriage. Other problems to children include lower birth weight babies, slower child development such as intelligence and growth, sudden infant death, mental retardation and respiratory disorder. Children will also suffer from illnesses such as colds, flu, pneumonia and bronchitis.

There are many more health risks to your children due to the effects of smoking during pregnancy and around them. For more information regarding this matter, please check health effects of smoking on children.

3) What body parts are the most damaged by smoking?

The body parts most damaged by smoking are the heart and lungs. The damages to the lungs include some diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Smoking also permanently destroys the Alveoli which transfer oxygen into the bloodstream and the tiny Cilia cells which usually sweep out dirt particles from the lungs. After the tiny Cilia cells are destroyed, all the dirt particles from cigarette smoke builds up in the lungs over a period of time.

Damage to the heart includes coronary artery disease, decreases the ability to exercise longer, chances of blood clots, and lowers HDL cholesterol. High blood pressure occurs due to nicotine constricting the blood vessels and increasing heart rate which can force your heart to work harder.

Even though smoking has its problems on the heart and lungs, it also affects the whole circulatory system. Blood becomes thick and sticky becoming another hazard for the heart, hardening of the arteries because of damage to the blood vessels. Consequently, circulation to the hands and feet diminish and results in neuropathy and the failure to heal any infections.

4) Health Effects of Passive Smoking

Passive smoking is an even dangerous risk for non-smokers than those who smoke. Passive smoking is inhaling the smoke of those who are smoking around you. This in effect, causes you more harm than it does to them. For further information about passive smoking and its health effects, please check health effects of passive smoking.


Smoking has several health affects that have not been mentioned here. The limit to the health problems associated with smoking is beyond thought. You need to realise that its time you quit smoking before the harms eventually capture you. To quit smoking, please check how to quit smoking.

For more reading, please check:

How to Draw Flowers

Five Reasons Not to Spank Your Children

The Health Benefits of Apple Fruit

Losing Weight: How to Lose Weight Fast

Amazing Animal Discoveries: Rarely Seen by Humans - Part One


Top 5 Reasons to Quit Smoking


Smoking contributes to many diseases; heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, infections, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, to name just a few.

Saving Money

By quitting smoking you save an average of five dollars a day on the cost of tobacco. There are other costs also; higher insurance rates for smokers. You can save 10% to 40% on average with you auto, home, life and health insurance.

You Can Breathe Better

Within the first few days you may be breathing easier. smoking causes a variety of lung problems including; chronic obstructive lung disease, emphysema, lung cancer, inflames and may cause asthma. When smoke enters your lungs it does a variety of thing to your sensitive lung tissue. Smoke from tobacco kills the tiny cells in your lungs that clean and filter your lungs and tar left behind clogs the processes of your lungs.

Your Sense Of Taste Will Improve

When you smoke tobacco it dulls your taste buds, contributes to the progression of periodontal disease and gingivitis. It also gives you bad breathe, tooth stains and throat and mouth cancer.

Public and Social Acceptance

I hated the feeling of being in a park or an outdoor patio restaurant and getting the disgusted looks from fellow patrons. Or walking down the street and a trail of smoke from my cigarette accidentally went up someone's nose, and the dirty look that follows. Nowadays smoking is literally a crime in most public places. As a smoker you have to stand in the street to smoke if you want to avoid dirty looks and possibly a ticket depending what city youre in. You are less likely to get that job you want because you smoke.

I have given you a few important reasons to quit and I am sure that you will be able to come up with a few more. In order to help me quit I took a class, offered free by my insurance company. It helped me quite bit. There was a great amount of support, understanding and acceptance in the cessation class. I highly suggest that you take one in order to help you with quitting smoking. Since I quit smoking I look better, feel better and I have saved quite a bit of money. I do think of smoking at times, but then I remind myself of the Top 5 Reasons I Quit Smoking! Good Luck.


2014年6月22日 星期日

Smoking is not compatible with living a Christian, Spirit-filled life.

God has commanded us, which we strive to live Holy lives. Your body has one main purpose from God's perspective, to "Bring Glory to God." That means what ever you do "SHOULD" have God's glory in mind. Smoking does not glorify God. Smoking has no good benefits and has the potential to damage the smoker's health. Smoking Not Only Harms Ones Health It Also Destroys a Christian's Testimony for the Lord. About 419,000 people die each year from cigarette and cigar smoking and that is only in the United States. Smoke defiles the body is readily seen. Smoking causes 20 percent of all deaths in the United States each year. Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung disease, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It is proven to cause cancer, heart disease and hormonal problems. Smoking is also linked to pulmonary diseases, cardiovascular disease. Many profess they love the Lord, but their defeated lives controlled by their addiction to cigarettes places a serious question ma rk over their professed love for Christ. Regardless of how we may try and justify it. Smoking, and spitting tobacco, is a filthy habit.

