2014年2月19日 星期三

Why Mediterranean Diet is so Healthy

For the people of this are the diet is a way of life more than a diet. The people of this region have enjoyed a much longer life span than most and a lower incidence of many of the major diseases that affect the rest of us.

The diet is extremely good for you for several reasons one of which is large consumption of fruits and vegetables. This diet is based on eating a large amount of fruits and vegetables. You will eat more fruits and vegetables on this diet than any other diet presently on the market. One of the benefits of this type of diet is that it will lower the incidence of certain disease such as cardiovascular and cancer to mention a few.

The diet is high in whole grains and dietary fiber. These two items have been proven to lower the incidence of cancer, including colorectal cancer. So you now have foods that will prevent cancer and help stop certain heart diseases. If that was not enough the diet does more to help you live a long and healthy life.

The Mediterranean Diet is also very high in anti-oxidants. These will play a significant role in the bodies' organs, skin and muscles. These will help keep these organs, muscles and skin healthy and strong. The benefits of a diet that high in anti-oxidants is well documented and well-known, one of the major benefits is believed to help you live longer.

The diet also is high in lean meats and these are served in moderate portions. The people of the Mediterranean were mostly fisherman and farmers with very little poultry or cattle as most of the land is not suited for grazing. Most of the people's protein will come from fish and certain seafood which is abundant in this area.

Another of the many benefits of this diet is that it is low in dairy. The small amount of dairy consumed is usually low-fat. These people consume very little dairy and so they are able to maintain weight much easier.

As more doctor's look into the diet they are finding that many people from this region that actually live this diet have much lower incidents of many killing diseases. People suffer much less heart and cardiovascular diseases, cancer, hypertension, and diabetes to mention a few of the many benefits of this diet. This diet has more benefits than drawbacks.


2014年2月18日 星期二

Why Some Diets Just Don't Work And Others Do

The first thing you should know about dieting is that if the diet is totally out of your norm, you most likely won't stay on it. Most people also want food that is easy to make and that tastes great. Before you start on a diet, look at the menu plans and read all the ingredients. If the recipe calls for food or spices that you have never heard of, move on. This isn't one of the many easy diets out there. There are diets that have regular menus with average food. Look around until you find one.

Another reason diets don't work is that most diets have the same type of food everyday. There are diets like Atkins and other low carb diets, where you can only eat meat and vegetables. With all the wondrous variety of foods available, who wants to live on meat and vegetables? Also, if you do have the will power to stick to these crazy diets then the moment you go off, you gain all the weight back. If you are looking for easy diets, stay away from diets that include only 2 food groups.

The best type of easy diets, are diets that include fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and different types of protein. The best type of diet is one that has small portions but doesn't completely eliminate anything that you regularly eat. Before starting your next diet, make sure that it is a diet that you can live with permanently. Changing eating habits can be difficult but if you do it gradually and slowly trade bad foods for good, you will lose weight and keep it off, permanently. The best type of diet is one that doesn't make you feel deprived but still gives you results.


Why You Should Say no to Crash Diets

Crash diets are diets that drastically cut down calories from a person's daily food intake. Most men and women, who aim to shed weight, follow these diets in the hope that they will lose a substantial amount of weight in a very short time.

However, the effects of crash diets are not what one would expect. Healthcare professionals strongly believe that these diets are an extremely dangerous way to lose excess kilos. They lead to severe nutritional deficiencies. Initially, a person on a crash diet may lose even up to 2-2.5 kg in a week. However, this is mainly attributed to loss of water in the body.

The body is suddenly deprived of calories and so it burns up stored glycogen. As the person continues to follow the diet, he tends to lose a significant amount of weight. Nevertheless, this weight loss is a combination of fat and muscle. The deprivation of muscle mass leads to a decrease in the person's metabolic rate, i.e., he burns fewer calories at rest in order to perform the basic body functions like respiration, circulation, and digestion.

Further, continuing this starvation diet, the person may reach a plateau, which is often followed by a weight gain period (Yo-Yo effect). The gain in weight is solely attributed to fat. Thus, a person depletes his body composition and adds more fat at the end of this famishment.

Moreover, crash diets may weaken one's immunity. The gross nutritional depletion in such diets may also lead to nutritional deficiencies. Long term crash diets are associated with iron, vitamin B12, and mineral deficiencies. Lack of iron, especially in the teens, may lead to anemia. Deficiency of calcium in the diet also makes crash dieters prone to weak, brittle bones resulting in osteoporosis. Likewise, inadequacy of essential vitamins and minerals in the diet causes hair fall. The hair becomes brittle and the skin and nails may turn pale.

There are also many negative psychological effects on people who follow these diets. Food cravings caused due to severe calorie restriction, may result in extreme mood swings and eating disorders, particularly anorexia and bulimia.

So, say "no" to crash diets. These diets may work for a short duration but may prove fatal in the long run. The key to a healthy weight loss is a well balanced diet combined with physical activity. Whenever you think of going onto a crash diet, do remember that "There is no shortcut to success."

About The Author:

Read articles on Diet Plan, Fitness, Diabetes, Cancer, Skin Care, Weight Loss, and Health Care. Calculate your Health Stat at Healthizen.com.


2014年2月17日 星期一

Atkins Diet Basics

The Atkins diet is not a new phenomenon. The diet first appeared in the late 1970s and has grown popularity in recent years in response to the low-fat diet craze. As dieters had trouble with low-fat plans, they searched for a new solution and Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution book found a new audience.

A lot of people have jumped on the Atkins bandwagon and there has been a lot of hype as a result. But what are the basic principles of the Atkins diet?

The Atkins diet is based on a theory of why we get fat. According to Dr. Atkins, the over-consumption of carbohydrates and simple sugars leads to weight gain. The way your body processes the carbohydrates you eat have more to do with your waistline than the amount of fat or calories that you consume. In his book, Atkins outlines a phenomenon called insulin resistance. He theorizes that many overweight people have cells that do not work correctly.

When you eat excess carbohydrates and sugar, your body notices that sugar levels are elevated. Insulin is released from the pancreas in order to store sugar as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells for extra energy later on. However, your body can only store so much glycogen at once. As soon as your body reaches its limit for glycogen storage, the excess carbohydrates are stored as fat. This happens to everyone who eats too many carbohydrates.

However, insulin resistant individuals have an even harder time of using and storing excess carbohydrates. The more insulin that your body is exposed to, the more resistant it becomes. Overtime, the pancreas releases more insulin and cells become insulin resistant. The cells are trying to protect themselves from the toxic effects of high insulin. They create less glycogen and more fat.

As a result, insulin resistant individuals gain extra weight. The carbohydrates get converted into fat instead of energy. Other side effects include fatigue, brain fog (the inability to focus, poor memory, loss of creativity), low blood sugar (which can leads to hypoglycemia), intestinal bloating, sleepiness, depression and increased blood sugar. There is much more than weight at stake when you are insulin resistant.

The remedy for people who are insulin resistant is a diet restricted in carbohydrates. The crux of the Atkins diet is a limitation of carbohydrates in all of its forms. The foods restricted on the Atkins plan include simple sugars (like cookies, sodas and sweets) and complex carbohydrates (like bread, rice and grains). Even carbohydrates that are considered healthy, such as oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread, are restricted on the program.

The diet has you restrict your carbohydrate intake to less than 40 grams a day. This will put your body in a state of ketosis. While in ketosis, your body will burn fat as fuel. According to Dr. Atkins research, the ketosis state will also affect insulin production and it will prevent more fat from being formed. Your body will begin using your stored fat as an efficient form of fuel, and youll lose weight. Another benefit of the Atkins plan is that ketosis will end your cravings for carbohydrates. If youve been living on a carb-heavy diet, you may have found that you simply cannot get enough carbohydrates. With carbohydrate restriction and ketosis comes a reduction in carbohydrate cravings. People who have been on the Atkins diet for some time report that they do not crave carbohydrates as they once did.

