If you could go to Wal-Mart and buy a ripped set of muscles for the beach next Summer what would you buy? Let me guess, a ripped six pack of abs? There isn't one guy out there who doesn't want a ripped midsection to make heads turn on the beach. Yet it really is not as hard to do as most people make it out to be. I am going to share with you The Truth About Abs and how to get a ripped six pack for this summer. Read more.
Before you understand the quickest way to get a ripped six pack, you must first understand truth. Once you have separated truth from misconception, lies, myths, and rumors you can then get the ripped six pack you are looking for. Let me clear things up for you.
Even fitness experts are out to get you with there "equipment" or "supplements". Lets learn how NOT to get a six pack.
Here is NOT the quickest way to get a ripped six pack! -
1. Special abdominal machines. Your w atching a show and that ad comes on about the best abdominal machine in the world. Just 10 minutes a day to ripped abs. Nothing could be further from the truth. The quickest way to get a ripped six pack is dieting!
2. Doing countless crunches and ab work in the gym. Crunches are a decent exercise to build a decent midsection. However, they are not the most affective way of building your abs and can lead to injury if you perform hundreds the wrong way! People often tend to use their hip flexors to often while doing crunches, which has been shown to decrease muscle activity.
3. Starving diets. This is the biggest gimmick out there. Starve yourself? This slows your metabolism down and instead of burning carbohydrates your body looks to your burn your muscle tissues. Yes, you will lose weight but most of it will be muscle. Your body will then start holding on to fat cells because it senses that it is not getting the nutrients it needs. Muscle tissues burn calories, which in turn burns calories and fat. Why would you want to use your muscle for energy? I know I would not want to! Not to mention starving yourself puts you at risk for diabetes.
4. Diet pills. Sorry.. THIS is the biggest scam out there. Diet pills are horrible for your health with no results! Usually they are loaded up with dangerous amounts of caffeine. They waste your health and empty your pockets. Diet and nutrition are your best friends to get a ripped six pack. Rely on diet pills and you'll be further away from your goal then ever!
What i s this misconception that abdominal muscles are not muscles? You cannot train your abs every day unless you are on steroids. High intensity, overload, and recovery will build you bigger and stronger abs.
If your abs are your worst muscle group and you wish to improve them, why not train them first. Who says you can't train your abs first? Most people want a bigger chest or legs so they prioritize doing bench presses or squats first. Why not start with your abs first? Prioritize your abs and you will get a ripped six pack.
What is better for building a ripped six pack? Training once or twice a week? Twice a week, assuming your recovered.
If you want to build a ripped six pack then train your abs as frequently as possible, but make sure you are well recovered each session.
Train your abs in separate workouts to stimulate muscle growth the best. Upper abs, lower abs, and obliques.
< p>If your looking for a program to teach you more loaded with sample diets, workout routines, 6 pack education, and more keep reading.
The quickest way to get a ripped six pack? DIET! Diet and exercise, not supplements and scams. Here is the number one guide to learning the truth about abs. To learn more follow the link below!