Like any other responsible pet owner, you should know what health problems may hit your pet cat. Cats may appear very quiet and resilient, but they are a target of many viruses, bacteria and parasites that may affect the health of your beloved pet. Pet owners should be familiar with common cat health problems so that they won't escalate into something worse. Prevention and early treatment is key to preserving the health and life of your cat.
Here are some common sicknesses that your feline may encounter in its lifetime.
1. Cat cold
Colds are not for humans only, but it is also one of the common cat health problems. Your cat may still be active and normal even when it has the sniffles. If this is the case, then you shouldn't be worried. But if the cold affects your cat adversely, then you should bring it to the veterinarian. Some symptoms of a bad cold include loss of appetite, inactivity and murky discharges from the nose and/or the eyes. Always remember never to give your cats medicine designed for humans as they might worsen their condition, or worse, lead to their death.
2. Feline Urological Syndrome (FUS)
FUS, or the Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is one of the most common cat health problems that owners encounter with their cats. One of the symptoms of the disease that is easy to spot is the appearance of sand-like particles in the urine of your cat. Sometimes, the sand takes the appearance of stones, which can deal your cat great discomfort and pain. Leaving this untreated could mean your cat's death.
As an owner, you could prevent this from happening by monitoring your feline's diet. You should keep the cat's magnesium levels low and ensure that it gets the proper amount of water to lessen its bladder retention time. The acidity of the cat's urine should be also considered, as it should be kept acidic. Veterinarians say that feeding cats canned food is less likely to create kidney problems than dry food. Always make sure that there is a suitable area for cats to do their business inside the home especially in cold weather. Cats tend to hold in their urine in the cold, so exposing them to a place to do their business inside the warm house could help them take out their wastes properly, thus avoiding disease.
3. Wounds
Cats are active animals, and it can't be helped if they get scratches and wounds. They have sharp claws and teeth that may injure other cats and themselves as well.
The most prominent problem that could present itself in this scenario is infections. Various cat health problems arise from an infected wound, and if left untreated could mean your cat losing a limb, or its life. If you notice a gash or a wound, clean it immediately with water and soap, then apply an antiseptic like iodine and cover it up with gauze to prevent the cat from licking it and ingesting the antiseptic. This is the first step of the prevention of a bigger infection problem.