Although the initial phases of the Atkins diet are rather strict, the program teaches you to restore balance to your diet in the long run. People who use the diet slowly reintroduce minimal amounts of carbohydrate into their eating until they find a comfortable balance between their health and carbohydrate use.

The basic principles of the Atkins diet have been adapted to many other low-carb diet plans. However, Atkins popularity still remains strong as one of the most effective low-carbohydrate solutions for those who are insulin resistant.


How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


2014年2月16日 星期日

Life Insurance 101

Life insurance is basically a contract between two parties: the life insurance company and the policy owner. After the demise of the policy owner, the life insurance company agrees to pay a lump sum amount based on premiums paid by the policy owner, to a designated beneficiary. The policy owner must pay the life insurance company either a lump sum or a stipulated amount at regular intervals in order to keep the policy in effect. In addition to death, a life insurance policy may also cover terminal illness or critical illness and provide the policy owner with what is known as accelerated death benefits to cover cost of treatment.

Types of Life Insurance

Life insurance purely for protection: This type of life insurance is designed to provide death benefits against premiums paid for a specified term period which can be anywhere between 1 to 30 years. Because it is temporary life insurance offered for a particular term, it is called term life insurance. This type of insurance offers high death benefits at the most affordable premiums. It is most suitable for young families on a low-budget or for individuals who want temporary life insurance protection. There is no investment component in term life insurance and should you outlive the policy, you forfeit all premiums paid.

Life insurance with an investment component: This type of life insurance is permanent. You pay premiums throughout your life. The reason why it is so attractive is because a portion of the premiums you pay goes into an investment portfolio. Your premiums begin to accrue interest. After a certain time, you can use this interest to pay premiums or you can dip into the cash value of your life insurance policy whenever you need to. Examples of life insurance with an investment component are whole life, universal, variable whole life and many others.

Who Needs Life Insurance?

Anyone who has a dependent needs life insurance.

Estimating life insurance coverage needs

Calculate all your assets against your liabilities. This will give you a fair idea of where you stand financially. Ask yourself how much money your family would need to maintain the same lifestyle they are accustomed to, pay off debts, and build up an asset for future expenses such as college tuitions or a retirement fund. You could make use of an online life insurance needs calculator to help you estimate the coverage you would need.

How premiums are calculated

Life insurance companies use mortality tables calculated by actuaries along with a host of other factors to derive the premium amount you need to pay. The process of investigating and evaluating the risk involved in insuring your life is called underwriting. The underwriting process may differ from company to company but a few common factors play a role such as age, gender, lifestyle, whether you are a smoker, pre-existing health conditions, family health profile, alcohol intake, etc. Premium rates are higher as you grow older simply because growing older is attached to a higher mortality rate.

Most companies divide the risk of insuring an applicant into four categories:

Preferred Best: This category of people is considered to be a low mortality risk. Typically, those who fall under this category have no adverse medical history, have no pre-existing health conditions, and there is no family history of cancer, diabetes or other common genetic diseases.

Preferred: This category of people is considered to be a slightly higher risk to insure. They may have a family history of illness, but lead healthy lifestyles.

Standard: This is the category which most people fall under. Typically, they may be under medication for an ailment; have a family medical history of illness; or may lead an unhealthy lifestyle and therefore prone to ill health.

Tobacco: If you smoke, you automatically fall under this category.


Because the life insurance industry is so competitive, underwriting criteria may vary. Some companies may have a competitive edge over other companies by favoring certain types of health conditions. For instance, some insurers may look into the details of your smoking, differentiating those who smoke a cigar occasionally from those who smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. In order to find such companies, however, you would need to shop around.

Make use of online life insurance quote providers certified by the Better Business Bureau. Having access to hundreds of reputable life insurance carriers, they can run your personal details through their database and instantly send you the best life insurance quotes for comparison. And because these are paperless transactions and you are able to shop around for competitive rates, you may be able to save on life insurance expenses by up to 70 percent!


Loading in Health Insurance: Know About It!

Surajs father suffered from a heart attack last year and had to undergo an emergency bypass surgery. Fortunately the surgery was a success. Suraj recovered most of his medical expenses from the family health insurance he had. Suraj was relieved; in fact he was thankful that he had a health insurance policy. But nothing prepared him for the jolt he got 8 months later when the renewal notice for his health insurance policy arrived; he found that his premium was hiked by almost 50%! From Rs.10, 000 premium p.a. he now had to pay Rs.15, 000. After checking with his agent and the policy wordings, Suraj was informed that something called as Loading was the reason behind the hike.

In several cases, the hike in the premium after a claim makes it quite difficult for many customers to renew their policy and, not being prepared for such a hike could result in them not having a health cover for sometime or miss out the continuation benefit of their original policy. To ensure that you dont get a rude shock on renewal of your policy after a claim, understand loading and what to look out for while buying the policy.

What is Loading?

Loading is the amount charged by the health insurance company on your renewal premium when you make claims in your policy. Almost all health insurance companies include loading in their policies. There are different ways in which loading is calculated by the companies.

The different kind of systems for calculating Loading:

1) Loading for every year of claim

Oriental insurances Happy Family has loading according to this system. For every year you claim, you will have to pay 5% more premium the next year which will go away if you do not claim that year or again increase by a further 5% for every year in which you make a claim. The maximum loading in this plan is 20%.

2) Loading depending upon the amount claimed

In Uniteds Family Medicare Policy, the claimant is subjected to loading if he claims 3 or more timesin two consecutive years. Amount loaded on the premium depends on the percentage of the Sum Insured that was claimed. Here is their table which explains the calculation.

Even in Uniteds Family Medicare policy, loading will be removed after three continuous claim-free years. The No Claim Discount will be applicable only after completion of four claim-free years.

3) Loading depending on the claim ratio

Some policies calculate their premiums according to the ratio of claims to the premium paid. That is if you claimed Rs.20, 000 when you had paid a premium of Rs.10, 000, the claim ratio for the policy is 200%, and hence here the premium would be loaded as per a table according to this claim ratio.

In Star healths Family health optima plan, this type of loading is applied. It is also mentioned that the loading ratio would not exceed 100% of the premium amount.

Mahavir Chopra, Head, e-business of Medimanage Insurance Broking Pvt. Ltd., says Ideally, it (loading) isnt supposed to be applicable for individual policies. Claim ratio is actually meant to be calculated on the business portfolio level of an insurance company or in group insurance. It seems, due to lack of significant personal as well as macro level health premium and claims data that would have helped Insurance companies to price premiums scientifically, a reactive system of loading premium based on claim ratio was introduced, where the premium depends on the past claims experience. No retail insurance product (other than Health Insurance) compares what is paid (as premium), with what claims have been made, it defeats the entire purpose of insurance.

While the above are loadings at renewal based on previous years claim/s, there are some loadings applicable even at inception based on the risk factors:

4) Loading on certain Pre-existing diseases

Nationals Varishta Mediclaim has a system of loading for Diabetes and Hypertension. You will have to pay an extra of 10% on your total premium for each of these diseases or an additional 20% for both these together. There is also loading for other diseases like Paralysis and Blindness.

5) Loading on your age

Many health insurance companies, especially Senior citizen policies have a system of loading not on the event of claim but after a particular age. New India Assurances Senior Citizen Mediclaim has the following system-

Loading for renewal between 81- 85 years 10% of the premium for age band of76-80 yrs.