Apostle Paul says 2 Cor: 7:1.Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

The truth is a smoker is an addict and he is already in bondage in much the same way as an alcoholic and is spiritually defeated. We are told in the bible that , "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Some Christians harden their heart become rebellious against Gods word and who discourage them smoking who not only would not admit their sin, but let the Devil use them to defeat. Smoking becomes addictive which makes a slave out of those who use it, it is a bad witness for the Christ, it may be harmful to others, and causes for our weaker brethren to stumble.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law (Galatians5:22,23).

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love (2Peter1:5-7). Avoid temptations and shun evil companions. Read Psalm 1:1-6;

Prov.1:10-16; 1Tim.4:6-16. Keep company with Gods people and seek at all

times to help others and be a blessing to them. Rom. 12,1Corinth. 13, Col. 3:5-10

That each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable (1Thessalonians4:4).

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians5:1,2).

We are to love our children, but people who smoke are potentially harming young children. Many studies have shown that in the first two years of life, babies of parents who smoke at home have a much higher rate of lung diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia than babies with non-smoking parents. Infants and children have tender tissues and are more susceptible to passive smoke. Acute respiratory illnesses happen twice as often to young children whose parents smoke even if they are without asthma. Passive smoke exposure is associated with 150,000 to 300,000 cases of chronic bronchitis and pneumonia in children younger than eighteen months. Exposure to smoke can cause people to develop many lung problems, such as allergies, asthma, and heart problems. A study involving children from five years-old to nine years-old showed impaired lung function in youths who had smoking parents as compared with children whose parents were non-smokers.

Smoking by pregnant women seems to predispose premature babies to respiratory distress syndrome. Parents who smoke at home can aggravate symptoms in some children with asthma and even trigger asthma episodes. Further children exposed to secondhand smoke can develop middle ear infections, suffer from wheezing, coughing, and worsen asthma conditions. It is quite contradictory for a parent to love their children and yet expose them to cigarette smoke and by their example are teaching their children to smoke also. With every temptation the Lord is present providing the way to escape the temptation and not sin.

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves (Romans12:10).

We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing (2Thessalonians1:3).


How Smoking And Second-Hand Smoke Affects Your Health

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They dont get your wind, smoke all you want -Camel smoking company. Scientifically proven to be less irritating to the nose and throat -Phillip Morris smoking company, 1943.Lowest nicotine, lowest tars, and lowest resins -Old Gold smoking company. No other cigarette is safer to smoke! Raleigh smoking company, which hired Babe Ruth to promote their cigarettes, who ironically later died of throat cancer. These are past slogans of cigarette companies. They know the hazards of cigarettes, yet they keep selling them. We know the hazards of smoking, yet consumers keep buying them! I dont comprehend why people would keep buying a product that makes them look older, increases their risk for cancer, and shortens their life span! Those are just a few things that cigarettes do to harm the body, there are countless others. The answer is simple as to why people keep buying cigarettes after they try them, and that is because of a chemical called nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive, and it is very hard to quit sustaining your body with this chemical. Cigarette companies use nicotine to their advantage as it makes you addicted to their product. Research has shown that cigarette companies have known about the health risks of smoking since the 1940s. They kept it to themselves until the health hazards went public. That is when they started developing slogans like the ones above to make people think that their companys cigarette isnt very bad for you. Odds are most people have never seen a slogan like this Our cigarettes contain over 400 harmful toxins! or Our cigarettes have caused thousands of cases of lung cancer!. Companies arent going to tell you those things because that isnt going to sell their product to consumers, telling the consumer what they want to hear is what is going to get them to buy the product. They are pretty much selling you a gun that has a chance of having a bullet, and every time you smoke a cigarette you are pulling the trigger, hoping it doesnt shoot. But then not only are you pointing the gun at yourself, but at everyone around you! The people around you are breathing in the same hazards yo u are, so now they have to hope the gun doesnt fire! Most people care about their health so a ban on smoking in public would be appreciated by a lot of people. Washington does have some strict smoking rules, but in my opinion they arent strict enough because I am still breathing in those toxic fumes. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has researched side-stream smoke (smoke inhaled by people around a smoker) and studies have shown that side-stream smoke contains two to five more times the number of carcinogens as the smoke the inhaled by the smoker. A carcinogen is any substance that increases the risk for cancer. That means that anyone around a smoker has about two to five times as much of a chance to get cancer from that cigarette more then the smoker themselves. No one should have the right to increase anyones risk for cancer, along with harming them with all the other hazards cigarette smoke gives off.Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemical compounds that you breathe in every time you walk past a smoker. As stated earlier, over 400 of these are toxic. Some of these toxic chemicals are Tar, which increases the risk for cancer; Nicotine, which is an extremely addictive substance that increases Cholesterol; and Carbon Monoxide, which reduces the amount of Oxygen in the body. Almost anyone that you ask will think that lung cancer is the number one harmful effect of smoking. Well they are wrong because there is something more fatal caused by smoking, and that is heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and is the leading cause of death in smokers. Researchers report that in the year 2000 alone there were 1,690,000 deaths of smokers due to cardiovascular disease (heart disease). In that same year there were 850,000 lung cancer deaths. That many deaths occurred due to smoking, and those were just two of the health problems that smoking causes. Smoking also increases your risk of having a stroke, of Graves Disease, of Thyroid Disease, Gingivitis (gum disease), and of countless cancers. These are just some of the more common health problems caused, but there are many more. Side-stream smoke increases your risk of all of these diseases even more!

