The easiest way to lose weight isn't by counting calories! You may be surprised to learn that counting calories or carbohydrates isn't the fastest method to melt off the pounds. Think you must starve yourself or use diet pills to achieve rapid weight loss? Wrong again.
Can I help you find the quickest and easiest way to lose weight ? Getting fit seems to be a big priority for a lot of people and most folks are searching for the quickest and easiest way to lose weight. You want to look the best you can and you know you need to get moving to lose a little weight to achieve that, but just what plan is the quickest and easiest way to lose weight ?
Here is the information you need to finally be successful on your weight loss program.
1. Set Realistic Plan and Goal
The easiest way to lose weight is to get yourself motivated by looking at some posters of a good-looking model or keep reminding yourself of someone you know who used to be overweight. When you are motivated, you will find yourself having more discipline to lose weight.
2. Regular Exercise
Commit to at least three days of moderate exercise. No matter what anyone tells you, you've got to incorporate some kind of physical exercise. In fact, the more you exercise your muscles, the more they will help you burn calories. If you've been sedentary for a long time or if you hate to exercise, then go out for a brisk walk around the block, or in your favorite park. You can also invest in a treadmill and walk inside while watching TV. Exercise speeds up the process of fat loss. You'll see pounds literally melt off.
3. Foods Are Important
Part A. You may not understand that it takes food in order for your metabolism to work properly. This is why many strict and starvation diets don't work. You lose weight the first few days (which is water) and then it stops. You MUST have calories to lose weight! Calories are what makes your internal fat burning system work.
Part B. Eat 5-6 meals a day. Eating is one of the easiest way to lose weight, most people believe they can lose weight by starving but the real fact is that no one loses weight by starving, true you lose some weight through starvation but it will surely come back after some time since your body needs the nutrients which the food you eat provides. Eat 3 main meals breakfast lunch and dinner and 2-3 snacks in between Eating 5-6 times will help you avoid hunger pangs. More importantly, you must make sure you don't miss your break fast as it is the most important meal of the day . Man is a grazer not a binger and we need constant nourishment throughout the day.
4. Learn proper portion sizes
Learn proper portion sizes. Most people do not realize what a half a cup of ice-cream looks like; therefore, when they dish up what they believe to be a 350 calorie serving, more than likely they've dished at least a cup and the calories are now 700. Not understanding portion sizes will sabotage your weight loss diet efforts. Again, food labels are your source here. Use measuring cups and count out things like crackers to see just how much you should really be eating. For portion sizes that are measured in ounces, a good rule of thumb is that a fist is about the size of a serving of meat.
5.Enhance Your Overall Weight Loss
Most people have problem with their digestion. This is because many modern diets lacking the sufficient nutrients such as fiber. Many people only consume about 14 grams of fiber per day. Eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.Eating nuts, seeds, grains and beans can help you meet your fiber requirements.38 grams of fiber for men and 25 grams of fiber for women under age 50.
6. Reduce Sodium consumption.
Consuming too much sodium leads to water retention. Sodium most especially when combined with fat can be deposited in the abdominals, buttocks, hips and thighs. Many people want to know the easiest way to lose weight but not many understand the fact that excess body fat is due to many factors, some of which are eating late at night, binge or emotional eating, poor physical activities and many more. These factors are responsible for why so many of people are fat these days. These factors slow down the body's metabolism and goes into shutdown mode. When this happens, retained calories turn into unwanted body fat.
7. Choose Protein
Choose protein-laden foods for boosting your metabolism and enabling your body to burn fat rapidly. In addition to burning fat, consuming a protein-enriched diet will help you rebuild muscle after work outs and maintain leanness of that muscle. Wisely choose proteins for your diet. Take great care to pick proteins low in fat so you do not consume extra calories.