I get asked all the time, I get asked, well, why cant I lose weight? Ive tried everything. Ive tried the Atkins Diet, Ive tried the Zone Diet, Ive tried the Blood Type Diet, and I cant lose weight. Ive eaten meat, Ive counted calories, Ive exercised and run around the block until Im blue in the face, and I get up every morning, I look at myself in the mirror I would like to be different.
Theres an abundance of reasons why people dont lose weight, and I would put it down to, theres a three-pronged approach that most people need, and they need to, there needs to be exercise, and there needs to be appropriate things in peoples mouth, and most people forget about the psychology, but really, most people have tried those things and what most people dont realize is your weight is largely driven by your metabolism.
Now, Ive got some not so good news for you and thats your metabolism is largely genetically determined. It can be shifted, we can adjust it, we can do things to make you lose weight, put on weight, but a lot of this has to do with genetics, body types, youre an ectomorph, youre an endomorph, and so on, and Im sure youve seen the people that can eat whatever they want, whenever they want, however much they want.
Now, Im here to tell you if they came and saw me in the clinic, I would look in their eyes and I would gasp, theyd be like a sewer inside, their skin would look different, theyd look repulsive, be sweaty, but most people just saw it by the bottom line, which is how much weight can I lose, I want to be thin, I want to be attractive, I want to be sexy, damn it.
So, Im here to tell you the place to start is with your thyroid. And we need to have a look at if your thyroid is underactive. Now, if your thyroid is underactive, youll get three symptoms.
One, you wont be able to lose weight no matter what you do. You will eat this, you will try that, you will exercise this, youll go to the gym every day for a year, you wont lose weight. Secondly, youll be very tired all the time. Now, let me explain to you why. Your metabolism means the speed at which you are burning energy.
Now, if you are burning energy very slowly, then youre going to feel very tired. Now, let me say that again. The word metabolism, which is largely associated with weight loss, the word metabolism really is the speed or how quickly energy is burned in your body.
So, if you have a slow metabolism, its not just that you cant lose weight; its that energy is being burned slow in your body across the board, which is why you feel tired all the time, and why you dont burn that fat.
Now the third symptom you will get apart from fatigue and weight gain with an underactive thyroid, is often, not always, youll begin to feel hot all the time, because the thyroid has a large part to play in regulating your metabolism. So, If you really want to lose weight, there are a few things we can do, but one, we need to speed up your metabolism. Now, we do that through the Thyroid Mix.
The Thyroid Mix, depending on which type you have, we have two or three different types, but generic thing that we sell to the public, as opposed to one of the customized ones specially done for you when you come into the clinic, has from memory about eleven or twelve herbs in there, and theyre all designed to feed the thyroid, to feed your system. The main herb that your thyroid needs is kelp because your thyroid runs on iodine or iodane, which is a mineral, and kelp is a seaweed which uptakes abundant amounts of these.
Now, a lot of women come in and theyll take the Thyroid Mix for two or three weeks and theyll go, oh, oh my goodness, well I feel fantastic! Give me a triple dose. And what happens, we sit in front of the TV and watch Days of Our Lives, and we forget that we need to exercise. I dont mean that in a disrespectful way to anyone, I mean that in a humorous way, but you need to be moving. You need to get in motion.
Now, the third thing we need is a psychological structure, which is what we sit down and work out together because most people feel great, but then they binge, or they dont like themselves, or theyre thinking negative thoughts, they had an argument with their spouse or theyre not getting the support from their family, or they feel overwhelmed, or whatever it is. But, Im here to tell you if you want to lose weight and youve struggled, you need to make a decision. Now, this decision is easier said than done.
I tell people, and they just dont do it. But, you need to, and thats you need to decide to have a healthy lifestyle. Now that sounds very flippant, doesnt it? Doesnt that sound a very simple thing to say to someone, just be healthy? Well, its not so simple as being healthy, but you need to take the focus off of weight loss.
Now, that might be a clich, but if you want to lose weight, you can chop off an arm, or you can do Atkins and go into ketosis, which is a very dangerous way to lose weight. If you know someone whos doing it, I would implore you to stop them. Or you can calorie count. Now, calorie, whatre calories? Are calories fat? Calories arent fat. Calories are a measure of energy.
So, what youre trying to do when people count calories is theyre trying to put their system into an energy deficit where they tire themselves out, they dont have enough energy going to their system, so their system goes into survival and tries to find energy from somewhere.
Im here to tell you a way to get weight off and keep it off, is just to get an unstoppable psychology, but its to stop counting calories, but if you are going to stop counting calories, then you need to do something better in its place. So, calories are really a measure of energy, or a measure of heat, which is why people take less calories and they start actually getting very cold, they often need a jump or something with them.
And the best way to have a healthy lifestyle is to focus on four things - what you eat, what you drink, what you breathe, and what you put on your skin. Now, four things - dont put anything on your skin that you wouldnt eat, because it goes straight into your bloodstream. It can be more dangerous than going through your digestive tract.
We need to be conscious of what we breathe. Now, this is unique, you know, what are you doing, buddy? You talking about what Im breathing? Well, I am to an extent. I am to an extent, and thats because most of us are living in air that is the most filthiest in human history where were taking in two to three thousand chemicals with every breath sometimes, depending on what part of the world we live in, so this can be fatal.
Now, most people focus on what they eat, but we also need to focus on what you drink, and Im here to tell you if you want attractive skin, if you want your eyeballs to be clear and white, and people to look at you and say, whoa, well thats a person whos attractive, you need to make sure everything you eat thats made up those cells, and we also need to do it in a way where youre not hungry and youre not deprived, so you dont end up then running down to McDonalds or a place where you can drive through or even from the couch to the fridge to be eating something that you probably shouldnt.
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