When you make a decision to hold the weight loss diet, you definitely will not miss tons of tips and recipes. At every step you can find: articles, books, brochures on various types of diet. In many claiming to offer the best way to easily and reliably losing pounds and many of these councils have the effect of a time.
But what really needs to see a solution that will achieve the desired weight by the end of life, i.e. approach to losing excess pounds, which will change and establish a healthy lifestyle, which would contributes to control weight. The best program for weight loss is the one who will respect you in the long period of time.
Here are discussed different types of weight loss, although these approaches are not the ultimate solution to your dilemma, I can help you to see the connection between what you eat and its possible effects on your body.
Diet with reduced entry welt Entering foods with little fat is a logical strategy for weigh loss. One gram of fat contains twice the calories than carbohydrate-gram of carbs or protein. Thus, reducing the intake of food rich in fat reduces the daily intake of calories, which helps the loss of excess pounds.
Why then this kind of diet is not always successful? The truth is that with reduced entry Diet fat can lead to weight gain when people ignore the total amount of calories that enter and exceed your daily calorie intake. Too many calories, no matter what the origin may add weight.
Also, it is not a good idea to output most or all of the fat in the diet. This may deprive you of basic fatty acids, which are necessary for health. The body is a necessary dietary fat to help absorption of vitamins soluble in fats, such as vitamins A, D and K.
Whatever the percentage representation fat in your weight loss diet, choose fat that will contribute to your health. Limit intake of saturated fat, represented in foods of animal origin and hydrogenation fat, instead use vegetable oils, walnuts, olive oil.
Diet with reduced carbohydrate entry-carb Another popular strategy represented in the weigh loss diet that is limited entry carbon-hydrate. The theory behind this kind of access to carbon carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels, which intensifies the secretion of insulin, high insulin levels in the blood sugar intensify cross from the blood into cells, where the excess into fat. Supporters of weigh loss diets with reduced entry-carbohydrate intake, such as the Atkins's diet, believed that their reduced level of intake results in reduced sugar and insulin which leads to lose excess pounds. Reduced carbohydrate entering the body begins to store carbon hydrates (glycogen) for energy needs. When these reserves are depleted, the body begins to use other reserves such as fat and it all leads to weight loss.
Some people manage to lose excess pounds adhering to these types of weigh loss diet, but the loss of pounds probably is not linked with reduced blood sugar levels, but is caused by these factors:
- Water loss from the body. When you reduce the intake of carbohydrate-intake, the body begins to burn glycogen, which contains large quantities of water, so burning glycogen leads to losing of water, enhanced urination, causing weight loss.
- Reduction of appetite - combustion of fat without carbohydrates creates ketones, increases their concentration in the blood, which reduces the feeling of hunger.
- Increased sense of fullness - instead of the carbon-carb weight loss diet is richer in fat that digest slowly, which gives a longer period of feeling of fullness.