2012年1月25日 星期三

Increasing Your Metabolism - Eat These, Not That In 11 Days and You Will See Results!

Factors for Weight Loss

When trying to lose weight, there are many factors that come into play. The most important is diet. You should create a caloric deficit daily in order to lose weight. Eating foods that speed up metabolism also helps a lot in creating this calorie deficit.

Although a regular exercise is another imperative factor, diet is equally important. Exercising for 5 hours daily yet continuously eating unhealthy food like crazy won't result to losing any weight. In fact, you can even gain weight. Exercise not only burns calories but also helps in increasing your metabolism which results to fast weight loss.

Foods that Increase Your Metabolism

Some foods are known to boost metabolism naturally. Such foods must be included in every meal in order to increase the calories being burned daily and lose more weight in a shorter period of time. One of the most popular metabolism boosting foods is grapefruit. It contains a lot of fiber which causes your body to burn more calories during breakdown.

Apple is another food that helps in increasing your metabolism. It is a better option when you are craving for something sweet rather than munch a bar of chocolate. It helps you lose weight by giving you the feeling of fullness and leave you feeling full longer.

Oatmeal is a good breakfast staple that also works in increasing your metabolism. It is high in fiber and also helps decrease cholesterol. Almonds are also ideal metabolism booster foods. It contains essential fatty acids that naturally raise metabolism. A cup per day is enough to speed up your metabolism but not too much because almond is high in fat.

Broccoli is another ideal metabolism food. It contains calcium which is essential in fast weight loss. It also contains a lot of fiber that will leave you feeling full longer. High protein foods like chicken breast and turkey are also ideal foods that speed weight loss. The body needs a lot of calories in order to breakdown protein and it can also help give a person the feeling of fullness quickly.

Yogurt is also a good metabolism food that is rich in calcium. It contains pro-biotic culture that makes the digestion process more efficient.

Water, Coffee & Tea

Increasing water intake also has the effect of increasing your metabolism. Experts suggest that drinking cold water can burn more calories. Drinking lots of water throughout a day also provide several health benefits. Water keeps the body hydrated, aids in digestion and flushes down the fat breakdown by-products.

Coffee and green tea also helps boost your metabolism. They contain caffeine and other chemical properties that increase metabolic rate.According to a study, drinking 2-3 glasses of coffee and green tea together with a healthy calorie deficit can help you lose 10 pounds in less than two months. However, drinking 4 or more servings a day can have adverse effects.

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