Loading for renewal between 86- 90 years 20% of the premium for age band of76-80 yrs.

6) No Clear Cut definition: Stay away!

There are many policies which do not have a method of calculating the loading but which mention in the policy wordings that they may load the premium in case of adverse claim experience. This is very dangerous as the loading can be anywhere from 5% to 100% of the premium and the customer can do nothing about it. So if you are buying a policy withsuch vague conditions, it would be wise to reconsider the decision to buy it.

Max Bupa: A New Approach

Max Bupa is one of the few companies that do not load the premium because of claims. Max Bupas CEO Dr. Damien Marmion had said in an interview that they do not want to give the customers the wrong idea that they care more about the money than people by giving discounts for no claim or loading after claims. They have premiums that depend on your age and your locality rather than discounts for claim free years or loading after claims.

What you should look out for?

Now that you have seen most of the methods of Loading, we suggest the following tips:

IRDAs Stand:

Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) has not passed any directive on Loading per se but on receiving several complaints from senior citizens has issued this following advice:

Is loading justified?

Sudhir Sarnobat, Director, Medimanage Insurance Broking Pvt. Ltd, says The loading on individual client is absolutely unfair when they have claims in expiring policy year as it principally defeats the purpose of insurance that is risk transfer. Loading is a concept which is acceptable for Group Risks where the policy conditions are liberalized due to group business. To know more about Loading in Health insurance: Know about it!

Compare & Buy Best Health Insurance Policy


2014年2月15日 星期六

Get Universal Health Insurance Coverage.

Health insurance is insurance paying for ones medical expenses. One can apply for health insurance through government sponsored programme or from private insurance companies such as AETNA, United Health Care, The American Insurance, Anthem Blue Cross or ,USA Insurance or The Health Insurance Group . When one applies for it, he is provided with the best of packages depending on the financial state of the individual.

Health Insurance is Important.

Universal health care coverage is important in one's life considering the high cost of medical care in today's world. We all need medical attention even though we claim to be healthy because accidents happen and at that point of time we should be concentrating on the best of medical care instead of worrying about the bill and putting a full stop to the medical check-up. As United States population figures rise, the census bureau data will change and the census bureau reports will show an increase in the need for health insurance coverage plans that are affordable.

According to The Health Insurance Group going for health insurance is a very wise decision as it has many advantages.You can understand this better if you have ever been sick or injured and can't get the best treatment because you are short of money! All your expenses from laboratory test to surgery are covered and the best thing is that you can relax not only for yourself but also for your family member as well.

Things Covered.

Universal health care coverage covers many aspects of medical care likehospital stays, doctor visits, and inpatient and outpatientprocedure along with disability, custodial care needs and pharmacy expenses.I am sure the thought of this surprises you and brings many questions to your mind like how many types , who can get it, how does it work.etc

Types of Health Care Insurance.

There are two kinds of health insurance: Group Health Insurance:US Health insurance companieswill pay a portion of the insurance premium for the employee and possibly the employees family. This kind of insurance is very reasonable.Individual Health Insurance is often purchased as well. This is purchased outside of the employment arrangement and it can be expensive as a result.

Get Online Medical Insurance Quotes.

You can get best health care plans anytime. Just look for discount health insurance quotes on the internet. Compare medical insurance quotes and get the best health insurance coverage plans for you and your family. Applying for VA medical insurance does not concern age! As far as you can pay the premium, insurance is yours! Premium is the amount of money you will be paying every month and is calculated by the company.

Shared Costs.

The overall medical expense possessed by the policy holders is divided amongst the members. Eachpolicy holder must pay the portion of premium. Premium is further calculated on ones age, resident zip code, current health, and chosen plan. The collection of personal health insuranceensures that money is available to cover one's medical needs. Naturally,individual health insurancepremiums increase as one grows older and as the medical field advances.

Talk To Your Health Insurance Agent.

Applying for Universal Health Care Coverage can also be very confusing. To make informed health insurance decisions, you need a general knowledge of all the terminology. One should have good information about the cheap individual health insurance plans available and choose the best health care plans from the quotes.When planning to join any insurance plan it's better to talk to human resources about the details and ask any question that is in your mind. Remember to do your homework before taking a decision. Maybe you need VA medical insurance or PPO dental insurance plans. If you are part of the United States population figures, then you should be covered by the American insurance, United Health Care, AETNA or The Health Insurance Group.



Sonoma Diet

One of the biggest pros of the diet is it's simplicity. There is no counting of grams or calories.

Simply controlling the size of the portion is one of the biggest factors. The emphasis is on what you eat instead of what you do not eat. There is a list of forbidden foods on this diet and it consist of common low-carb foods. The focus is on the foods and eating them. Learning to eat slowly and savor the tastes of the food helps people gain respect for the foods. It also allows the brain to register the signals from the stomach it is full removing the overeating factor.

The nutritional value of the diet concentrates on the power foods that are healthy for a person. The list has a large variety which helps everyone create a personalized diet plan; that helps with the weight loss regimen. The structure of the diet is tightly structured, which provides guidance for even the most lax dieter.

One of the cons of the diet is the diet has very little flexibility for the low-carb diet. The diets for women are 900-1100 calories and the men have 1100-1300 calories; during the first phase. For many people this limit is too low causing them to give up on the diet or feel extensive hunger during this phase.

Vegetable servings are limited in the first phase, which for many people is challenging. After the first ten days on the diet, the servings of vegetable are reduced to a smaller amount. The fact of this particular limitation results in frustration by many dieters.

A Sonoma Diet emphasizes whole foods that are a big change for many people. Many diets have alternative options for people that cannot strictly follow the foods this one does not. Those limitations, for substitutes. make this diet a huge challenge for many dieters.

Most people suffer from carb crash during the first phase of the diet. Sonoma Diet claims it is not a low-carb diet yet many who have tried the diet will state it is one.

There are inconsistencies and inaccuracies that claim it is not a low carbohydrate diet while still being a high fiber diet. As an example the diet claims whole grain bread is less Glycemic than white bread, whole grain is made with finely ground flour so it is not a true statement. This diet also has claims of grains being the heart and soul of the diet, but it has fewer grains than the daily-recommended amounts.


2014年2月14日 星期五

HCG Diet

The HCG Diet has turn out to be a really well-liked diet plan trend within the population. There has been much controversy as to whether the HCG diet is a truly legit and safe method to lose weight. This HCG diet article will just go into the basics with some information to obtain you aquainted.

Diet plan trends, weight reduction diets, low carb diets and fads come and go, as we seek a diet plan strategy, the diet, a method to help us shed undesirable pounds and inches, but a fat loss diet plan like this has no equal.

Diets do not usually work for people with abnormal fat shops because they do not lose the right type of fat although dieting. HCG works at the metabolic level to discharge these shops into the bloodstream to ensure that they can be used as fuel, and this is why a very low calorie diet plan must accompany the HCG dosage.

The initials (HCG) stand for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is really a hormone produced in large amounts by pregnant ladies to control metabolic functions.

HCG will decrease your craving for food and metabolize stored fat. You will not expertise irritability, headaches, weakness or any hunger pains as with other low calorie diets, but you will lose abnormal fat, reshape your body and look the way youre supposed to.

It works, regardless of regardless of whether you exercise or not!

Youll not lose muscle mass or retain your extra large skin, as the reshaping will also shrink double chins and chicken necks.

The original HCG diet plan protocol involved a low calorie diet and a series of HCG diet plan injections.

There has been an excellent deal of controversy as to whether its greatest administered by injection or by mouth. However, oral HCG (under the tongue) mimics the injection and either way youre ingesting the same hormone.

