2012年8月11日 星期六

Quickest Way To Lose Weight Now - Health

Quickest Way To Lose Weight - Top 5 TipsFind out the 5 critical tips which will show you the quickest way to lose weight. Quickest Way To Lose Weight Tip #1: Weight Loss GoalsIf you don't know where you're going, there's a good chance you're not going to get there. The biggest mistake beginners make in regards to weight loss is that they go in blind. They have no objective... nothing to achieve. So this means that they have no way of gauging if they are succeeding. So, make sure you clearly outline your fitness goals by year, month and week. Break them into Action Goals (eg: 40 reps on Tuesday) and Result Goals (eg: I will weigh 75 kg by June 1st). When you do this, you will always know where you stand. Quickest Way To Lose Weight Tip #2: Get HelpThe fastest route to success is to walk the path of those who have come before you. In short, ask the experts who have gone through the pains you are. Let's face it weight loss is a challenge in the best of times, but if you're go ing to go at it alone, the probability of success is low. Start by buying books or programs which help educate you on how you can start losing weight and building your fitness. If you feel you need more help, get a personal trainer. The right trainer can expedite your weight loss exponentially. There are some great programs out there and you can check out our site for more details. Quickest Way To Lose Weight Tip #3: Stay ConsistentNo matter what weight loss programs you're going to use you will DEFINITELY need consistency. The key here is to build a ritual which you can follow every week. Now remember, use common sense, depending on where you are on your journey, adjust your program accordingly. So, if you can only workout 3 times a week. Then make sure you do 3 times a week no matter what! The people who fail at losing weight DO NOT have the rituals. Get your rituals in order and find that consistency. Quickest Way To Lose Weight Tip #4: Forget Fad DietsFad Dieting will no t help you lose weight in the long term. If anything, they make things worse. Weight loss involves 2 things, exercise and a healthy diet (not dieting). In order to achieve your weight loss goals, you need to change the way you look at food. It's not about dieting, it's a lifestyle change. It's NOT about eating less unhealthy food, it's about eating healthier food. It's about a complete change on your perception about eating. Quickest Way To Lose Weight Tip #5: Enjoy It!If you can't find the joy in exercising, it's only a matter of time till you quit. Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be a chore. With a proper mindset you can change the way you approach exercise. One of the best suggestions someone gave me was to pick a sport I loved and play it regularly. If you start with something you love doing, eventually the enjoyment will spread.


