2014年5月22日 星期四

Best Detox Diet

We are always on the hunt for the best things in life that includes the best for our health. Believe me, with regards to keeping our body healthy, we already know the best things to do. Unfortunately, with all realities taken into consideration, we simply don't have the choice but to ignore doing what is right and live in an unhealthy lifestyle, eat wrong types of food and stay in a bad living condition. All these contribute to the accumulation of toxins in our body. And when toxin build up is too much, our health suffers, our body becomes weak and we feel that we are not working as well as we should be. We need, then, to flush these unwanted toxins out of our body through the help of a detox diet. You will now ask, "What type of detox diet is fit for me?" or "What is the best detox diet for me?"

Picking one detox diet is easy. All you have to do is to search online, choose whichever you like and you're on your way to detoxifying your body. That is wrong. Your health is on the line here so choosing what is right for you must be done with outmost care. You have to understand every available detox diet and choose the right one that will address your need, which is a more complicated thing to do.

Detox diet is more commonly associated with starving oneself. While this is not exactly what detox means, most detox diets involve restrictive eating plans. Two of the more common detox diets are water fasting and juice fasting that restrict one from taking anything but water or fruits and vegetables juices for a certain period of time.

Other types of detox diet involve less restrictive eating plan. Still, the diet goes on for several days and only involves eating limited types of food. Detox diets may involve giving up foods such as wheat products, milk, eggs, gluten, coffee, chocolates, sugar, salt, preservatives and anything with high fat content.

However, many experts would say that our body has sufficient detoxifying systems and we don't need any detox diet. They add that placing our body in a highly-restrictive diet plan can be dangerous and may lead to several side effects. Instead of undergoing detox diet, experts say that the best detox plan is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat balanced diet, get enough rest and sleep everyday, exercise regularly and drink lots of fluids.

While issues regarding the effectiveness of detox diet plan versus the natural and unaltered healthy living remain, the point is, we need to take care of our body and we need to do it now. Whether you enter into a detox diet plan or simply choose to live a healthy lifestyle, you still have to understand that every action you do and decision you make have consequences, especially if you are deciding on the fate of your health.

There is no single detox diet that can be considered the best and can yield best results for everyone. But knowing what type of detox diet your body needs, understanding the different types of detox diets available today and with the help of your doctor who can clearly give specific advices with regards to your health, you can determine the best detox diet for you.