A word of warning:

There are no recognized HCG diet plan dangers or HCG negative effects, but there are various types and you ought to be aware that homeopathic HCG is not the very best choice to create!

This type is widely available over the web and often low-cost, but the problems lies in that it hardly ever contains any HCG hormone at all.

Losing weight has never before been this simple and this fat loss diet has no equal.

Needless to say there will probably be skeptics who will inform you that it is harmful or doesnt work, but theyre not worth listening to, as this method has much more than fifty years of study behind it.

If you want to learn much more about the HCG diet, why not take a appear at our HCG diet plan blog or join a HCG diet plan forum where you can find resources, information, diet suggestions, the newest news and some tempting HCG diet plan recipes.

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Diet Vs Diet

Americans spend tens of billions of dollars a year in their quest for losing weight, and getting fit. As I've said before, there are a number of different approaches to dieting, and a number of these approaches will produce results. The key is in finding an approach that works for YOU, and one you can be CONSISTENT with.

Listed here, for you, are some of the most popular diets available today, some information about them, and the results of some studies done by some of the top universities in the country. The studies followed groups of people following one of the specific diets listed, and compared the weight loss results of each group of dieters after extended periods of time. So which diet will shed the most pounds after a year? Keep on reading to find out...the results may surprise you!

The Diets:

Atkins Diet (low carb)
A high protein diet, encourages some form of meat at every meal, and restricts carbohydrates.
Calorie Breakdown:
20% Carbs
30% Protein
50% Fat

Weight Watchers (low fat)
Emphasizes portion control. Encourages grains, fruits, vegetables, and modest servings of meat.
Calorie Breakdown:
50% Carbs
20% Protein
30% Fat

Zone Diet
40/30/30 ratio theoretically stabilizes hormones that trigger hunger and weight gain.
Calorie Breakdown:
40% Carbs
30% Protein
30% Fat

Mediterranean Diet
Prescribes grains, vegetables, and sources of healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts.
Calorie Breakdown:
45% Carbs
20% Protein
35% Fat

Ornish Diet (Low fat vegetarian)
Recommends eliminating nuts, meat, and fish.
Calorie Breakdown:
70% Carbs
10% Fat


Low Carb vs. Low Fat vs. Mediterranean

Pounds lost at six months: Low carb 14 lbs, WW 10lbs, Mediterranean 10 lbs

Final loss (two years): Low carb 12 lbs, WW 7 lbs, Mediterranean 10 lbs

Low Carb vs. Low Fat vs. Zone vs. Ornish

Pounds lost at six months: Low carb 14 lbs, WW 9 lbs, Zone 6 lbs, Ornish 6 lbs

Final loss (one year): Low carb 10, WW 6 lbs, Zone 4 lbs, Ornish 5 lbs

Low Fat vs. Exercise

Pounds lost at six weeks: WW 6 lbs, Exercise 2 lbs

Final loss (three months): WW 9 lbs, Exercise 3 lbs

So what does this mean for you?

Well, by looking at the numbers, you can see that all of the diets produced results. And, with the exception of the subjects following the Mediterranean diet, the dieters tended to gain some of the weight they had lost back over the long term. This is most likely because they failed to follow the diet as strictly over time as they had in the beginning.

This is a problem most dieters have with most diets...consistency. Everyone charges out of the gate ready to cut down on carbs, fat, or to consume the magic ratio, only to find that after a period of time this way of eating is something they can't maintain over the long term. It's not a change they're willing to make with the rest of their life.

My advice to you is the same as always...choose something that's right for YOU. Choose foods you like, eliminate the refined ones, and consume in MODERATION in combination with EXERCISE. The above diets work because they control the amount, and in most cases, the type of food being eaten. As should be evident from the results, the control part is much more important than the type of food being eaten.

So take control of what you eat. If one of theses diets works for you, then GREAT! Pick it, and stick with it. If none of them float your boat, no problem. Choose the foods that work for you, control how much you eat, and be consistent. Combine your efforts with some exercise, commit to sticking with it for at least a year, and watch what happens.


2014年2月13日 星期四

How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


What is mesothelioma

"Mesothelioma" is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor that involves the mesothelial cells of an organ. Mesothelial cells are cells that form a protective lining over the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. The most common type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. The pleura is a thin membrane found between the lungs and the chest cavity. It provides a lubricated surface so that the lungs do not rub and chafe against the chest walls.

What causes it?

Virtually all cases of mesothelioma are related to inhaling of asbestos fibers. There are about 3,000 cases per year (mostly men over the age of 40) and there will be about 300,000 cases before 2030. Mesothelioma usually spreads rapidly through the mesothelial cells to the heart and abdominal organs. The life span is typically 24 months after diagnosis, but it depends on what stage the cancer is detected, the health of the patient and other factors.

Although asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, it has a latency period after exposure that could last 15 to 50 years. This means that someone who worked in a factory with asbestos 40 years ago could be developing mesothelioma now. Anyone who knows they were exposed to loose asbestos fibers should be tested regularly for mesothelioma.


The onset of mesothelioma is usually very slow. The first symptom is a constant pain in the chest. This pain is later accompanies by difficulty breathing due to an accumulation of fluid in the chest. Other symptoms include coughing, fever and weight loss. Mesothelioma can be diagnosed by your doctor with a chest CT-scan.

Prognosis (the outcome)

Mesothelioma advances in 4 stages:

Stage I - the tumor is limited to the area of the lining of the lung and usually limited to only one side of the chest.

Stage II - the tumor extends to other organs within the chest cavity, such as the heart or lymph nodes in the chest.

Stage III - the tumor expands to the other side of the chest or it spreads into the abdominal organs. The lymph nodes outside the chest are affected.

Stage IV -the cancer spreads to different parts of the body far outside the chest area (liver, brain, bone, etc...).

Mesothelioma is an extremely deadly disease. The average survival time is about one year from date of diagnosis. About 20% of patients who find their cancer early and treat it aggressively will reach the five-year mark.

for more information and articles about mesothelioma go to

All Rights Reserved. 2004-2005.


2014年2月12日 星期三

What is mesothelioma

"Mesothelioma" is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor that involves the mesothelial cells of an organ. Mesothelial cells are cells that form a protective lining over the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. The most common type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. The pleura is a thin membrane found between the lungs and the chest cavity. It provides a lubricated surface so that the lungs do not rub and chafe against the chest walls.

What causes it?

Virtually all cases of mesothelioma are related to inhaling of asbestos fibers. There are about 3,000 cases per year (mostly men over the age of 40) and there will be about 300,000 cases before 2030. Mesothelioma usually spreads rapidly through the mesothelial cells to the heart and abdominal organs. The life span is typically 24 months after diagnosis, but it depends on what stage the cancer is detected, the health of the patient and other factors.

Although asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, it has a latency period after exposure that could last 15 to 50 years. This means that someone who worked in a factory with asbestos 40 years ago could be developing mesothelioma now. Anyone who knows they were exposed to loose asbestos fibers should be tested regularly for mesothelioma.


The onset of mesothelioma is usually very slow. The first symptom is a constant pain in the chest. This pain is later accompanies by difficulty breathing due to an accumulation of fluid in the chest. Other symptoms include coughing, fever and weight loss. Mesothelioma can be diagnosed by your doctor with a chest CT-scan.

Prognosis (the outcome)

Mesothelioma advances in 4 stages:

Stage I - the tumor is limited to the area of the lining of the lung and usually limited to only one side of the chest.

Stage II - the tumor extends to other organs within the chest cavity, such as the heart or lymph nodes in the chest.

Stage III - the tumor expands to the other side of the chest or it spreads into the abdominal organs. The lymph nodes outside the chest are affected.

Stage IV -the cancer spreads to different parts of the body far outside the chest area (liver, brain, bone, etc...).

