Can you imagine what it's be like if you learned how to lose love handles for women and within a week you could see results? If I could give you 10 simple but powerful tips to help you get rid of love handles WITHOUT starving yourself, would you be willing to follow them?
I thought you might!
You probably already know these, but here's just a few quick but powerful weight loss tips that will help you lose love handles and burn belly fat super fast!
1. Get More Sleep! This is when your body rebuilds broken down muscles and gets more energy for the next day. You need about 8-9 hours a night.
2. Eat Your Veggies. Vegetables give you tons of fiber, vitamins, and minerals you need. Plus they're low in calories but make you feel full!
3. Drink More Water. This will slightly boost your metabolism and help you feel more full (so you eat less).
4. Lean Meat is the Key! Protein and fat are essential to help lose love handles for women, so make sure you eat at least 2-3 servings a day.
5. Build More Muscle. This will help you burn more calories all day long, even after you leave the gym!
6. Stay Away from Junk Foods. Salt will make your body retain water weight, and sugar can cause energy spikes and increases weight gain.
7. Stop Running. OK you can still run some, but know that its not the best way to exercise to lose love handles for women- building muscle is the best!
8. Relax. Stress causes weight gain, and can prevent you from losing it too.
9. Get Away from the TV. You burn almost zero calories watching it!
10. Stretch. This will make your body look more lean and help you feel more energized.