You may think that people will find all the reasons in the world to succeed in weight loss or perhaps any thing that is beneficial to them but it comes to me a great paradox to find out that when it comes to losing weight, people most people will find and give all the reasons in the world why they will not or cannot lose the weight that is warring against them in their effort to stay fit and healthy.
As paradoxical as this is the people who really need to lose weight are the same ones will do everything they can to prevent themselves from loosing the weight that will help them to live a better life and healthy lives. I have seen obese people especially women who are over weight say that they are beautiful in spite of their obesity. While I have seen some really beautiful women say that and it is true that they are beautiful even when obese, the fact still remains that they need to lose weight and be even more gorgeous and healthy than ever before.
The purpose of this article is to help awaken the reader from self deception and do something about their weight problems by seeing the lies that we tell ourselves that prevents us from doing what it takes to lose that weight. The following are some few things that people with weight problems may say to themselves. It is my fervent hope that after you have read and identified some of these excuses for yourself as one of more of your self talk, you may know the truth and get on the move to eating the right foods, exercising and losing weight. Now from my observation, people who are over weight may give the following as excuses not to lose weight.
(1) This is the right weight for me(2) I am young and am exempt from this weight loss thing(3) It is not the weight but my big bones(4) It is not the weight but my muscles(5) I have no weight problems because I do not eat too much food(6) The scales are not necessary in my effort to lose weight(7) I diet all the time and I am not losing weight so why bother
I will attempt to take each of the above excuses and comment on them. The bold deception that people use to sabotage their efforts at losing weight is that they talk for their body something that their body has not said. They utilize all or some of the fallacies as a real copout to stay over weight. They usually will excuse their weight by saying that in reality their current weight is the ideal weight for their body. Some of them even go to the extent of saying that they are beautiful the way they are while deep within they know that while they may be beautiful still being fat, they can be more beautiful losing weight and staying fit.
Even though some diseases may cause one to struggle with weight loss, saying that one's body wants to be over weight is not true as in reality the body does not want to be over weight but thin as losing weight helps the internal organs of the body function better. If you ask your body whether it wants to be over weight, it will surely tell you that it does not want to be over weight.
The lie has been believed by most young people that being over weight at a young age is not a thing to worry about. I must say that usually young people are thin because unlike older people they have not lived long enough to open up themselves to all the bad habits that older people have to battle to stay course. So at that young tender age, if you find yourself over weight it is very sad as you have set yourself up for much struggle with weight as you age. It is not alright to be over weight at a young age and if anyone tells you that or even agrees with your own self deception that it is okay to be over weight because of your age, do not believe it. In fact, see that person as an enemy with an evil mission against your life. Start, early and work to eat the right kinds of food and exercise and keep the weight off so that as you age, your struggles to maintain a healthy weight will not come to fight you.
I have heard people use the excuse that the reasons why they are over weight is not because they eat too much or even the wrong foods but that they have big bones or muscles. People who have big bones or big muscles are not fat people and you will never catch them using the excuse that they have big bones or muscles. This is so because they do not have weight problems in the first place and have no need to use that as an excuse to prevent them from losing weight. From my observation, it is only those people who are fat who will always use that excuse to continue staying fat. Don't lie to yourself; face the truth and do something about it. In the end you will thank God for that.
The other excuse that I have heard from people including myself is that when it comes to actually losing weight, most obese people will argue that they do not eat much any way for them to have the need to lose weight. The truth of the matter is that people are asked to lose weight not because they eat too much but because the evidence of obesity is all written on their skin and it does not need an expert to notice that. Whether one eats or not if you are over weight, you are over weight and the only antidote is to lose that weight. We must refrain from using these excuses to prevent us from doing what it takes to lose the extra weight and maintain it.
People who need to lose weight but do not want to lose the weight are so adept at using excuses that they will use anything and everything to prevent them from doing what is necessary to help them stay thin and healthy. Among one of the excuses they use is that what the scale says about their weight is of no importance. If you want to lose weight and you do not want to weigh yourself from time to time how can you know that you are making any progress at all or perhaps there is the need to actually lose weight beyond the physical appearance of you body? While the physical appearance can give you out and mark you as one who is obese and need help, a scale will actually give you some numbers to help you determine how much work is necessary to lose the unwanted pounds from your body so as to become healthy again. So do not under estimate the usefulness of the scale. Use it; it is worth the money you used to buy it.
The last excuse people give to help them convince them of the need not to lose weight is that they have been dieting for some time; perhaps weekly from Monday through Friday and they are still over weight. If it is true that they have been dieting weekly for some time and they are still not losing weight, it is possible that they make up all the lost calories during the week days by going to the barbecue grill for instance during weekends and over eat there, drinking high calorie drinks like beer and Malt and similar beverages and sleeping like a couch potato. That will not help anyone lose weight.
I personally do not like the word diet because no one can diet forever as diet implies that the food restriction is temporary. The antidote to the diet situation is that of changing the mindset about the quality and quantity of food consumed and doing some form of physical exercise. This must be a total life change because when the mindset is changed and the reasons for making those changes are understood, it becomes easy and even enjoyable to stay the course. They will look great and feel good as their health improves for the better if they have had some health issues in the past and if not even add to their already healthy lives. They will have lots of energy to help them enjoy their lives and age will not be a factor in this either. Stop the excuses and help yourself by facing the weight and its associated health issues and be happy. I am very sure that when one puts off all the excuses that we give ourselves to stay fat, it will benefit us in all areas of life with the greatest gift of all good health and life.