Mesothelioma is an extremely deadly disease. The average survival time is about one year from date of diagnosis. About 20% of patients who find their cancer early and treat it aggressively will reach the five-year mark.

for more information and articles about mesothelioma go to

All Rights Reserved. 2004-2005.


What is mesothelioma

"Mesothelioma" is the term used to describe a cancerous tumor that involves the mesothelial cells of an organ. Mesothelial cells are cells that form a protective lining over the lungs, heart and abdominal organs. The most common type of mesothelioma is pleural mesothelioma. The pleura is a thin membrane found between the lungs and the chest cavity. It provides a lubricated surface so that the lungs do not rub and chafe against the chest walls.

What causes it?

Virtually all cases of mesothelioma are related to inhaling of asbestos fibers. There are about 3,000 cases per year (mostly men over the age of 40) and there will be about 300,000 cases before 2030. Mesothelioma usually spreads rapidly through the mesothelial cells to the heart and abdominal organs. The life span is typically 24 months after diagnosis, but it depends on what stage the cancer is detected, the health of the patient and other factors.

Although asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, it has a latency period after exposure that could last 15 to 50 years. This means that someone who worked in a factory with asbestos 40 years ago could be developing mesothelioma now. Anyone who knows they were exposed to loose asbestos fibers should be tested regularly for mesothelioma.


The onset of mesothelioma is usually very slow. The first symptom is a constant pain in the chest. This pain is later accompanies by difficulty breathing due to an accumulation of fluid in the chest. Other symptoms include coughing, fever and weight loss. Mesothelioma can be diagnosed by your doctor with a chest CT-scan.

Prognosis (the outcome)

Mesothelioma advances in 4 stages:

Stage I - the tumor is limited to the area of the lining of the lung and usually limited to only one side of the chest.

Stage II - the tumor extends to other organs within the chest cavity, such as the heart or lymph nodes in the chest.

Stage III - the tumor expands to the other side of the chest or it spreads into the abdominal organs. The lymph nodes outside the chest are affected.

Stage IV -the cancer spreads to different parts of the body far outside the chest area (liver, brain, bone, etc...).

Mesothelioma is an extremely deadly disease. The average survival time is about one year from date of diagnosis. About 20% of patients who find their cancer early and treat it aggressively will reach the five-year mark.

for more information and articles about mesothelioma go to

All Rights Reserved. 2004-2005.


2014年2月11日 星期二

Asbestos Removal Langley: Testing to Ensure Asbestos Free Area

Asbestos testing is very important to those that are working in, living in, or doing anything in a building that was built before 1995. Construction used to contain many materials that had asbestos in them and these materials can cause many health issues that are quite serious. This is why it is very important to get your home or work area tested and make sure it is an asbestos-free area.

You cannot simply use a sight test to determine if there is asbestos in your home or work area because the most common forms of asbestos cannot be seen by the naked eye. However, if you can tell that your ceiling, your insulation, or other materials are pre 1995, then there is a pretty good chance that you have asbestos in the building.

If this is the case, then you need to hire a licensed asbestos abatement contractor to come and take samples to determine exactly what contains asbestos.

Typically when they do a surface test they are going to take a small sample of the material that is thought to have been made with asbestos. Then, they will send it away to a lab to find out if asbestos is present or not. Due to how easy it can be to disturb asbestos and release it into the air, while taking a sample, it is necessary that you allow a professional to do the testing instead of trusting a home kit. This will ensure that it is done safely and it will give you full confirmation of the results.

The last thing you want to happen is to be conducting your own testing and find out that you have released asbestos into the air. This is incredibly harmful and you do not want to breathe in asbestos fibres or have your family breathe them in.

It may cost you a little bit of money to have the testing done and the asbestos removed, if the tests show that it is present, but a little bit of money now is much better than finding out that you have lung cancer later. This health issues that asbestos can cause can be avoided with the proper testing and removal of the asbestos materials in your home.

Whenever you are considering purchasing a home that has been build prior to 1995 you should have a full inspection done and a full asbestos survey done. This will ensure that you know what you are getting into ahead of time. If there is asbestos in the home you can negotiate to have the materials removed and replaced before you purchase the home. This will ensure that your family is moving into a safe home and that you will not be at risk of the health issues that asbestos can cause.

Also, if you think your workplace may contain asbestos and you have the authority to have an asbestos survey done, then you will want to do so as soon as possible. This can help to save your company millions of dollars from future lawsuits when workers become infected with different health problems that were caused from the asbestos. IF you do not have this type of authority, then you will want to do some research and come up with some proof that asbestos could be in your workplace. Then, take it to your manager and hope that they take action. If they do not, then find out which local agency you need to contact to have your workplace tested for asbestos.

Once the asbestos has been removed, more tests are required to determine whether it has been successfully removed and the air is clean. This is typically done by conducting a surface test and an air sample test. These are the two most common tests to confirm the asbestos is gone. A professional will send these tests to a lab for analysis to determine exactly how much asbestos particulate is still in the air. Until these tests come back clear, you cannot say for certain that you have an asbestos free zone.


Coronary Artery Disease: Prevention and Treatment

Coronary Artery Disease: Prevention and Treatment

What is it?

It is the leading cause of death in the United States among both men and women.

It is the buildup of deposits of LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol in the arteries which carry blood to and from the heart. This buildup is what your doctor calls plaque. The buildup of plaque occurs over the span of many years, and can accumulate faster or slower depending on many variables, especially physical activity and eating habits.

As these deposits slowly narrow the coronary arteries, your heart receives less blood and oxygen which may cause chest pain (angina), shortness of breath or other symptoms. A complete blockage can cause a heart attack.

Coronary heart disease killed 445,687 people in 2005 and is still the single leading cause of death in America today.

Almost 17 million (16,800,000) people today have a history and symptoms of this disease. The numbers include about 8,700,000 males and 8,100,000 females.

This year an estimated 1.26 million Americans will have a new or recurrent coronary attack.


Chest discomfort or pain (angina) * Shortness of breath * Extreme fatigue with exertion * Swelling in your feet * Pain in your shoulder or arm * Women may have atypical chest pain. It may be fleeting or sharp and noticed in the abdomen, back, or arm.

Because coronary artery disease usually develops over many years, symptoms are often not felt until blockages are severe and life threatening. You may not notice symptoms until your heart is working harder than usual, such as during exercise. But, these symptoms can also occur even when you are at rest.

Risk Factors:

Some hardening of the arteries occurs as a person grows older. However, certain risk factors can accelerate the process. They are:

* Age (over age 45 for men, and over age 55 for women) * Family history of heart disease * Smoking * High blood pressure * High LDL "bad" cholesterol and low HDL "good" cholesterol * Certain diseases, such as diabetes * Being overweight or obese * Lack of exercise * Certain types of radiation therapy to the chest * Stress

These cutaways show the difference between a normal artery and a clogged one

It's easy to see that blood flow is restricted in the clogged artery. Too much of this interruption of blood flow leads to chest pains (angina), heart attack, and even death.

Those who eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise are at much less risk for this killer disease. However, hope is not yet lost for those already stricken with it.

There is another form of cholesterol which is very important in the maintenance of the coronary arteries, This one is called HDL (High-density lipoprotein). Research has shown that HDL cholesterol removes LDL cholesterol from the arteries, thus helping to keep them open and flexible which allows better blood flow to the heart.

I suppose this is a good place for a disclaimer. I am not a doctor nor in any way am I connected to the healthcare industry. Anything suggested here should be discussed with your doctor before being put into practice.

Lifestyle and dietary changes have proven to slow, halt, and sometimes even reverse the condition.

