2014年2月7日 星期五

Health tips: Sauna and steam bath for better cardiovascular system

Sauna is steam hot bath that produce total relaxation and gives you many health benefits. There is steam bath sauna and there's infrared saunas which use electromagnetic radiation to gives you the heat that you want. The heat of the infrared saunas will penetrate as deep as 1.5 inches into your body. The heat temperature can be controlled. It's more cost effective and requires less energy than steam baths saunas. Both steam bath saunas and infrared saunas will give you total mental relaxation as well as lots of other health benefits.

The lights emitted here is healthy for you and UV rays lights are harmful and don't have the same health benefits as saunas radiation. The saunas took its root back in China where people found health benefits of human body heat. They then knew that heat has health benefits and therefore the saunas were created. This is a tradition of most Japanese and Chinese spas. You can find most saunas at their hotel or spa. You should try to include saunas into your spa routine or use it at home. You can achieve the same results with a hot steamy bath. Drinking hot tea or water or soup will give you the same benefits as a sauna would.

The saunas heat will give your body a total transformation. Your body will be transformed into a healthier body. The heat will open up your blood vessels and increase circulations within your body. The increased in blood circulation will provides more nutrients to all of your cells thus waking up your system. The heat from the sauna will also detoxify your body by making you sweat out your toxins. Toxins are the things that make a person sick and prone to diseases. It gives you fatigue, bad skin and other diseases. Once you're able to sweat most of your toxins out you will be better at health. The years of toxins accumulation is not good for our health or our skin.

Saunas will increase your cardiovascular system and in turn your immune system. Saunaswill give you the ultimate mental and physical relaxation that you need. Sitting in a sauna will give you the experience of escape through meditation music, lights and heat. You'll look several years younger if you continue with saunas. Saunas do have an anti aging effect.You can go to a spa club or hotel for saunas or you can buy it for home use. Usually people would buy light boxes or wood boxes with heaters inside of them. You can use this at home on a daily basis. There's no major side effect for saunas. It only gives you great health benefits. Saunas light box also is use to treat depression and if you have depression, this is something that you can try to relieve it.

Source: /saunas