Most people attempt to quit at some point in their life due to these health problems. The sad thing is that the nicotine makes it difficult to quit so on average it takes a person four to five tries before they can give up smoking for good. Another common reason people try to quit is because of their children. Most people care about their childrens health, so they give up smoking not just to avoid the effects of side-stream smoke for their children, but to be a better influence on their kids. There are many techniques to quitting such as nicotine patches and nicotine gum. Both of those methods give you a reduced amount of nicotine, which slowly lowers your addiction. You know briefly about a few types of cancers that smoking causes, but there are many more then previously explained. Smoking increases the chance of the smoker getting lung, oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, larynx, esophagus (squamous-cell carcinoma), pancreas, and bladder and renal pelvis (the kidney outlet) cancers. The odds are extremely high that if you smoke for a long period of time, you will be diagnosed with some form of cancer. According to the World Health Organization, someone dies as a result of smoking every 6.5 seconds. By the time you have read this paragraph, someone has died as a result of cigarette smoking, that is just to give you an idea of how fast that is. Second-hand smoking kills 50,000 people each year! Those are people who have never touched a cigarette, yet they die from cigarette smoke. To me that seems like murder because those people died as a result of people smoking in public. Those people lose their lives because of someone elses actions. Not only that, second-hand smoking harms your children also. No one would let a stranger with a knife stab their child every time they walked by them, so why would people let someone with a cigarette stab their childs health. Those coughs you hear your child make after walking past a smoker arent just coincidentalthat smoke is killing them! No one has the right to harm someone else, yet it goes on day by day and most people just go on with their lives, letting others harm your health. We shouldnt let people have that right!

One of the larger smoking in public arguments is Smokers pay taxes on cigarettes, and taxes pay for public structures, so why shouldnt smokers be allowed to smoke where they paid for? Another one that has come to my attention is If a business owner owns a business shouldnt they be allowed to let people smoke in their business building, which is part of the public?

My first point is against the argument smokers pay taxes on their cigarettes, and the taxes help pay for the public property, so why shouldnt they be allowed to smoke in an area that they helped pay for? Well smokers pay taxes to harm their own health, they dont pay taxes on cigarettes in order to harm someone else. Non-smokers also pay taxes, and they dont want to pay to fuel someones addiction, especially when it backfires and non-smokers end up paying to create health hazards. My second refute is against the argument if a business owner owns a building, they should be allowed to let people smoke there without government restrictions? If that were the case then the government would have to allow smoking pot in a business owned building or shooting up Heroine. If its in the public, even at a privately owned business, you still have customers that go in there and breathe in that smoke which effects their own personal health.

That is why I believe there should be a ban on smoking in public. As an American citizen it is our right to protect ourselves. We shouldnt have to breathe in toxic fumes because someone else is addicted to a disgusting substance. Not only does it protect ourselves, but it protects the children of America, and we owe it to the children to protect them. The next time you hear your child wheezing from the toxic fumes coming off the end of a strangers cigarette I hope you do something about it.