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid helps to raise HDL levels.

These are some foods that are good sources of niacin.

* Dairy products * Lean meats * Poultry * Fish * Nuts * Eggs * Enriched breads and cereals

A healthy diet is helpful in maintaining healthy arteries , but you also need to get that oh, so important daily exercise. Just as exercise is crucial in maintaining weight, flexibility, and all other health matters, so it is in the maintenance of your arteries.

When the disease progresses to the danger point, you may feel a tightness or pain in your chest from minor to severe. You may also feel tired and short of breath. It is possible to feel all or any combination of these symptoms and more . You may feel pains in any part of your body, especially the chest, arms, and legs. You may mistake some symptoms for heartburn, even some doctors have made this mistake, so if you ever feel any of them, you'll do well to treat them as an emergency.

There are many medications doctors can prescribe to treat coronary artery disease.You and your doctor should decide which if any of these treatments are for you, and of course, the dosage for these medicines.

Among them are:

Statins: This class of drugs works in the liver to prevent the formation of cholesterol. Statins are most effective at lowering the LDL (bad) cholesterol, but also have modest effects on lowering triglycerides (blood fats) and raising HDL (good) cholesterol.

Selective cholesterol absorption inhibitors:This relatively new class of cholesterol-lowering medications works by preventing the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine.

Fibrates (fibric acid derivatives):Fibrates are best at lowering triglycerides and in some cases increasing HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

Niacin (nicotinic acid):This drug works in the liver by affecting the production of blood fats. Niacin is prescribed to lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol.

There are also a number of surgical treatments. It will be up to you and your doctor to decide whether you should undergo any of these.

* Angioplasty and stent - heart - discharge * Angioplasty and stent placement - peripheral arteries * Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair - open * Coronary artery bypass surgery * Carotid artery surgery * Minimally invasive heart surgery

Please remember that none of these treatments will be fully effective on it's own. They must be accompanied by a good, healthy diet and proper exercise along with your own physician's oversight and recommendations. No one should ever attempt self medication. Everything I have mentioned here should be discussed with your doctor before being put into practice.


2014年2月10日 星期一

How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.


How to getting Smokeless Cigarettes and beating the habit - Business - Product Reviews

Have you been to the health Lookup increase choice that sometimes you not only a choice of standard cigarettes? If you experience safe, with no charge for clean smoke-free cigarettes tested. You would probably aware of the simple fact that, while great fun, although that is smoking, you may find yourself breathing a number of undesirable or toxic materials. These undesirable toxic substances and probably the most dangerous carcinogens that are very responsible for cancer. In fact, using only a standard period of study here will she cartridge equivalent to products already in the health Lookup increase choice to die Sometimes Can not she just an option to standard cigarettes? IF she sure, then do without a fee for cave environmentally friendly smoke-free cigarettes tested. She would probably aware of the simple fact know that, during she is great fun, although having smoking, she Oneself Can Find breathe a whole series of undesirable or toxic materials. This undesirable tox ic materials female die probably the most dangerous carcinogens, Sind die very responsible for cancer. In fact, only uses a standard cartridge life here are his, uh, of 25 or 30 standard cigarettes. First, it is to stop off in no way does it go from "experience" the feeling of smoking. After excluding the most important point is to die fact know that, although it will help you die real "experience of smoking to win, it will not certainly making people know that she all unwanted toxic elements As previously noted, new breath

However, this does not necessarily mean death, know that it not make use of nicotine. In fact, it used to die of nicotine to make is to be feared, but know that practically nothing, because nicotine in the cigarette smoking of this kind of help stop USED free from a lot of dangerous ingredients to die, especially carcinogens. M Now it is possible to look for free on cigarette smoking. The motive, Why Does the inside is kind of odorless vapors, because it burns in any way the nicotine particles have a classical How your cigarettes. In reality, it evaporates completely, THEREFORE nicotine reaches the purest kind of nicotine. The smokeless cigarette is harmless, it has only a modest volume of nicotine, 0 to 8 mg, propylene glycol, and is a male Water-based, so the smoke she breathing in and out is, do not smoke in reality, but steam die, neither harms your Lngen, yet die air.

E Cigarette. She'll probably be surprised, after hearing of this word to the right e-camera hearing, e-phones, e-news, e-shopping and so on. Can she therefore also for new smokeless cigarette An excellent variety of cigarettes to search. It's really developed quite rightly, dass er with superb comfort even though smoking and female ensure Siemens breathe Do not just through All types of unsafe simple. There is no safe will need the flash die by exhaling cigarette smoke pollute the surrounding unsafe. contains In fact, Can she view, an increase of health method to smoke cigarettes. "Can customers buy from Diamond cigarette through cash purchase of your UNITED States of America and Canada, or die a Master Card, Visa, learning, American Express or PayPal hat. The team is extremely strong and ensures safety of the basic die personal data and information card.

She get under your free trial smokeless cigarette by clicking the link. If she die slightly favorable factors of this discover cigarettes, she, it IS also know that dollars to save your wallet die, and the protection of your lungs. The most recent analysis carried out uh the best smoke-free cigarettes Hut demonstrated Fewer know that it only about 70% of its standard spending cigarettes. The protection and the good quality of the electronic cigarette is tobacco of doctors and specialists through the Boston University School of Public Wellness, AAPHP handle Tobacco and Tobacco Harm Reduction Process Force Study University of Louisville testified. Authorities have this really great reviews like the theme Composed of the electronic cigarette and soothing influence Its like smoking. The electronic cigarette has been demonstrated, die er risks of diseases, developed by die standard cigarettes, cut like an excellent substitute for regular cave and an important tool in extending the action of smoking cessation to bekommen.o 25 or 30 standard cigarettes. First, it is going to stop you in any way from experience the feeling of smoking. After excluding the most important point is the fact that although it helps you to gain the real experience of smoking, it will certainly not make that any unwanted persons toxic elements as previously noted, new breath

However, this does not necessarily mean that it does not use nicotine. In fact, it will make the use of nicotine, but that virtually nothing to fear because the nicotine quit smoking cigarettes in this kind of help is available free of charge by an amount of hazardous substances that are specifically carcinogens. Now it is possible to look for free on cigarette smoking. The reason why it looks kind of odorless vapors inside is because it burns in any way the nicotine particles like your classic cigarettes. In reality, it evaporates completely nicotine and thus achieved the purest kind of nicotine. The smokeless cigarette is harmless, it has only a modest volume of nicotine, 0 to 8 mg, propylene glycol, and is also water based, so the smoke you breathe in and out is, do not smoke in reality, but steam, which does not harm your lungs, nor the air.

smokeless cigarette. You may be surprised to hear that word right after consulting e-cameras, e-phones, e-news, e-shopping and so on. Consequently, you can also search for new smokeless cigarette an excellent variety of cigarettes. It really is completely developed, rightly, to give you excellent comfort despite smoking and also ensures that you simply can not breathe all kinds of uncertain elements. There is certainly no will of lightning, the cigarette smoke pollute the surrounding unsafe by exhalation. In fact, you may see an increase in health method, the smoking of cigarettes contains. Customers can buy from Diamond cigarette through cash purchase of your United States of America and Canada, or a Master Card, Visa, learning, American Express or Paypal. The team is extremely strong and provides the basic security of personal data and information card.

Get your free trial Smokeless Cigarette by clicking the link below. If the lightest of these factors optimistic cigarette will discover that it will also save dollars for the wallet and the protection of your lungs. The recent analysis carried out for the best smoke-free cigarettes has proven that it can spend less, only about 70% of its standard cigarettes. The protection and good quality in the electronic cigarette is tobacco of doctors and specialists by the Boston University School of Public Wellness, AAPHP handle Tobacco and Tobacco Harm Reduction Process Force Study University of Louisville testified. These authorities have really put together very good reviews on the subject from the Electronic Cigarette and their beneficial effect on smokers. The electronic cigarette has been shown to reduce the risks of diseases that are developed by standard cigarettes, cut to get an excellent substitute for regular and an important tool in the course of action of cigarette smoki ng cessation.


