Asbestos testing is very important to those that are working in, living in, or doing anything in a building that was built before 1995. Construction used to contain many materials that had asbestos in them and these materials can cause many health issues that are quite serious. This is why it is very important to get your home or work area tested and make sure it is an asbestos-free area.
You cannot simply use a sight test to determine if there is asbestos in your home or work area because the most common forms of asbestos cannot be seen by the naked eye. However, if you can tell that your ceiling, your insulation, or other materials are pre 1995, then there is a pretty good chance that you have asbestos in the building.
If this is the case, then you need to hire a licensed asbestos abatement contractor to come and take samples to determine exactly what contains asbestos.
Typically when they do a surface test they are going to take a small sample of the material that is thought to have been made with asbestos. Then, they will send it away to a lab to find out if asbestos is present or not. Due to how easy it can be to disturb asbestos and release it into the air, while taking a sample, it is necessary that you allow a professional to do the testing instead of trusting a home kit. This will ensure that it is done safely and it will give you full confirmation of the results.
The last thing you want to happen is to be conducting your own testing and find out that you have released asbestos into the air. This is incredibly harmful and you do not want to breathe in asbestos fibres or have your family breathe them in.
It may cost you a little bit of money to have the testing done and the asbestos removed, if the tests show that it is present, but a little bit of money now is much better than finding out that you have lung cancer later. This health issues that asbestos can cause can be avoided with the proper testing and removal of the asbestos materials in your home.
Whenever you are considering purchasing a home that has been build prior to 1995 you should have a full inspection done and a full asbestos survey done. This will ensure that you know what you are getting into ahead of time. If there is asbestos in the home you can negotiate to have the materials removed and replaced before you purchase the home. This will ensure that your family is moving into a safe home and that you will not be at risk of the health issues that asbestos can cause.
Also, if you think your workplace may contain asbestos and you have the authority to have an asbestos survey done, then you will want to do so as soon as possible. This can help to save your company millions of dollars from future lawsuits when workers become infected with different health problems that were caused from the asbestos. IF you do not have this type of authority, then you will want to do some research and come up with some proof that asbestos could be in your workplace. Then, take it to your manager and hope that they take action. If they do not, then find out which local agency you need to contact to have your workplace tested for asbestos.
Once the asbestos has been removed, more tests are required to determine whether it has been successfully removed and the air is clean. This is typically done by conducting a surface test and an air sample test. These are the two most common tests to confirm the asbestos is gone. A professional will send these tests to a lab for analysis to determine exactly how much asbestos particulate is still in the air. Until these tests come back clear, you cannot say for certain that you have an asbestos free zone.