2013年3月7日 星期四

Veggie Juice Diet - Good Moderation And Balance Within Your Diet

Veggie Juice Diet helps cleanse the body to increase metabolic performance, improve stamina and enhance energy output. A vegetable juice diet has a high vitamin, mineral and antioxidant content.

It rids the body of toxins so you operate more efficiently, thanks to the improved overall function of the body's organs and detoxification process. Proponents say that with a vegetable juice diet, you eat less and feel more energetic.

Drinking fresh vegetable juice allows you to consume more vegetables than you would normally be able to eat. An average person can easily take in the 1 lb. of raw vegetables per 50 lbs. of body weight that many nutritionists recommend we should have each day.

The combination veggie juice diet and fruit juice makes a popular drink. However, fruit juice can raise insulin levels. Vegetable juice alone does not. Still, fruit juices are highly recommended over processed soft drinks.

And consuming vegetables and fruits is a simple way to combat many cancers, according to the National Cancer Institute and other reputable associations. Vegetable and fruit juice may play a significant role in cutting the development of Alzheimer's disease, according to at study at Vanderbilt University.

Juice fasting is a type of detox diet. A juice fast involves the short-term intake of raw vegetable and fruit juice and water only. Proponents of juice fasting use juice because it's thought to be a good source of vitamins and antioxidants.

A juice fast is considered an extreme form of detoxification because no solid food is consumed. More moderate detox methods, such as the detox diet include solid food.

Many natural juice lovers drink vegetable juice as a way of fasting. Consuming only vegetable, or fruit, juice for a day or a few days is considered a safe and helpful way of fasting instead of just drinking water.

It helps eliminate wastes and strengthens new tissues with the nutrients from juices. It's recommended that water consumption continue with the juice diet to help the body flush toxins through the kidneys. Juice fasting should last no more than a week because vegetables alone don't provide the nutrients you need for energy and health over a long period.

Certain fruits and vegetables and their parts should not be juiced, such as the pits of peaches, apricots, cherries, and other fruits, apple seeds, citrus peels, carrot and rhubarb tops, tough skins (such as kiwi, pineapple, mangoes), and bananas and avocados.

A vegetable juice diet is ideal for healthy weight loss. The diet adds important nutrients to the body without the consumption of fat. The vegetable juice diet also acts as an appetite suppressant.

Cravings disappear because the juice packs the body with necessary enzymes, vitamins and minerals, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and allowing the body to function normally.

If sticking with a strictly veggie juice diet, choose a juicer that specializes in juicing vegetables. Some juicers geared toward fruit have a rough time juicing leafy green vegetables. With a small investment, people are creating their own in-home juice bars to share with friends and neighbors.