2014年2月9日 星期日

Free or Affordable Health, Vision And Dental Insurance For Children

Good news for parents around the US who have been fretting over their childrens insurance coverage, or rather the lack of it: You dont have to live in a low income household to be eligible for government subsidized childrens health insurance. Middle-class families struggling through the recession can also benefit from the measures that resulted in recently passed healthcare reform laws. Medicaid and Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) together serve families who are not able to afford health insurance coverage in the private market or do not have coverage available to them. Upper middle class families also can make use of these plans, paying affordable rates. This is good news all around, but, especially for those living in states where the insurers are dropping childrens plans rather than cover kids under the expanded new laws.

These insurance plans cover a full range of services including doctor visits, vision and dental care, prescription medicines and immunizations, as well as services like hospitalizations and care for children with special health care needs. While there may be premiums or other cost sharing associated with certain categories, in general, the programs are designed to be affordable.

According to the InsureKidsNow.gov website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, every state's program is unique and has individual income eligibility rules and benefits covered. But, in general, children in families with incomes up to $44,100 per year (for a family of four) are likely to be eligible for coverage.

Parents and kids around the US are already benefiting from the reforms. According to the New York Times, Medicaid and CHIP, which blend state and federal assistance, have expanded their reach over the last several years, covering a wider swath of the population.

As to the degree of coverage, heres a statistic to give you an idea: Out of seven million children who are at present uninsuredthat is almost 10 percent of American childrenaround 4.7 million are eligible government coverage.

But many of those kids are not yet covered even though they are eligible because a lot of parents dont know about these insurance plans. And those who do know feel that it is a cumbersome process to register for them.

You can find out more about the different state programs at InsureKidsNow.gov. First find out whether you qualify for Medicaid or CHIP by visiting InsureKidsNow.gov coverage map and clicking on your state. You can also call 877-543-7669 for this information. This coverage map also gives you information about health and oral care providers in your state.

Signing up is easy too. In most states applicants have to fill out just one short application to find out if they qualify for Medicaid or CHIP. Many states allow online applications. Some states let you apply over the phone and send you a filled-out application for you to sign.

Cindy Mann of the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services was quoted in the New York Times saying that you should have an answer within 45 days of submitting your application, or often much sooner. Some stateseleven including New Yorkalso allow qualified providers to grant immediate, temporary coverage for children in both Medicaid and CHIP if they appear to be eligible.

In related and encouraging news, McClatchy reports that the Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is pushing back against the insurance companies who proposed different enrolment rules for healthy and sick children. The proposal was to allow healthy kids sign up any time, but leave a narrow window for sick kids to be signed up. Sebelius says that enrollment rules must be the same for healthy and sick kids because what insurers wanted is legally questionable and inconsistent with the language and intent of the health care law.

Heres the summary of what is available for people in different income categories, as reported by the New York Times:

LOW-INCOME FAMILIES: Medicaid provides free, or very low cost, health coverage for people under 21 who live in families with poverty-level incomes, currently $22,050 for a family of four. The program also covers children under age 6 who live in families with incomes at or below $29,326 (133 percent of the poverty level).

Children who are covered by Medicaid receive a full range of services, including immunizations, vision and dental care. Eligibility rules vary by state.

MIDDLE-INCOME FAMILIES: Created in 1997 and expanded by President Obama in 2009, CHIP provides low-cost health insurance for children in middle-class families who make too much to qualify for Medicaid. Each state designs its own plan and determines its own income requirements. In some states, coverage may be free; typically, it is subsidized.

Every state plan must provide free preventive care and immunizations to children in the program, as well as free or reduced-fee checkups, prescription medications, and dental and hospital care.

UPPER-MIDDLE INCOME FAMILIES: If your income is too high for a government plan, you should first find out whether your states CHIP program allows families to buy in that is, pay the full cost without receiving a subsidy. About a dozen states have this option.

If not, a child-only policy from a private insurer might be affordable. Under the new health care law, insurers that offer child-only policies must accept every child who applies, and they cannot change rates based on a childs health.

To look for a child-only policy, you can go to the governments new health insurance web site, healthcare.gov, and enter your childs information. The site will give you a list of possible policy choices.


How to Lose Weight Fast, Free, and Quick

You don't need fancy gadgets, pills, or exercise (but getting the books from your local library would help). Below are summaries of some of the most popular and effective low carb and low fat diets to melt off pounds fast, without spending a dime.


I must admit, I'm partial to this diet, because after the birth of my daughters it helped me to lose 50 pounds in just a couple of months.

THE PHILOSOPHY: Most overeaters are in a continuous state of hyperinsulinism, which converts excess carbohydrates to fat. Insulin regulates blood sugar levels. By controlling your intake of carbohydrates, you can manage your insulin and force your body to burn fat for energy, giving you a metabolic advantage which results in weight loss and better health.

HOW TO DO IT: Food is unlimited, and you are instructed to eat whenever you are hungry, until you are full. There is no counting calories, but you must count your carbohydrates. You can have unlimited amounts of fat, oil, and meat, with moderate portions of leafy greens, eggs, heavy cream, and cheese. You are NOT allowed grains, most fruits, starchy vegetables, or sugar. Carbohydrates are limited to 20 grams per day in the first 2 weeks, and come mostly from salad. After the 2 week induction, you gradually add back food types at a rate of 5 grams per week until you find your ideal intake for losing weight.

OFFICIAL BOOK/S: The New Diet Revolution (1992), by Robert C. Atkins. Dr Atkins' Diet Revolution (1972), by Robert C. Atkins.


THE PHILOSOPHY: The South Beach Diet blends the carb-controlling principles of Atkins with the traditional fat-controlling principles of most low fat diets, with the aim of gaining the health benefits of both. Because of this, it is often the low carb plan recommended by doctors.

HOW TO DO IT: You get 3 meals a day, and 3 snacks, with no counting of carbs or calories. The food choices are generally high in protein and fiber, but low in carbs and saturated fat. You may eat seafood, chicken, turkey breast, eggs, and lots of vegetables. You also get moderate amounts of fruit, nuts, low fat meats, whole grains (pasta, bread, and rice), olive oil, and red wine. You are NOT allowed refined grains (white flour), sugar, fruit juice, potatoes, regular dairy, fatty meats, or beer.

OFFICIAL BOOK: The South Beach Diet : The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss (2003), by Arthur Agatston, MD.


PHILOSOPHY: This is probably the best known all-vegetarian diet on the market. Dr. Ornish believes a strict low fat vegetarian diet is the best way to reverse and prevent heart disease, and to manage weight.

HOW TO DO IT: There is no calories restriction, so you eat until you are full. Your food should consist of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. The emphasis should be on vegetables, but you are also allowed whole grain bread, natural fruit juices, and potatoes. You are NOT allowed meat, fish, poultry, fats, oils, seeds, avocados, nuts, or refined carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour, white rice, etc). Dairy is limited to fat free yogurt and milk, fat free cheeses, and egg whites. Basically, cut out all the fat!

OFFICIAL BOOK: Eat More, Weigh Less: Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Losing Weight Safely While Eating Abundantly (2001). By, Dr. Dean Ornish.


PHILOSOPHY: Soup, soup, and more soup. The idea is that vegetable soup is very filling and low in calories and fat, so if you consume a huge amount of it, you will lose weight. This plan is typically for short periods of weight loss, typically being done for just 1 week.

