Diets dieting is usually inspired by someone who wants to lose weight. The problem though is sometimes these ideas can form into bad habits that can be dangerous for the body. One example of this would be crash diets. This is where you would go through an extreme change in caloric intake to try to make your body lose weight quickly.
What actually happens is that your body begins to starve and literally freaks out. Instead of digesting food like it should, it takes everything you eat and converts it into fat. The bodys reasoning behind this is that it assumes that you arent going to eat a lot ever again. Therefore, in order for the body to function it can no longer use the energy you eat because you arent eating. Instead, the fat that it stores is able to be broken down and converted into energy. Either way it is a bad idea.
This brings us to myth number one, the best way to lose weight is to eat. Most people use diets dieting as a term for starving yourself when actually eating more frequent and smaller meals can change everything with how your body functions and digests food.
The second myth is that when you are diets dieting you are unable to eat what you want. Most people usually dont like this idea because they want to be able to eat steaks and other meals that they would enjoy. The funny thing is that eating steak is a great way to keep your body lean. As long as you dont eat the fat, streak is high in protein which builds muscle. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest.
Diets dieting myth number three is that you can no longer eat fatty foods such as nuts. This is also incorrect. Nuts contain essential nutrients such as Vitamin E which help break down body fats and help fight cancer. Most consider nuts to have too many calories, but because of their unsaturated fat content, the fat that you consume is actually digestible and usually doesnt get stored as fat as long as you follow portion control.