HOW TO DO IT: There are numerous varieties of this plan. In general you make a big batch of soup which includes low calories vegetables like cabbage, celery, onions, tomatoes, etc. The broth may be watered down tomato juice or onion soup base. No potatoes or starchy veggies. You can have an unlimited amount of this during the day. On the first three days, you can also eat unlimited fruit and non-starchy veggies. On the fourth day, you can also eat bananas (no more than 6). On day 5 and 6, 20 ounces of protein (meat or fish). On day 7, some fruit juice and up to 2 cups of brown rice. After this, it's back to normal eating habits.

OFFICIAL BOOK: To my knowledge, there is none, but many websites give their own variations.


2014年2月8日 星期六

How to Become a Group Fitness Instructor at Life Time Fitness

If you're thinking about becoming a spin instructor, kickboxing instructor, step or yoga instructor for Life Time Fitness, this article has all the information you need. If you're preparing for a group fitness instructor audition for Life Time Fitness, you'll need to know what to expect so you have have the edge on . I'm a current group fitness instructor for Life Time Fitness, so I've been through the process first-hand. Here's what you will need to know what to expect when you go to your audtion.

Group fitness instructor auditions are held three times a year. Check with your local Life Time club. Auditions are held regionally, so you will likely have to travel do a different Life Time Fitness location in your area to audition.

Signing up for an audition: Register for an group fitness instructor audition by checking the Life Time Fitness website for auditions in your area. Email the audition coordinator; she will provide you with further information on registration.

In what formats can I audition? Dance (Hi/Lo), Cardio Kickboxing, Cycle, Aqua (as if from the pool deck), Step, Strength, Fitness Pilates, or Fitness Yoga. You will need to note what format you chose on your pre-registration form (provided via email by the audition coordinator). You can only audition in one format, so make sure to choose your strongest!

Do I need previous experience or certifications? No. You do not need any previous experience or certifications to audition. However, if Life Time hires you, an ACE Fitness certification and CPR certification are necessary. After you are hired, you have six months to complete these certifications.

What's the actual Life Time Fitness group fitness instructor audition process like?

Auditions last about 1.5-2 hours, depending on how many group fitness instructors are auditioning. Group Fitness department heads from the region attend and judge the auditions. You cannot bring your own music; it will be provided for you (unless you are auditioning for Cycle).

Auditions are held in a "class simulation format" - one person auditions by "teaching" the class of other auditionees. For this reason, you are expected to stay for the entire audition. The Group Fitness Department Heads will notice if you leave early and it could affect your audition status. Remember, this is a job interview and leaving early makes you look like you're not a team player!

You will have 3 to 5 minutes to do your routine. Use simple choreography - this is not the time to show off your fancy moves. Life Time Fitness is looking for your cueing tactics, staying on the 32-count, choreography breakdown, correct form, and lots of energy and enthusiasm! Cueing is by far the most important component to success at your Life Time Fitness Group Fitness instructor audition, so be sure to focus on that.

Typically, the auditions begin with Cycle (spin) and proceed to the regular group fitness studio. Hi/Lo, Dance, and Kickboxing follow, since they don't involve any equipment. Next are step and strength auditions. The Life Time Fitness group fitness instructor auditions wrap up with Yoga and Pilates.

What should I wear to the group fitness instructor audition? Wear form fitting, professional-looking exercise attire (for example - Nike tank tops, workout pants, clean shoes, etc). Do not wear an oversized t-shirt and baggy sweats. As an instructor, you'll need to wear form fitting exercise clothing so your participants can easily see your form.

What happens after the audition? Will I know if I am hired the same day as the audition? No. After the audition ends, the Life Time Fitness Group Fitness department heads meet within the next few weeks and select new instructors. The Life Time Fitness group fitness department will notify you by phone or email on your status. If you are selected, it doesn't mean you are hired. You still need to go through a formal interview process, just like you would for any job. If you are not selected, don't fret! You can audition as many times as you'd like, so continue working on your skills for the next audition.

A group fitness instructor audition sounds more intimidating than it actually is. When I went through my Life Time Fitness group fitness instructor audition, I was nervous and didn't know what to expect, but I actually found it to be a very fun experience. Every person auditioning was friendly and approachable - plus they cheer you on when it's your turn to audition! It's a very encouraging environment, which definitely helps with the nerves.

Good luck with your group fitness instructor audition!


How Safe is The Special K Diet Challenge

The facts about the Special K Diet Challenge?

Many people are familiar with the availability of and have take the Special K Challenge.

It would appear that there are an unending stream of diets which claim to be the ultimate solution in attaining weight loss.And although I am not identifying with any program on either a positive or negative basis, I would encourage you to select a sustainable healthy diet plan, because living in a state of obesity is hazardous to your health, and a better quality of life is available to those in better physical condition.

As human beings we are not designed to subsist off of one type of food or food group. You must attempt to keep a balanced diet, using proper portions of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, and fiber in addition, to help digestion.Calcium and magnesium, the most vital of the minerals group, are necessary components of your diet as well.

Some people find it surprising to hear that you need to consume some fat, this is not as much of a problem as some would have you think.Your body's collection of fat is not induced by the consumption of animal fat, it is induced by the ingestion of calories which are not then used by the body as energy.It is due to this fact that the habit of engaging in physical exercise has become so crucial.There is a measure of fat in healthy foods like bananas and nuts, however these fats are not detrimental to your health.Animal fat consumption may result in high cholesterol, while the fat in virgin olive oil does not, distinguishing between fat types is important.

No matter where you shop for groceries in America, or how you get your visual information , provided you can see your fingers in front of your face,you will be subjected to the promotional efforts of Kellogg,and the Special K Diet Challenge will be visible.The Special K diet Challenge is a based on Kellogg's effort to encourage the Obese in America to correct the situation by substituting one meal a day with a bowl of Special K cereal, or one of the products created therewith, i e Special K waffles, or Special K protein bars. There is nothing wrong with trying the Special K challenge, I would suggest however that you utilize the services of a licensed nutritionist to ensure you consume enough other foods to ensure a balanced nutritional diet.

Additionally, it is quite feasible that you will lose weight if you use the Special K Diet.You would be properly informed however that the reason you are losing weight is not due to some special substance in the cereal, but rather due to the fact that by eating the special k diet products that you will reduce the caloric basis of your diet.So if you decide to take the Special K Diet Challenge, make sure that you monitor your other food ingestion with precision.

The Special K Diet Challenge is published as a promotional program on the Kellogg Website.Modules for selecting a Special K Diet Challenge buddy, and for developing an electronic mentoring relationship with a diet coach are both available on the Kellogg website.The prognosis for success improves for most people when they are able to involve themselves with others who are in similar circumstance.and many can benefit from the optional on line coaching that is available through the site,in addition to the email and Facebook support programs that reside there as well.And while the plan is relatively easy for most to follow,and may be a time saver as well,because it saves you meal prep time for one meal a day,however the real lesson to be learned is that the reduction in calorie intake is a pragmatic approach to dieting,and control it by making a better meal plan.

I would like to mention, as in every entry, that the initiation of any diet, may result in exacerbating an already problematic set of eating habits, even resulting tn the opposite of the result you desired, Just because something gets promoted by a large corporation, or is published in a magazine, does not make it effective or healthy. If you don't exercise caution you may end up less healthy, so be sure to talk to your doctor and a nutritionist before you get into a diet. Remember, you can eat everything you already eat, you just need to cut that amount down to a reasonable caloric basis, and add exercise to your daily routine, if you take these steps your health will reflect it You can get additional information by visiting EliKen Health and Fitness.
